A variation of a font with additional settings.
Provides OpenType variations, simulated bold / slant, and additional font settings like OpenType features and extra spacing.
To use simulated bold font variant:
var fv = FontVariation.new()
$Label.add_theme_font_override("font", fv)
$Label.add_theme_font_size_override("font_size", 64)
var fv = new FontVariation();
GetNode("Label").AddThemeFontOverride("font", fv);
GetNode("Label").AddThemeFontSizeOverride("font_size", 64);
To set the coordinate of multiple variation axes:
var fv = FontVariation.new();
var ts = TextServerManager.get_primary_interface()
fv.base_font = load("res://BarlowCondensed-Regular.ttf")
fv.variation_opentype = { ts.name_to_tag("wght"): 900, ts.name_to_tag("custom_hght"): 900 }
Sets the spacing for [code]type[/code] (see [enum TextServer.SpacingType]) to [param value] in pixels (not relative to the font size).
Base font used to create a variation. If not set, default [Theme] font is used.
A set of OpenType feature tags. More info: [url=https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/featuretags]OpenType feature tags[/url].
Extra spacing at the bottom of the line in pixels.
Extra spacing between graphical glyphs.
Extra width of the space glyphs.
Extra spacing at the top of the line in pixels.
If is not equal to zero, emboldens the font outlines. Negative values reduce the outline thickness.
[b]Note:[/b] Emboldened fonts might have self-intersecting outlines, which will prevent MSDF fonts and [TextMesh] from working correctly.
Active face index in the TrueType / OpenType collection file.
Font OpenType variation coordinates. More info: [url=https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/dvaraxisreg]OpenType variation tags[/url].
[b]Note:[/b] This [Dictionary] uses OpenType tags as keys. Variation axes can be identified both by tags([code]int[/code]) and names ([code]string[/code]). Some axes might be accessible by multiple names. For example, [code]wght[/code] refers to the same axis as [code]weight[/code]. Tags on the other hand are unique. To convert between names and tags, use [method TextServer.name_to_tag] and [method TextServer.tag_to_name].
[b]Note:[/b] To get available variation axes of a font, use [method Font.get_supported_variation_list].
2D transform, applied to the font outlines, can be used for slanting, flipping and rotating glyphs.
For example, to simulate italic typeface by slanting, apply the following transform [code]Transform2D(1.0, slant, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)[/code].