- Increase the default non-volumetric fog density to 0.01 to make
adjustments more visible.
- Use a less saturated non-volumetric fog color by default
(a mix of the sky and horizon colors of the new default
- Set Volumetric Fog Gi Inject to 1.0 by default. Injecting GI results
in more realistic appearance of volumetric fog, at a very low
performance cost.
- Adds more customization options to ProjectSettings.
- Displays navregion edge connections and navigation polygon edges in editor and at runtime.
- Majority of debug code moved from SceneTree to NavigationServer.
- Removes the irritating debug MeshInstance child node from NavigationRegion3D and replaces it with direct RenderingServer API.
- RPC configurations are now dictionaries.
- Script.get_rpc_methods renamed to Script.get_rpc_config.
- Node.rpc[_id] and Callable.rpc now return an Error.
- Refactor MultiplayerAPI to allow extension.
- New MultiplayerAPI.rpc method with Array argument (for scripts).
- Move the default MultiplayerAPI implementation to a module.
Based on #62896, only implements the BPM support part.
* Implements BPM support in the AudioStreamOGG/MP3 importers.
* Can select BPM/Bar Size and total beats in a song file, as well as edit looping points.
* Looping is now BPM aware
* Added a special importer UI for configuring this.
* Added a special preview showing the audio waveform as well as the playback position in the resource picker.
* Renamed `AudioStream::instance` to `instantiate` for correctness.
* Moved preprocessor to Shader and ShaderInclude
* Clean up RenderingServer side
* Preprocessor is separate from parser now, but it emits tokens with include location hints.
* Improved ShaderEditor validation code
* Added include file code completion
* Added notification for all files affected by a broken include.
This PR is a continuation of #50381 (which was implemented exactly a year ago!)
* Add a visual interface to select which classes should not be built into Godot (well, they are built if something else uses them, but if not used the optimizer will remove them out).
* Add a detection system to scan the project and figure out the actual classes used.
* Added the ability for SCons to load build profiles.
Obligatory Screen:
A simple test with a couple of nodes in the scene resulted in a 25% reduction for the final binary size
* Script languages need to implement used class detection (left for another PR).
* Options to disable servers or server functionalities (like 2D or 3D physics, navigation, etc). Are missing, that should also greatly aid in reducing binary size.
* Options to disable some modules would be desired.
* More options to disable drivers (OpenGL, Vulkan, etc) would be desired.
In general this PR is a starting point for more contributors to improve and enhance this functionality.