/******************************************************************** * * * THIS FILE IS PART OF THE OggTheora SOFTWARE CODEC SOURCE CODE. * * USE, DISTRIBUTION AND REPRODUCTION OF THIS LIBRARY SOURCE IS * * GOVERNED BY A BSD-STYLE SOURCE LICENSE INCLUDED WITH THIS SOURCE * * IN 'COPYING'. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS BEFORE DISTRIBUTING. * * * * THE Theora SOURCE CODE IS COPYRIGHT (C) 2002-2009 * * by the Xiph.Org Foundation and contributors http://www.xiph.org/ * * * ******************************************************************** function: last mod: $Id: mmxstate.c 17247 2010-05-28 05:35:32Z tterribe $ ********************************************************************/ #include "x86enc.h" #if defined(OC_X86_ASM) /*The default enquant table is not quite suitable for SIMD purposes. First, the m and l parameters need to be separated so that an entire row full of m's or l's can be loaded at a time. Second, x86 SIMD has no element-wise arithmetic right-shift, so we have to emulate one with a multiply. Therefore we translate the shift count into a scale factor.*/ void oc_enc_enquant_table_init_x86(void *_enquant, const ogg_uint16_t _dequant[64]){ ogg_int16_t *m; ogg_int16_t *l; int zzi; m=(ogg_int16_t *)_enquant; l=m+64; for(zzi=0;zzi<64;zzi++){ oc_iquant q; oc_iquant_init(&q,_dequant[zzi]); m[zzi]=q.m; /*q.l must be at least 2 for this to work; fortunately, once all the scale factors are baked in, the minimum quantizer is much larger than that.*/ l[zzi]=1<<16-q.l; } } void oc_enc_enquant_table_fixup_x86(void *_enquant[3][3][2],int _nqis){ int pli; int qii; int qti; for(pli=0;pli<3;pli++)for(qii=1;qii<_nqis;qii++)for(qti=0;qti<2;qti++){ ((ogg_int16_t *)_enquant[pli][qii][qti])[0]= ((ogg_int16_t *)_enquant[pli][0][qti])[0]; ((ogg_int16_t *)_enquant[pli][qii][qti])[64]= ((ogg_int16_t *)_enquant[pli][0][qti])[64]; } } int oc_enc_quantize_sse2(ogg_int16_t _qdct[64],const ogg_int16_t _dct[64], const ogg_uint16_t _dequant[64],const void *_enquant){ ptrdiff_t r; __asm__ __volatile__( "xor %[r],%[r]\n\t" /*Loop through two rows at a time.*/ ".p2align 4\n\t" "0:\n\t" /*Load the first two rows of the data and the quant matrices.*/ "movdqa 0x00(%[dct],%[r]),%%xmm0\n\t" "movdqa 0x10(%[dct],%[r]),%%xmm1\n\t" "movdqa 0x00(%[dq],%[r]),%%xmm2\n\t" "movdqa 0x10(%[dq],%[r]),%%xmm3\n\t" "movdqa 0x00(%[q],%[r]),%%xmm4\n\t" "movdqa 0x10(%[q],%[r]),%%xmm5\n\t" /*Double the input and propagate its sign to the rounding factor. Using SSSE3's psignw would help here, but we need the mask later anyway.*/ "movdqa %%xmm0,%%xmm6\n\t" "psraw $15,%%xmm0\n\t" "movdqa %%xmm1,%%xmm7\n\t" "paddw %%xmm6,%%xmm6\n\t" "psraw $15,%%xmm1\n\t" "paddw %%xmm7,%%xmm7\n\t" "paddw %%xmm0,%%xmm2\n\t" "paddw %%xmm1,%%xmm3\n\t" "pxor %%xmm0,%%xmm2\n\t" "pxor %%xmm1,%%xmm3\n\t" /*Add the rounding factor and perform the first multiply.*/ "paddw %%xmm2,%%xmm6\n\t" "paddw %%xmm3,%%xmm7\n\t" "pmulhw %%xmm6,%%xmm4\n\t" "pmulhw %%xmm7,%%xmm5\n\t" "movdqa 0x80(%[q],%[r]),%%xmm2\n\t" "movdqa 0x90(%[q],%[r]),%%xmm3\n\t" "paddw %%xmm4,%%xmm6\n\t" "paddw %%xmm5,%%xmm7\n\t" /*Emulate an element-wise right-shift via a second multiply.*/ "pmulhw %%xmm2,%%xmm6\n\t" "pmulhw %%xmm3,%%xmm7\n\t" "add $32,%[r]\n\t" "cmp $96,%[r]\n\t" /*Correct for the sign.*/ "psubw %%xmm0,%%xmm6\n\t" "psubw %%xmm1,%%xmm7\n\t" /*Save the result.*/ "movdqa %%xmm6,-0x20(%[qdct],%[r])\n\t" "movdqa %%xmm7,-0x10(%[qdct],%[r])\n\t" "jle 0b\n\t" /*Now find the location of the last non-zero value.*/ "movdqa 0x50(%[qdct]),%%xmm5\n\t" "movdqa 0x40(%[qdct]),%%xmm4\n\t" "packsswb %%xmm7,%%xmm6\n\t" "packsswb %%xmm5,%%xmm4\n\t" "pxor %%xmm0,%%xmm0\n\t" "mov $-1,%k[dq]\n\t" "pcmpeqb %%xmm0,%%xmm6\n\t" "pcmpeqb %%xmm0,%%xmm4\n\t" "pmovmskb %%xmm6,%k[q]\n\t" "pmovmskb %%xmm4,%k[r]\n\t" "shl $16,%k[q]\n\t" "or %k[r],%k[q]\n\t" "mov $32,%[r]\n\t" /*We have to use xor here instead of not in order to set the flags.*/ "xor %k[dq],%k[q]\n\t" "jnz 1f\n\t" "movdqa 0x30(%[qdct]),%%xmm7\n\t" "movdqa 0x20(%[qdct]),%%xmm6\n\t" "movdqa 0x10(%[qdct]),%%xmm5\n\t" "movdqa 0x00(%[qdct]),%%xmm4\n\t" "packsswb %%xmm7,%%xmm6\n\t" "packsswb %%xmm5,%%xmm4\n\t" "pcmpeqb %%xmm0,%%xmm6\n\t" "pcmpeqb %%xmm0,%%xmm4\n\t" "pmovmskb %%xmm6,%k[q]\n\t" "pmovmskb %%xmm4,%k[r]\n\t" "shl $16,%k[q]\n\t" "or %k[r],%k[q]\n\t" "xor %[r],%[r]\n\t" "not %k[q]\n\t" "or $1,%k[q]\n\t" "1:\n\t" "bsr %k[q],%k[q]\n\t" "add %k[q],%k[r]\n\t" :[r]"=&a"(r),[q]"+r"(_enquant),[dq]"+r"(_dequant) :[dct]"r"(_dct),[qdct]"r"(_qdct) :"cc","memory" ); return (int)r; } #endif