/*************************************************************************/ /* tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2018 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md) */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "tile_set_editor_plugin.h" #include "editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.h" #include "scene/2d/physics_body_2d.h" #include "scene/2d/sprite.h" void TileSetEditor::edit(const Ref<TileSet> &p_tileset) { tileset = p_tileset; } void TileSetEditor::_import_node(Node *p_node, Ref<TileSet> p_library) { for (int i = 0; i < p_node->get_child_count(); i++) { Node *child = p_node->get_child(i); if (!Object::cast_to<Sprite>(child)) { if (child->get_child_count() > 0) { _import_node(child, p_library); } continue; } Sprite *mi = Object::cast_to<Sprite>(child); Ref<Texture> texture = mi->get_texture(); Ref<Texture> normal_map = mi->get_normal_map(); Ref<ShaderMaterial> material = mi->get_material(); if (texture.is_null()) continue; int id = p_library->find_tile_by_name(mi->get_name()); if (id < 0) { id = p_library->get_last_unused_tile_id(); p_library->create_tile(id); p_library->tile_set_name(id, mi->get_name()); } p_library->tile_set_texture(id, texture); p_library->tile_set_normal_map(id, normal_map); p_library->tile_set_material(id, material); p_library->tile_set_modulate(id, mi->get_modulate()); Vector2 phys_offset; Size2 s; if (mi->is_region()) { s = mi->get_region_rect().size; p_library->tile_set_region(id, mi->get_region_rect()); } else { const int frame = mi->get_frame(); const int hframes = mi->get_hframes(); s = texture->get_size() / Size2(hframes, mi->get_vframes()); p_library->tile_set_region(id, Rect2(Vector2(frame % hframes, frame / hframes) * s, s)); } if (mi->is_centered()) { phys_offset += -s / 2; } Vector<TileSet::ShapeData> collisions; Ref<NavigationPolygon> nav_poly; Ref<OccluderPolygon2D> occluder; bool found_collisions = false; for (int j = 0; j < mi->get_child_count(); j++) { Node *child2 = mi->get_child(j); if (Object::cast_to<NavigationPolygonInstance>(child2)) nav_poly = Object::cast_to<NavigationPolygonInstance>(child2)->get_navigation_polygon(); if (Object::cast_to<LightOccluder2D>(child2)) occluder = Object::cast_to<LightOccluder2D>(child2)->get_occluder_polygon(); if (!Object::cast_to<StaticBody2D>(child2)) continue; found_collisions = true; StaticBody2D *sb = Object::cast_to<StaticBody2D>(child2); List<uint32_t> shapes; sb->get_shape_owners(&shapes); for (List<uint32_t>::Element *E = shapes.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (sb->is_shape_owner_disabled(E->get())) continue; Transform2D shape_transform = sb->shape_owner_get_transform(E->get()); bool one_way = sb->is_shape_owner_one_way_collision_enabled(E->get()); shape_transform.set_origin(shape_transform.get_origin() - phys_offset); for (int k = 0; k < sb->shape_owner_get_shape_count(E->get()); k++) { Ref<Shape2D> shape = sb->shape_owner_get_shape(E->get(), k); TileSet::ShapeData shape_data; shape_data.shape = shape; shape_data.shape_transform = shape_transform; shape_data.one_way_collision = one_way; collisions.push_back(shape_data); } } } if (found_collisions) { p_library->tile_set_shapes(id, collisions); } p_library->tile_set_texture_offset(id, mi->get_offset()); p_library->tile_set_navigation_polygon(id, nav_poly); p_library->tile_set_light_occluder(id, occluder); p_library->tile_set_occluder_offset(id, -phys_offset); p_library->tile_set_navigation_polygon_offset(id, -phys_offset); } } void TileSetEditor::_import_scene(Node *p_scene, Ref<TileSet> p_library, bool p_merge) { if (!p_merge) p_library->clear(); _import_node(p_scene, p_library); } void TileSetEditor::_menu_confirm() { switch (option) { case MENU_OPTION_MERGE_FROM_SCENE: case MENU_OPTION_CREATE_FROM_SCENE: { EditorNode *en = editor; Node *scene = en->get_edited_scene(); if (!scene) break; _import_scene(scene, tileset, option == MENU_OPTION_MERGE_FROM_SCENE); } break; } } void TileSetEditor::_name_dialog_confirm(const String &name) { switch (option) { case MENU_OPTION_REMOVE_ITEM: { int id = tileset->find_tile_by_name(name); if (id < 0 && name.is_valid_integer()) id = name.to_int(); if (tileset->has_tile(id)) { tileset->remove_tile(id); } else { err_dialog->set_text(TTR("Could not find tile:") + " " + name); err_dialog->popup_centered(Size2(300, 60)); } } break; } } void TileSetEditor::_menu_cbk(int p_option) { option = p_option; switch (p_option) { case MENU_OPTION_ADD_ITEM: { tileset->create_tile(tileset->get_last_unused_tile_id()); } break; case MENU_OPTION_REMOVE_ITEM: { nd->set_title(TTR("Remove Item")); nd->set_text(TTR("Item name or ID:")); nd->popup_centered(Size2(300, 95)); } break; case MENU_OPTION_CREATE_FROM_SCENE: { cd->set_text(TTR("Create from scene?")); cd->popup_centered(Size2(300, 60)); } break; case MENU_OPTION_MERGE_FROM_SCENE: { cd->set_text(TTR("Merge from scene?")); cd->popup_centered(Size2(300, 60)); } break; } } Error TileSetEditor::update_library_file(Node *p_base_scene, Ref<TileSet> ml, bool p_merge) { _import_scene(p_base_scene, ml, p_merge); return OK; } void TileSetEditor::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method("_menu_cbk", &TileSetEditor::_menu_cbk); ClassDB::bind_method("_menu_confirm", &TileSetEditor::_menu_confirm); ClassDB::bind_method("_name_dialog_confirm", &TileSetEditor::_name_dialog_confirm); } TileSetEditor::TileSetEditor(EditorNode *p_editor) { menu = memnew(MenuButton); CanvasItemEditor::get_singleton()->add_control_to_menu_panel(menu); menu->hide(); menu->set_text(TTR("Tile Set")); menu->get_popup()->add_item(TTR("Add Item"), MENU_OPTION_ADD_ITEM); menu->get_popup()->add_item(TTR("Remove Item"), MENU_OPTION_REMOVE_ITEM); menu->get_popup()->add_separator(); menu->get_popup()->add_item(TTR("Create from Scene"), MENU_OPTION_CREATE_FROM_SCENE); menu->get_popup()->add_item(TTR("Merge from Scene"), MENU_OPTION_MERGE_FROM_SCENE); menu->get_popup()->connect("id_pressed", this, "_menu_cbk"); editor = p_editor; cd = memnew(ConfirmationDialog); add_child(cd); cd->get_ok()->connect("pressed", this, "_menu_confirm"); nd = memnew(EditorNameDialog); add_child(nd); nd->set_hide_on_ok(true); nd->get_line_edit()->set_margin(MARGIN_TOP, 28); nd->connect("name_confirmed", this, "_name_dialog_confirm"); err_dialog = memnew(AcceptDialog); add_child(err_dialog); err_dialog->set_title(TTR("Error")); } void TileSetEditorPlugin::edit(Object *p_node) { if (Object::cast_to<TileSet>(p_node)) { tileset_editor->edit(Object::cast_to<TileSet>(p_node)); tileset_editor->show(); autotile_editor->edit(p_node); } else tileset_editor->hide(); } bool TileSetEditorPlugin::handles(Object *p_node) const { return p_node->is_class("TileSet"); } void TileSetEditorPlugin::make_visible(bool p_visible) { if (p_visible) { tileset_editor->show(); tileset_editor->menu->show(); autotile_button->show(); autotile_editor->side_panel->show(); if (autotile_button->is_pressed()) { autotile_editor->show(); } } else { tileset_editor->hide(); tileset_editor->menu->hide(); autotile_editor->side_panel->hide(); autotile_editor->hide(); autotile_button->hide(); } } TileSetEditorPlugin::TileSetEditorPlugin(EditorNode *p_node) { tileset_editor = memnew(TileSetEditor(p_node)); add_control_to_container(CONTAINER_CANVAS_EDITOR_MENU, tileset_editor); tileset_editor->set_anchors_and_margins_preset(Control::PRESET_TOP_WIDE); tileset_editor->set_end(Point2(0, 22)); tileset_editor->hide(); autotile_editor = memnew(AutotileEditor(p_node)); add_control_to_container(CONTAINER_CANVAS_EDITOR_SIDE, autotile_editor->side_panel); autotile_editor->side_panel->set_anchors_and_margins_preset(Control::PRESET_WIDE); autotile_editor->side_panel->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(200, 0)); autotile_editor->side_panel->hide(); autotile_button = p_node->add_bottom_panel_item(TTR("Autotiles"), autotile_editor); autotile_button->hide(); } AutotileEditor::AutotileEditor(EditorNode *p_editor) { editor = p_editor; //Side Panel side_panel = memnew(Control); side_panel->set_name("Autotiles"); VSplitContainer *split = memnew(VSplitContainer); side_panel->add_child(split); split->set_anchors_and_margins_preset(Control::PRESET_WIDE); autotile_list = memnew(ItemList); autotile_list->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); autotile_list->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); autotile_list->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(10, 200)); autotile_list->connect("item_selected", this, "_on_autotile_selected"); split->add_child(autotile_list); property_editor = memnew(PropertyEditor); property_editor->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); property_editor->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); property_editor->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(10, 70)); split->add_child(property_editor); helper = memnew(AutotileEditorHelper(this)); property_editor->call_deferred("edit", helper); //Editor dragging_point = -1; creating_shape = false; snap_step = Vector2(32, 32); set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(0, 150)); VBoxContainer *main_vb = memnew(VBoxContainer); add_child(main_vb); main_vb->set_anchors_and_margins_preset(Control::PRESET_WIDE); HBoxContainer *tool_hb = memnew(HBoxContainer); Ref<ButtonGroup> g(memnew(ButtonGroup)); String label[EDITMODE_MAX] = { "Icon", "Bitmask", "Collision", "Occlusion", "Navigation", "Priority" }; for (int i = 0; i < (int)EDITMODE_MAX; i++) { tool_editmode[i] = memnew(Button); tool_editmode[i]->set_text(label[i]); tool_editmode[i]->set_toggle_mode(true); tool_editmode[i]->set_button_group(g); Vector<Variant> args; args.push_back(i); tool_editmode[i]->connect("pressed", this, "_on_edit_mode_changed", args); tool_hb->add_child(tool_editmode[i]); } tool_editmode[EDITMODE_ICON]->set_pressed(true); main_vb->add_child(tool_hb); main_vb->add_child(memnew(HSeparator)); toolbar = memnew(HBoxContainer); for (int i = 0; i < (int)TOOLBAR_MAX; i++) { tool_containers[i] = memnew(HBoxContainer); toolbar->add_child(tool_containers[i]); tool_containers[i]->hide(); } Ref<ButtonGroup> tg(memnew(ButtonGroup)); tools[TOOL_SELECT] = memnew(ToolButton); tool_containers[TOOLBAR_DUMMY]->add_child(tools[TOOL_SELECT]); tools[TOOL_SELECT]->set_tooltip(TTR("Select sub-tile to use as icon, this will be also used on invalid autotile bindings.")); tools[TOOL_SELECT]->set_toggle_mode(true); tools[TOOL_SELECT]->set_button_group(tg); tools[TOOL_SELECT]->set_pressed(true); tool_containers[TOOLBAR_DUMMY]->show(); Vector<Variant> p; tools[BITMASK_COPY] = memnew(ToolButton); p.push_back((int)BITMASK_COPY); tools[BITMASK_COPY]->connect("pressed", this, "_on_tool_clicked", p); tool_containers[TOOLBAR_BITMASK]->add_child(tools[BITMASK_COPY]); tools[BITMASK_PASTE] = memnew(ToolButton); p = Vector<Variant>(); p.push_back((int)BITMASK_PASTE); tools[BITMASK_PASTE]->connect("pressed", this, "_on_tool_clicked", p); tool_containers[TOOLBAR_BITMASK]->add_child(tools[BITMASK_PASTE]); tools[BITMASK_CLEAR] = memnew(ToolButton); p = Vector<Variant>(); p.push_back((int)BITMASK_CLEAR); tools[BITMASK_CLEAR]->connect("pressed", this, "_on_tool_clicked", p); tool_containers[TOOLBAR_BITMASK]->add_child(tools[BITMASK_CLEAR]); tools[SHAPE_NEW_POLYGON] = memnew(ToolButton); tool_containers[TOOLBAR_SHAPE]->add_child(tools[SHAPE_NEW_POLYGON]); tools[SHAPE_NEW_POLYGON]->set_toggle_mode(true); tools[SHAPE_NEW_POLYGON]->set_button_group(tg); tool_containers[TOOLBAR_SHAPE]->add_child(memnew(VSeparator)); tools[SHAPE_DELETE] = memnew(ToolButton); p = Vector<Variant>(); p.push_back((int)SHAPE_DELETE); tools[SHAPE_DELETE]->connect("pressed", this, "_on_tool_clicked", p); tool_containers[TOOLBAR_SHAPE]->add_child(tools[SHAPE_DELETE]); tool_containers[TOOLBAR_SHAPE]->add_child(memnew(VSeparator)); tools[SHAPE_KEEP_INSIDE_TILE] = memnew(ToolButton); tools[SHAPE_KEEP_INSIDE_TILE]->set_toggle_mode(true); tools[SHAPE_KEEP_INSIDE_TILE]->set_pressed(true); tool_containers[TOOLBAR_SHAPE]->add_child(tools[SHAPE_KEEP_INSIDE_TILE]); tools[SHAPE_GRID_SNAP] = memnew(ToolButton); tools[SHAPE_GRID_SNAP]->set_toggle_mode(true); tools[SHAPE_GRID_SNAP]->connect("toggled", this, "_on_grid_snap_toggled"); tool_containers[TOOLBAR_SHAPE]->add_child(tools[SHAPE_GRID_SNAP]); hb_grid = memnew(HBoxContainer); tool_containers[TOOLBAR_SHAPE]->add_child(hb_grid); hb_grid->add_child(memnew(VSeparator)); hb_grid->add_child(memnew(Label(TTR("Offset:")))); sb_off_x = memnew(SpinBox); sb_off_x->set_min(-256); sb_off_x->set_max(256); sb_off_x->set_step(1); sb_off_x->set_value(snap_offset.x); sb_off_x->set_suffix("px"); sb_off_x->connect("value_changed", this, "_set_snap_off_x"); hb_grid->add_child(sb_off_x); sb_off_y = memnew(SpinBox); sb_off_y->set_min(-256); sb_off_y->set_max(256); sb_off_y->set_step(1); sb_off_y->set_value(snap_offset.y); sb_off_y->set_suffix("px"); sb_off_y->connect("value_changed", this, "_set_snap_off_y"); hb_grid->add_child(sb_off_y); hb_grid->add_child(memnew(VSeparator)); hb_grid->add_child(memnew(Label(TTR("Step:")))); sb_step_x = memnew(SpinBox); sb_step_x->set_min(-256); sb_step_x->set_max(256); sb_step_x->set_step(1); sb_step_x->set_value(snap_step.x); sb_step_x->set_suffix("px"); sb_step_x->connect("value_changed", this, "_set_snap_step_x"); hb_grid->add_child(sb_step_x); sb_step_y = memnew(SpinBox); sb_step_y->set_min(-256); sb_step_y->set_max(256); sb_step_y->set_step(1); sb_step_y->set_value(snap_step.y); sb_step_y->set_suffix("px"); sb_step_y->connect("value_changed", this, "_set_snap_step_y"); hb_grid->add_child(sb_step_y); hb_grid->add_child(memnew(VSeparator)); hb_grid->add_child(memnew(Label(TTR("Separation:")))); sb_sep_x = memnew(SpinBox); sb_sep_x->set_min(0); sb_sep_x->set_max(256); sb_sep_x->set_step(1); sb_sep_x->set_value(snap_separation.x); sb_sep_x->set_suffix("px"); sb_sep_x->connect("value_changed", this, "_set_snap_sep_x"); hb_grid->add_child(sb_sep_x); sb_sep_y = memnew(SpinBox); sb_sep_y->set_min(0); sb_sep_y->set_max(256); sb_sep_y->set_step(1); sb_sep_y->set_value(snap_separation.y); sb_sep_y->set_suffix("px"); sb_sep_y->connect("value_changed", this, "_set_snap_sep_y"); hb_grid->add_child(sb_sep_y); hb_grid->hide(); spin_priority = memnew(SpinBox); spin_priority->set_min(1); spin_priority->set_max(255); spin_priority->set_step(1); spin_priority->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(100, 0)); spin_priority->connect("value_changed", this, "_on_priority_changed"); spin_priority->hide(); toolbar->add_child(spin_priority); Control *separator = memnew(Control); separator->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); toolbar->add_child(separator); tools[ZOOM_OUT] = memnew(ToolButton); p = Vector<Variant>(); p.push_back((int)ZOOM_OUT); tools[ZOOM_OUT]->connect("pressed", this, "_on_tool_clicked", p); toolbar->add_child(tools[ZOOM_OUT]); tools[ZOOM_1] = memnew(ToolButton); p = Vector<Variant>(); p.push_back((int)ZOOM_1); tools[ZOOM_1]->connect("pressed", this, "_on_tool_clicked", p); toolbar->add_child(tools[ZOOM_1]); tools[ZOOM_IN] = memnew(ToolButton); p = Vector<Variant>(); p.push_back((int)ZOOM_IN); tools[ZOOM_IN]->connect("pressed", this, "_on_tool_clicked", p); toolbar->add_child(tools[ZOOM_IN]); main_vb->add_child(toolbar); scroll = memnew(ScrollContainer); main_vb->add_child(scroll); scroll->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); workspace_container = memnew(Control); scroll->add_child(workspace_container); workspace = memnew(Control); workspace->connect("draw", this, "_on_workspace_draw"); workspace->connect("gui_input", this, "_on_workspace_input"); workspace_container->add_child(workspace); preview = memnew(Sprite); workspace->add_child(preview); preview->set_centered(false); preview->set_draw_behind_parent(true); preview->set_region(true); } AutotileEditor::~AutotileEditor() { memdelete(helper); } void AutotileEditor::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method("_on_autotile_selected", &AutotileEditor::_on_autotile_selected); ClassDB::bind_method("_on_edit_mode_changed", &AutotileEditor::_on_edit_mode_changed); ClassDB::bind_method("_on_workspace_draw", &AutotileEditor::_on_workspace_draw); ClassDB::bind_method("_on_workspace_input", &AutotileEditor::_on_workspace_input); ClassDB::bind_method("_on_tool_clicked", &AutotileEditor::_on_tool_clicked); ClassDB::bind_method("_on_priority_changed", &AutotileEditor::_on_priority_changed); ClassDB::bind_method("_on_grid_snap_toggled", &AutotileEditor::_on_grid_snap_toggled); ClassDB::bind_method("_set_snap_step_x", &AutotileEditor::_set_snap_step_x); ClassDB::bind_method("_set_snap_step_y", &AutotileEditor::_set_snap_step_y); ClassDB::bind_method("_set_snap_off_x", &AutotileEditor::_set_snap_off_x); ClassDB::bind_method("_set_snap_off_y", &AutotileEditor::_set_snap_off_y); ClassDB::bind_method("_set_snap_sep_x", &AutotileEditor::_set_snap_sep_x); ClassDB::bind_method("_set_snap_sep_y", &AutotileEditor::_set_snap_sep_y); } void AutotileEditor::_notification(int p_what) { if (p_what == NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE) { tools[TOOL_SELECT]->set_icon(get_icon("ToolSelect", "EditorIcons")); tools[BITMASK_COPY]->set_icon(get_icon("Duplicate", "EditorIcons")); tools[BITMASK_PASTE]->set_icon(get_icon("Override", "EditorIcons")); tools[BITMASK_CLEAR]->set_icon(get_icon("Clear", "EditorIcons")); tools[SHAPE_NEW_POLYGON]->set_icon(get_icon("CollisionPolygon2D", "EditorIcons")); tools[SHAPE_DELETE]->set_icon(get_icon("Remove", "EditorIcons")); tools[SHAPE_KEEP_INSIDE_TILE]->set_icon(get_icon("Snap", "EditorIcons")); tools[SHAPE_GRID_SNAP]->set_icon(get_icon("SnapGrid", "EditorIcons")); tools[ZOOM_OUT]->set_icon(get_icon("ZoomLess", "EditorIcons")); tools[ZOOM_1]->set_icon(get_icon("ZoomReset", "EditorIcons")); tools[ZOOM_IN]->set_icon(get_icon("ZoomMore", "EditorIcons")); } } void AutotileEditor::_changed_callback(Object *p_changed, const char *p_prop) { if (p_prop == StringName("texture") || p_prop == StringName("is_autotile")) { edit(tile_set.ptr()); autotile_list->update(); workspace->update(); } } void AutotileEditor::_on_autotile_selected(int p_index) { if (get_current_tile() >= 0) { current_item_index = p_index; preview->set_texture(tile_set->tile_get_texture(get_current_tile())); preview->set_region_rect(tile_set->tile_get_region(get_current_tile())); workspace->set_custom_minimum_size(tile_set->tile_get_region(get_current_tile()).size); } else { current_item_index = -1; preview->set_texture(NULL); workspace->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2i()); } helper->_change_notify(""); workspace->update(); } void AutotileEditor::_on_edit_mode_changed(int p_edit_mode) { edit_mode = (EditMode)p_edit_mode; switch (edit_mode) { case EDITMODE_BITMASK: { tool_containers[TOOLBAR_DUMMY]->show(); tool_containers[TOOLBAR_BITMASK]->show(); tool_containers[TOOLBAR_SHAPE]->hide(); tools[TOOL_SELECT]->set_pressed(true); tools[TOOL_SELECT]->set_tooltip(TTR("LMB: set bit on.\nRMB: set bit off.")); spin_priority->hide(); } break; case EDITMODE_COLLISION: case EDITMODE_NAVIGATION: case EDITMODE_OCCLUSION: { tool_containers[TOOLBAR_DUMMY]->show(); tool_containers[TOOLBAR_BITMASK]->hide(); tool_containers[TOOLBAR_SHAPE]->show(); tools[TOOL_SELECT]->set_tooltip(TTR("Select current edited sub-tile.")); spin_priority->hide(); current_shape = PoolVector2Array(); select_coord(edited_shape_coord); } break; default: { tool_containers[TOOLBAR_DUMMY]->show(); tool_containers[TOOLBAR_BITMASK]->hide(); tool_containers[TOOLBAR_SHAPE]->hide(); if (edit_mode == EDITMODE_ICON) { tools[TOOL_SELECT]->set_tooltip(TTR("Select sub-tile to use as icon, this will be also used on invalid autotile bindings.")); spin_priority->hide(); } else { tools[TOOL_SELECT]->set_tooltip(TTR("Select sub-tile to change its priority.")); spin_priority->show(); } } break; } workspace->update(); } void AutotileEditor::_on_workspace_draw() { if (get_current_tile() >= 0 && !tile_set.is_null()) { int spacing = tile_set->autotile_get_spacing(get_current_tile()); Vector2 size = tile_set->autotile_get_size(get_current_tile()); Rect2i region = tile_set->tile_get_region(get_current_tile()); Color c(0.347214, 0.722656, 0.617063); switch (edit_mode) { case EDITMODE_ICON: { Vector2 coord = tile_set->autotile_get_icon_coordinate(get_current_tile()); draw_highlight_tile(coord); } break; case EDITMODE_BITMASK: { c = Color(1, 0, 0, 0.5); for (float x = 0; x < region.size.x / (spacing + size.x); x++) { for (float y = 0; y < region.size.y / (spacing + size.y); y++) { Vector2 coord(x, y); Point2 anchor(coord.x * (spacing + size.x), coord.y * (spacing + size.y)); uint16_t mask = tile_set->autotile_get_bitmask(get_current_tile(), coord); if (tile_set->autotile_get_bitmask_mode(get_current_tile()) == TileSet::BITMASK_2X2) { if (mask & TileSet::BIND_TOPLEFT) { workspace->draw_rect(Rect2(anchor, size / 2), c); } if (mask & TileSet::BIND_TOPRIGHT) { workspace->draw_rect(Rect2(anchor + Vector2(size.x / 2, 0), size / 2), c); } if (mask & TileSet::BIND_BOTTOMLEFT) { workspace->draw_rect(Rect2(anchor + Vector2(0, size.y / 2), size / 2), c); } if (mask & TileSet::BIND_BOTTOMRIGHT) { workspace->draw_rect(Rect2(anchor + size / 2, size / 2), c); } } else if (tile_set->autotile_get_bitmask_mode(get_current_tile()) == TileSet::BITMASK_3X3) { if (mask & TileSet::BIND_TOPLEFT) { workspace->draw_rect(Rect2(anchor, size / 3), c); } if (mask & TileSet::BIND_TOP) { workspace->draw_rect(Rect2(anchor + Vector2(size.x / 3, 0), size / 3), c); } if (mask & TileSet::BIND_TOPRIGHT) { workspace->draw_rect(Rect2(anchor + Vector2((size.x / 3) * 2, 0), size / 3), c); } if (mask & TileSet::BIND_LEFT) { workspace->draw_rect(Rect2(anchor + Vector2(0, size.y / 3), size / 3), c); } if (mask & TileSet::BIND_CENTER) { workspace->draw_rect(Rect2(anchor + Vector2(size.x / 3, size.y / 3), size / 3), c); } if (mask & TileSet::BIND_RIGHT) { workspace->draw_rect(Rect2(anchor + Vector2((size.x / 3) * 2, size.y / 3), size / 3), c); } if (mask & TileSet::BIND_BOTTOMLEFT) { workspace->draw_rect(Rect2(anchor + Vector2(0, (size.y / 3) * 2), size / 3), c); } if (mask & TileSet::BIND_BOTTOM) { workspace->draw_rect(Rect2(anchor + Vector2(size.x / 3, (size.y / 3) * 2), size / 3), c); } if (mask & TileSet::BIND_BOTTOMRIGHT) { workspace->draw_rect(Rect2(anchor + (size / 3) * 2, size / 3), c); } } } } } break; case EDITMODE_COLLISION: case EDITMODE_OCCLUSION: case EDITMODE_NAVIGATION: { Vector2 coord = edited_shape_coord; draw_highlight_tile(coord); draw_polygon_shapes(); draw_grid_snap(); } break; case EDITMODE_PRIORITY: { spin_priority->set_value(tile_set->autotile_get_subtile_priority(get_current_tile(), edited_shape_coord)); uint16_t mask = tile_set->autotile_get_bitmask(get_current_tile(), edited_shape_coord); Vector<Vector2> queue_others; int total = 0; for (Map<Vector2, uint16_t>::Element *E = tile_set->autotile_get_bitmask_map(get_current_tile()).front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->value() == mask) { total += tile_set->autotile_get_subtile_priority(get_current_tile(), E->key()); if (E->key() != edited_shape_coord) { queue_others.push_back(E->key()); } } } spin_priority->set_suffix(" / " + String::num(total, 0)); draw_highlight_tile(edited_shape_coord, queue_others); } break; } float j = -size.x; //make sure to draw at 0 while (j < region.size.x) { j += size.x; if (spacing <= 0) { workspace->draw_line(Point2(j, 0), Point2(j, region.size.y), c); } else { workspace->draw_rect(Rect2(Point2(j, 0), Size2(spacing, region.size.y)), c); } j += spacing; } j = -size.y; //make sure to draw at 0 while (j < region.size.y) { j += size.y; if (spacing <= 0) { workspace->draw_line(Point2(0, j), Point2(region.size.x, j), c); } else { workspace->draw_rect(Rect2(Point2(0, j), Size2(region.size.x, spacing)), c); } j += spacing; } } } #define MIN_DISTANCE_SQUARED 10 void AutotileEditor::_on_workspace_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_ie) { if (get_current_tile() >= 0 && !tile_set.is_null()) { Ref<InputEventMouseButton> mb = p_ie; Ref<InputEventMouseMotion> mm = p_ie; static bool dragging; static bool erasing; int spacing = tile_set->autotile_get_spacing(get_current_tile()); Vector2 size = tile_set->autotile_get_size(get_current_tile()); switch (edit_mode) { case EDITMODE_ICON: { if (mb.is_valid()) { if (mb->is_pressed() && mb->get_button_index() == BUTTON_LEFT) { Vector2 coord((int)(mb->get_position().x / (spacing + size.x)), (int)(mb->get_position().y / (spacing + size.y))); tile_set->autotile_set_icon_coordinate(get_current_tile(), coord); Rect2 region = tile_set->tile_get_region(get_current_tile()); region.size = size; coord.x *= (spacing + size.x); coord.y *= (spacing + size.y); region.position += coord; autotile_list->set_item_icon_region(current_item_index, region); workspace->update(); } } } break; case EDITMODE_BITMASK: { if (mb.is_valid()) { if (mb->is_pressed()) { if (dragging) { return; } if (mb->get_button_index() == BUTTON_RIGHT || mb->get_button_index() == BUTTON_LEFT) { dragging = true; erasing = (mb->get_button_index() == BUTTON_RIGHT); Vector2 coord((int)(mb->get_position().x / (spacing + size.x)), (int)(mb->get_position().y / (spacing + size.y))); Vector2 pos(coord.x * (spacing + size.x), coord.y * (spacing + size.y)); pos = mb->get_position() - pos; uint16_t bit; if (tile_set->autotile_get_bitmask_mode(get_current_tile()) == TileSet::BITMASK_2X2) { if (pos.x < size.x / 2) { if (pos.y < size.y / 2) { bit = TileSet::BIND_TOPLEFT; } else { bit = TileSet::BIND_BOTTOMLEFT; } } else { if (pos.y < size.y / 2) { bit = TileSet::BIND_TOPRIGHT; } else { bit = TileSet::BIND_BOTTOMRIGHT; } } } else if (tile_set->autotile_get_bitmask_mode(get_current_tile()) == TileSet::BITMASK_3X3) { if (pos.x < size.x / 3) { if (pos.y < size.y / 3) { bit = TileSet::BIND_TOPLEFT; } else if (pos.y > (size.y / 3) * 2) { bit = TileSet::BIND_BOTTOMLEFT; } else { bit = TileSet::BIND_LEFT; } } else if (pos.x > (size.x / 3) * 2) { if (pos.y < size.y / 3) { bit = TileSet::BIND_TOPRIGHT; } else if (pos.y > (size.y / 3) * 2) { bit = TileSet::BIND_BOTTOMRIGHT; } else { bit = TileSet::BIND_RIGHT; } } else { if (pos.y < size.y / 3) { bit = TileSet::BIND_TOP; } else if (pos.y > (size.y / 3) * 2) { bit = TileSet::BIND_BOTTOM; } else { bit = TileSet::BIND_CENTER; } } } uint16_t mask = tile_set->autotile_get_bitmask(get_current_tile(), coord); if (erasing) { mask &= ~bit; } else { mask |= bit; } tile_set->autotile_set_bitmask(get_current_tile(), coord, mask); workspace->update(); } } else { if ((erasing && mb->get_button_index() == BUTTON_RIGHT) || (!erasing && mb->get_button_index() == BUTTON_LEFT)) { dragging = false; erasing = false; } } } if (mm.is_valid()) { if (dragging) { Vector2 coord((int)(mm->get_position().x / (spacing + size.x)), (int)(mm->get_position().y / (spacing + size.y))); Vector2 pos(coord.x * (spacing + size.x), coord.y * (spacing + size.y)); pos = mm->get_position() - pos; uint16_t bit; if (tile_set->autotile_get_bitmask_mode(get_current_tile()) == TileSet::BITMASK_2X2) { if (pos.x < size.x / 2) { if (pos.y < size.y / 2) { bit = TileSet::BIND_TOPLEFT; } else { bit = TileSet::BIND_BOTTOMLEFT; } } else { if (pos.y < size.y / 2) { bit = TileSet::BIND_TOPRIGHT; } else { bit = TileSet::BIND_BOTTOMRIGHT; } } } else if (tile_set->autotile_get_bitmask_mode(get_current_tile()) == TileSet::BITMASK_3X3) { if (pos.x < size.x / 3) { if (pos.y < size.y / 3) { bit = TileSet::BIND_TOPLEFT; } else if (pos.y > (size.y / 3) * 2) { bit = TileSet::BIND_BOTTOMLEFT; } else { bit = TileSet::BIND_LEFT; } } else if (pos.x > (size.x / 3) * 2) { if (pos.y < size.y / 3) { bit = TileSet::BIND_TOPRIGHT; } else if (pos.y > (size.y / 3) * 2) { bit = TileSet::BIND_BOTTOMRIGHT; } else { bit = TileSet::BIND_RIGHT; } } else { if (pos.y < size.y / 3) { bit = TileSet::BIND_TOP; } else if (pos.y > (size.y / 3) * 2) { bit = TileSet::BIND_BOTTOM; } else { bit = TileSet::BIND_CENTER; } } } uint16_t mask = tile_set->autotile_get_bitmask(get_current_tile(), coord); if (erasing) { mask &= ~bit; } else { mask |= bit; } tile_set->autotile_set_bitmask(get_current_tile(), coord, mask); workspace->update(); } } } break; case EDITMODE_COLLISION: case EDITMODE_OCCLUSION: case EDITMODE_NAVIGATION: case EDITMODE_PRIORITY: { Vector2 shape_anchor = edited_shape_coord; shape_anchor.x *= (size.x + spacing); shape_anchor.y *= (size.y + spacing); if (tools[TOOL_SELECT]->is_pressed()) { if (mb.is_valid()) { if (mb->is_pressed() && mb->get_button_index() == BUTTON_LEFT) { if (edit_mode != EDITMODE_PRIORITY && current_shape.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < current_shape.size(); i++) { if ((current_shape[i] - mb->get_position()).length_squared() <= MIN_DISTANCE_SQUARED) { dragging_point = i; workspace->update(); return; } } } Vector2 coord((int)(mb->get_position().x / (spacing + size.x)), (int)(mb->get_position().y / (spacing + size.y))); if (edited_shape_coord != coord) { edited_shape_coord = coord; edited_occlusion_shape = tile_set->autotile_get_light_occluder(get_current_tile(), edited_shape_coord); edited_navigation_shape = tile_set->autotile_get_navigation_polygon(get_current_tile(), edited_shape_coord); Vector<TileSet::ShapeData> sd = tile_set->tile_get_shapes(get_current_tile()); bool found_collision_shape = false; for (int i = 0; i < sd.size(); i++) { if (sd[i].autotile_coord == coord) { edited_collision_shape = sd[i].shape; found_collision_shape = true; break; } } if (!found_collision_shape) edited_collision_shape = Ref<ConvexPolygonShape2D>(NULL); select_coord(edited_shape_coord); } workspace->update(); } else if (!mb->is_pressed() && mb->get_button_index() == BUTTON_LEFT) { if (edit_mode == EDITMODE_COLLISION) { if (dragging_point >= 0) { dragging_point = -1; Vector<Vector2> points; for (int i = 0; i < current_shape.size(); i++) { Vector2 p = current_shape[i]; if (tools[SHAPE_GRID_SNAP]->is_pressed() || tools[SHAPE_KEEP_INSIDE_TILE]->is_pressed()) { p = snap_point(p); } points.push_back(p - shape_anchor); } edited_collision_shape->set_points(points); workspace->update(); } } else if (edit_mode == EDITMODE_OCCLUSION) { if (dragging_point >= 0) { dragging_point = -1; PoolVector<Vector2> polygon; polygon.resize(current_shape.size()); PoolVector<Vector2>::Write w = polygon.write(); for (int i = 0; i < current_shape.size(); i++) { w[i] = current_shape[i] - shape_anchor; } w = PoolVector<Vector2>::Write(); edited_occlusion_shape->set_polygon(polygon); workspace->update(); } } else if (edit_mode == EDITMODE_NAVIGATION) { if (dragging_point >= 0) { dragging_point = -1; PoolVector<Vector2> polygon; Vector<int> indices; polygon.resize(current_shape.size()); PoolVector<Vector2>::Write w = polygon.write(); for (int i = 0; i < current_shape.size(); i++) { w[i] = current_shape[i] - shape_anchor; indices.push_back(i); } w = PoolVector<Vector2>::Write(); edited_navigation_shape->set_vertices(polygon); edited_navigation_shape->add_polygon(indices); workspace->update(); } } } } else if (mm.is_valid()) { if (dragging_point >= 0) { current_shape.set(dragging_point, snap_point(mm->get_position())); workspace->update(); } } } else if (tools[SHAPE_NEW_POLYGON]->is_pressed()) { if (mb.is_valid()) { if (mb->is_pressed() && mb->get_button_index() == BUTTON_LEFT) { Vector2 pos = mb->get_position(); pos = snap_point(pos); if (creating_shape) { if (current_shape.size() > 0) { if ((pos - current_shape[0]).length_squared() <= MIN_DISTANCE_SQUARED) { if (current_shape.size() > 2) { close_shape(shape_anchor); workspace->update(); return; } } } current_shape.push_back(pos); workspace->update(); } else { int t_id = get_current_tile(); if (t_id >= 0) { if (edit_mode == EDITMODE_COLLISION) { Vector<TileSet::ShapeData> sd = tile_set->tile_get_shapes(t_id); for (int i = 0; i < sd.size(); i++) { if (sd[i].autotile_coord == edited_shape_coord) { Ref<ConvexPolygonShape2D> shape = sd[i].shape; if (!shape.is_null()) { sd.remove(i); tile_set->tile_set_shapes(get_current_tile(), sd); edited_collision_shape = Ref<Shape2D>(); workspace->update(); } break; } } } else if (edit_mode == EDITMODE_OCCLUSION) { Map<Vector2, Ref<OccluderPolygon2D> > map = tile_set->autotile_get_light_oclusion_map(t_id); for (Map<Vector2, Ref<OccluderPolygon2D> >::Element *E = map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->key() == edited_shape_coord) { tile_set->autotile_set_light_occluder(get_current_tile(), Ref<OccluderPolygon2D>(), edited_shape_coord); break; } } edited_occlusion_shape = Ref<OccluderPolygon2D>(); workspace->update(); } else if (edit_mode == EDITMODE_NAVIGATION) { Map<Vector2, Ref<NavigationPolygon> > map = tile_set->autotile_get_navigation_map(t_id); for (Map<Vector2, Ref<NavigationPolygon> >::Element *E = map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->key() == edited_shape_coord) { tile_set->autotile_set_navigation_polygon(t_id, Ref<NavigationPolygon>(), edited_shape_coord); break; } } edited_navigation_shape = Ref<NavigationPolygon>(); workspace->update(); } } creating_shape = true; current_shape.resize(0); current_shape.push_back(snap_point(pos)); } } else if (mb->is_pressed() && mb->get_button_index() == BUTTON_RIGHT && current_shape.size() > 2) { if (creating_shape) { close_shape(shape_anchor); } } } else if (mm.is_valid()) { if (creating_shape) { workspace->update(); } } } } break; } //Drag Middle Mouse if (mm.is_valid()) { if (mm->get_button_mask() & BUTTON_MASK_MIDDLE) { Vector2 dragged(mm->get_relative().x, mm->get_relative().y); scroll->set_h_scroll(scroll->get_h_scroll() - dragged.x * workspace->get_scale().x); scroll->set_v_scroll(scroll->get_v_scroll() - dragged.y * workspace->get_scale().x); } } } } void AutotileEditor::_on_tool_clicked(int p_tool) { if (p_tool == BITMASK_COPY) { bitmask_map_copy = tile_set->autotile_get_bitmask_map(get_current_tile()); } else if (p_tool == BITMASK_PASTE) { tile_set->autotile_clear_bitmask_map(get_current_tile()); for (Map<Vector2, uint16_t>::Element *E = bitmask_map_copy.front(); E; E = E->next()) { tile_set->autotile_set_bitmask(get_current_tile(), E->key(), E->value()); } workspace->update(); } else if (p_tool == BITMASK_CLEAR) { tile_set->autotile_clear_bitmask_map(get_current_tile()); workspace->update(); } else if (p_tool == SHAPE_DELETE) { if (creating_shape) { creating_shape = false; current_shape.resize(0); workspace->update(); } else { switch (edit_mode) { case EDITMODE_COLLISION: { if (!edited_collision_shape.is_null()) { Vector<TileSet::ShapeData> sd = tile_set->tile_get_shapes(get_current_tile()); int index; for (int i = 0; i < sd.size(); i++) { if (sd[i].shape == edited_collision_shape) { index = i; break; } } if (index >= 0) { sd.remove(index); tile_set->tile_set_shapes(get_current_tile(), sd); edited_collision_shape = Ref<Shape2D>(); current_shape.resize(0); workspace->update(); } } } break; case EDITMODE_NAVIGATION: { if (!edited_navigation_shape.is_null()) { tile_set->autotile_set_navigation_polygon(get_current_tile(), Ref<NavigationPolygon>(), edited_shape_coord); edited_navigation_shape = Ref<NavigationPolygon>(); current_shape.resize(0); workspace->update(); } } break; case EDITMODE_OCCLUSION: { if (!edited_occlusion_shape.is_null()) { tile_set->autotile_set_light_occluder(get_current_tile(), Ref<OccluderPolygon2D>(), edited_shape_coord); edited_occlusion_shape = Ref<OccluderPolygon2D>(); current_shape.resize(0); workspace->update(); } } break; } } } else if (p_tool == ZOOM_OUT) { float scale = workspace->get_scale().x; if (scale > 0.1) { scale /= 2; workspace->set_scale(Vector2(scale, scale)); workspace_container->set_custom_minimum_size(preview->get_region_rect().size * scale); } } else if (p_tool == ZOOM_1) { workspace->set_scale(Vector2(1, 1)); workspace_container->set_custom_minimum_size(preview->get_region_rect().size); } else if (p_tool == ZOOM_IN) { float scale = workspace->get_scale().x; scale *= 2; workspace->set_scale(Vector2(scale, scale)); workspace_container->set_custom_minimum_size(preview->get_region_rect().size * scale); } } void AutotileEditor::_on_priority_changed(float val) { tile_set->autotile_set_subtile_priority(get_current_tile(), edited_shape_coord, (int)val); workspace->update(); } void AutotileEditor::_on_grid_snap_toggled(bool p_val) { if (p_val) hb_grid->show(); else hb_grid->hide(); workspace->update(); } void AutotileEditor::_set_snap_step_x(float p_val) { snap_step.x = p_val; workspace->update(); } void AutotileEditor::_set_snap_step_y(float p_val) { snap_step.y = p_val; workspace->update(); } void AutotileEditor::_set_snap_off_x(float p_val) { snap_offset.x = p_val; workspace->update(); } void AutotileEditor::_set_snap_off_y(float p_val) { snap_offset.y = p_val; workspace->update(); } void AutotileEditor::_set_snap_sep_x(float p_val) { snap_separation.x = p_val; workspace->update(); } void AutotileEditor::_set_snap_sep_y(float p_val) { snap_separation.y = p_val; workspace->update(); } void AutotileEditor::draw_highlight_tile(Vector2 coord, const Vector<Vector2> &other_highlighted) { Vector2 size = tile_set->autotile_get_size(get_current_tile()); int spacing = tile_set->autotile_get_spacing(get_current_tile()); Rect2 region = tile_set->tile_get_region(get_current_tile()); coord.x *= (size.x + spacing); coord.y *= (size.y + spacing); workspace->draw_rect(Rect2(0, 0, region.size.x, coord.y), Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)); workspace->draw_rect(Rect2(0, coord.y, coord.x, size.y), Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)); workspace->draw_rect(Rect2(coord.x + size.x, coord.y, region.size.x - coord.x - size.x, size.y), Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)); workspace->draw_rect(Rect2(0, coord.y + size.y, region.size.x, region.size.y - size.y - coord.y), Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)); coord += Vector2(1, 1) / workspace->get_scale().x; workspace->draw_rect(Rect2(coord, size - Vector2(2, 2) / workspace->get_scale().x), Color(1, 0, 0), false); for (int i = 0; i < other_highlighted.size(); i++) { coord = other_highlighted[i]; coord.x *= (size.x + spacing); coord.y *= (size.y + spacing); coord += Vector2(1, 1) / workspace->get_scale().x; workspace->draw_rect(Rect2(coord, size - Vector2(2, 2) / workspace->get_scale().x), Color(1, 0, 0), false); } } void AutotileEditor::draw_grid_snap() { if (tools[SHAPE_GRID_SNAP]->is_pressed()) { Color grid_color = Color(0.39, 0, 1, 0.2f); Size2 s = workspace->get_size(); int width_count = (int)(s.width / (snap_step.x + snap_separation.x)); int height_count = (int)(s.height / (snap_step.y + snap_separation.y)); if (snap_step.x != 0) { int last_p = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= width_count; i++) { if (i == 0 && snap_offset.x != 0) { last_p = snap_offset.x; } if (snap_separation.x != 0 && i != 0) { workspace->draw_rect(Rect2(last_p, 0, snap_separation.x, s.height), grid_color); last_p += snap_separation.x; } else workspace->draw_line(Point2(last_p, 0), Point2(last_p, s.height), grid_color); last_p += snap_step.x; } } if (snap_step.y != 0) { int last_p = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= height_count; i++) { if (i == 0 && snap_offset.y != 0) { last_p = snap_offset.y; } if (snap_separation.x != 0 && i != 0) { workspace->draw_rect(Rect2(0, last_p, s.width, snap_separation.y), grid_color); last_p += snap_separation.y; } else workspace->draw_line(Point2(0, last_p), Point2(s.width, last_p), grid_color); last_p += snap_step.y; } } } } void AutotileEditor::draw_polygon_shapes() { int t_id = get_current_tile(); if (t_id < 0) return; switch (edit_mode) { case EDITMODE_COLLISION: { Vector<TileSet::ShapeData> sd = tile_set->tile_get_shapes(t_id); for (int i = 0; i < sd.size(); i++) { Vector2 coord = sd[i].autotile_coord; Vector2 anchor = tile_set->autotile_get_size(t_id); anchor.x += tile_set->autotile_get_spacing(t_id); anchor.y += tile_set->autotile_get_spacing(t_id); anchor.x *= coord.x; anchor.y *= coord.y; Ref<ConvexPolygonShape2D> shape = sd[i].shape; if (shape.is_valid()) { Color c_bg; Color c_border; if (coord == edited_shape_coord && sd[i].shape == edited_collision_shape) { c_bg = Color(0, 1, 1, 0.5); c_border = Color(0, 1, 1); } else { c_bg = Color(0.9, 0.7, 0.07, 0.5); c_border = Color(0.9, 0.7, 0.07, 1); } Vector<Vector2> polygon; Vector<Color> colors; if (shape == edited_collision_shape && current_shape.size() > 2) { for (int j = 0; j < current_shape.size(); j++) { polygon.push_back(current_shape[j]); colors.push_back(c_bg); } } else { for (int j = 0; j < shape->get_points().size(); j++) { polygon.push_back(shape->get_points()[j] + anchor); colors.push_back(c_bg); } } if (polygon.size() > 2) { workspace->draw_polygon(polygon, colors); } if (coord == edited_shape_coord) { for (int j = 0; j < shape->get_points().size() - 1; j++) { workspace->draw_line(shape->get_points()[j] + anchor, shape->get_points()[j + 1] + anchor, c_border, 1, true); } if (shape == edited_collision_shape) { for (int j = 0; j < current_shape.size(); j++) { workspace->draw_circle(current_shape[j], 8 / workspace->get_scale().x, Color(1, 0, 0, 0.7f)); } } } } } } break; case EDITMODE_OCCLUSION: { Map<Vector2, Ref<OccluderPolygon2D> > map = tile_set->autotile_get_light_oclusion_map(t_id); for (Map<Vector2, Ref<OccluderPolygon2D> >::Element *E = map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Vector2 coord = E->key(); Vector2 anchor = tile_set->autotile_get_size(t_id); anchor.x += tile_set->autotile_get_spacing(t_id); anchor.y += tile_set->autotile_get_spacing(t_id); anchor.x *= coord.x; anchor.y *= coord.y; Ref<OccluderPolygon2D> shape = E->value(); if (shape.is_valid()) { Color c_bg; Color c_border; if (coord == edited_shape_coord && shape == edited_occlusion_shape) { c_bg = Color(0, 1, 1, 0.5); c_border = Color(0, 1, 1); } else { c_bg = Color(0.9, 0.7, 0.07, 0.5); c_border = Color(0.9, 0.7, 0.07, 1); } Vector<Vector2> polygon; Vector<Color> colors; if (shape == edited_occlusion_shape && current_shape.size() > 2) { for (int j = 0; j < current_shape.size(); j++) { polygon.push_back(current_shape[j]); colors.push_back(c_bg); } } else { for (int j = 0; j < shape->get_polygon().size(); j++) { polygon.push_back(shape->get_polygon()[j] + anchor); colors.push_back(c_bg); } } workspace->draw_polygon(polygon, colors); if (coord == edited_shape_coord) { for (int j = 0; j < shape->get_polygon().size() - 1; j++) { workspace->draw_line(shape->get_polygon()[j] + anchor, shape->get_polygon()[j + 1] + anchor, c_border, 1, true); } workspace->draw_line(shape->get_polygon()[shape->get_polygon().size() - 1] + anchor, shape->get_polygon()[0] + anchor, c_border, 1, true); if (shape == edited_occlusion_shape) { for (int j = 0; j < current_shape.size(); j++) { workspace->draw_circle(current_shape[j], 8 / workspace->get_scale().x, Color(1, 0, 0)); } } } } } } break; case EDITMODE_NAVIGATION: { Map<Vector2, Ref<NavigationPolygon> > map = tile_set->autotile_get_navigation_map(t_id); for (Map<Vector2, Ref<NavigationPolygon> >::Element *E = map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Vector2 coord = E->key(); Vector2 anchor = tile_set->autotile_get_size(t_id); anchor.x += tile_set->autotile_get_spacing(t_id); anchor.y += tile_set->autotile_get_spacing(t_id); anchor.x *= coord.x; anchor.y *= coord.y; Ref<NavigationPolygon> shape = E->value(); if (shape.is_valid()) { Color c_bg; Color c_border; if (coord == edited_shape_coord && shape == edited_navigation_shape) { c_bg = Color(0, 1, 1, 0.5); c_border = Color(0, 1, 1); } else { c_bg = Color(0.9, 0.7, 0.07, 0.5); c_border = Color(0.9, 0.7, 0.07, 1); } Vector<Vector2> polygon; Vector<Color> colors; if (shape == edited_navigation_shape && current_shape.size() > 2) { for (int j = 0; j < current_shape.size(); j++) { polygon.push_back(current_shape[j]); colors.push_back(c_bg); } } else if (shape->get_polygon_count() > 0) { PoolVector<Vector2> vertices = shape->get_vertices(); for (int j = 0; j < shape->get_polygon(0).size(); j++) { polygon.push_back(vertices[shape->get_polygon(0)[j]] + anchor); colors.push_back(c_bg); } } workspace->draw_polygon(polygon, colors); if (coord == edited_shape_coord) { if (shape->get_polygon_count() > 0) { PoolVector<Vector2> vertices = shape->get_vertices(); for (int j = 0; j < shape->get_polygon(0).size() - 1; j++) { workspace->draw_line(vertices[shape->get_polygon(0)[j]] + anchor, vertices[shape->get_polygon(0)[j + 1]] + anchor, c_border, 1, true); } if (shape == edited_navigation_shape) { for (int j = 0; j < current_shape.size(); j++) { workspace->draw_circle(current_shape[j], 8 / workspace->get_scale().x, Color(1, 0, 0)); } } } } } } } break; } if (creating_shape) { for (int j = 0; j < current_shape.size() - 1; j++) { workspace->draw_line(current_shape[j], current_shape[j + 1], Color(0, 1, 1), 1, true); } workspace->draw_line(current_shape[current_shape.size() - 1], snap_point(workspace->get_local_mouse_position()), Color(0, 1, 1), 1, true); } } void AutotileEditor::close_shape(const Vector2 &shape_anchor) { creating_shape = false; if (edit_mode == EDITMODE_COLLISION) { if (current_shape.size() >= 3) { Ref<ConvexPolygonShape2D> shape = memnew(ConvexPolygonShape2D); Vector<Vector2> segments; float p_total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < current_shape.size(); i++) { segments.push_back(current_shape[i] - shape_anchor); if (i != current_shape.size() - 1) p_total += ((current_shape[i + 1].x - current_shape[i].x) * (-current_shape[i + 1].y + (-current_shape[i].y))); else p_total += ((current_shape[0].x - current_shape[i].x) * (-current_shape[0].y + (-current_shape[i].y))); } if (p_total < 0) segments.invert(); shape->set_points(segments); tile_set->tile_add_shape(get_current_tile(), shape, Transform2D(), false, edited_shape_coord); edited_collision_shape = shape; } tools[TOOL_SELECT]->set_pressed(true); workspace->update(); } else if (edit_mode == EDITMODE_OCCLUSION) { Ref<OccluderPolygon2D> shape = memnew(OccluderPolygon2D); PoolVector<Vector2> polygon; polygon.resize(current_shape.size()); PoolVector<Vector2>::Write w = polygon.write(); for (int i = 0; i < current_shape.size(); i++) { w[i] = current_shape[i] - shape_anchor; } w = PoolVector<Vector2>::Write(); shape->set_polygon(polygon); tile_set->autotile_set_light_occluder(get_current_tile(), shape, edited_shape_coord); edited_occlusion_shape = shape; tools[TOOL_SELECT]->set_pressed(true); workspace->update(); } else if (edit_mode == EDITMODE_NAVIGATION) { Ref<NavigationPolygon> shape = memnew(NavigationPolygon); PoolVector<Vector2> polygon; Vector<int> indices; polygon.resize(current_shape.size()); PoolVector<Vector2>::Write w = polygon.write(); for (int i = 0; i < current_shape.size(); i++) { w[i] = current_shape[i] - shape_anchor; indices.push_back(i); } w = PoolVector<Vector2>::Write(); shape->set_vertices(polygon); shape->add_polygon(indices); tile_set->autotile_set_navigation_polygon(get_current_tile(), shape, edited_shape_coord); edited_navigation_shape = shape; tools[TOOL_SELECT]->set_pressed(true); workspace->update(); } } void AutotileEditor::select_coord(const Vector2 &coord) { int spacing = tile_set->autotile_get_spacing(get_current_tile()); Vector2 size = tile_set->autotile_get_size(get_current_tile()); Vector2 shape_anchor = coord; shape_anchor.x *= (size.x + spacing); shape_anchor.y *= (size.y + spacing); if (edit_mode == EDITMODE_COLLISION) { current_shape.resize(0); if (edited_collision_shape.is_valid()) { for (int j = 0; j < edited_collision_shape->get_points().size(); j++) { current_shape.push_back(edited_collision_shape->get_points()[j] + shape_anchor); } } } else if (edit_mode == EDITMODE_OCCLUSION) { current_shape.resize(0); if (edited_occlusion_shape.is_valid()) { for (int i = 0; i < edited_occlusion_shape->get_polygon().size(); i++) { current_shape.push_back(edited_occlusion_shape->get_polygon()[i] + shape_anchor); } } } else if (edit_mode == EDITMODE_NAVIGATION) { current_shape.resize(0); if (edited_navigation_shape.is_valid()) { if (edited_navigation_shape->get_polygon_count() > 0) { PoolVector<Vector2> vertices = edited_navigation_shape->get_vertices(); for (int i = 0; i < edited_navigation_shape->get_polygon(0).size(); i++) { current_shape.push_back(vertices[edited_navigation_shape->get_polygon(0)[i]] + shape_anchor); } } } } } Vector2 AutotileEditor::snap_point(const Vector2 &point) { Vector2 p = point; Vector2 coord = edited_shape_coord; Vector2 tile_size = tile_set->autotile_get_size(get_current_tile()); int spacing = tile_set->autotile_get_spacing(get_current_tile()); Vector2 anchor = coord; anchor.x *= (tile_size.x + spacing); anchor.y *= (tile_size.y + spacing); Rect2 region(anchor, tile_size); if (tools[SHAPE_GRID_SNAP]->is_pressed()) { p.x = Math::snap_scalar_seperation(snap_offset.x, snap_step.x, p.x, snap_separation.x); p.y = Math::snap_scalar_seperation(snap_offset.y, snap_step.y, p.y, snap_separation.y); } if (tools[SHAPE_KEEP_INSIDE_TILE]->is_pressed()) { if (p.x < region.position.x) p.x = region.position.x; if (p.y < region.position.y) p.y = region.position.y; if (p.x > region.position.x + region.size.x) p.x = region.position.x + region.size.x; if (p.y > region.position.y + region.size.y) p.y = region.position.y + region.size.y; } return p; } void AutotileEditor::edit(Object *p_node) { tile_set = Ref<TileSet>(Object::cast_to<TileSet>(p_node)); tile_set->add_change_receptor(this); helper->set_tileset(tile_set); autotile_list->clear(); List<int> ids; tile_set->get_tile_list(&ids); for (List<int>::Element *E = ids.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (tile_set->tile_get_is_autotile(E->get())) { autotile_list->add_item(tile_set->tile_get_name(E->get())); autotile_list->set_item_metadata(autotile_list->get_item_count() - 1, E->get()); autotile_list->set_item_icon(autotile_list->get_item_count() - 1, tile_set->tile_get_texture(E->get())); Rect2 region = tile_set->tile_get_region(E->get()); region.size = tile_set->autotile_get_size(E->get()); Vector2 pos = tile_set->autotile_get_icon_coordinate(E->get()); pos.x *= (tile_set->autotile_get_spacing(E->get()) + region.size.x); pos.y *= (tile_set->autotile_get_spacing(E->get()) + region.size.y); region.position += pos; autotile_list->set_item_icon_region(autotile_list->get_item_count() - 1, region); } } if (autotile_list->get_item_count() > 0) { autotile_list->select(0); _on_autotile_selected(0); } helper->_change_notify(""); } int AutotileEditor::get_current_tile() { if (autotile_list->get_selected_items().size() == 0) return -1; else return autotile_list->get_item_metadata(autotile_list->get_selected_items()[0]); } void AutotileEditorHelper::set_tileset(const Ref<TileSet> &p_tileset) { tile_set = p_tileset; } bool AutotileEditorHelper::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) { if (autotile_editor->get_current_tile() < 0 || tile_set.is_null()) return false; String name = p_name.operator String(); bool v = false; if (name == "bitmask_mode") { tile_set->set(String::num(autotile_editor->get_current_tile(), 0) + "/autotile/bitmask_mode", p_value, &v); } else if (name.left(7) == "layout/") { tile_set->set(String::num(autotile_editor->get_current_tile(), 0) + "/autotile" + name.right(6), p_value, &v); } if (v) { tile_set->_change_notify(""); autotile_editor->workspace->update(); } return v; } bool AutotileEditorHelper::_get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const { if (autotile_editor->get_current_tile() < 0 || tile_set.is_null()) return false; String name = p_name.operator String(); bool v = false; if (name == "bitmask_mode") { r_ret = tile_set->get(String::num(autotile_editor->get_current_tile(), 0) + "/autotile/bitmask_mode", &v); } else if (name.left(7) == "layout/") { r_ret = tile_set->get(String::num(autotile_editor->get_current_tile(), 0) + "/autotile" + name.right(6), &v); } return v; } void AutotileEditorHelper::_get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const { if (autotile_editor->get_current_tile() < 0 || tile_set.is_null()) return; p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "bitmask_mode", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "2x2,3x3")); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "layout/tile_size")); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "layout/spacing", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,256,1")); } AutotileEditorHelper::AutotileEditorHelper(AutotileEditor *p_autotile_editor) { autotile_editor = p_autotile_editor; }