// This file is part of the FidelityFX SDK. // // Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. #ifndef FFX_FSR2_POSTPROCESS_LOCK_STATUS_H #define FFX_FSR2_POSTPROCESS_LOCK_STATUS_H FfxFloat32x4 WrapShadingChangeLuma(FfxInt32x2 iPxSample) { return FfxFloat32x4(LoadMipLuma(iPxSample, LumaMipLevelToUse()), 0, 0, 0); } #if FFX_HALF FFX_MIN16_F4 WrapShadingChangeLuma(FFX_MIN16_I2 iPxSample) { return FFX_MIN16_F4(LoadMipLuma(iPxSample, LumaMipLevelToUse()), 0, 0, 0); } #endif #if FFX_FSR2_OPTION_POSTPROCESSLOCKSTATUS_SAMPLERS_USE_DATA_HALF && FFX_HALF DeclareCustomFetchBilinearSamplesMin16(FetchShadingChangeLumaSamples, WrapShadingChangeLuma) #else DeclareCustomFetchBicubicSamples(FetchShadingChangeLumaSamples, WrapShadingChangeLuma) #endif DeclareCustomTextureSample(ShadingChangeLumaSample, Lanczos2, FetchShadingChangeLumaSamples) FfxFloat32 GetShadingChangeLuma(FfxInt32x2 iPxHrPos, FfxFloat32x2 fUvCoord) { FfxFloat32 fShadingChangeLuma = 0; #if 0 fShadingChangeLuma = Exposure() * exp(ShadingChangeLumaSample(fUvCoord, LumaMipDimensions()).x); #else const FfxFloat32 fDiv = FfxFloat32(2 << LumaMipLevelToUse()); FfxInt32x2 iMipRenderSize = FfxInt32x2(RenderSize() / fDiv); fUvCoord = ClampUv(fUvCoord, iMipRenderSize, LumaMipDimensions()); fShadingChangeLuma = Exposure() * exp(FfxFloat32(SampleMipLuma(fUvCoord, LumaMipLevelToUse()))); #endif fShadingChangeLuma = ffxPow(fShadingChangeLuma, 1.0f / 6.0f); return fShadingChangeLuma; } void UpdateLockStatus(AccumulationPassCommonParams params, FFX_PARAMETER_INOUT FfxFloat32 fReactiveFactor, LockState state, FFX_PARAMETER_INOUT FfxFloat32x2 fLockStatus, FFX_PARAMETER_OUT FfxFloat32 fLockContributionThisFrame, FFX_PARAMETER_OUT FfxFloat32 fLuminanceDiff) { const FfxFloat32 fShadingChangeLuma = GetShadingChangeLuma(params.iPxHrPos, params.fHrUv); //init temporal shading change factor, init to -1 or so in reproject to know if "true new"? fLockStatus[LOCK_TEMPORAL_LUMA] = (fLockStatus[LOCK_TEMPORAL_LUMA] == FfxFloat32(0.0f)) ? fShadingChangeLuma : fLockStatus[LOCK_TEMPORAL_LUMA]; FfxFloat32 fPreviousShadingChangeLuma = fLockStatus[LOCK_TEMPORAL_LUMA]; fLuminanceDiff = 1.0f - MinDividedByMax(fPreviousShadingChangeLuma, fShadingChangeLuma); if (state.NewLock) { fLockStatus[LOCK_TEMPORAL_LUMA] = fShadingChangeLuma; fLockStatus[LOCK_LIFETIME_REMAINING] = (fLockStatus[LOCK_LIFETIME_REMAINING] != 0.0f) ? 2.0f : 1.0f; } else if(fLockStatus[LOCK_LIFETIME_REMAINING] <= 1.0f) { fLockStatus[LOCK_TEMPORAL_LUMA] = ffxLerp(fLockStatus[LOCK_TEMPORAL_LUMA], FfxFloat32(fShadingChangeLuma), 0.5f); } else { if (fLuminanceDiff > 0.1f) { KillLock(fLockStatus); } } fReactiveFactor = ffxMax(fReactiveFactor, ffxSaturate((fLuminanceDiff - 0.1f) * 10.0f)); fLockStatus[LOCK_LIFETIME_REMAINING] *= (1.0f - fReactiveFactor); fLockStatus[LOCK_LIFETIME_REMAINING] *= ffxSaturate(1.0f - params.fAccumulationMask); fLockStatus[LOCK_LIFETIME_REMAINING] *= FfxFloat32(params.fDepthClipFactor < 0.1f); // Compute this frame lock contribution const FfxFloat32 fLifetimeContribution = ffxSaturate(fLockStatus[LOCK_LIFETIME_REMAINING] - 1.0f); const FfxFloat32 fShadingChangeContribution = ffxSaturate(MinDividedByMax(fLockStatus[LOCK_TEMPORAL_LUMA], fShadingChangeLuma)); fLockContributionThisFrame = ffxSaturate(ffxSaturate(fLifetimeContribution * 4.0f) * fShadingChangeContribution); } #endif //!defined( FFX_FSR2_POSTPROCESS_LOCK_STATUS_H )