/*************************************************************************/ /* create_dialog.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "create_dialog.h" #include "core/class_db.h" #include "core/os/keyboard.h" #include "core/print_string.h" #include "editor_feature_profile.h" #include "editor_help.h" #include "editor_node.h" #include "editor_scale.h" #include "editor_settings.h" #include "scene/gui/box_container.h" void CreateDialog::popup_create(bool p_dont_clear, bool p_replace_mode, const String &p_select_type) { type_list.clear(); ClassDB::get_class_list(&type_list); ScriptServer::get_global_class_list(&type_list); type_list.sort_custom<StringName::AlphCompare>(); recent->clear(); FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_project_settings_dir().plus_file("create_recent." + base_type), FileAccess::READ); if (f) { TreeItem *root = recent->create_item(); String icon_fallback = has_icon(base_type, "EditorIcons") ? base_type : "Object"; while (!f->eof_reached()) { String l = f->get_line().strip_edges(); String name = l.split(" ")[0]; if ((ClassDB::class_exists(name) || ScriptServer::is_global_class(name)) && !_is_class_disabled_by_feature_profile(name)) { TreeItem *ti = recent->create_item(root); ti->set_text(0, l); ti->set_icon(0, EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_class_icon(name, icon_fallback)); } } memdelete(f); } favorites->clear(); f = FileAccess::open(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_project_settings_dir().plus_file("favorites." + base_type), FileAccess::READ); favorite_list.clear(); if (f) { while (!f->eof_reached()) { String l = f->get_line().strip_edges(); if (l != String()) { favorite_list.push_back(l); } } memdelete(f); } _save_and_update_favorite_list(); // Restore valid window bounds or pop up at default size. Rect2 saved_size = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_project_metadata("dialog_bounds", "create_new_node", Rect2()); if (saved_size != Rect2()) { popup(saved_size); } else { popup_centered_clamped(Size2(900, 700) * EDSCALE, 0.8); } if (p_dont_clear) { search_box->select_all(); } else { search_box->clear(); } search_box->grab_focus(); _update_search(); is_replace_mode = p_replace_mode; if (p_replace_mode) { select_type(p_select_type); set_title(vformat(TTR("Change %s Type"), base_type)); get_ok()->set_text(TTR("Change")); } else { set_title(vformat(TTR("Create New %s"), base_type)); get_ok()->set_text(TTR("Create")); } } void CreateDialog::_text_changed(const String &p_newtext) { _update_search(); } void CreateDialog::_sbox_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_ie) { Ref<InputEventKey> k = p_ie; if (k.is_valid() && (k->get_scancode() == KEY_UP || k->get_scancode() == KEY_DOWN || k->get_scancode() == KEY_PAGEUP || k->get_scancode() == KEY_PAGEDOWN)) { search_options->call("_gui_input", k); search_box->accept_event(); } } void CreateDialog::add_type(const String &p_type, HashMap<String, TreeItem *> &p_types, TreeItem *p_root, TreeItem **to_select) { if (p_types.has(p_type)) { return; } bool cpp_type = ClassDB::class_exists(p_type); EditorData &ed = EditorNode::get_editor_data(); if (p_type == base_type) { return; } if (cpp_type) { if (!ClassDB::is_parent_class(p_type, base_type)) { return; } } else { if (!search_loaded_scripts.has(p_type)) { search_loaded_scripts[p_type] = ed.script_class_load_script(p_type); } if (!ScriptServer::is_global_class(p_type) || !ed.script_class_is_parent(p_type, base_type)) { return; } String script_path = ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(p_type); if (script_path.find("res://addons/", 0) != -1) { if (!EditorNode::get_singleton()->is_addon_plugin_enabled(script_path.get_slicec('/', 3))) { return; } } } String inherits = cpp_type ? ClassDB::get_parent_class(p_type) : ed.script_class_get_base(p_type); TreeItem *parent = p_root; if (inherits.length()) { if (!p_types.has(inherits)) { add_type(inherits, p_types, p_root, to_select); } if (p_types.has(inherits)) { parent = p_types[inherits]; } else if (ScriptServer::is_global_class(inherits)) { return; } } bool can_instance = (cpp_type && ClassDB::can_instance(p_type)) || ScriptServer::is_global_class(p_type); TreeItem *item = search_options->create_item(parent); if (cpp_type) { item->set_text(0, p_type); } else { item->set_metadata(0, p_type); item->set_text(0, p_type + " (" + ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(p_type).get_file() + ")"); } if (!can_instance) { item->set_custom_color(0, get_color("disabled_font_color", "Editor")); item->set_selectable(0, false); } else if (!(*to_select && (*to_select)->get_text(0) == search_box->get_text())) { String search_term = search_box->get_text().to_lower(); // if the node name matches exactly as the search, the node should be selected. // this also fixes when the user clicks on recent nodes. if (p_type.to_lower() == search_term) { *to_select = item; } else { bool current_type_prefered = _is_type_prefered(p_type); bool selected_type_prefered = *to_select ? _is_type_prefered((*to_select)->get_text(0).split(" ")[0]) : false; bool is_subsequence_of_type = search_box->get_text().is_subsequence_ofi(p_type); bool is_substring_of_type = p_type.to_lower().find(search_term) >= 0; bool is_substring_of_selected = false; bool is_subsequence_of_selected = false; bool is_selected_equal = false; if (*to_select) { String name = (*to_select)->get_text(0).split(" ")[0].to_lower(); is_substring_of_selected = name.find(search_term) >= 0; is_subsequence_of_selected = search_term.is_subsequence_of(name); is_selected_equal = name == search_term; } if (is_subsequence_of_type && !is_selected_equal) { if (is_substring_of_type) { if (!is_substring_of_selected || (current_type_prefered && !selected_type_prefered)) { *to_select = item; } } else { // substring results weigh more than subsequences, so let's make sure we don't override them if (!is_substring_of_selected) { if (!is_subsequence_of_selected || (current_type_prefered && !selected_type_prefered)) { *to_select = item; } } } } } } if (bool(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("docks/scene_tree/start_create_dialog_fully_expanded"))) { item->set_collapsed(false); } else { // don't collapse search results bool collapse = (search_box->get_text() == ""); // don't collapse the root node collapse &= (item != p_root); // don't collapse abstract nodes on the first tree level collapse &= ((parent != p_root) || (can_instance)); item->set_collapsed(collapse); } const String &description = DTR(EditorHelp::get_doc_data()->class_list[p_type].brief_description); item->set_tooltip(0, description); String icon_fallback = has_icon(base_type, "EditorIcons") ? base_type : "Object"; item->set_icon(0, EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_class_icon(p_type, icon_fallback)); p_types[p_type] = item; } bool CreateDialog::_is_type_prefered(const String &type) { bool cpp_type = ClassDB::class_exists(type); EditorData &ed = EditorNode::get_editor_data(); if (cpp_type) { return ClassDB::is_parent_class(type, preferred_search_result_type); } return ed.script_class_is_parent(type, preferred_search_result_type); } bool CreateDialog::_is_class_disabled_by_feature_profile(const StringName &p_class) { Ref<EditorFeatureProfile> profile = EditorFeatureProfileManager::get_singleton()->get_current_profile(); if (profile.is_null()) { return false; } return profile->is_class_disabled(p_class); } void CreateDialog::select_type(const String &p_type) { TreeItem *to_select; if (search_options_types.has(p_type)) { to_select = search_options_types[p_type]; } else { to_select = search_options->get_root(); } // uncollapse from selected type to top level // TODO: should this be in tree? TreeItem *cur = to_select; while (cur) { cur->set_collapsed(false); cur = cur->get_parent(); } to_select->select(0); search_options->scroll_to_item(to_select); } void CreateDialog::_update_search() { search_options->clear(); favorite->set_disabled(true); help_bit->set_text(vformat(TTR("No results for \"%s\"."), search_box->get_text())); help_bit->get_rich_text()->set_self_modulate(Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5)); search_options_types.clear(); TreeItem *root = search_options->create_item(); EditorData &ed = EditorNode::get_editor_data(); root->set_text(0, base_type); String base_icon = has_icon(base_type, "EditorIcons") ? base_type : "Object"; root->set_icon(0, get_icon(base_icon, "EditorIcons")); TreeItem *to_select = search_box->get_text() == base_type ? root : nullptr; for (List<StringName>::Element *I = type_list.front(); I; I = I->next()) { String type = I->get(); if (_is_class_disabled_by_feature_profile(type)) { continue; } bool cpp_type = ClassDB::class_exists(type); if (base_type == "Node" && type.begins_with("Editor")) { continue; // do not show editor nodes } if (cpp_type && !ClassDB::can_instance(type)) { continue; // can't create what can't be instanced } if (cpp_type) { bool skip = false; for (Set<StringName>::Element *E = type_blacklist.front(); E && !skip; E = E->next()) { if (ClassDB::is_parent_class(type, E->get())) { skip = true; } } if (skip) { continue; } } if (search_box->get_text() == "") { add_type(type, search_options_types, root, &to_select); } else { bool found = false; String type2 = type; bool cpp_type2 = cpp_type; if (!cpp_type && !search_loaded_scripts.has(type)) { search_loaded_scripts[type] = ed.script_class_load_script(type); } while (type2 != "" && (cpp_type2 ? ClassDB::is_parent_class(type2, base_type) : ed.script_class_is_parent(type2, base_type)) && type2 != base_type) { if (search_box->get_text().is_subsequence_ofi(type2)) { found = true; break; } type2 = cpp_type2 ? ClassDB::get_parent_class(type2) : ed.script_class_get_base(type2); cpp_type2 = cpp_type2 || ClassDB::class_exists(type2); // Built-in class can't inherit from custom type, so we can skip the check if it's already true. if (!cpp_type2 && !search_loaded_scripts.has(type2)) { search_loaded_scripts[type2] = ed.script_class_load_script(type2); } } if (found) { add_type(type, search_options_types, root, &to_select); } } if (EditorNode::get_editor_data().get_custom_types().has(type) && ClassDB::is_parent_class(type, base_type)) { //there are custom types based on this... cool. const Vector<EditorData::CustomType> &ct = EditorNode::get_editor_data().get_custom_types()[type]; for (int i = 0; i < ct.size(); i++) { bool show = search_box->get_text().is_subsequence_ofi(ct[i].name); if (!show) { continue; } if (!search_options_types.has(type)) { add_type(type, search_options_types, root, &to_select); } TreeItem *ti; if (search_options_types.has(type)) { ti = search_options_types[type]; } else { ti = search_options->get_root(); } TreeItem *item = search_options->create_item(ti); item->set_metadata(0, type); item->set_text(0, ct[i].name); item->set_icon(0, ct[i].icon.is_valid() ? ct[i].icon : get_icon(base_icon, "EditorIcons")); if (!to_select || ct[i].name == search_box->get_text()) { to_select = item; } } } } if (search_box->get_text() == "") { to_select = root; } if (to_select) { to_select->select(0); search_options->scroll_to_item(to_select); favorite->set_disabled(false); favorite->set_pressed(favorite_list.find(to_select->get_text(0)) != -1); } get_ok()->set_disabled(root->get_children() == nullptr); } void CreateDialog::_confirmed() { TreeItem *ti = search_options->get_selected(); if (!ti) { return; } FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_project_settings_dir().plus_file("create_recent." + base_type), FileAccess::WRITE); if (f) { f->store_line(get_selected_type()); TreeItem *t = recent->get_root(); if (t) { t = t->get_children(); } int count = 0; while (t) { if (t->get_text(0) != get_selected_type()) { f->store_line(t->get_text(0)); } if (count > 32) { //limit it to 32 entries.. break; } t = t->get_next(); count++; } memdelete(f); } emit_signal("create"); hide(); } void CreateDialog::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE: { connect("confirmed", this, "_confirmed"); search_box->set_right_icon(get_icon("Search", "EditorIcons")); search_box->set_clear_button_enabled(true); favorite->set_icon(get_icon("Favorites", "EditorIcons")); } break; case NOTIFICATION_EXIT_TREE: { disconnect("confirmed", this, "_confirmed"); } break; case NOTIFICATION_VISIBILITY_CHANGED: { if (is_visible_in_tree()) { search_box->call_deferred("grab_focus"); // still not visible search_box->select_all(); } } break; case NOTIFICATION_POPUP_HIDE: { EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_project_metadata("dialog_bounds", "create_new_node", get_rect()); search_loaded_scripts.clear(); } break; } } void CreateDialog::set_base_type(const String &p_base) { base_type = p_base; if (is_replace_mode) { set_title(vformat(TTR("Change %s Type"), p_base)); } else { set_title(vformat(TTR("Create New %s"), p_base)); } _update_search(); } String CreateDialog::get_base_type() const { return base_type; } void CreateDialog::set_preferred_search_result_type(const String &p_preferred_type) { preferred_search_result_type = p_preferred_type; } String CreateDialog::get_preferred_search_result_type() { return preferred_search_result_type; } String CreateDialog::get_selected_type() { TreeItem *selected = search_options->get_selected(); if (selected) { return selected->get_text(0); } else { return String(); } } Variant CreateDialog::instance_selected() { TreeItem *selected = search_options->get_selected(); if (selected) { Variant md = selected->get_metadata(0); String custom; if (md.get_type() != Variant::NIL) { custom = md; } if (custom != String()) { if (ScriptServer::is_global_class(custom)) { Variant obj = EditorNode::get_editor_data().script_class_instance(custom); Node *n = Object::cast_to<Node>(obj); if (n) { n->set_name(custom); } return obj; } return EditorNode::get_editor_data().instance_custom_type(selected->get_text(0), custom); } else { return ClassDB::instance(selected->get_text(0)); } } return Variant(); } void CreateDialog::_item_selected() { TreeItem *item = search_options->get_selected(); if (!item) { return; } String name = item->get_text(0); favorite->set_disabled(false); favorite->set_pressed(favorite_list.find(name) != -1); if (!EditorHelp::get_doc_data()->class_list.has(name)) { return; } const String brief_desc = DTR(EditorHelp::get_doc_data()->class_list[name].brief_description); if (!brief_desc.empty()) { // Display both class name and description, since the help bit may be displayed // far away from the location (especially if the dialog was resized to be taller). help_bit->set_text(vformat("[b]%s[/b]: %s", name, brief_desc)); help_bit->get_rich_text()->set_self_modulate(Color(1, 1, 1, 1)); } else { // Use nested `vformat()` as translators shouldn't interfere with BBCode tags. help_bit->set_text(vformat(TTR("No description available for %s."), vformat("[b]%s[/b]", name))); help_bit->get_rich_text()->set_self_modulate(Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5)); } get_ok()->set_disabled(false); } void CreateDialog::_favorite_toggled() { TreeItem *item = search_options->get_selected(); if (!item) { return; } String name = item->get_text(0); if (favorite_list.find(name) == -1) { favorite_list.push_back(name); favorite->set_pressed(true); } else { favorite_list.erase(name); favorite->set_pressed(false); } _save_and_update_favorite_list(); } void CreateDialog::_save_favorite_list() { FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_project_settings_dir().plus_file("favorites." + base_type), FileAccess::WRITE); if (f) { for (int i = 0; i < favorite_list.size(); i++) { String l = favorite_list[i]; String name = l.split(" ")[0]; if (!(ClassDB::class_exists(name) || ScriptServer::is_global_class(name))) { continue; } f->store_line(l); } memdelete(f); } } void CreateDialog::_update_favorite_list() { favorites->clear(); TreeItem *root = favorites->create_item(); String icon_fallback = has_icon(base_type, "EditorIcons") ? base_type : "Object"; for (int i = 0; i < favorite_list.size(); i++) { String l = favorite_list[i]; String name = l.split(" ")[0]; if (!((ClassDB::class_exists(name) || ScriptServer::is_global_class(name)) && !_is_class_disabled_by_feature_profile(name))) { continue; } TreeItem *ti = favorites->create_item(root); ti->set_text(0, l); ti->set_icon(0, EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_class_icon(name, icon_fallback)); } emit_signal("favorites_updated"); } void CreateDialog::_history_selected() { TreeItem *item = recent->get_selected(); if (!item) { return; } search_box->set_text(item->get_text(0).get_slicec(' ', 0)); favorites->deselect_all(); _update_search(); } void CreateDialog::_favorite_selected() { TreeItem *item = favorites->get_selected(); if (!item) { return; } search_box->set_text(item->get_text(0).get_slicec(' ', 0)); recent->deselect_all(); _update_search(); } void CreateDialog::_history_activated() { _history_selected(); _confirmed(); } void CreateDialog::_favorite_activated() { _favorite_selected(); _confirmed(); } Variant CreateDialog::get_drag_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, Control *p_from) { TreeItem *ti = favorites->get_item_at_position(p_point); if (ti) { Dictionary d; d["type"] = "create_favorite_drag"; d["class"] = ti->get_text(0); ToolButton *tb = memnew(ToolButton); tb->set_icon(ti->get_icon(0)); tb->set_text(ti->get_text(0)); set_drag_preview(tb); return d; } return Variant(); } bool CreateDialog::can_drop_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data, Control *p_from) const { Dictionary d = p_data; if (d.has("type") && String(d["type"]) == "create_favorite_drag") { favorites->set_drop_mode_flags(Tree::DROP_MODE_INBETWEEN); return true; } return false; } void CreateDialog::drop_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data, Control *p_from) { Dictionary d = p_data; TreeItem *ti = favorites->get_item_at_position(p_point); if (!ti) { return; } String drop_at = ti->get_text(0); int ds = favorites->get_drop_section_at_position(p_point); int drop_idx = favorite_list.find(drop_at); if (drop_idx < 0) { return; } String type = d["class"]; int from_idx = favorite_list.find(type); if (from_idx < 0) { return; } if (drop_idx == from_idx) { ds = -1; //cause it will be gone } else if (drop_idx > from_idx) { drop_idx--; } favorite_list.remove(from_idx); if (ds < 0) { favorite_list.insert(drop_idx, type); } else { if (drop_idx >= favorite_list.size() - 1) { favorite_list.push_back(type); } else { favorite_list.insert(drop_idx + 1, type); } } _save_and_update_favorite_list(); } void CreateDialog::_save_and_update_favorite_list() { _save_favorite_list(); _update_favorite_list(); } void CreateDialog::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_text_changed"), &CreateDialog::_text_changed); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_confirmed"), &CreateDialog::_confirmed); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_sbox_input"), &CreateDialog::_sbox_input); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_item_selected"), &CreateDialog::_item_selected); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_favorite_toggled"), &CreateDialog::_favorite_toggled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_history_selected"), &CreateDialog::_history_selected); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_favorite_selected"), &CreateDialog::_favorite_selected); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_history_activated"), &CreateDialog::_history_activated); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_favorite_activated"), &CreateDialog::_favorite_activated); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_save_and_update_favorite_list"), &CreateDialog::_save_and_update_favorite_list); ClassDB::bind_method("get_drag_data_fw", &CreateDialog::get_drag_data_fw); ClassDB::bind_method("can_drop_data_fw", &CreateDialog::can_drop_data_fw); ClassDB::bind_method("drop_data_fw", &CreateDialog::drop_data_fw); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("create")); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("favorites_updated")); } CreateDialog::CreateDialog() { is_replace_mode = false; set_resizable(true); HSplitContainer *hsc = memnew(HSplitContainer); add_child(hsc); VSplitContainer *vsc = memnew(VSplitContainer); hsc->add_child(vsc); VBoxContainer *fav_vb = memnew(VBoxContainer); vsc->add_child(fav_vb); fav_vb->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(150, 100) * EDSCALE); fav_vb->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); favorites = memnew(Tree); fav_vb->add_margin_child(TTR("Favorites:"), favorites, true); favorites->set_hide_root(true); favorites->set_hide_folding(true); favorites->set_allow_reselect(true); favorites->connect("cell_selected", this, "_favorite_selected"); favorites->connect("item_activated", this, "_favorite_activated"); favorites->set_drag_forwarding(this); favorites->add_constant_override("draw_guides", 1); VBoxContainer *rec_vb = memnew(VBoxContainer); vsc->add_child(rec_vb); rec_vb->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(150, 100) * EDSCALE); rec_vb->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); recent = memnew(Tree); rec_vb->add_margin_child(TTR("Recent:"), recent, true); recent->set_hide_root(true); recent->set_hide_folding(true); recent->set_allow_reselect(true); recent->connect("cell_selected", this, "_history_selected"); recent->connect("item_activated", this, "_history_activated"); recent->add_constant_override("draw_guides", 1); VBoxContainer *vbc = memnew(VBoxContainer); hsc->add_child(vbc); vbc->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(300, 0) * EDSCALE); vbc->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); HBoxContainer *search_hb = memnew(HBoxContainer); search_box = memnew(LineEdit); search_box->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); search_hb->add_child(search_box); favorite = memnew(Button); favorite->set_flat(true); favorite->set_toggle_mode(true); search_hb->add_child(favorite); favorite->connect("pressed", this, "_favorite_toggled"); vbc->add_margin_child(TTR("Search:"), search_hb); search_box->connect("text_changed", this, "_text_changed"); search_box->connect("gui_input", this, "_sbox_input"); search_options = memnew(Tree); vbc->add_margin_child(TTR("Matches:"), search_options, true); get_ok()->set_disabled(true); register_text_enter(search_box); set_hide_on_ok(false); search_options->connect("item_activated", this, "_confirmed"); search_options->connect("cell_selected", this, "_item_selected"); base_type = "Object"; preferred_search_result_type = ""; help_bit = memnew(EditorHelpBit); vbc->add_margin_child(TTR("Description:"), help_bit); help_bit->connect("request_hide", this, "_closed"); type_blacklist.insert("PluginScript"); // PluginScript must be initialized before use, which is not possible here type_blacklist.insert("ScriptCreateDialog"); // This is an exposed editor Node that doesn't have an Editor prefix. }