#pragma once #include "Vector2.h" #include "SignedDistance.h" #include "edge-segments.h" namespace msdfgen { struct MultiDistance { double r, g, b; }; struct MultiAndTrueDistance : MultiDistance { double a; }; /// Selects the nearest edge by its true distance. class TrueDistanceSelector { public: typedef double DistanceType; struct EdgeCache { Point2 point; double absDistance; EdgeCache(); }; void reset(const Point2 &p); void addEdge(EdgeCache &cache, const EdgeSegment *prevEdge, const EdgeSegment *edge, const EdgeSegment *nextEdge); void merge(const TrueDistanceSelector &other); DistanceType distance() const; private: Point2 p; SignedDistance minDistance; }; class PseudoDistanceSelectorBase { public: struct EdgeCache { Point2 point; double absDistance; double aDomainDistance, bDomainDistance; double aPseudoDistance, bPseudoDistance; EdgeCache(); }; static bool getPseudoDistance(double &distance, const Vector2 &ep, const Vector2 &edgeDir); PseudoDistanceSelectorBase(); void reset(double delta); bool isEdgeRelevant(const EdgeCache &cache, const EdgeSegment *edge, const Point2 &p) const; void addEdgeTrueDistance(const EdgeSegment *edge, const SignedDistance &distance, double param); void addEdgePseudoDistance(double distance); void merge(const PseudoDistanceSelectorBase &other); double computeDistance(const Point2 &p) const; SignedDistance trueDistance() const; private: SignedDistance minTrueDistance; double minNegativePseudoDistance; double minPositivePseudoDistance; const EdgeSegment *nearEdge; double nearEdgeParam; }; /// Selects the nearest edge by its pseudo-distance. class PseudoDistanceSelector : public PseudoDistanceSelectorBase { public: typedef double DistanceType; void reset(const Point2 &p); void addEdge(EdgeCache &cache, const EdgeSegment *prevEdge, const EdgeSegment *edge, const EdgeSegment *nextEdge); DistanceType distance() const; private: Point2 p; }; /// Selects the nearest edge for each of the three channels by its pseudo-distance. class MultiDistanceSelector { public: typedef MultiDistance DistanceType; typedef PseudoDistanceSelectorBase::EdgeCache EdgeCache; void reset(const Point2 &p); void addEdge(EdgeCache &cache, const EdgeSegment *prevEdge, const EdgeSegment *edge, const EdgeSegment *nextEdge); void merge(const MultiDistanceSelector &other); DistanceType distance() const; SignedDistance trueDistance() const; private: Point2 p; PseudoDistanceSelectorBase r, g, b; }; /// Selects the nearest edge for each of the three color channels by its pseudo-distance and by true distance for the alpha channel. class MultiAndTrueDistanceSelector : public MultiDistanceSelector { public: typedef MultiAndTrueDistance DistanceType; DistanceType distance() const; }; }