This file contains the expected output of --validate-extension-api when run against the extension_api.json of the 4.2-stable tag (the basename of this file). Only lines that start with "Validate extension JSON:" matter, everything else is considered a comment and ignored. They should instead be used to justify these changes and describe how users should work around these changes. Add new entries at the end of the file. ## Changes between 4.2-stable and 4.3-stable GH-84660 -------- Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/TileData/methods/get_navigation_polygon/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 1 to 4. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/TileData/methods/get_occluder/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 1 to 4. Added optional argument to get_navigation_polygon and get_occluder to specify a polygon transform. GH-85393 -------- Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/PhysicsShapeQueryParameters3D/properties/motion': type changed value in new API, from "Vector2" to "Vector3". The type was registered wrongly, this was a bug. GH-86687 -------- Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/AnimationMixer/methods/_post_process_key_value/arguments/3': type changed value in new API, from "Object" to "int". Exposing the pointer was dangerous and it must be changed to avoid crash. Compatibility methods registered. GH-84976 -------- Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/enums/FinalAction/values/FINAL_ACTION_CONTINUE': value changed value in new API, from 2.0 to 0. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/enums/FinalAction/values/FINAL_ACTION_MAX': value changed value in new API, from 3.0 to 2. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/enums/InitialAction/values/INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR': value changed value in new API, from 0.0 to 1. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/enums/InitialAction/values/INITIAL_ACTION_CLEAR_REGION_CONTINUE': value changed value in new API, from 2.0 to 1. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/enums/InitialAction/values/INITIAL_ACTION_CONTINUE': value changed value in new API, from 5.0 to 0. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/enums/InitialAction/values/INITIAL_ACTION_DROP': value changed value in new API, from 4.0 to 2. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/enums/InitialAction/values/INITIAL_ACTION_KEEP': value changed value in new API, from 3.0 to 0. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/enums/InitialAction/values/INITIAL_ACTION_MAX': value changed value in new API, from 6.0 to 3. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/methods/buffer_clear/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 4 to 3. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/methods/buffer_update/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 5 to 4. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/methods/draw_list_begin/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 10 to 9. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/methods/texture_clear/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 7 to 6. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/methods/texture_copy/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 10 to 9. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/methods/texture_resolve_multisample/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 3 to 2. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingDevice/methods/texture_update/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 4 to 3. Barrier arguments have been removed from all relevant functions as they're no longer required. Draw and compute list overlap no longer needs to be specified. Initial and final actions have been simplified into fewer options. GH-87115 -------- Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/TileMap/methods/get_collision_visibility_mode': is_const changed value in new API, from false to true. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/TileMap/methods/get_navigation_visibility_mode': is_const changed value in new API, from false to true. Two TileMap getters were made const. No adjustments should be necessary. GH-86158 -------- Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/GraphEdit/methods/get_connection_line': is_const changed value in new API, from false to true. get_connection_line was made const. GH-87668 -------- Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Font/methods/find_variation/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 8 to 9. Added optional "baseline_offset" argument. Compatibility method registered. GH-81996 -------- Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/GPUParticles2D/properties/process_material': type changed value in new API, from "ShaderMaterial,ParticleProcessMaterial" to "ParticleProcessMaterial,ShaderMaterial". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/GPUParticles3D/properties/process_material': type changed value in new API, from "ShaderMaterial,ParticleProcessMaterial" to "ParticleProcessMaterial,ShaderMaterial". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Sky/properties/sky_material': type changed value in new API, from "ShaderMaterial,PanoramaSkyMaterial,ProceduralSkyMaterial,PhysicalSkyMaterial" to "PanoramaSkyMaterial,ProceduralSkyMaterial,PhysicalSkyMaterial,ShaderMaterial". Property hints reordered to improve editor usability. The types allowed are still the same as before. No adjustments should be necessary. GH-86907 -------- Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/AudioStreamPlayer/methods/is_autoplay_enabled': is_const changed value in new API, from false to true. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/AudioStreamPlayer2D/methods/is_autoplay_enabled': is_const changed value in new API, from false to true. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/AudioStreamPlayer3D/methods/is_autoplay_enabled': is_const changed value in new API, from false to true. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/GLTFBufferView/methods/get_buffer': is_const changed value in new API, from false to true. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/GLTFBufferView/methods/get_byte_length': is_const changed value in new API, from false to true. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/GLTFBufferView/methods/get_byte_offset': is_const changed value in new API, from false to true. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/GLTFBufferView/methods/get_byte_stride': is_const changed value in new API, from false to true. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/GLTFBufferView/methods/get_indices': is_const changed value in new API, from false to true. Change AudioStreamPlayer* is_autoplay_enabled and GLTFBufferView getters to be const. GH-87340 -------- Validate extension JSON: JSON file: Field was added in a way that breaks compatibility 'classes/RenderingDevice/methods/screen_get_framebuffer_format': arguments screen_get_framebuffer_format can now specify the screen it should get the format from. The argument defaults to the main window to emulate the behavior of the old function. GH-88418 -------- Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/GDExtension/methods/close_library Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/GDExtension/methods/initialize_library Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/GDExtension/methods/open_library Since it was basically impossible to use these methods in any useful way, the GDExtension team agreed that breaking compatibility by removing them was OK. GH-86629 -------- Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Animation/methods/position_track_interpolate/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 2 to 3. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Animation/methods/rotation_track_interpolate/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 2 to 3. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Animation/methods/scale_track_interpolate/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 2 to 3. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Animation/methods/blend_shape_track_interpolate/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 2 to 3. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Animation/methods/value_track_interpolate/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 2 to 3. Added optional argument to track_interpolate to treat playing backward correctly. Compatibility method registered. GH-86661 -------- Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Animation/methods/track_find_key/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 3 to 4. Added optional argument to track_find_key to avoid finding keys out of the animation range. Compatibility method registered. GH-84792 -------- Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderingServer/methods/environment_set_fog/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 10 to 11. Added fog mode argument. Compatibility method registered. GH-80214 -------- Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderSceneBuffersRD/methods/get_color_layer/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 1 to 2. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderSceneBuffersRD/methods/get_depth_layer/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 1 to 2. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RenderSceneBuffersRD/methods/get_velocity_layer/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 1 to 2. Validate extension JSON: JSON file: Field was added in a way that breaks compatibility 'classes/RenderSceneBuffersRD/methods/get_color_texture': arguments Validate extension JSON: JSON file: Field was added in a way that breaks compatibility 'classes/RenderSceneBuffersRD/methods/get_depth_texture': arguments Validate extension JSON: JSON file: Field was added in a way that breaks compatibility 'classes/RenderSceneBuffersRD/methods/get_velocity_texture': arguments MSAA flag was added, compatibility functions exist for these. GH-84906 -------- Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/AnimationPlayer/methods/play/arguments/0': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/AnimationPlayer/methods/play_backwards/arguments/0': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/CodeEdit/methods/add_code_completion_option/arguments/5': default_value changed value in new API, from "0" to "null". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Control/methods/get_theme_color/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Control/methods/get_theme_constant/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Control/methods/get_theme_font/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Control/methods/get_theme_font_size/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Control/methods/get_theme_icon/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Control/methods/get_theme_stylebox/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Control/methods/has_theme_color/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Control/methods/has_theme_constant/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Control/methods/has_theme_font/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Control/methods/has_theme_font_size/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Control/methods/has_theme_icon/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Control/methods/has_theme_stylebox/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Object/methods/tr/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Object/methods/tr_n/arguments/3': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Translation/methods/add_message/arguments/2': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Translation/methods/add_plural_message/arguments/2': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Translation/methods/erase_message/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Translation/methods/get_message/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Translation/methods/get_plural_message/arguments/3': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/TranslationServer/methods/translate/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/TranslationServer/methods/translate_plural/arguments/3': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Window/methods/get_theme_color/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Window/methods/get_theme_constant/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Window/methods/get_theme_font/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Window/methods/get_theme_font_size/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Window/methods/get_theme_icon/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Window/methods/get_theme_stylebox/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Window/methods/has_theme_color/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Window/methods/has_theme_constant/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Window/methods/has_theme_font/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Window/methods/has_theme_font_size/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Window/methods/has_theme_icon/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/Window/methods/has_theme_stylebox/arguments/1': default_value changed value in new API, from "\"\"" to "&\"\"". Fix the default parameter value for StringName and Variant. The changes to StringName parameters should be equivalent to the previous default values. The change to the Variant parameter in 'add_code_completion_option' breaks behavior compatibility. GH-81746 -------- Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/EditorSceneFormatImporterFBX Renamed to EditorSceneFormatImporterFBX2GLTF. The compat breakage was deemed necessary as this is a class most users wouldn't use directly, and the name needs to be disambiguated with the new EditorSceneFormatImporterUFBX. GH-88791 -------- Validate extension JSON: JSON file: Field was added in a way that breaks compatibility 'classes/Skeleton3D/methods/add_bone': return_value Added a return value for add_bone. Should not affect existing regular use - the return value would just be unused. Compatibility method registered. GH-89024 -------- Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/RichTextLabel/methods/push_meta/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 1 to 2. Added optional argument. Compatibility method registered. GH-88081 -------- Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/EditorPlugin/methods/add_control_to_bottom_panel/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 2 to 3. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/EditorPlugin/methods/add_control_to_dock/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 2 to 3. Added optional argument to add_control_to_bottom_panel and add_control_to_dock to specify a shortcut that toggles the bottom panel/dock's visibility. Compatibility method registered. GH-89419 -------- Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/AcceptDialog/methods/register_text_enter/arguments/0': type changed value in new API, from "Control" to "LineEdit". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/AcceptDialog/methods/remove_button/arguments/0': type changed value in new API, from "Control" to "Button". Changed argument type to the more specific one actually expected by the method. Compatibility method registered. GH-88047 -------- Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/AStar2D/methods/get_id_path/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 2 to 3. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/AStar2D/methods/get_point_path/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 2 to 3. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/AStar3D/methods/get_id_path/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 2 to 3. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/AStar3D/methods/get_point_path/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 2 to 3. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/AStarGrid2D/methods/get_id_path/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 2 to 3. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/AStarGrid2D/methods/get_point_path/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 2 to 3. Added optional "allow_partial_path" argument to get_id_path and get_point_path methods in AStar classes. Compatibility methods registered. GH-88014 -------- Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/VisualShaderNodeComment/methods/get_title Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/VisualShaderNodeComment/methods/set_title Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/VisualShaderNodeComment/properties/title GH-87888 -------- Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/Skeleton3D/properties/animate_physical_bones These base class is changed to SkeletonModifier3D which is processed by Skeleton3D with the assumption that it is Skeleton3D's child. GH-90575 -------- Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/BoneAttachment3D/methods/on_bone_pose_update Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/Skeleton3D/signals/bone_pose_changed They have been replaced by a safer API due to performance concerns. Compatibility method registered. GH-90747 -------- Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/NavigationRegion2D/methods/get_avoidance_layers Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/NavigationRegion2D/methods/set_avoidance_layers Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/NavigationRegion2D/properties/avoidance_layers Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/NavigationRegion2D/methods/get_avoidance_layer_value Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/NavigationRegion2D/methods/set_avoidance_layer_value Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/NavigationRegion2D/methods/set_constrain_avoidance Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/NavigationRegion2D/methods/get_constrain_avoidance Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/NavigationRegion2D/properties/constrain_avoidance Experimental NavigationRegion2D feature "constrain_avoidance" was discontinued with no replacement. GH-90645 -------- Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/XRPositionalTracker/methods/get_tracker_desc Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/XRPositionalTracker/methods/get_tracker_name Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/XRPositionalTracker/methods/get_tracker_type Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/XRPositionalTracker/methods/set_tracker_desc Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/XRPositionalTracker/methods/set_tracker_name Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/XRPositionalTracker/methods/set_tracker_type Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/XRPositionalTracker/properties/description Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/XRPositionalTracker/properties/name Validate extension JSON: API was removed: classes/XRPositionalTracker/properties/type Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/WebXRInterface/methods/get_input_source_tracker/return_value': type changed value in new API, from "XRPositionalTracker" to "XRControllerTracker". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/XRServer/methods/add_tracker/arguments/0': type changed value in new API, from "XRPositionalTracker" to "XRTracker". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/XRServer/methods/get_tracker/return_value': type changed value in new API, from "XRPositionalTracker" to "XRTracker". Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/XRServer/methods/remove_tracker/arguments/0': type changed value in new API, from "XRPositionalTracker" to "XRTracker". All trackers now have an XRTracker base, and the XRServer uses the XRTracker type. GH-90732 -------- Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/TextServer/methods/shaped_text_get_word_breaks/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 2 to 3. Validate extension JSON: Error: Field 'classes/TextServerExtension/methods/_shaped_text_get_word_breaks/arguments': size changed value in new API, from 2 to 3. Added optional argument. Compatibility method registered.