// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html /* ********************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2003, International Business Machines * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. ********************************************************************** * Author: Alan Liu * Created: March 19 2003 * Since: ICU 2.6 ********************************************************************** */ #include "unicode/ucat.h" #include "unicode/ustring.h" #include "cstring.h" #include "uassert.h" /* Separator between set_num and msg_num */ static const char SEPARATOR = '%'; /* Maximum length of a set_num/msg_num key, incl. terminating zero. * Longest possible key is "-2147483648%-2147483648" */ #define MAX_KEY_LEN (24) /** * Fill in buffer with a set_num/msg_num key string, given the numeric * values. Numeric values must be >= 0. Buffer must be of length * MAX_KEY_LEN or more. */ static char* _catkey(char* buffer, int32_t set_num, int32_t msg_num) { int32_t i = 0; i = T_CString_integerToString(buffer, set_num, 10); buffer[i++] = SEPARATOR; T_CString_integerToString(buffer+i, msg_num, 10); return buffer; } U_CAPI u_nl_catd U_EXPORT2 u_catopen(const char* name, const char* locale, UErrorCode* ec) { return (u_nl_catd) ures_open(name, locale, ec); } U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 u_catclose(u_nl_catd catd) { ures_close((UResourceBundle*) catd); /* may be nullptr */ } U_CAPI const char16_t* U_EXPORT2 u_catgets(u_nl_catd catd, int32_t set_num, int32_t msg_num, const char16_t* s, int32_t* len, UErrorCode* ec) { char key[MAX_KEY_LEN]; const char16_t* result; if (ec == nullptr || U_FAILURE(*ec)) { goto ERROR; } result = ures_getStringByKey((const UResourceBundle*) catd, _catkey(key, set_num, msg_num), len, ec); if (U_FAILURE(*ec)) { goto ERROR; } return result; ERROR: /* In case of any failure, return s */ if (len != nullptr) { *len = u_strlen(s); } return s; } /*eof*/