A class to interact with the editor debugger.
This class cannot be directly instantiated and must be retrieved via a [EditorDebuggerPlugin].
You can add tabs to the session UI via [method add_session_tab], send messages via [method send_message], and toggle [EngineProfiler]s via [method toggle_profiler].
Adds the given [param control] to the debug session UI in the debugger bottom panel.
Returns [code]true[/code] if the debug session is currently attached to a remote instance.
Returns [code]true[/code] if the attached remote instance is currently in the debug loop.
Returns [code]true[/code] if the attached remote instance can be debugged.
Removes the given [param control] from the debug session UI in the debugger bottom panel.
Sends the given [param message] to the attached remote instance, optionally passing additionally [param data]. See [EngineDebugger] for how to retrieve those messages.
Enables or disables a specific breakpoint based on [param enabled], updating the Editor Breakpoint Panel accordingly.
Toggle the given [param profiler] on the attached remote instance, optionally passing additionally [param data]. See [EngineProfiler] for more details.
Emitted when the attached remote instance enters a break state. If [param can_debug] is [code]true[/code], the remote instance will enter the debug loop.
Emitted when the attached remote instance exits a break state.
Emitted when a remote instance is attached to this session (i.e. the session becomes active).
Emitted when a remote instance is detached from this session (i.e. the session becomes inactive).