apply plugin: '' dependencies { implementation "" } def pathToRootDir = "../../../../" // Note: Only keep the abis you support to speed up the gradle 'assemble' task. def supportedAbis = ["armv7", "arm64v8", "x86", "x86_64"] android { compileSdkVersion versions.compileSdk buildToolsVersion versions.buildTools useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy' defaultConfig { minSdkVersion versions.minSdk targetSdkVersion versions.targetSdk } lintOptions { abortOnError false disable 'MissingTranslation', 'UnusedResources' } packagingOptions { exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE' exclude 'META-INF/NOTICE' } sourceSets { main { manifest.srcFile 'AndroidManifest.xml' java.srcDirs = ['src'] res.srcDirs = ['res'] aidl.srcDirs = ['aidl'] assets.srcDirs = ['assets'] } debug.jniLibs.srcDirs = ['libs/debug'] release.jniLibs.srcDirs = ['libs/release'] } libraryVariants.all { variant -> variant.outputs.all { output -> output.outputFileName = "godot-lib.${}.aar" } def buildType = def taskPrefix = "" if (project.path != ":") { taskPrefix = project.path + ":" } // Disable the externalNativeBuild* task as it would cause build failures since the cmake build // files is only setup for editing support. gradle.startParameter.excludedTaskNames += taskPrefix + "externalNativeBuild" + buildType // Create tasks to generate the Godot native libraries. def taskName = "compileGodotNativeLibs" + buildType def releaseTarget = "release" if (buildType == "Debug") { releaseTarget += "_debug" } def abiTaskNames = [] // Creating gradle tasks to generate the native libraries for the supported abis. supportedAbis.each { abi -> def abiTaskName = taskName + abi.capitalize() abiTaskNames += abiTaskName tasks.create(name: abiTaskName, type: Exec) { executable "scons" args "--directory=${pathToRootDir}", "platform=android", "target=${releaseTarget}", "android_arch=${abi}" } } // Creating gradle task to run all of the previously generated tasks. tasks.create(name: taskName, type: GradleBuild) { tasks = abiTaskNames } // Schedule the tasks so the generated libs are present before the aar file is packaged. tasks["merge${buildType}JniLibFolders"].dependsOn taskName } externalNativeBuild { cmake { path "CMakeLists.txt" } } }