import os from compat import iteritems, open_utf8, escape_string def add_source_files(self, sources, filetype, lib_env=None, shared=False): import glob import string # if not lib_objects: if not lib_env: lib_env = self if type(filetype) == type(""): dir = self.Dir('.').abspath list = glob.glob(dir + "/" + filetype) for f in list: sources.append(self.Object(f)) else: for f in filetype: sources.append(self.Object(f)) class LegacyGLHeaderStruct: def __init__(self): self.vertex_lines = [] self.fragment_lines = [] self.uniforms = [] self.attributes = [] self.feedbacks = [] self.fbos = [] self.conditionals = [] self.enums = {} self.texunits = [] self.texunit_names = [] self.ubos = [] self.ubo_names = [] self.vertex_included_files = [] self.fragment_included_files = [] self.reading = "" self.line_offset = 0 self.vertex_offset = 0 self.fragment_offset = 0 def include_file_in_legacygl_header(filename, header_data, depth): fs = open(filename, "r") line = fs.readline() while(line): if (line.find("[vertex]") != -1): header_data.reading = "vertex" line = fs.readline() header_data.line_offset += 1 header_data.vertex_offset = header_data.line_offset continue if (line.find("[fragment]") != -1): header_data.reading = "fragment" line = fs.readline() header_data.line_offset += 1 header_data.fragment_offset = header_data.line_offset continue while(line.find("#include ") != -1): includeline = line.replace("#include ", "").strip()[1:-1] import os.path included_file = os.path.relpath(os.path.dirname(filename) + "/" + includeline) if (not included_file in header_data.vertex_included_files and header_data.reading == "vertex"): header_data.vertex_included_files += [included_file] if(include_file_in_legacygl_header(included_file, header_data, depth + 1) == None): print("Error in file '" + filename + "': #include " + includeline + "could not be found!") elif (not included_file in header_data.fragment_included_files and header_data.reading == "fragment"): header_data.fragment_included_files += [included_file] if(include_file_in_legacygl_header(included_file, header_data, depth + 1) == None): print("Error in file '" + filename + "': #include " + includeline + "could not be found!") line = fs.readline() if (line.find("#ifdef ") != -1 or line.find("#elif defined(") != -1): if (line.find("#ifdef ") != -1): ifdefline = line.replace("#ifdef ", "").strip() else: ifdefline = line.replace("#elif defined(", "").strip() ifdefline = ifdefline.replace(")", "").strip() if (line.find("_EN_") != -1): enumbase = ifdefline[:ifdefline.find("_EN_")] ifdefline = ifdefline.replace("_EN_", "_") line = line.replace("_EN_", "_") if (enumbase not in header_data.enums): header_data.enums[enumbase] = [] if (ifdefline not in header_data.enums[enumbase]): header_data.enums[enumbase].append(ifdefline) elif (not ifdefline in header_data.conditionals): header_data.conditionals += [ifdefline] if (line.find("uniform") != -1 and line.lower().find("texunit:") != -1): # texture unit texunitstr = line[line.find(":") + 1:].strip() if (texunitstr == "auto"): texunit = "-1" else: texunit = str(int(texunitstr)) uline = line[:line.lower().find("//")] uline = uline.replace("uniform", "") uline = uline.replace("highp", "") uline = uline.replace(";", "") lines = uline.split(",") for x in lines: x = x.strip() x = x[x.rfind(" ") + 1:] if (x.find("[") != -1): # unfiorm array x = x[:x.find("[")] if (not x in header_data.texunit_names): header_data.texunits += [(x, texunit)] header_data.texunit_names += [x] elif (line.find("uniform") != -1 and line.lower().find("ubo:") != -1): # uniform buffer object ubostr = line[line.find(":") + 1:].strip() ubo = str(int(ubostr)) uline = line[:line.lower().find("//")] uline = uline[uline.find("uniform") + len("uniform"):] uline = uline.replace("highp", "") uline = uline.replace(";", "") uline = uline.replace("{", "").strip() lines = uline.split(",") for x in lines: x = x.strip() x = x[x.rfind(" ") + 1:] if (x.find("[") != -1): # unfiorm array x = x[:x.find("[")] if (not x in header_data.ubo_names): header_data.ubos += [(x, ubo)] header_data.ubo_names += [x] elif (line.find("uniform") != -1 and line.find("{") == -1 and line.find(";") != -1): uline = line.replace("uniform", "") uline = uline.replace(";", "") lines = uline.split(",") for x in lines: x = x.strip() x = x[x.rfind(" ") + 1:] if (x.find("[") != -1): # unfiorm array x = x[:x.find("[")] if (not x in header_data.uniforms): header_data.uniforms += [x] if (line.strip().find("attribute ") == 0 and line.find("attrib:") != -1): uline = line.replace("in ", "") uline = uline.replace("attribute ", "") uline = uline.replace("highp ", "") uline = uline.replace(";", "") uline = uline[uline.find(" "):].strip() if (uline.find("//") != -1): name, bind = uline.split("//") if (bind.find("attrib:") != -1): name = name.strip() bind = bind.replace("attrib:", "").strip() header_data.attributes += [(name, bind)] if (line.strip().find("out ") == 0 and line.find("tfb:") != -1): uline = line.replace("out ", "") uline = uline.replace("highp ", "") uline = uline.replace(";", "") uline = uline[uline.find(" "):].strip() if (uline.find("//") != -1): name, bind = uline.split("//") if (bind.find("tfb:") != -1): name = name.strip() bind = bind.replace("tfb:", "").strip() header_data.feedbacks += [(name, bind)] line = line.replace("\r", "") line = line.replace("\n", "") if (header_data.reading == "vertex"): header_data.vertex_lines += [line] if (header_data.reading == "fragment"): header_data.fragment_lines += [line] line = fs.readline() header_data.line_offset += 1 fs.close() return header_data def build_legacygl_header(filename, include, class_suffix, output_attribs, gles2=False): header_data = LegacyGLHeaderStruct() include_file_in_legacygl_header(filename, header_data, 0) out_file = filename + ".gen.h" fd = open(out_file, "w") enum_constants = [] fd.write("/* WARNING, THIS FILE WAS GENERATED, DO NOT EDIT */\n") out_file_base = out_file out_file_base = out_file_base[out_file_base.rfind("/") + 1:] out_file_base = out_file_base[out_file_base.rfind("\\") + 1:] out_file_ifdef = out_file_base.replace(".", "_").upper() fd.write("#ifndef " + out_file_ifdef + class_suffix + "_120\n") fd.write("#define " + out_file_ifdef + class_suffix + "_120\n") out_file_class = out_file_base.replace(".glsl.gen.h", "").title().replace("_", "").replace(".", "") + "Shader" + class_suffix fd.write("\n\n") fd.write("#include \"" + include + "\"\n\n\n") fd.write("class " + out_file_class + " : public Shader" + class_suffix + " {\n\n") fd.write("\t virtual String get_shader_name() const { return \"" + out_file_class + "\"; }\n") fd.write("public:\n\n") if (len(header_data.conditionals)): fd.write("\tenum Conditionals {\n") for x in header_data.conditionals: fd.write("\t\t" + x.upper() + ",\n") fd.write("\t};\n\n") if (len(header_data.uniforms)): fd.write("\tenum Uniforms {\n") for x in header_data.uniforms: fd.write("\t\t" + x.upper() + ",\n") fd.write("\t};\n\n") fd.write("\t_FORCE_INLINE_ int get_uniform(Uniforms p_uniform) const { return _get_uniform(p_uniform); }\n\n") if (len(header_data.conditionals)): fd.write("\t_FORCE_INLINE_ void set_conditional(Conditionals p_conditional,bool p_enable) { _set_conditional(p_conditional,p_enable); }\n\n") fd.write("\t#define _FU if (get_uniform(p_uniform)<0) return; ERR_FAIL_COND( get_active()!=this );\n\n ") fd.write("\t_FORCE_INLINE_ void set_uniform(Uniforms p_uniform, float p_value) { _FU glUniform1f(get_uniform(p_uniform),p_value); }\n\n") fd.write("\t_FORCE_INLINE_ void set_uniform(Uniforms p_uniform, double p_value) { _FU glUniform1f(get_uniform(p_uniform),p_value); }\n\n") fd.write("\t_FORCE_INLINE_ void set_uniform(Uniforms p_uniform, uint8_t p_value) { _FU glUniform1i(get_uniform(p_uniform),p_value); }\n\n") fd.write("\t_FORCE_INLINE_ void set_uniform(Uniforms p_uniform, int8_t p_value) { _FU glUniform1i(get_uniform(p_uniform),p_value); }\n\n") fd.write("\t_FORCE_INLINE_ void set_uniform(Uniforms p_uniform, uint16_t p_value) { _FU glUniform1i(get_uniform(p_uniform),p_value); }\n\n") fd.write("\t_FORCE_INLINE_ void set_uniform(Uniforms p_uniform, int16_t p_value) { _FU glUniform1i(get_uniform(p_uniform),p_value); }\n\n") fd.write("\t_FORCE_INLINE_ void set_uniform(Uniforms p_uniform, uint32_t p_value) { _FU glUniform1i(get_uniform(p_uniform),p_value); }\n\n") fd.write("\t_FORCE_INLINE_ void set_uniform(Uniforms p_uniform, int32_t p_value) { _FU glUniform1i(get_uniform(p_uniform),p_value); }\n\n") fd.write("\t_FORCE_INLINE_ void set_uniform(Uniforms p_uniform, const Color& p_color) { _FU GLfloat col[4]={p_color.r,p_color.g,p_color.b,p_color.a}; glUniform4fv(get_uniform(p_uniform),1,col); }\n\n") fd.write("\t_FORCE_INLINE_ void set_uniform(Uniforms p_uniform, const Vector2& p_vec2) { _FU GLfloat vec2[2]={p_vec2.x,p_vec2.y}; glUniform2fv(get_uniform(p_uniform),1,vec2); }\n\n") fd.write("\t_FORCE_INLINE_ void set_uniform(Uniforms p_uniform, const Vector3& p_vec3) { _FU GLfloat vec3[3]={p_vec3.x,p_vec3.y,p_vec3.z}; glUniform3fv(get_uniform(p_uniform),1,vec3); }\n\n") fd.write("\t_FORCE_INLINE_ void set_uniform(Uniforms p_uniform, float p_a, float p_b) { _FU glUniform2f(get_uniform(p_uniform),p_a,p_b); }\n\n") fd.write("\t_FORCE_INLINE_ void set_uniform(Uniforms p_uniform, float p_a, float p_b, float p_c) { _FU glUniform3f(get_uniform(p_uniform),p_a,p_b,p_c); }\n\n") fd.write("\t_FORCE_INLINE_ void set_uniform(Uniforms p_uniform, float p_a, float p_b, float p_c, float p_d) { _FU glUniform4f(get_uniform(p_uniform),p_a,p_b,p_c,p_d); }\n\n") fd.write("""\t_FORCE_INLINE_ void set_uniform(Uniforms p_uniform, const Transform& p_transform) { _FU const Transform &tr = p_transform; GLfloat matrix[16]={ /* build a 16x16 matrix */ tr.basis.elements[0][0], tr.basis.elements[1][0], tr.basis.elements[2][0], 0, tr.basis.elements[0][1], tr.basis.elements[1][1], tr.basis.elements[2][1], 0, tr.basis.elements[0][2], tr.basis.elements[1][2], tr.basis.elements[2][2], 0, tr.origin.x, tr.origin.y, tr.origin.z, 1 }; glUniformMatrix4fv(get_uniform(p_uniform),1,false,matrix); } """) fd.write("""_FORCE_INLINE_ void set_uniform(Uniforms p_uniform, const Transform2D& p_transform) { _FU const Transform2D &tr = p_transform; GLfloat matrix[16]={ /* build a 16x16 matrix */ tr.elements[0][0], tr.elements[0][1], 0, 0, tr.elements[1][0], tr.elements[1][1], 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, tr.elements[2][0], tr.elements[2][1], 0, 1 }; glUniformMatrix4fv(get_uniform(p_uniform),1,false,matrix); } """) fd.write("""_FORCE_INLINE_ void set_uniform(Uniforms p_uniform, const CameraMatrix& p_matrix) { _FU GLfloat matrix[16]; for (int i=0;i<4;i++) { for (int j=0;j<4;j++) { matrix[i*4+j]=p_matrix.matrix[i][j]; } } glUniformMatrix4fv(get_uniform(p_uniform),1,false,matrix); } """) fd.write("\n\n#undef _FU\n\n\n") fd.write("\tvirtual void init() {\n\n") enum_value_count = 0 if (len(header_data.enums)): fd.write("\t\t//Written using math, given nonstandarity of 64 bits integer constants..\n") fd.write("\t\tstatic const Enum _enums[]={\n") bitofs = len(header_data.conditionals) enum_vals = [] for xv in header_data.enums: x = header_data.enums[xv] bits = 1 amt = len(x) while(2**bits < amt): bits += 1 strs = "{" for i in range(amt): strs += "\"#define " + x[i] + "\\n\"," v = {} v["set_mask"] = "uint64_t(" + str(i) + ")<<" + str(bitofs) v["clear_mask"] = "((uint64_t(1)<<40)-1) ^ (((uint64_t(1)<<" + str(bits) + ") - 1)<<" + str(bitofs) + ")" enum_vals.append(v) enum_constants.append(x[i]) strs += "NULL}" fd.write("\t\t\t{(uint64_t(1<<" + str(bits) + ")-1)<<" + str(bitofs) + "," + str(bitofs) + "," + strs + "},\n") bitofs += bits fd.write("\t\t};\n\n") fd.write("\t\tstatic const EnumValue _enum_values[]={\n") enum_value_count = len(enum_vals) for x in enum_vals: fd.write("\t\t\t{" + x["set_mask"] + "," + x["clear_mask"] + "},\n") fd.write("\t\t};\n\n") conditionals_found = [] if (len(header_data.conditionals)): fd.write("\t\tstatic const char* _conditional_strings[]={\n") if (len(header_data.conditionals)): for x in header_data.conditionals: fd.write("\t\t\t\"#define " + x + "\\n\",\n") conditionals_found.append(x) fd.write("\t\t};\n\n") else: fd.write("\t\tstatic const char **_conditional_strings=NULL;\n") if (len(header_data.uniforms)): fd.write("\t\tstatic const char* _uniform_strings[]={\n") if (len(header_data.uniforms)): for x in header_data.uniforms: fd.write("\t\t\t\"" + x + "\",\n") fd.write("\t\t};\n\n") else: fd.write("\t\tstatic const char **_uniform_strings=NULL;\n") if output_attribs: if (len(header_data.attributes)): fd.write("\t\tstatic AttributePair _attribute_pairs[]={\n") for x in header_data.attributes: fd.write("\t\t\t{\"" + x[0] + "\"," + x[1] + "},\n") fd.write("\t\t};\n\n") else: fd.write("\t\tstatic AttributePair *_attribute_pairs=NULL;\n") feedback_count = 0 if (not gles2 and len(header_data.feedbacks)): fd.write("\t\tstatic const Feedback _feedbacks[]={\n") for x in header_data.feedbacks: name = x[0] cond = x[1] if (cond in conditionals_found): fd.write("\t\t\t{\"" + name + "\"," + str(conditionals_found.index(cond)) + "},\n") else: fd.write("\t\t\t{\"" + name + "\",-1},\n") feedback_count += 1 fd.write("\t\t};\n\n") else: if gles2: pass else: fd.write("\t\tstatic const Feedback* _feedbacks=NULL;\n") if (len(header_data.texunits)): fd.write("\t\tstatic TexUnitPair _texunit_pairs[]={\n") for x in header_data.texunits: fd.write("\t\t\t{\"" + x[0] + "\"," + x[1] + "},\n") fd.write("\t\t};\n\n") else: fd.write("\t\tstatic TexUnitPair *_texunit_pairs=NULL;\n") if (not gles2 and len(header_data.ubos)): fd.write("\t\tstatic UBOPair _ubo_pairs[]={\n") for x in header_data.ubos: fd.write("\t\t\t{\"" + x[0] + "\"," + x[1] + "},\n") fd.write("\t\t};\n\n") else: if gles2: pass else: fd.write("\t\tstatic UBOPair *_ubo_pairs=NULL;\n") fd.write("\t\tstatic const char _vertex_code[]={\n") for x in header_data.vertex_lines: for i in range(len(x)): fd.write(str(ord(x[i])) + ",") fd.write(str(ord('\n')) + ",") fd.write("\t\t0};\n\n") fd.write("\t\tstatic const int _vertex_code_start=" + str(header_data.vertex_offset) + ";\n") fd.write("\t\tstatic const char _fragment_code[]={\n") for x in header_data.fragment_lines: for i in range(len(x)): fd.write(str(ord(x[i])) + ",") fd.write(str(ord('\n')) + ",") fd.write("\t\t0};\n\n") fd.write("\t\tstatic const int _fragment_code_start=" + str(header_data.fragment_offset) + ";\n") if output_attribs: if gles2: fd.write("\t\tsetup(_conditional_strings," + str(len(header_data.conditionals)) + ",_uniform_strings," + str(len(header_data.uniforms)) + ",_attribute_pairs," + str(len(header_data.attributes)) + ", _texunit_pairs," + str(len(header_data.texunits)) + ",_vertex_code,_fragment_code,_vertex_code_start,_fragment_code_start);\n") else: fd.write("\t\tsetup(_conditional_strings," + str(len(header_data.conditionals)) + ",_uniform_strings," + str(len(header_data.uniforms)) + ",_attribute_pairs," + str(len(header_data.attributes)) + ", _texunit_pairs," + str(len(header_data.texunits)) + ",_ubo_pairs," + str(len(header_data.ubos)) + ",_feedbacks," + str(feedback_count) + ",_vertex_code,_fragment_code,_vertex_code_start,_fragment_code_start);\n") else: if gles2: fd.write("\t\tsetup(_conditional_strings," + str(len(header_data.conditionals)) + ",_uniform_strings," + str(len(header_data.uniforms)) + ",_texunit_pairs," + str(len(header_data.texunits)) + ",_enums," + str(len(header_data.enums)) + ",_enum_values," + str(enum_value_count) + ",_vertex_code,_fragment_code,_vertex_code_start,_fragment_code_start);\n") else: fd.write("\t\tsetup(_conditional_strings," + str(len(header_data.conditionals)) + ",_uniform_strings," + str(len(header_data.uniforms)) + ",_texunit_pairs," + str(len(header_data.texunits)) + ",_enums," + str(len(header_data.enums)) + ",_enum_values," + str(enum_value_count) + ",_ubo_pairs," + str(len(header_data.ubos)) + ",_feedbacks," + str(feedback_count) + ",_vertex_code,_fragment_code,_vertex_code_start,_fragment_code_start);\n") fd.write("\t}\n\n") if (len(enum_constants)): fd.write("\tenum EnumConditionals {\n") for x in enum_constants: fd.write("\t\t" + x.upper() + ",\n") fd.write("\t};\n\n") fd.write("\tvoid set_enum_conditional(EnumConditionals p_cond) { _set_enum_conditional(p_cond); }\n") fd.write("};\n\n") fd.write("#endif\n\n") fd.close() def build_gles3_headers(target, source, env): for x in source: build_legacygl_header(str(x), include="drivers/gles3/shader_gles3.h", class_suffix="GLES3", output_attribs=True) def build_gles2_headers(target, source, env): for x in source: build_legacygl_header(str(x), include="drivers/gles2/shader_gles2.h", class_suffix="GLES2", output_attribs=True, gles2=True) def make_authors_header(target, source, env): sections = ["Project Founders", "Lead Developer", "Project Manager", "Developers"] sections_id = ["AUTHORS_FOUNDERS", "AUTHORS_LEAD_DEVELOPERS", "AUTHORS_PROJECT_MANAGERS", "AUTHORS_DEVELOPERS"] src = source[0].srcnode().abspath dst = target[0].srcnode().abspath f = open_utf8(src, "r") g = open_utf8(dst, "w") g.write("/* THIS FILE IS GENERATED DO NOT EDIT */\n") g.write("#ifndef _EDITOR_AUTHORS_H\n") g.write("#define _EDITOR_AUTHORS_H\n") current_section = "" reading = False def close_section(): g.write("\t0\n") g.write("};\n") for line in f: if reading: if line.startswith(" "): g.write("\t\"" + escape_string(line.strip()) + "\",\n") continue if line.startswith("## "): if reading: close_section() reading = False for i in range(len(sections)): if line.strip().endswith(sections[i]): current_section = escape_string(sections_id[i]) reading = True g.write("const char *const " + current_section + "[] = {\n") break if reading: close_section() g.write("#endif\n") g.close() f.close() def make_donors_header(target, source, env): sections = ["Platinum sponsors", "Gold sponsors", "Mini sponsors", "Gold donors", "Silver donors", "Bronze donors"] sections_id = ["DONORS_SPONSOR_PLAT", "DONORS_SPONSOR_GOLD", "DONORS_SPONSOR_MINI", "DONORS_GOLD", "DONORS_SILVER", "DONORS_BRONZE"] src = source[0].srcnode().abspath dst = target[0].srcnode().abspath f = open_utf8(src, "r") g = open_utf8(dst, "w") g.write("/* THIS FILE IS GENERATED DO NOT EDIT */\n") g.write("#ifndef _EDITOR_DONORS_H\n") g.write("#define _EDITOR_DONORS_H\n") current_section = "" reading = False def close_section(): g.write("\t0\n") g.write("};\n") for line in f: if reading >= 0: if line.startswith(" "): g.write("\t\"" + escape_string(line.strip()) + "\",\n") continue if line.startswith("## "): if reading: close_section() reading = False for i in range(len(sections)): if line.strip().endswith(sections[i]): current_section = escape_string(sections_id[i]) reading = True g.write("const char *const " + current_section + "[] = {\n") break if reading: close_section() g.write("#endif\n") g.close() f.close() def make_license_header(target, source, env): src_copyright = source[0].srcnode().abspath src_license = source[1].srcnode().abspath dst = target[0].srcnode().abspath class LicenseReader: def __init__(self, license_file): self._license_file = license_file self.line_num = 0 self.current = self.next_line() def next_line(self): line = self._license_file.readline() self.line_num += 1 while line.startswith("#"): line = self._license_file.readline() self.line_num += 1 self.current = line return line def next_tag(self): if not ':' in self.current: return ('',[]) tag, line = self.current.split(":", 1) lines = [line.strip()] while self.next_line() and self.current.startswith(" "): lines.append(self.current.strip()) return (tag, lines) from collections import OrderedDict projects = OrderedDict() license_list = [] with open_utf8(src_copyright, "r") as copyright_file: reader = LicenseReader(copyright_file) part = {} while reader.current: tag, content = reader.next_tag() if tag in ("Files", "Copyright", "License"): part[tag] = content[:] elif tag == "Comment": # attach part to named project projects[content[0]] = projects.get(content[0], []) + [part] if not tag or not reader.current: # end of a paragraph start a new part if "License" in part and not "Files" in part: # no Files tag in this one, so assume standalone license license_list.append(part["License"]) part = {} reader.next_line() data_list = [] for project in projects.itervalues(): for part in project: part["file_index"] = len(data_list) data_list += part["Files"] part["copyright_index"] = len(data_list) data_list += part["Copyright"] with open_utf8(dst, "w") as f: f.write("/* THIS FILE IS GENERATED DO NOT EDIT */\n") f.write("#ifndef _EDITOR_LICENSE_H\n") f.write("#define _EDITOR_LICENSE_H\n") f.write("const char *const GODOT_LICENSE_TEXT =") with open_utf8(src_license, "r") as license_file: for line in license_file: escaped_string = escape_string(line.strip()) f.write("\n\t\t\"" + escaped_string + "\\n\"") f.write(";\n\n") f.write("struct ComponentCopyrightPart {\n" "\tconst char *license;\n" "\tconst char *const *files;\n" "\tconst char *const *copyright_statements;\n" "\tint file_count;\n" "\tint copyright_count;\n" "};\n\n") f.write("struct ComponentCopyright {\n" "\tconst char *name;\n" "\tconst ComponentCopyrightPart *parts;\n" "\tint part_count;\n" "};\n\n") f.write("const char *const COPYRIGHT_INFO_DATA[] = {\n") for line in data_list: f.write("\t\"" + escape_string(line) + "\",\n") f.write("};\n\n") f.write("const ComponentCopyrightPart COPYRIGHT_PROJECT_PARTS[] = {\n") part_index = 0 part_indexes = {} for project_name, project in projects.iteritems(): part_indexes[project_name] = part_index for part in project: f.write("\t{ \"" + escape_string(part["License"][0]) + "\", " + "©RIGHT_INFO_DATA[" + str(part["file_index"]) + "], " + "©RIGHT_INFO_DATA[" + str(part["copyright_index"]) + "], " + str(len(part["Files"])) + ", " + str(len(part["Copyright"])) + " },\n") part_index += 1 f.write("};\n\n") f.write("const int COPYRIGHT_INFO_COUNT = " + str(len(projects)) + ";\n") f.write("const ComponentCopyright COPYRIGHT_INFO[] = {\n") for project_name, project in projects.iteritems(): f.write("\t{ \"" + escape_string(project_name) + "\", " + "©RIGHT_PROJECT_PARTS[" + str(part_indexes[project_name]) + "], " + str(len(project)) + " },\n") f.write("};\n\n") f.write("const int LICENSE_COUNT = " + str(len(license_list)) + ";\n") f.write("const char *const LICENSE_NAMES[] = {\n") for l in license_list: f.write("\t\"" + escape_string(l[0]) + "\",\n") f.write("};\n\n") f.write("const char *const LICENSE_BODIES[] = {\n\n") for l in license_list: for line in l[1:]: if line == ".": f.write("\t\"\\n\"\n") else: f.write("\t\"" + escape_string(line) + "\\n\"\n") f.write("\t\"\",\n\n") f.write("};\n\n") f.write("#endif\n") def add_module_version_string(self,s): self.module_version_string += "." + s def update_version(module_version_string=""): build_name = "custom_build" if (os.getenv("BUILD_NAME") != None): build_name = os.getenv("BUILD_NAME") print("Using custom build name: " + build_name) import version f = open("core/version_generated.gen.h", "w") f.write("#define VERSION_SHORT_NAME \"" + str(version.short_name) + "\"\n") f.write("#define VERSION_NAME \"" + str( + "\"\n") f.write("#define VERSION_MAJOR " + str(version.major) + "\n") f.write("#define VERSION_MINOR " + str(version.minor) + "\n") if (hasattr(version, 'patch')): f.write("#define VERSION_PATCH " + str(version.patch) + "\n") f.write("#define VERSION_STATUS \"" + str(version.status) + "\"\n") f.write("#define VERSION_BUILD \"" + str(build_name) + "\"\n") f.write("#define VERSION_MODULE_CONFIG \"" + str(version.module_config) + module_version_string + "\"\n") import datetime f.write("#define VERSION_YEAR " + str( + "\n") f.close() fhash = open("core/version_hash.gen.h", "w") githash = "" if os.path.isfile(".git/HEAD"): head = open(".git/HEAD", "r").readline().strip() if head.startswith("ref: "): head = ".git/" + head[5:] if os.path.isfile(head): githash = open(head, "r").readline().strip() else: githash = head fhash.write("#define VERSION_HASH \"" + githash + "\"") fhash.close() def parse_cg_file(fname, uniforms, sizes, conditionals): import re fs = open(fname, "r") line = fs.readline() while line: if re.match(r"^\s*uniform", line): res = re.match(r"uniform ([\d\w]*) ([\d\w]*)") type = res.groups(1) name = res.groups(2) uniforms.append(name) if (type.find("texobj") != -1): sizes.append(1) else: t = re.match(r"float(\d)x(\d)", type) if t: sizes.append(int(t.groups(1)) * int(t.groups(2))) else: t = re.match(r"float(\d)", type) sizes.append(int(t.groups(1))) if line.find("[branch]") != -1: conditionals.append(name) line = fs.readline() fs.close() import glob def detect_modules(): module_list = [] includes_cpp = "" register_cpp = "" unregister_cpp = "" files = glob.glob("modules/*") files.sort() # so register_module_types does not change that often, and also plugins are registered in alphabetic order for x in files: if (not os.path.isdir(x)): continue if (not os.path.exists(x + "/")): continue x = x.replace("modules/", "") # rest of world x = x.replace("modules\\", "") # win32 module_list.append(x) try: with open("modules/" + x + "/register_types.h"): includes_cpp += '#include "modules/' + x + '/register_types.h"\n' register_cpp += '#ifdef MODULE_' + x.upper() + '_ENABLED\n' register_cpp += '\tregister_' + x + '_types();\n' register_cpp += '#endif\n' unregister_cpp += '#ifdef MODULE_' + x.upper() + '_ENABLED\n' unregister_cpp += '\tunregister_' + x + '_types();\n' unregister_cpp += '#endif\n' except IOError: pass modules_cpp = """ // modules.cpp - THIS FILE IS GENERATED, DO NOT EDIT!!!!!!! #include "register_module_types.h" """ + includes_cpp + """ void register_module_types() { """ + register_cpp + """ } void unregister_module_types() { """ + unregister_cpp + """ } """ with open("modules/register_module_types.gen.cpp", "w") as f: f.write(modules_cpp) return module_list def win32_spawn(sh, escape, cmd, args, env): import subprocess newargs = ' '.join(args[1:]) cmdline = cmd + " " + newargs startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() for e in env: if type(env[e]) != type(""): env[e] = str(env[e]) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo, shell=False, env=env) data, err = proc.communicate() rv = proc.wait() if rv: print("=====") print(err) print("=====") return rv """ def win32_spawn(sh, escape, cmd, args, spawnenv): import win32file import win32event import win32process import win32security for var in spawnenv: spawnenv[var] = spawnenv[var].encode('ascii', 'replace') sAttrs = win32security.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES() StartupInfo = win32process.STARTUPINFO() newargs = ' '.join(map(escape, args[1:])) cmdline = cmd + " " + newargs # check for any special operating system commands if cmd == 'del': for arg in args[1:]: win32file.DeleteFile(arg) exit_code = 0 else: # otherwise execute the command. hProcess, hThread, dwPid, dwTid = win32process.CreateProcess(None, cmdline, None, None, 1, 0, spawnenv, None, StartupInfo) win32event.WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, win32event.INFINITE) exit_code = win32process.GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess) win32file.CloseHandle(hProcess); win32file.CloseHandle(hThread); return exit_code """ def android_add_flat_dir(self, dir): if (dir not in self.android_flat_dirs): self.android_flat_dirs.append(dir) def android_add_maven_repository(self, url): if (url not in self.android_maven_repos): self.android_maven_repos.append(url) def android_add_dependency(self, depline): if (depline not in self.android_dependencies): self.android_dependencies.append(depline) def android_add_java_dir(self, subpath): base_path = self.Dir(".").abspath + "/modules/" + self.current_module + "/" + subpath if (base_path not in self.android_java_dirs): self.android_java_dirs.append(base_path) def android_add_res_dir(self, subpath): base_path = self.Dir(".").abspath + "/modules/" + self.current_module + "/" + subpath if (base_path not in self.android_res_dirs): self.android_res_dirs.append(base_path) def android_add_aidl_dir(self, subpath): base_path = self.Dir(".").abspath + "/modules/" + self.current_module + "/" + subpath if (base_path not in self.android_aidl_dirs): self.android_aidl_dirs.append(base_path) def android_add_jni_dir(self, subpath): base_path = self.Dir(".").abspath + "/modules/" + self.current_module + "/" + subpath if (base_path not in self.android_jni_dirs): self.android_jni_dirs.append(base_path) def android_add_gradle_plugin(self, plugin): if (plugin not in self.android_gradle_plugins): self.android_gradle_plugins.append(plugin) def android_add_gradle_classpath(self, classpath): if (classpath not in self.android_gradle_classpath): self.android_gradle_classpath.append(classpath) def android_add_default_config(self, config): if (config not in self.android_default_config): self.android_default_config.append(config) def android_add_to_manifest(self, file): base_path = self.Dir(".").abspath + "/modules/" + self.current_module + "/" + file with open(base_path, "r") as f: self.android_manifest_chunk += def android_add_to_permissions(self, file): base_path = self.Dir(".").abspath + "/modules/" + self.current_module + "/" + file with open(base_path, "r") as f: self.android_permission_chunk += def android_add_to_attributes(self, file): base_path = self.Dir(".").abspath + "/modules/" + self.current_module + "/" + file with open(base_path, "r") as f: self.android_appattributes_chunk += def disable_module(self): self.disabled_modules.append(self.current_module) def use_windows_spawn_fix(self, platform=None): if ( != "nt"): return # not needed, only for windows # On Windows, due to the limited command line length, when creating a static library # from a very high number of objects SCons will invoke "ar" once per object file; # that makes object files with same names to be overwritten so the last wins and # the library looses symbols defined by overwritten objects. # By enabling quick append instead of the default mode (replacing), libraries will # got built correctly regardless the invocation strategy. # Furthermore, since SCons will rebuild the library from scratch when an object file # changes, no multiple versions of the same object file will be present. self.Replace(ARFLAGS='q') import subprocess def mySubProcess(cmdline, env): startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW proc = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo, shell=False, env=env) data, err = proc.communicate() rv = proc.wait() if rv: print("=====") print(err) print("=====") return rv def mySpawn(sh, escape, cmd, args, env): newargs = ' '.join(args[1:]) cmdline = cmd + " " + newargs rv = 0 env = {str(key): str(value) for key, value in iteritems(env)} if len(cmdline) > 32000 and cmd.endswith("ar"): cmdline = cmd + " " + args[1] + " " + args[2] + " " for i in range(3, len(args)): rv = mySubProcess(cmdline + args[i], env) if rv: break else: rv = mySubProcess(cmdline, env) return rv self['SPAWN'] = mySpawn def split_lib(self, libname, src_list = None, env_lib = None): import string env = self num = 0 cur_base = "" max_src = 64 list = [] lib_list = [] if src_list == None: src_list = getattr(env, libname + "_sources") if type(env_lib) == type(None): env_lib = env for f in src_list: fname = "" if type(f) == type(""): fname = env.File(f).path else: fname = env.File(f)[0].path fname = fname.replace("\\", "/") base = string.join(fname.split("/")[:2], "/") if base != cur_base and len(list) > max_src: if num > 0: lib = env_lib.add_library(libname + str(num), list) lib_list.append(lib) list = [] num = num + 1 cur_base = base list.append(f) lib = env_lib.add_library(libname + str(num), list) lib_list.append(lib) if len(lib_list) > 0: import os, sys if == 'posix' and sys.platform == 'msys': env.Replace(ARFLAGS=['rcsT']) lib = env_lib.add_library(libname + "_collated", lib_list) lib_list = [lib] lib_base = [] env_lib.add_source_files(lib_base, "*.cpp") lib = env_lib.add_library(libname, lib_base) lib_list.insert(0, lib) env.Prepend(LIBS=lib_list) def save_active_platforms(apnames, ap): for x in ap: names = ['logo'] if os.path.isfile(x + "/run_icon.png"): names.append('run_icon') for name in names: pngf = open(x + "/" + name + ".png", "rb") b = str = " /* AUTOGENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT */ \n" str += " static const unsigned char _" + x[9:] + "_" + name + "[]={" while(len(b) == 1): str += hex(ord(b)) b = if (len(b) == 1): str += "," str += "};\n" pngf.close() wf = x + "/" + name + ".gen.h" with open(wf, "w") as pngw: pngw.write(str) def no_verbose(sys, env): colors = {} # Colors are disabled in non-TTY environments such as pipes. This means # that if output is redirected to a file, it will not contain color codes if sys.stdout.isatty(): colors['cyan'] = '\033[96m' colors['purple'] = '\033[95m' colors['blue'] = '\033[94m' colors['green'] = '\033[92m' colors['yellow'] = '\033[93m' colors['red'] = '\033[91m' colors['end'] = '\033[0m' else: colors['cyan'] = '' colors['purple'] = '' colors['blue'] = '' colors['green'] = '' colors['yellow'] = '' colors['red'] = '' colors['end'] = '' compile_source_message = '%sCompiling %s==> %s$SOURCE%s' % (colors['blue'], colors['purple'], colors['yellow'], colors['end']) java_compile_source_message = '%sCompiling %s==> %s$SOURCE%s' % (colors['blue'], colors['purple'], colors['yellow'], colors['end']) compile_shared_source_message = '%sCompiling shared %s==> %s$SOURCE%s' % (colors['blue'], colors['purple'], colors['yellow'], colors['end']) link_program_message = '%sLinking Program %s==> %s$TARGET%s' % (colors['red'], colors['purple'], colors['yellow'], colors['end']) link_library_message = '%sLinking Static Library %s==> %s$TARGET%s' % (colors['red'], colors['purple'], colors['yellow'], colors['end']) ranlib_library_message = '%sRanlib Library %s==> %s$TARGET%s' % (colors['red'], colors['purple'], colors['yellow'], colors['end']) link_shared_library_message = '%sLinking Shared Library %s==> %s$TARGET%s' % (colors['red'], colors['purple'], colors['yellow'], colors['end']) java_library_message = '%sCreating Java Archive %s==> %s$TARGET%s' % (colors['red'], colors['purple'], colors['yellow'], colors['end']) env.Append(CXXCOMSTR=[compile_source_message]) env.Append(CCCOMSTR=[compile_source_message]) env.Append(SHCCCOMSTR=[compile_shared_source_message]) env.Append(SHCXXCOMSTR=[compile_shared_source_message]) env.Append(ARCOMSTR=[link_library_message]) env.Append(RANLIBCOMSTR=[ranlib_library_message]) env.Append(SHLINKCOMSTR=[link_shared_library_message]) env.Append(LINKCOMSTR=[link_program_message]) env.Append(JARCOMSTR=[java_library_message]) env.Append(JAVACCOMSTR=[java_compile_source_message]) def detect_visual_c_compiler_version(tools_env): # tools_env is the variable scons uses to call tools that execute tasks, SCons's env['ENV'] that executes tasks... # (see the SCons documentation for more information on what it does)... # in order for this function to be well encapsulated i choose to force it to receive SCons's TOOLS env (env['ENV'] # and not scons setup environment (env)... so make sure you call the right environment on it or it will fail to detect # the proper vc version that will be called # There is no flag to give to visual c compilers to set the architecture, ie scons bits argument (32,64,ARM etc) # There are many different cl.exe files that are run, and each one compiles & links to a different architecture # As far as I know, the only way to figure out what compiler will be run when Scons calls cl.exe via Program() # is to check the PATH variable and figure out which one will be called first. Code below does that and returns: # the following string values: # "" Compiler not detected # "amd64" Native 64 bit compiler # "amd64_x86" 64 bit Cross Compiler for 32 bit # "x86" Native 32 bit compiler # "x86_amd64" 32 bit Cross Compiler for 64 bit # There are other architectures, but Godot does not support them currently, so this function does not detect arm/amd64_arm # and similar architectures/compilers # Set chosen compiler to "not detected" vc_chosen_compiler_index = -1 vc_chosen_compiler_str = "" # Start with Pre VS 2017 checks which uses VCINSTALLDIR: if 'VCINSTALLDIR' in tools_env: # print("Checking VCINSTALLDIR") # find() works with -1 so big ifs below are needed... the simplest solution, in fact # First test if amd64 and amd64_x86 compilers are present in the path vc_amd64_compiler_detection_index = tools_env["PATH"].find(tools_env["VCINSTALLDIR"] + "BIN\\amd64;") if(vc_amd64_compiler_detection_index > -1): vc_chosen_compiler_index = vc_amd64_compiler_detection_index vc_chosen_compiler_str = "amd64" vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index = tools_env["PATH"].find(tools_env["VCINSTALLDIR"] + "BIN\\amd64_x86;") if(vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index > -1 and (vc_chosen_compiler_index == -1 or vc_chosen_compiler_index > vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index)): vc_chosen_compiler_index = vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index vc_chosen_compiler_str = "amd64_x86" # Now check the 32 bit compilers vc_x86_compiler_detection_index = tools_env["PATH"].find(tools_env["VCINSTALLDIR"] + "BIN;") if(vc_x86_compiler_detection_index > -1 and (vc_chosen_compiler_index == -1 or vc_chosen_compiler_index > vc_x86_compiler_detection_index)): vc_chosen_compiler_index = vc_x86_compiler_detection_index vc_chosen_compiler_str = "x86" vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index = tools_env["PATH"].find(tools_env['VCINSTALLDIR'] + "BIN\\x86_amd64;") if(vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index > -1 and (vc_chosen_compiler_index == -1 or vc_chosen_compiler_index > vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index)): vc_chosen_compiler_index = vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index vc_chosen_compiler_str = "x86_amd64" # and for VS 2017 and newer we check VCTOOLSINSTALLDIR: if 'VCTOOLSINSTALLDIR' in tools_env: # Newer versions have a different path available vc_amd64_compiler_detection_index = tools_env["PATH"].upper().find(tools_env['VCTOOLSINSTALLDIR'].upper() + "BIN\\HOSTX64\\X64;") if(vc_amd64_compiler_detection_index > -1): vc_chosen_compiler_index = vc_amd64_compiler_detection_index vc_chosen_compiler_str = "amd64" vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index = tools_env["PATH"].upper().find(tools_env['VCTOOLSINSTALLDIR'].upper() + "BIN\\HOSTX64\\X86;") if(vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index > -1 and (vc_chosen_compiler_index == -1 or vc_chosen_compiler_index > vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index)): vc_chosen_compiler_index = vc_amd64_x86_compiler_detection_index vc_chosen_compiler_str = "amd64_x86" vc_x86_compiler_detection_index = tools_env["PATH"].upper().find(tools_env['VCTOOLSINSTALLDIR'].upper() + "BIN\\HOSTX86\\X86;") if(vc_x86_compiler_detection_index > -1 and (vc_chosen_compiler_index == -1 or vc_chosen_compiler_index > vc_x86_compiler_detection_index)): vc_chosen_compiler_index = vc_x86_compiler_detection_index vc_chosen_compiler_str = "x86" vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index = tools_env["PATH"].upper().find(tools_env['VCTOOLSINSTALLDIR'].upper() + "BIN\\HOSTX86\\X64;") if(vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index > -1 and (vc_chosen_compiler_index == -1 or vc_chosen_compiler_index > vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index)): vc_chosen_compiler_index = vc_x86_amd64_compiler_detection_index vc_chosen_compiler_str = "x86_amd64" return vc_chosen_compiler_str def find_visual_c_batch_file(env): from import get_default_version, get_host_target, find_batch_file version = get_default_version(env) (host_platform, target_platform,req_target_platform) = get_host_target(env) return find_batch_file(env, version, host_platform, target_platform)[0] def generate_cpp_hint_file(filename): import os.path if os.path.isfile(filename): # Don't overwrite an existing hint file since the user may have customized it. pass else: try: with open(filename, "w") as fd: fd.write("#define GDCLASS(m_class, m_inherits)\n") except IOError: print("Could not write cpp.hint file.") def generate_vs_project(env, num_jobs): batch_file = find_visual_c_batch_file(env) if batch_file: def build_commandline(commands): common_build_prefix = ['cmd /V /C set "plat=$(PlatformTarget)"', '(if "$(PlatformTarget)"=="x64" (set "plat=x86_amd64"))', 'set "tools=yes"', '(if "$(Configuration)"=="release" (set "tools=no"))', 'call "' + batch_file + '" !plat!'] result = " ^& ".join(common_build_prefix + [commands]) return result env.AddToVSProject(env.core_sources) env.AddToVSProject(env.main_sources) env.AddToVSProject(env.modules_sources) env.AddToVSProject(env.scene_sources) env.AddToVSProject(env.servers_sources) env.AddToVSProject(env.editor_sources) # windows allows us to have spaces in paths, so we need # to double quote off the directory. However, the path ends # in a backslash, so we need to remove this, lest it escape the # last double quote off, confusing MSBuild env['MSVSBUILDCOM'] = build_commandline('scons --directory="$(ProjectDir.TrimEnd(\'\\\'))" platform=windows progress=no target=$(Configuration) tools=!tools! -j' + str(num_jobs)) env['MSVSREBUILDCOM'] = build_commandline('scons --directory="$(ProjectDir.TrimEnd(\'\\\'))" platform=windows progress=no target=$(Configuration) tools=!tools! vsproj=yes -j' + str(num_jobs)) env['MSVSCLEANCOM'] = build_commandline('scons --directory="$(ProjectDir.TrimEnd(\'\\\'))" --clean platform=windows progress=no target=$(Configuration) tools=!tools! -j' + str(num_jobs)) # This version information (Win32, x64, Debug, Release, Release_Debug seems to be # required for Visual Studio to understand that it needs to generate an NMAKE # project. Do not modify without knowing what you are doing. debug_variants = ['debug|Win32'] + ['debug|x64'] release_variants = ['release|Win32'] + ['release|x64'] release_debug_variants = ['release_debug|Win32'] + ['release_debug|x64'] variants = debug_variants + release_variants + release_debug_variants debug_targets = ['bin\\'] + ['bin\\'] release_targets = ['bin\\'] + ['bin\\'] release_debug_targets = ['bin\\'] + ['bin\\'] targets = debug_targets + release_targets + release_debug_targets msvproj = env.MSVSProject(target=['#godot' + env['MSVSPROJECTSUFFIX']], incs=env.vs_incs, srcs=env.vs_srcs, runfile=targets, buildtarget=targets, auto_build_solution=1, variant=variants) else: print("Could not locate Visual Studio batch file for setting up the build environment. Not generating VS project.") def precious_program(env, program, sources, **args): program = env.ProgramOriginal(program, sources, **args) env.Precious(program) return program def add_shared_library(env, name, sources, **args): library = env.SharedLibrary(name, sources, **args) env.NoCache(library) return library def add_library(env, name, sources, **args): library = env.Library(name, sources, **args) env.NoCache(library) return library def add_program(env, name, sources, **args): program = env.Program(name, sources, **args) env.NoCache(program) return program