/**************************************************************************/ /* library_godot_webxr.js */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ const GodotWebXR = { $GodotWebXR__deps: ['$Browser', '$GL', '$GodotRuntime', '$runtimeKeepalivePush', '$runtimeKeepalivePop'], $GodotWebXR: { gl: null, session: null, gl_binding: null, layer: null, space: null, frame: null, pose: null, view_count: 1, input_sources: new Array(16), touches: new Array(5), onsimpleevent: null, // Monkey-patch the requestAnimationFrame() used by Emscripten for the main // loop, so that we can swap it out for XRSession.requestAnimationFrame() // when an XR session is started. orig_requestAnimationFrame: null, requestAnimationFrame: (callback) => { if (GodotWebXR.session && GodotWebXR.space) { const onFrame = function (time, frame) { GodotWebXR.frame = frame; GodotWebXR.pose = frame.getViewerPose(GodotWebXR.space); callback(time); GodotWebXR.frame = null; GodotWebXR.pose = null; }; GodotWebXR.session.requestAnimationFrame(onFrame); } else { GodotWebXR.orig_requestAnimationFrame(callback); } }, monkeyPatchRequestAnimationFrame: (enable) => { if (GodotWebXR.orig_requestAnimationFrame === null) { GodotWebXR.orig_requestAnimationFrame = Browser.requestAnimationFrame; } Browser.requestAnimationFrame = enable ? GodotWebXR.requestAnimationFrame : GodotWebXR.orig_requestAnimationFrame; }, pauseResumeMainLoop: () => { // Once both GodotWebXR.session and GodotWebXR.space are set or // unset, our monkey-patched requestAnimationFrame() should be // enabled or disabled. When using the WebXR API Emulator, this // gets picked up automatically, however, in the Oculus Browser // on the Quest, we need to pause and resume the main loop. Browser.mainLoop.pause(); runtimeKeepalivePush(); window.setTimeout(function () { runtimeKeepalivePop(); Browser.mainLoop.resume(); }, 0); }, getLayer: () => { const new_view_count = (GodotWebXR.pose) ? GodotWebXR.pose.views.length : 1; let layer = GodotWebXR.layer; // If the view count hasn't changed since creating this layer, then // we can simply return it. if (layer && GodotWebXR.view_count === new_view_count) { return layer; } if (!GodotWebXR.session || !GodotWebXR.gl_binding) { return null; } const gl = GodotWebXR.gl; layer = GodotWebXR.gl_binding.createProjectionLayer({ textureType: new_view_count > 1 ? 'texture-array' : 'texture', colorFormat: gl.RGBA8, depthFormat: gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT24, }); GodotWebXR.session.updateRenderState({ layers: [layer] }); GodotWebXR.layer = layer; GodotWebXR.view_count = new_view_count; return layer; }, getSubImage: () => { if (!GodotWebXR.pose) { return null; } const layer = GodotWebXR.getLayer(); if (layer === null) { return null; } // Because we always use "texture-array" for multiview and "texture" // when there is only 1 view, it should be safe to only grab the // subimage for the first view. return GodotWebXR.gl_binding.getViewSubImage(layer, GodotWebXR.pose.views[0]); }, getTextureId: (texture) => { if (texture.name !== undefined) { return texture.name; } const id = GL.getNewId(GL.textures); texture.name = id; GL.textures[id] = texture; return id; }, addInputSource: (input_source) => { let name = -1; if (input_source.targetRayMode === 'tracked-pointer' && input_source.handedness === 'left') { name = 0; } else if (input_source.targetRayMode === 'tracked-pointer' && input_source.handedness === 'right') { name = 1; } else { for (let i = 2; i < 16; i++) { if (!GodotWebXR.input_sources[i]) { name = i; break; } } } if (name >= 0) { GodotWebXR.input_sources[name] = input_source; input_source.name = name; // Find a free touch index for screen sources. if (input_source.targetRayMode === 'screen') { let touch_index = -1; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (!GodotWebXR.touches[i]) { touch_index = i; break; } } if (touch_index >= 0) { GodotWebXR.touches[touch_index] = input_source; input_source.touch_index = touch_index; } } } return name; }, removeInputSource: (input_source) => { if (input_source.name !== undefined) { const name = input_source.name; if (name >= 0 && name < 16) { GodotWebXR.input_sources[name] = null; } if (input_source.touch_index !== undefined) { const touch_index = input_source.touch_index; if (touch_index >= 0 && touch_index < 5) { GodotWebXR.touches[touch_index] = null; } } return name; } return -1; }, getInputSourceId: (input_source) => { if (input_source !== undefined) { return input_source.name; } return -1; }, getTouchIndex: (input_source) => { if (input_source.touch_index !== undefined) { return input_source.touch_index; } return -1; }, }, godot_webxr_is_supported__proxy: 'sync', godot_webxr_is_supported__sig: 'i', godot_webxr_is_supported: function () { return !!navigator.xr; }, godot_webxr_is_session_supported__proxy: 'sync', godot_webxr_is_session_supported__sig: 'vii', godot_webxr_is_session_supported: function (p_session_mode, p_callback) { const session_mode = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_session_mode); const cb = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_callback); if (navigator.xr) { navigator.xr.isSessionSupported(session_mode).then(function (supported) { const c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString(session_mode); cb(c_str, supported ? 1 : 0); GodotRuntime.free(c_str); }); } else { const c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString(session_mode); cb(c_str, 0); GodotRuntime.free(c_str); } }, godot_webxr_initialize__deps: ['emscripten_webgl_get_current_context'], godot_webxr_initialize__proxy: 'sync', godot_webxr_initialize__sig: 'viiiiiiiii', godot_webxr_initialize: function (p_session_mode, p_required_features, p_optional_features, p_requested_reference_spaces, p_on_session_started, p_on_session_ended, p_on_session_failed, p_on_input_event, p_on_simple_event) { GodotWebXR.monkeyPatchRequestAnimationFrame(true); const session_mode = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_session_mode); const required_features = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_required_features).split(',').map((s) => s.trim()).filter((s) => s !== ''); const optional_features = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_optional_features).split(',').map((s) => s.trim()).filter((s) => s !== ''); const requested_reference_space_types = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_requested_reference_spaces).split(',').map((s) => s.trim()); const onstarted = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_session_started); const onended = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_session_ended); const onfailed = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_session_failed); const oninputevent = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_input_event); const onsimpleevent = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_simple_event); const session_init = {}; if (required_features.length > 0) { session_init['requiredFeatures'] = required_features; } if (optional_features.length > 0) { session_init['optionalFeatures'] = optional_features; } navigator.xr.requestSession(session_mode, session_init).then(function (session) { GodotWebXR.session = session; session.addEventListener('end', function (evt) { onended(); }); session.addEventListener('inputsourceschange', function (evt) { evt.added.forEach(GodotWebXR.addInputSource); evt.removed.forEach(GodotWebXR.removeInputSource); }); ['selectstart', 'selectend', 'squeezestart', 'squeezeend'].forEach((input_event, index) => { session.addEventListener(input_event, function (evt) { // Since this happens in-between normal frames, we need to // grab the frame from the event in order to get poses for // the input sources. GodotWebXR.frame = evt.frame; oninputevent(index, GodotWebXR.getInputSourceId(evt.inputSource)); GodotWebXR.frame = null; }); }); session.addEventListener('visibilitychange', function (evt) { const c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString('visibility_state_changed'); onsimpleevent(c_str); GodotRuntime.free(c_str); }); // Store onsimpleevent so we can use it later. GodotWebXR.onsimpleevent = onsimpleevent; const gl_context_handle = _emscripten_webgl_get_current_context(); const gl = GL.getContext(gl_context_handle).GLctx; GodotWebXR.gl = gl; gl.makeXRCompatible().then(function () { GodotWebXR.gl_binding = new XRWebGLBinding(session, gl); // This will trigger the layer to get created. GodotWebXR.getLayer(); function onReferenceSpaceSuccess(reference_space, reference_space_type) { GodotWebXR.space = reference_space; // Using reference_space.addEventListener() crashes when // using the polyfill with the WebXR Emulator extension, // so we set the event property instead. reference_space.onreset = function (evt) { const c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString('reference_space_reset'); onsimpleevent(c_str); GodotRuntime.free(c_str); }; // Now that both GodotWebXR.session and GodotWebXR.space are // set, we need to pause and resume the main loop for the XR // main loop to kick in. GodotWebXR.pauseResumeMainLoop(); // Call in setTimeout() so that errors in the onstarted() // callback don't bubble up here and cause Godot to try the // next reference space. window.setTimeout(function () { const reference_space_c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString(reference_space_type); const enabled_features = 'enabledFeatures' in session ? Array.from(session.enabledFeatures) : []; const enabled_features_c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString(enabled_features.join(',')); onstarted(reference_space_c_str, enabled_features_c_str); GodotRuntime.free(reference_space_c_str); GodotRuntime.free(enabled_features_c_str); }, 0); } function requestReferenceSpace() { const reference_space_type = requested_reference_space_types.shift(); session.requestReferenceSpace(reference_space_type) .then((refSpace) => { onReferenceSpaceSuccess(refSpace, reference_space_type); }) .catch(() => { if (requested_reference_space_types.length === 0) { const c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString('Unable to get any of the requested reference space types'); onfailed(c_str); GodotRuntime.free(c_str); } else { requestReferenceSpace(); } }); } requestReferenceSpace(); }).catch(function (error) { const c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString(`Unable to make WebGL context compatible with WebXR: ${error}`); onfailed(c_str); GodotRuntime.free(c_str); }); }).catch(function (error) { const c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString(`Unable to start session: ${error}`); onfailed(c_str); GodotRuntime.free(c_str); }); }, godot_webxr_uninitialize__proxy: 'sync', godot_webxr_uninitialize__sig: 'v', godot_webxr_uninitialize: function () { if (GodotWebXR.session) { GodotWebXR.session.end() // Prevent exception when session has already ended. .catch((e) => { }); } GodotWebXR.session = null; GodotWebXR.gl_binding = null; GodotWebXR.layer = null; GodotWebXR.space = null; GodotWebXR.frame = null; GodotWebXR.pose = null; GodotWebXR.view_count = 1; GodotWebXR.input_sources = new Array(16); GodotWebXR.touches = new Array(5); GodotWebXR.onsimpleevent = null; // Disable the monkey-patched window.requestAnimationFrame() and // pause/restart the main loop to activate it on all platforms. GodotWebXR.monkeyPatchRequestAnimationFrame(false); GodotWebXR.pauseResumeMainLoop(); }, godot_webxr_get_view_count__proxy: 'sync', godot_webxr_get_view_count__sig: 'i', godot_webxr_get_view_count: function () { if (!GodotWebXR.session || !GodotWebXR.pose) { return 1; } const view_count = GodotWebXR.pose.views.length; return view_count > 0 ? view_count : 1; }, godot_webxr_get_render_target_size__proxy: 'sync', godot_webxr_get_render_target_size__sig: 'ii', godot_webxr_get_render_target_size: function (r_size) { const subimage = GodotWebXR.getSubImage(); if (subimage === null) { return false; } GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_size + 0, subimage.viewport.width, 'i32'); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_size + 4, subimage.viewport.height, 'i32'); return true; }, godot_webxr_get_transform_for_view__proxy: 'sync', godot_webxr_get_transform_for_view__sig: 'iii', godot_webxr_get_transform_for_view: function (p_view, r_transform) { if (!GodotWebXR.session || !GodotWebXR.pose) { return false; } const views = GodotWebXR.pose.views; let matrix; if (p_view >= 0) { matrix = views[p_view].transform.matrix; } else { // For -1 (or any other negative value) return the HMD transform. matrix = GodotWebXR.pose.transform.matrix; } for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) { GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_transform + (i * 4), matrix[i], 'float'); } return true; }, godot_webxr_get_projection_for_view__proxy: 'sync', godot_webxr_get_projection_for_view__sig: 'iii', godot_webxr_get_projection_for_view: function (p_view, r_transform) { if (!GodotWebXR.session || !GodotWebXR.pose) { return false; } const matrix = GodotWebXR.pose.views[p_view].projectionMatrix; for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) { GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_transform + (i * 4), matrix[i], 'float'); } return true; }, godot_webxr_get_color_texture__proxy: 'sync', godot_webxr_get_color_texture__sig: 'i', godot_webxr_get_color_texture: function () { const subimage = GodotWebXR.getSubImage(); if (subimage === null) { return 0; } return GodotWebXR.getTextureId(subimage.colorTexture); }, godot_webxr_get_depth_texture__proxy: 'sync', godot_webxr_get_depth_texture__sig: 'i', godot_webxr_get_depth_texture: function () { const subimage = GodotWebXR.getSubImage(); if (subimage === null) { return 0; } if (!subimage.depthStencilTexture) { return 0; } return GodotWebXR.getTextureId(subimage.depthStencilTexture); }, godot_webxr_get_velocity_texture__proxy: 'sync', godot_webxr_get_velocity_texture__sig: 'i', godot_webxr_get_velocity_texture: function () { const subimage = GodotWebXR.getSubImage(); if (subimage === null) { return 0; } if (!subimage.motionVectorTexture) { return 0; } return GodotWebXR.getTextureId(subimage.motionVectorTexture); }, godot_webxr_update_input_source__proxy: 'sync', godot_webxr_update_input_source__sig: 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiii', godot_webxr_update_input_source: function (p_input_source_id, r_target_pose, r_target_ray_mode, r_touch_index, r_has_grip_pose, r_grip_pose, r_has_standard_mapping, r_button_count, r_buttons, r_axes_count, r_axes, r_has_hand_data, r_hand_joints, r_hand_radii) { if (!GodotWebXR.session || !GodotWebXR.frame) { return 0; } if (p_input_source_id < 0 || p_input_source_id >= GodotWebXR.input_sources.length || !GodotWebXR.input_sources[p_input_source_id]) { return false; } const input_source = GodotWebXR.input_sources[p_input_source_id]; const frame = GodotWebXR.frame; const space = GodotWebXR.space; // Target pose. const target_pose = frame.getPose(input_source.targetRaySpace, space); if (!target_pose) { // This can mean that the controller lost tracking. return false; } const target_pose_matrix = target_pose.transform.matrix; for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) { GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_target_pose + (i * 4), target_pose_matrix[i], 'float'); } // Target ray mode. let target_ray_mode = 0; switch (input_source.targetRayMode) { case 'gaze': target_ray_mode = 1; break; case 'tracked-pointer': target_ray_mode = 2; break; case 'screen': target_ray_mode = 3; break; default: } GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_target_ray_mode, target_ray_mode, 'i32'); // Touch index. GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_touch_index, GodotWebXR.getTouchIndex(input_source), 'i32'); // Grip pose. let has_grip_pose = false; if (input_source.gripSpace) { const grip_pose = frame.getPose(input_source.gripSpace, space); if (grip_pose) { const grip_pose_matrix = grip_pose.transform.matrix; for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) { GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_grip_pose + (i * 4), grip_pose_matrix[i], 'float'); } has_grip_pose = true; } } GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_has_grip_pose, has_grip_pose ? 1 : 0, 'i32'); // Gamepad data (mapping, buttons and axes). let has_standard_mapping = false; let button_count = 0; let axes_count = 0; if (input_source.gamepad) { if (input_source.gamepad.mapping === 'xr-standard') { has_standard_mapping = true; } button_count = Math.min(input_source.gamepad.buttons.length, 10); for (let i = 0; i < button_count; i++) { GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_buttons + (i * 4), input_source.gamepad.buttons[i].value, 'float'); } axes_count = Math.min(input_source.gamepad.axes.length, 10); for (let i = 0; i < axes_count; i++) { GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_axes + (i * 4), input_source.gamepad.axes[i], 'float'); } } GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_has_standard_mapping, has_standard_mapping ? 1 : 0, 'i32'); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_button_count, button_count, 'i32'); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_axes_count, axes_count, 'i32'); // Hand tracking data. let has_hand_data = false; if (input_source.hand && r_hand_joints !== 0 && r_hand_radii !== 0) { const hand_joint_array = new Float32Array(25 * 16); const hand_radii_array = new Float32Array(25); if (frame.fillPoses(input_source.hand.values(), space, hand_joint_array) && frame.fillJointRadii(input_source.hand.values(), hand_radii_array)) { GodotRuntime.heapCopy(HEAPF32, hand_joint_array, r_hand_joints); GodotRuntime.heapCopy(HEAPF32, hand_radii_array, r_hand_radii); has_hand_data = true; } } GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_has_hand_data, has_hand_data ? 1 : 0, 'i32'); return true; }, godot_webxr_get_visibility_state__proxy: 'sync', godot_webxr_get_visibility_state__sig: 'i', godot_webxr_get_visibility_state: function () { if (!GodotWebXR.session || !GodotWebXR.session.visibilityState) { return 0; } return GodotRuntime.allocString(GodotWebXR.session.visibilityState); }, godot_webxr_get_bounds_geometry__proxy: 'sync', godot_webxr_get_bounds_geometry__sig: 'ii', godot_webxr_get_bounds_geometry: function (r_points) { if (!GodotWebXR.space || !GodotWebXR.space.boundsGeometry) { return 0; } const point_count = GodotWebXR.space.boundsGeometry.length; if (point_count === 0) { return 0; } const buf = GodotRuntime.malloc(point_count * 3 * 4); for (let i = 0; i < point_count; i++) { const point = GodotWebXR.space.boundsGeometry[i]; GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(buf + ((i * 3) + 0) * 4, point.x, 'float'); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(buf + ((i * 3) + 1) * 4, point.y, 'float'); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(buf + ((i * 3) + 2) * 4, point.z, 'float'); } GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_points, buf, 'i32'); return point_count; }, godot_webxr_get_frame_rate__proxy: 'sync', godot_webxr_get_frame_rate__sig: 'i', godot_webxr_get_frame_rate: function () { if (!GodotWebXR.session || GodotWebXR.session.frameRate === undefined) { return 0; } return GodotWebXR.session.frameRate; }, godot_webxr_update_target_frame_rate__proxy: 'sync', godot_webxr_update_target_frame_rate__sig: 'vi', godot_webxr_update_target_frame_rate: function (p_frame_rate) { if (!GodotWebXR.session || GodotWebXR.session.updateTargetFrameRate === undefined) { return; } GodotWebXR.session.updateTargetFrameRate(p_frame_rate).then(() => { const c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString('display_refresh_rate_changed'); GodotWebXR.onsimpleevent(c_str); GodotRuntime.free(c_str); }); }, godot_webxr_get_supported_frame_rates__proxy: 'sync', godot_webxr_get_supported_frame_rates__sig: 'ii', godot_webxr_get_supported_frame_rates: function (r_frame_rates) { if (!GodotWebXR.session || GodotWebXR.session.supportedFrameRates === undefined) { return 0; } const frame_rate_count = GodotWebXR.session.supportedFrameRates.length; if (frame_rate_count === 0) { return 0; } const buf = GodotRuntime.malloc(frame_rate_count * 4); for (let i = 0; i < frame_rate_count; i++) { GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(buf + (i * 4), GodotWebXR.session.supportedFrameRates[i], 'float'); } GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_frame_rates, buf, 'i32'); return frame_rate_count; }, }; autoAddDeps(GodotWebXR, '$GodotWebXR'); mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, GodotWebXR);