/**************************************************************************/ /* rich_text_label.h */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef RICH_TEXT_LABEL_H #define RICH_TEXT_LABEL_H #include "rich_text_effect.h" #include "scene/gui/popup_menu.h" #include "scene/gui/scroll_bar.h" #include "scene/resources/text_paragraph.h" class RichTextLabel : public Control { GDCLASS(RichTextLabel, Control); public: enum ListType { LIST_NUMBERS, LIST_LETTERS, LIST_ROMAN, LIST_DOTS }; enum ItemType { ITEM_FRAME, ITEM_TEXT, ITEM_IMAGE, ITEM_NEWLINE, ITEM_FONT, ITEM_FONT_SIZE, ITEM_FONT_FEATURES, ITEM_COLOR, ITEM_OUTLINE_SIZE, ITEM_OUTLINE_COLOR, ITEM_UNDERLINE, ITEM_STRIKETHROUGH, ITEM_PARAGRAPH, ITEM_INDENT, ITEM_LIST, ITEM_TABLE, ITEM_FADE, ITEM_SHAKE, ITEM_WAVE, ITEM_TORNADO, ITEM_RAINBOW, ITEM_BGCOLOR, ITEM_FGCOLOR, ITEM_META, ITEM_HINT, ITEM_DROPCAP, ITEM_CUSTOMFX }; enum MenuItems { MENU_COPY, MENU_SELECT_ALL, }; enum DefaultFont { NORMAL_FONT, BOLD_FONT, ITALICS_FONT, BOLD_ITALICS_FONT, MONO_FONT, CUSTOM_FONT, }; protected: virtual void _update_theme_item_cache() override; void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); private: struct Item; struct Line { Item *from = nullptr; Ref<TextParagraph> text_buf; Color dc_color; int dc_ol_size = 0; Color dc_ol_color; Vector2 offset; int char_offset = 0; int char_count = 0; Line() { text_buf.instantiate(); } _FORCE_INLINE_ float get_height(float line_separation) const { return offset.y + text_buf->get_size().y + text_buf->get_line_count() * line_separation; } }; struct Item { int index = 0; int char_ofs = 0; Item *parent = nullptr; ItemType type = ITEM_FRAME; List<Item *> subitems; List<Item *>::Element *E = nullptr; int line = 0; void _clear_children() { while (subitems.size()) { memdelete(subitems.front()->get()); subitems.pop_front(); } } virtual ~Item() { _clear_children(); } }; struct ItemFrame : public Item { bool cell = false; LocalVector<Line> lines; std::atomic<int> first_invalid_line; std::atomic<int> first_invalid_font_line; std::atomic<int> first_resized_line; ItemFrame *parent_frame = nullptr; Color odd_row_bg = Color(0, 0, 0, 0); Color even_row_bg = Color(0, 0, 0, 0); Color border = Color(0, 0, 0, 0); Size2 min_size_over = Size2(-1, -1); Size2 max_size_over = Size2(-1, -1); Rect2 padding; ItemFrame() { type = ITEM_FRAME; first_invalid_line.store(0); first_invalid_font_line.store(0); first_resized_line.store(0); } }; struct ItemText : public Item { String text; ItemText() { type = ITEM_TEXT; } }; struct ItemDropcap : public Item { String text; Ref<Font> font; int font_size = 0; Color color; int ol_size = 0; Color ol_color; Rect2 dropcap_margins; ItemDropcap() { type = ITEM_DROPCAP; } }; struct ItemImage : public Item { Ref<Texture2D> image; InlineAlignment inline_align = INLINE_ALIGNMENT_CENTER; Size2 size; Color color; ItemImage() { type = ITEM_IMAGE; } }; struct ItemFont : public Item { DefaultFont def_font = CUSTOM_FONT; Ref<Font> font; bool variation = false; bool def_size = false; int font_size = 0; ItemFont() { type = ITEM_FONT; } }; struct ItemFontSize : public Item { int font_size = 16; ItemFontSize() { type = ITEM_FONT_SIZE; } }; struct ItemColor : public Item { Color color; ItemColor() { type = ITEM_COLOR; } }; struct ItemOutlineSize : public Item { int outline_size = 0; ItemOutlineSize() { type = ITEM_OUTLINE_SIZE; } }; struct ItemOutlineColor : public Item { Color color; ItemOutlineColor() { type = ITEM_OUTLINE_COLOR; } }; struct ItemUnderline : public Item { ItemUnderline() { type = ITEM_UNDERLINE; } }; struct ItemStrikethrough : public Item { ItemStrikethrough() { type = ITEM_STRIKETHROUGH; } }; struct ItemMeta : public Item { Variant meta; ItemMeta() { type = ITEM_META; } }; struct ItemHint : public Item { String description; ItemHint() { type = ITEM_HINT; } }; struct ItemParagraph : public Item { HorizontalAlignment alignment = HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT; String language; Control::TextDirection direction = Control::TEXT_DIRECTION_AUTO; TextServer::StructuredTextParser st_parser = TextServer::STRUCTURED_TEXT_DEFAULT; ItemParagraph() { type = ITEM_PARAGRAPH; } }; struct ItemIndent : public Item { int level = 0; ItemIndent() { type = ITEM_INDENT; } }; struct ItemList : public Item { ListType list_type = LIST_DOTS; bool capitalize = false; int level = 0; ItemList() { type = ITEM_LIST; } }; struct ItemNewline : public Item { ItemNewline() { type = ITEM_NEWLINE; } }; struct ItemTable : public Item { struct Column { bool expand = false; int expand_ratio = 0; int min_width = 0; int max_width = 0; int width = 0; }; LocalVector<Column> columns; LocalVector<float> rows; LocalVector<float> rows_baseline; int align_to_row = -1; int total_width = 0; int total_height = 0; InlineAlignment inline_align = INLINE_ALIGNMENT_TOP; ItemTable() { type = ITEM_TABLE; } }; struct ItemFade : public Item { int starting_index = 0; int length = 0; ItemFade() { type = ITEM_FADE; } }; struct ItemFX : public Item { double elapsed_time = 0.f; bool connected = true; }; struct ItemShake : public ItemFX { int strength = 0; float rate = 0.0f; uint64_t _current_rng = 0; uint64_t _previous_rng = 0; Vector2 prev_off; ItemShake() { type = ITEM_SHAKE; } void reroll_random() { _previous_rng = _current_rng; _current_rng = Math::rand(); } uint64_t offset_random(int p_index) { return (_current_rng >> (p_index % 64)) | (_current_rng << (64 - (p_index % 64))); } uint64_t offset_previous_random(int p_index) { return (_previous_rng >> (p_index % 64)) | (_previous_rng << (64 - (p_index % 64))); } }; struct ItemWave : public ItemFX { float frequency = 1.0f; float amplitude = 1.0f; Vector2 prev_off; ItemWave() { type = ITEM_WAVE; } }; struct ItemTornado : public ItemFX { float radius = 1.0f; float frequency = 1.0f; Vector2 prev_off; ItemTornado() { type = ITEM_TORNADO; } }; struct ItemRainbow : public ItemFX { float saturation = 0.8f; float value = 0.8f; float frequency = 1.0f; ItemRainbow() { type = ITEM_RAINBOW; } }; struct ItemBGColor : public Item { Color color; ItemBGColor() { type = ITEM_BGCOLOR; } }; struct ItemFGColor : public Item { Color color; ItemFGColor() { type = ITEM_FGCOLOR; } }; struct ItemCustomFX : public ItemFX { Ref<CharFXTransform> char_fx_transform; Ref<RichTextEffect> custom_effect; ItemCustomFX() { type = ITEM_CUSTOMFX; char_fx_transform.instantiate(); } virtual ~ItemCustomFX() { _clear_children(); char_fx_transform.unref(); custom_effect.unref(); } }; ItemFrame *main = nullptr; Item *current = nullptr; ItemFrame *current_frame = nullptr; Thread thread; Mutex data_mutex; bool threaded = false; std::atomic<bool> stop_thread; std::atomic<bool> updating; std::atomic<double> loaded; uint64_t loading_started = 0; int progress_delay = 1000; VScrollBar *vscroll = nullptr; TextServer::AutowrapMode autowrap_mode = TextServer::AUTOWRAP_WORD_SMART; bool scroll_visible = false; bool scroll_follow = false; bool scroll_following = false; bool scroll_active = true; int scroll_w = 0; bool scroll_updated = false; bool updating_scroll = false; int current_idx = 1; int current_char_ofs = 0; int visible_paragraph_count = 0; int visible_line_count = 0; int tab_size = 4; bool underline_meta = true; bool underline_hint = true; bool use_selected_font_color = false; HorizontalAlignment default_alignment = HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT; ItemMeta *meta_hovering = nullptr; Variant current_meta; Array custom_effects; void _invalidate_current_line(ItemFrame *p_frame); static void _thread_function(void *self); void _stop_thread(); bool _validate_line_caches(); void _process_line_caches(); void _add_item(Item *p_item, bool p_enter = false, bool p_ensure_newline = false); void _remove_item(Item *p_item, const int p_line, const int p_subitem_line); String language; TextDirection text_direction = TEXT_DIRECTION_AUTO; TextServer::StructuredTextParser st_parser = TextServer::STRUCTURED_TEXT_DEFAULT; Array st_args; struct Selection { ItemFrame *click_frame = nullptr; int click_line = 0; Item *click_item = nullptr; int click_char = 0; ItemFrame *from_frame = nullptr; int from_line = 0; Item *from_item = nullptr; int from_char = 0; ItemFrame *to_frame = nullptr; int to_line = 0; Item *to_item = nullptr; int to_char = 0; bool active = false; // anything selected? i.e. from, to, etc. valid? bool enabled = false; // allow selections? bool drag_attempt = false; }; Selection selection; bool deselect_on_focus_loss_enabled = true; bool context_menu_enabled = false; bool shortcut_keys_enabled = true; // Context menu. PopupMenu *menu = nullptr; void _generate_context_menu(); Key _get_menu_action_accelerator(const String &p_action); void _menu_option(int p_option); int visible_characters = -1; float visible_ratio = 1.0; TextServer::VisibleCharactersBehavior visible_chars_behavior = TextServer::VC_CHARS_BEFORE_SHAPING; bool _is_click_inside_selection() const; void _find_click(ItemFrame *p_frame, const Point2i &p_click, ItemFrame **r_click_frame = nullptr, int *r_click_line = nullptr, Item **r_click_item = nullptr, int *r_click_char = nullptr, bool *r_outside = nullptr, bool p_meta = false); String _get_line_text(ItemFrame *p_frame, int p_line, Selection p_sel) const; bool _search_line(ItemFrame *p_frame, int p_line, const String &p_string, int p_char_idx, bool p_reverse_search); bool _search_table(ItemTable *p_table, List<Item *>::Element *p_from, const String &p_string, bool p_reverse_search); float _shape_line(ItemFrame *p_frame, int p_line, const Ref<Font> &p_base_font, int p_base_font_size, int p_width, float p_h, int *r_char_offset); float _resize_line(ItemFrame *p_frame, int p_line, const Ref<Font> &p_base_font, int p_base_font_size, int p_width, float p_h); void _update_line_font(ItemFrame *p_frame, int p_line, const Ref<Font> &p_base_font, int p_base_font_size); int _draw_line(ItemFrame *p_frame, int p_line, const Vector2 &p_ofs, int p_width, const Color &p_base_color, int p_outline_size, const Color &p_outline_color, const Color &p_font_shadow_color, int p_shadow_outline_size, const Point2 &p_shadow_ofs, int &r_processed_glyphs); float _find_click_in_line(ItemFrame *p_frame, int p_line, const Vector2 &p_ofs, int p_width, const Point2i &p_click, ItemFrame **r_click_frame = nullptr, int *r_click_line = nullptr, Item **r_click_item = nullptr, int *r_click_char = nullptr, bool p_table = false, bool p_meta = false); String _roman(int p_num, bool p_capitalize) const; String _letters(int p_num, bool p_capitalize) const; Item *_find_indentable(Item *p_item); Item *_get_item_at_pos(Item *p_item_from, Item *p_item_to, int p_position); void _find_frame(Item *p_item, ItemFrame **r_frame, int *r_line); ItemFontSize *_find_font_size(Item *p_item); ItemFont *_find_font(Item *p_item); int _find_outline_size(Item *p_item, int p_default); ItemList *_find_list_item(Item *p_item); ItemDropcap *_find_dc_item(Item *p_item); int _find_list(Item *p_item, Vector<int> &r_index, Vector<ItemList *> &r_list); int _find_margin(Item *p_item, const Ref<Font> &p_base_font, int p_base_font_size); HorizontalAlignment _find_alignment(Item *p_item); TextServer::Direction _find_direction(Item *p_item); TextServer::StructuredTextParser _find_stt(Item *p_item); String _find_language(Item *p_item); Color _find_color(Item *p_item, const Color &p_default_color); Color _find_outline_color(Item *p_item, const Color &p_default_color); bool _find_underline(Item *p_item); bool _find_strikethrough(Item *p_item); bool _find_meta(Item *p_item, Variant *r_meta, ItemMeta **r_item = nullptr); bool _find_hint(Item *p_item, String *r_description); Color _find_bgcolor(Item *p_item); Color _find_fgcolor(Item *p_item); bool _find_layout_subitem(Item *from, Item *to); void _fetch_item_fx_stack(Item *p_item, Vector<ItemFX *> &r_stack); void _update_fx(ItemFrame *p_frame, double p_delta_time); void _scroll_changed(double); int _find_first_line(int p_from, int p_to, int p_vofs) const; _FORCE_INLINE_ float _calculate_line_vertical_offset(const Line &line) const; virtual void gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) override; virtual String get_tooltip(const Point2 &p_pos) const override; Item *_get_next_item(Item *p_item, bool p_free = false) const; Item *_get_prev_item(Item *p_item, bool p_free = false) const; Rect2 _get_text_rect(); Ref<RichTextEffect> _get_custom_effect_by_code(String p_bbcode_identifier); virtual Dictionary parse_expressions_for_values(Vector<String> p_expressions); void _draw_fbg_boxes(RID p_ci, RID p_rid, Vector2 line_off, Item *it_from, Item *it_to, int start, int end, int fbg_flag); #ifndef DISABLE_DEPRECATED // Kept for compatibility from 3.x to 4.0. bool _set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value); #endif bool use_bbcode = false; String text; int fixed_width = -1; bool fit_content_height = false; struct ThemeCache { Ref<StyleBox> normal_style; Ref<StyleBox> focus_style; Ref<StyleBox> progress_bg_style; Ref<StyleBox> progress_fg_style; int line_separation; Ref<Font> normal_font; int normal_font_size; Color default_color; Color font_selected_color; Color selection_color; Color font_outline_color; Color font_shadow_color; int shadow_outline_size; int shadow_offset_x; int shadow_offset_y; int outline_size; Color outline_color; Ref<Font> bold_font; int bold_font_size; Ref<Font> bold_italics_font; int bold_italics_font_size; Ref<Font> italics_font; int italics_font_size; Ref<Font> mono_font; int mono_font_size; int table_h_separation; int table_v_separation; Color table_odd_row_bg; Color table_even_row_bg; Color table_border; float base_scale = 1.0; } theme_cache; public: String get_parsed_text() const; void add_text(const String &p_text); void add_image(const Ref<Texture2D> &p_image, const int p_width = 0, const int p_height = 0, const Color &p_color = Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), InlineAlignment p_alignment = INLINE_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, const Rect2 &p_region = Rect2(0, 0, 0, 0)); void add_newline(); bool remove_paragraph(const int p_paragraph); void push_dropcap(const String &p_string, const Ref<Font> &p_font, int p_size, const Rect2 &p_dropcap_margins = Rect2(), const Color &p_color = Color(1, 1, 1), int p_ol_size = 0, const Color &p_ol_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0)); void _push_def_font(DefaultFont p_def_font); void _push_def_font_var(DefaultFont p_def_font, const Ref<Font> &p_font, int p_size = -1); void push_font(const Ref<Font> &p_font, int p_size = 0); void push_font_size(int p_font_size); void push_outline_size(int p_font_size); void push_normal(); void push_bold(); void push_bold_italics(); void push_italics(); void push_mono(); void push_color(const Color &p_color); void push_outline_color(const Color &p_color); void push_underline(); void push_strikethrough(); void push_paragraph(HorizontalAlignment p_alignment, Control::TextDirection p_direction = Control::TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERITED, const String &p_language = "", TextServer::StructuredTextParser p_st_parser = TextServer::STRUCTURED_TEXT_DEFAULT); void push_indent(int p_level); void push_list(int p_level, ListType p_list, bool p_capitalize); void push_meta(const Variant &p_meta); void push_hint(const String &p_string); void push_table(int p_columns, InlineAlignment p_alignment = INLINE_ALIGNMENT_TOP, int p_align_to_row = -1); void push_fade(int p_start_index, int p_length); void push_shake(int p_strength, float p_rate, bool p_connected); void push_wave(float p_frequency, float p_amplitude, bool p_connected); void push_tornado(float p_frequency, float p_radius, bool p_connected); void push_rainbow(float p_saturation, float p_value, float p_frequency); void push_bgcolor(const Color &p_color); void push_fgcolor(const Color &p_color); void push_customfx(Ref<RichTextEffect> p_custom_effect, Dictionary p_environment); void set_table_column_expand(int p_column, bool p_expand, int p_ratio = 1); void set_cell_row_background_color(const Color &p_odd_row_bg, const Color &p_even_row_bg); void set_cell_border_color(const Color &p_color); void set_cell_size_override(const Size2 &p_min_size, const Size2 &p_max_size); void set_cell_padding(const Rect2 &p_padding); int get_current_table_column() const; void push_cell(); void pop(); void clear(); void set_offset(int p_pixel); void set_meta_underline(bool p_underline); bool is_meta_underlined() const; void set_hint_underline(bool p_underline); bool is_hint_underlined() const; void set_override_selected_font_color(bool p_override_selected_font_color); bool is_overriding_selected_font_color() const; void set_scroll_active(bool p_active); bool is_scroll_active() const; void set_scroll_follow(bool p_follow); bool is_scroll_following() const; void set_tab_size(int p_spaces); int get_tab_size() const; void set_context_menu_enabled(bool p_enabled); bool is_context_menu_enabled() const; void set_shortcut_keys_enabled(bool p_enabled); bool is_shortcut_keys_enabled() const; void set_fit_content_height(bool p_enabled); bool is_fit_content_height_enabled() const; bool search(const String &p_string, bool p_from_selection = false, bool p_search_previous = false); void scroll_to_paragraph(int p_paragraph); int get_paragraph_count() const; int get_visible_paragraph_count() const; float get_line_offset(int p_line); float get_paragraph_offset(int p_paragraph); void scroll_to_line(int p_line); int get_line_count() const; int get_visible_line_count() const; int get_content_height() const; int get_content_width() const; void scroll_to_selection(); VScrollBar *get_v_scroll_bar() { return vscroll; } virtual CursorShape get_cursor_shape(const Point2 &p_pos) const override; virtual Variant get_drag_data(const Point2 &p_point) override; void set_selection_enabled(bool p_enabled); bool is_selection_enabled() const; int get_selection_from() const; int get_selection_to() const; String get_selected_text() const; void select_all(); void selection_copy(); void set_deselect_on_focus_loss_enabled(const bool p_enabled); bool is_deselect_on_focus_loss_enabled() const; void deselect(); bool is_ready() const; void set_threaded(bool p_threaded); bool is_threaded() const; void set_progress_bar_delay(int p_delay_ms); int get_progress_bar_delay() const; // Context menu. PopupMenu *get_menu() const; bool is_menu_visible() const; void parse_bbcode(const String &p_bbcode); void append_text(const String &p_bbcode); void set_use_bbcode(bool p_enable); bool is_using_bbcode() const; void set_text(const String &p_bbcode); String get_text() const; void set_text_direction(TextDirection p_text_direction); TextDirection get_text_direction() const; void set_language(const String &p_language); String get_language() const; void set_autowrap_mode(TextServer::AutowrapMode p_mode); TextServer::AutowrapMode get_autowrap_mode() const; void set_structured_text_bidi_override(TextServer::StructuredTextParser p_parser); TextServer::StructuredTextParser get_structured_text_bidi_override() const; void set_structured_text_bidi_override_options(Array p_args); Array get_structured_text_bidi_override_options() const; void set_visible_characters(int p_visible); int get_visible_characters() const; int get_character_line(int p_char); int get_character_paragraph(int p_char); int get_total_character_count() const; int get_total_glyph_count() const; void set_visible_ratio(float p_ratio); float get_visible_ratio() const; TextServer::VisibleCharactersBehavior get_visible_characters_behavior() const; void set_visible_characters_behavior(TextServer::VisibleCharactersBehavior p_behavior); void set_effects(Array p_effects); Array get_effects(); void install_effect(const Variant effect); void set_fixed_size_to_width(int p_width); virtual Size2 get_minimum_size() const override; RichTextLabel(const String &p_text = String()); ~RichTextLabel(); }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(RichTextLabel::ListType); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(RichTextLabel::ItemType); #endif // RICH_TEXT_LABEL_H