/**************************************************************************/ /* theme_editor_plugin.h */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef THEME_EDITOR_PLUGIN_H #define THEME_EDITOR_PLUGIN_H #include "editor/editor_plugin.h" #include "editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.h" #include "scene/gui/dialogs.h" #include "scene/gui/margin_container.h" #include "scene/gui/tree.h" #include "scene/resources/theme.h" class Button; class CheckButton; class EditorFileDialog; class ItemList; class Label; class OptionButton; class PanelContainer; class TabBar; class TabContainer; class TextureRect; class ThemeItemImportTree : public VBoxContainer { GDCLASS(ThemeItemImportTree, VBoxContainer); Ref<Theme> edited_theme; Ref<Theme> base_theme; struct ThemeItem { String type_name; Theme::DataType data_type; String item_name; bool operator<(const ThemeItem &p_item) const { if (type_name == p_item.type_name && data_type == p_item.data_type) { return item_name < p_item.item_name; } if (type_name == p_item.type_name) { return data_type < p_item.data_type; } return type_name < p_item.type_name; } }; enum ItemCheckedState { SELECT_IMPORT_DEFINITION, SELECT_IMPORT_FULL, }; RBMap<ThemeItem, ItemCheckedState> selected_items; LineEdit *import_items_filter = nullptr; Tree *import_items_tree = nullptr; List<TreeItem *> tree_color_items; List<TreeItem *> tree_constant_items; List<TreeItem *> tree_font_items; List<TreeItem *> tree_font_size_items; List<TreeItem *> tree_icon_items; List<TreeItem *> tree_stylebox_items; bool updating_tree = false; enum ItemActionFlag { IMPORT_ITEM = 1, IMPORT_ITEM_DATA = 2, }; TextureRect *select_colors_icon = nullptr; Label *select_colors_label = nullptr; Button *select_all_colors_button = nullptr; Button *select_full_colors_button = nullptr; Button *deselect_all_colors_button = nullptr; Label *total_selected_colors_label = nullptr; TextureRect *select_constants_icon = nullptr; Label *select_constants_label = nullptr; Button *select_all_constants_button = nullptr; Button *select_full_constants_button = nullptr; Button *deselect_all_constants_button = nullptr; Label *total_selected_constants_label = nullptr; TextureRect *select_fonts_icon = nullptr; Label *select_fonts_label = nullptr; Button *select_all_fonts_button = nullptr; Button *select_full_fonts_button = nullptr; Button *deselect_all_fonts_button = nullptr; Label *total_selected_fonts_label = nullptr; TextureRect *select_font_sizes_icon = nullptr; Label *select_font_sizes_label = nullptr; Button *select_all_font_sizes_button = nullptr; Button *select_full_font_sizes_button = nullptr; Button *deselect_all_font_sizes_button = nullptr; Label *total_selected_font_sizes_label = nullptr; TextureRect *select_icons_icon = nullptr; Label *select_icons_label = nullptr; Button *select_all_icons_button = nullptr; Button *select_full_icons_button = nullptr; Button *deselect_all_icons_button = nullptr; Label *total_selected_icons_label = nullptr; TextureRect *select_styleboxes_icon = nullptr; Label *select_styleboxes_label = nullptr; Button *select_all_styleboxes_button = nullptr; Button *select_full_styleboxes_button = nullptr; Button *deselect_all_styleboxes_button = nullptr; Label *total_selected_styleboxes_label = nullptr; HBoxContainer *select_icons_warning_hb = nullptr; TextureRect *select_icons_warning_icon = nullptr; Label *select_icons_warning = nullptr; Button *import_collapse_types_button = nullptr; Button *import_expand_types_button = nullptr; Button *import_select_all_button = nullptr; Button *import_select_full_button = nullptr; Button *import_deselect_all_button = nullptr; void _update_items_tree(); void _toggle_type_items(bool p_collapse); void _filter_text_changed(const String &p_value); void _store_selected_item(TreeItem *p_tree_item); void _restore_selected_item(TreeItem *p_tree_item); void _update_total_selected(Theme::DataType p_data_type); void _tree_item_edited(); void _check_propagated_to_tree_item(Object *p_obj, int p_column); void _select_all_subitems(TreeItem *p_root_item, bool p_select_with_data); void _deselect_all_subitems(TreeItem *p_root_item, bool p_deselect_completely); void _select_all_items_pressed(); void _select_full_items_pressed(); void _deselect_all_items_pressed(); void _select_all_data_type_pressed(int p_data_type); void _select_full_data_type_pressed(int p_data_type); void _deselect_all_data_type_pressed(int p_data_type); void _import_selected(); protected: void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: void set_edited_theme(const Ref<Theme> &p_theme); void set_base_theme(const Ref<Theme> &p_theme); void reset_item_tree(); bool has_selected_items() const; ThemeItemImportTree(); }; class ThemeTypeEditor; class ThemeItemEditorDialog : public AcceptDialog { GDCLASS(ThemeItemEditorDialog, AcceptDialog); ThemeTypeEditor *theme_type_editor = nullptr; Ref<Theme> edited_theme; TabContainer *tc = nullptr; enum TypesTreeAction { TYPES_TREE_REMOVE_ITEM, }; Tree *edit_type_list = nullptr; LineEdit *edit_add_type_value = nullptr; Button *edit_add_type_button = nullptr; String edited_item_type; Button *edit_items_add_color = nullptr; Button *edit_items_add_constant = nullptr; Button *edit_items_add_font = nullptr; Button *edit_items_add_font_size = nullptr; Button *edit_items_add_icon = nullptr; Button *edit_items_add_stylebox = nullptr; Button *edit_items_remove_class = nullptr; Button *edit_items_remove_custom = nullptr; Button *edit_items_remove_all = nullptr; Tree *edit_items_tree = nullptr; Label *edit_items_message = nullptr; enum ItemsTreeAction { ITEMS_TREE_RENAME_ITEM, ITEMS_TREE_REMOVE_ITEM, ITEMS_TREE_REMOVE_DATA_TYPE, }; ConfirmationDialog *edit_theme_item_dialog = nullptr; VBoxContainer *edit_theme_item_old_vb = nullptr; Label *theme_item_old_name = nullptr; LineEdit *theme_item_name = nullptr; enum ItemPopupMode { CREATE_THEME_ITEM, RENAME_THEME_ITEM, ITEM_POPUP_MODE_MAX }; ItemPopupMode item_popup_mode = ITEM_POPUP_MODE_MAX; String edit_item_old_name; Theme::DataType edit_item_data_type = Theme::DATA_TYPE_MAX; ThemeItemImportTree *import_default_theme_items = nullptr; ThemeItemImportTree *import_editor_theme_items = nullptr; ThemeItemImportTree *import_other_theme_items = nullptr; LineEdit *import_another_theme_value = nullptr; Button *import_another_theme_button = nullptr; EditorFileDialog *import_another_theme_dialog = nullptr; ConfirmationDialog *confirm_closing_dialog = nullptr; void ok_pressed() override; void _close_dialog(); void _dialog_about_to_show(); void _update_edit_types(); void _edited_type_selected(); void _edited_type_button_pressed(Object *p_item, int p_column, int p_id, MouseButton p_button); void _update_edit_item_tree(String p_item_type); void _item_tree_button_pressed(Object *p_item, int p_column, int p_id, MouseButton p_button); void _add_theme_type(const String &p_new_text); void _add_theme_item(Theme::DataType p_data_type, String p_item_name, String p_item_type); void _remove_theme_type(const String &p_theme_type); void _remove_data_type_items(Theme::DataType p_data_type, String p_item_type); void _remove_class_items(); void _remove_custom_items(); void _remove_all_items(); void _open_add_theme_item_dialog(int p_data_type); void _open_rename_theme_item_dialog(Theme::DataType p_data_type, String p_item_name); void _confirm_edit_theme_item(); void _edit_theme_item_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event); void _open_select_another_theme(); void _select_another_theme_cbk(const String &p_path); protected: void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: void set_edited_theme(const Ref<Theme> &p_theme); ThemeItemEditorDialog(ThemeTypeEditor *p_theme_editor); }; class ThemeTypeDialog : public ConfirmationDialog { GDCLASS(ThemeTypeDialog, ConfirmationDialog); Ref<Theme> edited_theme; bool include_own_types = false; String pre_submitted_value; LineEdit *add_type_filter = nullptr; ItemList *add_type_options = nullptr; ConfirmationDialog *add_type_confirmation = nullptr; void _dialog_about_to_show(); void ok_pressed() override; void _update_add_type_options(const String &p_filter = ""); void _add_type_filter_cbk(const String &p_value); void _add_type_options_cbk(int p_index); void _add_type_dialog_entered(const String &p_value); void _add_type_dialog_activated(int p_index); void _add_type_selected(const String &p_type_name); void _add_type_confirmed(); protected: void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: void set_edited_theme(const Ref<Theme> &p_theme); void set_include_own_types(bool p_enable); ThemeTypeDialog(); }; class ThemeTypeEditor : public MarginContainer { GDCLASS(ThemeTypeEditor, MarginContainer); Ref<Theme> edited_theme; String edited_type; bool updating = false; struct LeadingStylebox { bool pinned = false; StringName item_name; Ref<StyleBox> stylebox; Ref<StyleBox> ref_stylebox; }; LeadingStylebox leading_stylebox; OptionButton *theme_type_list = nullptr; Button *add_type_button = nullptr; CheckButton *show_default_items_button = nullptr; TabContainer *data_type_tabs = nullptr; VBoxContainer *color_items_list = nullptr; VBoxContainer *constant_items_list = nullptr; VBoxContainer *font_items_list = nullptr; VBoxContainer *font_size_items_list = nullptr; VBoxContainer *icon_items_list = nullptr; VBoxContainer *stylebox_items_list = nullptr; LineEdit *type_variation_edit = nullptr; Button *type_variation_button = nullptr; Label *type_variation_locked = nullptr; enum TypeDialogMode { ADD_THEME_TYPE, ADD_VARIATION_BASE, }; TypeDialogMode add_type_mode = ADD_THEME_TYPE; ThemeTypeDialog *add_type_dialog = nullptr; Vector<Control *> focusables; Timer *update_debounce_timer = nullptr; VBoxContainer *_create_item_list(Theme::DataType p_data_type); void _update_type_list(); void _update_type_list_debounced(); HashMap<StringName, bool> _get_type_items(String p_type_name, void (Theme::*get_list_func)(StringName, List<StringName> *) const, bool include_default); HBoxContainer *_create_property_control(Theme::DataType p_data_type, String p_item_name, bool p_editable); void _add_focusable(Control *p_control); void _update_type_items(); void _list_type_selected(int p_index); void _add_type_button_cbk(); void _add_default_type_items(); void _item_add_cbk(int p_data_type, Control *p_control); void _item_add_lineedit_cbk(String p_value, int p_data_type, Control *p_control); void _item_override_cbk(int p_data_type, String p_item_name); void _item_remove_cbk(int p_data_type, String p_item_name); void _item_rename_cbk(int p_data_type, String p_item_name, Control *p_control); void _item_rename_confirmed(int p_data_type, String p_item_name, Control *p_control); void _item_rename_entered(String p_value, int p_data_type, String p_item_name, Control *p_control); void _item_rename_canceled(int p_data_type, String p_item_name, Control *p_control); void _color_item_changed(Color p_value, String p_item_name); void _constant_item_changed(float p_value, String p_item_name); void _font_size_item_changed(float p_value, String p_item_name); void _edit_resource_item(Ref<Resource> p_resource, bool p_edit); void _font_item_changed(Ref<Font> p_value, String p_item_name); void _icon_item_changed(Ref<Texture2D> p_value, String p_item_name); void _stylebox_item_changed(Ref<StyleBox> p_value, String p_item_name); void _change_pinned_stylebox(); void _on_pin_leader_button_pressed(Control *p_editor, String p_item_name); void _pin_leading_stylebox(String p_item_name, Ref<StyleBox> p_stylebox); void _on_unpin_leader_button_pressed(); void _unpin_leading_stylebox(); void _update_stylebox_from_leading(); void _type_variation_changed(const String p_value); void _add_type_variation_cbk(); void _add_type_dialog_selected(const String p_type_name); protected: void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: void set_edited_theme(const Ref<Theme> &p_theme); void select_type(String p_type_name); bool is_stylebox_pinned(Ref<StyleBox> p_stylebox); ThemeTypeEditor(); }; class ThemeEditor : public VBoxContainer { GDCLASS(ThemeEditor, VBoxContainer); Ref<Theme> theme; TabBar *preview_tabs = nullptr; PanelContainer *preview_tabs_content = nullptr; Button *add_preview_button = nullptr; EditorFileDialog *preview_scene_dialog = nullptr; ThemeTypeEditor *theme_type_editor = nullptr; Label *theme_name = nullptr; ThemeItemEditorDialog *theme_edit_dialog = nullptr; void _theme_save_button_cbk(bool p_save_as); void _theme_edit_button_cbk(); void _add_preview_button_cbk(); void _preview_scene_dialog_cbk(const String &p_path); void _add_preview_tab(ThemeEditorPreview *p_preview_tab, const String &p_preview_name, const Ref<Texture2D> &p_icon); void _change_preview_tab(int p_tab); void _remove_preview_tab(int p_tab); void _remove_preview_tab_invalid(Node *p_tab_control); void _update_preview_tab(Node *p_tab_control); void _preview_control_picked(String p_class_name); protected: void _notification(int p_what); public: void edit(const Ref<Theme> &p_theme); Ref<Theme> get_edited_theme(); ThemeEditor(); }; class ThemeEditorPlugin : public EditorPlugin { GDCLASS(ThemeEditorPlugin, EditorPlugin); ThemeEditor *theme_editor = nullptr; Button *button = nullptr; public: virtual String get_name() const override { return "Theme"; } bool has_main_screen() const override { return false; } virtual void edit(Object *p_node) override; virtual bool handles(Object *p_node) const override; virtual void make_visible(bool p_visible) override; ThemeEditorPlugin(); }; #endif // THEME_EDITOR_PLUGIN_H