#!/usr/bin/env python


env_msdfgen = env_modules.Clone()

# Thirdparty source files

thirdparty_obj = []

if env["builtin_msdfgen"]:

    thirdparty_dir = "#thirdparty/msdfgen/"
    thirdparty_sources = [
    thirdparty_sources = [thirdparty_dir + file for file in thirdparty_sources]

    env_msdfgen.Append(CPPDEFINES=[("MSDFGEN_PUBLIC", "")])
    env_msdfgen.Prepend(CPPPATH=["#thirdparty/freetype/include", "#thirdparty/msdfgen", "#thirdparty/nanosvg"])

    lib = env_msdfgen.add_library("msdfgen_builtin", thirdparty_sources)
    thirdparty_obj += lib

    # Needs to be appended to arrive after libscene in the linker call,
    # but we don't want it to arrive *after* system libs, so manual hack
    # LIBS contains first SCons Library objects ("SCons.Node.FS.File object")
    # and then plain strings for system library. We insert between the two.
    inserted = False
    for idx, linklib in enumerate(env["LIBS"]):
        if isinstance(linklib, (str, bytes)):  # first system lib such as "X11", otherwise SCons lib object
            env["LIBS"].insert(idx, lib)
            inserted = True
    if not inserted:

# Godot source files

module_obj = []

env_msdfgen.add_source_files(module_obj, "*.cpp")
env.modules_sources += module_obj

# Needed to force rebuilding the module files when the thirdparty library is updated.
env.Depends(module_obj, thirdparty_obj)