/*************************************************************************/ /* canvas_item_editor_plugin.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* http://www.godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #ifndef CONTROL_EDITOR_PLUGIN_H #define CONTROL_EDITOR_PLUGIN_H #include "tools/editor/editor_plugin.h" #include "tools/editor/editor_node.h" #include "scene/gui/spin_box.h" #include "scene/gui/panel_container.h" #include "scene/gui/box_container.h" #include "scene/2d/canvas_item.h" /** @author Juan Linietsky */ class CanvasItemEditorSelectedItem : public Object { OBJ_TYPE(CanvasItemEditorSelectedItem,Object); public: Variant undo_state; Vector2 undo_pivot; Matrix32 prev_xform; float prev_rot; Rect2 prev_rect; CanvasItemEditorSelectedItem() { prev_rot=0; } }; class CanvasItemEditor : public VBoxContainer { OBJ_TYPE(CanvasItemEditor, VBoxContainer ); EditorNode *editor; enum Tool { TOOL_SELECT, TOOL_MOVE, TOOL_ROTATE, TOOL_PAN, TOOL_MAX }; enum MenuOption { SNAP_USE, SNAP_CONFIGURE, SNAP_USE_PIXEL, SNAP_OBJECT_CENTERS, ZOOM_IN, ZOOM_OUT, ZOOM_RESET, ZOOM_SET, LOCK_SELECTED, UNLOCK_SELECTED, GROUP_SELECTED, UNGROUP_SELECTED, ALIGN_HORIZONTAL, ALIGN_VERTICAL, SPACE_HORIZONTAL, SPACE_VERTICAL, EXPAND_TO_PARENT, ANIM_INSERT_KEY, ANIM_INSERT_KEY_EXISTING, ANIM_INSERT_POS, ANIM_INSERT_ROT, ANIM_INSERT_SCALE, ANIM_COPY_POSE, ANIM_PASTE_POSE, ANIM_CLEAR_POSE, VIEW_CENTER_TO_SELECTION, VIEW_FRAME_TO_SELECTION, SKELETON_MAKE_BONES, SKELETON_CLEAR_BONES, SKELETON_SET_IK_CHAIN, SKELETON_CLEAR_IK_CHAIN }; enum DragType { DRAG_NONE, DRAG_LEFT, DRAG_TOP_LEFT, DRAG_TOP, DRAG_TOP_RIGHT, DRAG_RIGHT, DRAG_BOTTOM_RIGHT, DRAG_BOTTOM, DRAG_BOTTOM_LEFT, DRAG_ALL, DRAG_ROTATE, DRAG_PIVOT, }; enum KeyMoveMODE { MOVE_VIEW_BASE, MOVE_LOCAL_BASE, MOVE_LOCAL_WITH_ROT }; EditorSelection *editor_selection; Tool tool; bool first_update; Control *viewport; bool can_move_pivot; HScrollBar *h_scroll; VScrollBar *v_scroll; HBoxContainer *hb; Matrix32 transform; float zoom; bool pixel_snap; bool box_selecting; Point2 box_selecting_to; bool key_pos; bool key_rot; bool key_scale; void _tool_select(int p_index); MenuOption last_option; struct LockList { Point2 pos; bool lock; bool group; LockList() { lock=false; group=false; } }; List lock_list; struct BoneList { Matrix32 xform; Vector2 from; Vector2 to; ObjectID bone; }; List bone_list; Matrix32 bone_orig_xform; struct BoneIK { Variant orig_state; Vector2 pos; float len; Node2D *node; }; List bone_ik_list; struct PoseClipboard { Vector2 pos; Vector2 scale; float rot; ObjectID id; }; List pose_clipboard; ToolButton *select_button; ToolButton *move_button; ToolButton *rotate_button; ToolButton *pan_button; ToolButton *lock_button; ToolButton *unlock_button; ToolButton *group_button; ToolButton *ungroup_button; MenuButton *edit_menu; MenuButton *view_menu; HBoxContainer *animation_hb; MenuButton *animation_menu; Button *key_loc_button; Button *key_rot_button; Button *key_scale_button; Button *key_insert_button; //PopupMenu *popup; DragType drag; Point2 drag_from; Point2 drag_point_from; bool updating_value_dialog; Point2 display_rotate_from; Point2 display_rotate_to; #if 0 struct EditInfo { Variant undo_state; Matrix32 prev_xform; float prev_rot; Rect2 prev_rect; EditInfo() { prev_rot=0; } }; typedef Map CanvasItemMap; CanvasItemMap canvas_items; #endif Ref select_sb; Ref select_handle; int handle_len; CanvasItem* _select_canvas_item_at_pos(const Point2 &p_pos,Node* p_node,const Matrix32& p_parent_xform,const Matrix32& p_canvas_xform); void _find_canvas_items_at_rect(const Rect2& p_rect,Node* p_node,const Matrix32& p_parent_xform,const Matrix32& p_canvas_xform,List *r_items); AcceptDialog *value_dialog; Label *dialog_label; SpinBox *dialog_val; AcceptDialog *snap_dialog; SpinBox *snap_x; SpinBox *snap_y; CanvasItem *ref_item; void _add_canvas_item(CanvasItem *p_canvas_item); void _remove_canvas_item(CanvasItem *p_canvas_item); void _clear_canvas_items(); void _visibility_changed(ObjectID p_canvas_item); void _key_move(const Vector2& p_dir, bool p_snap, KeyMoveMODE p_move_mode); DragType _find_drag_type(const Matrix32& p_xform, const Rect2& p_local_rect, const Point2& p_click, Vector2& r_point); Point2 snapify(const Point2& p_pos) const; void _popup_callback(int p_op); bool updating_scroll; void _update_scroll(float); void _update_scrollbars(); void incbeg(float& beg,float& end, float inc, float minsize,bool p_symmetric); void incend(float& beg,float& end, float inc, float minsize,bool p_symmetric); void _append_canvas_item(CanvasItem *p_item); void _dialog_value_changed(double); UndoRedo *undo_redo; Point2 _find_topleftmost_point(); void _find_canvas_items_span(Node *p_node, Rect2& r_rect, const Matrix32& p_xform); Object *_get_editor_data(Object *p_what); CanvasItem *get_single_item(); int get_item_count(); void _keying_changed(bool p_changed); void _unhandled_key_input(const InputEvent& p_ev); void _viewport_input_event(const InputEvent& p_event); void _viewport_draw(); void _snap_changed(double); HSplitContainer *palette_split; VSplitContainer *bottom_split; friend class CanvasItemEditorPlugin; protected: void _notification(int p_what); void _node_removed(Node *p_node); static void _bind_methods(); void end_drag(); void box_selection_start( Point2 &click ); bool box_selection_end(); HBoxContainer *get_panel_hb() { return hb; } struct compare_items_x { bool operator()( const CanvasItem *a, const CanvasItem *b ) const { return a->get_global_transform().elements[2].x < b->get_global_transform().elements[2].x; } }; struct compare_items_y { bool operator()( const CanvasItem *a, const CanvasItem *b ) const { return a->get_global_transform().elements[2].y < b->get_global_transform().elements[2].y; } }; struct proj_vector2_x { float get( const Vector2 &v ) { return v.x; } void set( Vector2 &v, float f ) { v.x = f; } }; struct proj_vector2_y { float get( const Vector2 &v ) { return v.y; } void set( Vector2 &v, float f ) { v.y = f; } }; template< class P, class C > void space_selected_items(); static CanvasItemEditor *singleton; public: bool is_snap_active() const; Size2i get_snap() const { return Size2i(snap_x->get_val(),snap_y->get_val()); } Matrix32 get_canvas_transform() const { return transform; } static CanvasItemEditor *get_singleton() { return singleton; } Dictionary get_state() const; void set_state(const Dictionary& p_state); void add_control_to_menu_panel(Control *p_control); HSplitContainer *get_palette_split(); VSplitContainer *get_bottom_split(); Control *get_viewport_control() { return viewport; } bool get_remove_list(List *p_list); void set_undo_redo(UndoRedo *p_undo_redo) {undo_redo=p_undo_redo; } void edit(CanvasItem *p_canvas_item); CanvasItemEditor(EditorNode *p_editor); }; class CanvasItemEditorPlugin : public EditorPlugin { OBJ_TYPE( CanvasItemEditorPlugin, EditorPlugin ); CanvasItemEditor *canvas_item_editor; EditorNode *editor; public: virtual String get_name() const { return "2D"; } bool has_main_screen() const { return true; } virtual void edit(Object *p_object); virtual bool handles(Object *p_object) const; virtual void make_visible(bool p_visible); virtual bool get_remove_list(List *p_list) { return canvas_item_editor->get_remove_list(p_list); } virtual Dictionary get_state() const; virtual void set_state(const Dictionary& p_state); CanvasItemEditor *get_canvas_item_editor() { return canvas_item_editor; } CanvasItemEditorPlugin(EditorNode *p_node); ~CanvasItemEditorPlugin(); }; #endif