Allow access more informations from remote debugger.
Refector more debugger related code to allow full access to variables.
Array Property Editor now can edit with more objects including remote objects.
Implements `GDInstance::debug_get_globals` to query all gloabl constants avaliable in GDScriptLanguage.
Show globals in debug stack variable panel.
Disabe capitalize property name for remote object.
Add DictionaryPropertyEdit to edit with Dictionaries.
The serialization/unserialization workflow use binary data instead of dictionary to avoid send too large data.
Do not stop debugger if curent break point stack has error fix#9034.
Don't send all content of strings but first 80 characters from remote debugger.
Add constants into the break point stack tree and remote object instance edit inspector.
Remote GDScript resource object instance list constants in the property inspector.
Add `self` to the local in the break point stack as a remote object.
Move some functions for GDScript related to thier base classes so debugger don't rely on the gdscript module any more.
The slef in the debugger tree now expanded as the instance of script instead of the script resource.
By adding some PRAY_* macros that encapsulate both the check and the returning of a null reference (UB).
Plus transient avoidance of the flood of warnings emitted by Clang when checking 'this' for NULL.
Plus explanation about the do-while(0) loop in some error macros.
- Use `NOTIFICATION_ENTER`/`EXIT_WORLD` for `Area` (intead of `*_TREE`).
- Now both bodies' and areas' constraints are cleaned up.
- And now also that happens as soon as the space is set to null (i.e., when exiting the tree) instead of only at freeing time.
- When clearing constraints, the loop goes on to the next if the current is already released, instead of breaking.
- When one has been already released, no error is shown from now on, as it's something expected, since a pair (our kind of constraint of interest) can be freed by any of its involved collision objects and the other will try again.
- Implement index shifting (or marking as -1) for shapes indices in collision pairs shapes are removed.
- Standarize behavior of bodies and areas so that anything that invalidates a given pair gives the same result (collision mask, actual collision, etc); for instance, triggering area enter/exit signals.
- Add missing member initializations.
- Extend the new-space-equals-area/body-current-space test to every case.
- Fix 3D ray-casts early accepting Areas (skipping the mask check).
- Fix unpairing of large elements (2D's `BroadPhase2DHashGrid`).
Some of these prevent random crashes caused by constraints with dangling pointers to involved objects.
And maybe others.
When Importing an stl file into Godot from the import mesh menu, the
editor hangs indefinitely. Since only Obj files are supported, the data
remains unparsed and hence the editor enters an infinte loop.
This commit fixes this issue by exiting the loop when godot has finished
parsing the file, irrespective of whether any meaningful data was
extracted out.
Fixes: #9200