/**************************************************************************/ /* library_godot_audio.js */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ /** * @typedef { "disabled" | "forward" | "backward" | "pingpong" } LoopMode */ /** * @typedef {{ * id: string * audioBuffer: AudioBuffer * }} SampleParams * @typedef {{ * numberOfChannels?: number * sampleRate?: number * loopMode?: LoopMode * loopBegin?: number * loopEnd?: number * }} SampleOptions */ /** * Represents a sample, memory-wise. * @class */ class Sample { /** * Returns a `Sample`. * @param {string} id Id of the `Sample` to get. * @returns {Sample} * @throws {ReferenceError} When no `Sample` is found */ static getSample(id) { if (!GodotAudio.samples.has(id)) { throw new ReferenceError(`Could not find sample "${id}"`); } return GodotAudio.samples.get(id); } /** * Returns a `Sample` or `null`, if it doesn't exist. * @param {string} id Id of the `Sample` to get. * @returns {Sample?} */ static getSampleOrNull(id) { return GodotAudio.samples.get(id) ?? null; } /** * Creates a `Sample` based on the params. Will register it to the * `GodotAudio.samples` registry. * @param {SampleParams} params Base params * @param {SampleOptions} [options={{}}] Optional params * @returns {Sample} */ static create(params, options = {}) { const sample = new GodotAudio.Sample(params, options); GodotAudio.samples.set(params.id, sample); return sample; } /** * Deletes a `Sample` based on the id. * @param {string} id `Sample` id to delete * @returns {void} */ static delete(id) { GodotAudio.samples.delete(id); } /** * `Sample` constructor. * @param {SampleParams} params Base params * @param {SampleOptions} [options={{}}] Optional params */ constructor(params, options = {}) { /** @type {string} */ this.id = params.id; /** @type {AudioBuffer} */ this._audioBuffer = null; /** @type {number} */ this.numberOfChannels = options.numberOfChannels ?? 2; /** @type {number} */ this.sampleRate = options.sampleRate ?? 44100; /** @type {LoopMode} */ this.loopMode = options.loopMode ?? 'disabled'; /** @type {number} */ this.loopBegin = options.loopBegin ?? 0; /** @type {number} */ this.loopEnd = options.loopEnd ?? 0; this.setAudioBuffer(params.audioBuffer); } /** * Gets the audio buffer of the sample. * @returns {AudioBuffer} */ getAudioBuffer() { return this._duplicateAudioBuffer(); } /** * Sets the audio buffer of the sample. * @param {AudioBuffer} val The audio buffer to set. * @returns {void} */ setAudioBuffer(val) { this._audioBuffer = val; } /** * Clears the current sample. * @returns {void} */ clear() { this.setAudioBuffer(null); GodotAudio.Sample.delete(this.id); } /** * Returns a duplicate of the stored audio buffer. * @returns {AudioBuffer} */ _duplicateAudioBuffer() { if (this._audioBuffer == null) { throw new Error('couldn\'t duplicate a null audioBuffer'); } /** @type {Array} */ const channels = new Array(this._audioBuffer.numberOfChannels); for (let i = 0; i < this._audioBuffer.numberOfChannels; i++) { const channel = new Float32Array(this._audioBuffer.getChannelData(i)); channels[i] = channel; } const buffer = GodotAudio.ctx.createBuffer( this.numberOfChannels, this._audioBuffer.length, this._audioBuffer.sampleRate ); for (let i = 0; i < channels.length; i++) { buffer.copyToChannel(channels[i], i, 0); } return buffer; } } /** * Represents a `SampleNode` linked to a `Bus`. * @class */ class SampleNodeBus { /** * Creates a new `SampleNodeBus`. * @param {Bus} bus The bus related to the new `SampleNodeBus`. * @returns {SampleNodeBus} */ static create(bus) { return new GodotAudio.SampleNodeBus(bus); } /** * `SampleNodeBus` constructor. * @param {Bus} bus The bus related to the new `SampleNodeBus`. */ constructor(bus) { const NUMBER_OF_WEB_CHANNELS = 6; /** @type {Bus} */ this._bus = bus; /** @type {ChannelSplitterNode} */ this._channelSplitter = GodotAudio.ctx.createChannelSplitter(NUMBER_OF_WEB_CHANNELS); /** @type {GainNode} */ this._l = GodotAudio.ctx.createGain(); /** @type {GainNode} */ this._r = GodotAudio.ctx.createGain(); /** @type {GainNode} */ this._sl = GodotAudio.ctx.createGain(); /** @type {GainNode} */ this._sr = GodotAudio.ctx.createGain(); /** @type {GainNode} */ this._c = GodotAudio.ctx.createGain(); /** @type {GainNode} */ this._lfe = GodotAudio.ctx.createGain(); /** @type {ChannelMergerNode} */ this._channelMerger = GodotAudio.ctx.createChannelMerger(NUMBER_OF_WEB_CHANNELS); this._channelSplitter .connect(this._l, GodotAudio.WebChannel.CHANNEL_L) .connect( this._channelMerger, GodotAudio.WebChannel.CHANNEL_L, GodotAudio.WebChannel.CHANNEL_L ); this._channelSplitter .connect(this._r, GodotAudio.WebChannel.CHANNEL_R) .connect( this._channelMerger, GodotAudio.WebChannel.CHANNEL_L, GodotAudio.WebChannel.CHANNEL_R ); this._channelSplitter .connect(this._sl, GodotAudio.WebChannel.CHANNEL_SL) .connect( this._channelMerger, GodotAudio.WebChannel.CHANNEL_L, GodotAudio.WebChannel.CHANNEL_SL ); this._channelSplitter .connect(this._sr, GodotAudio.WebChannel.CHANNEL_SR) .connect( this._channelMerger, GodotAudio.WebChannel.CHANNEL_L, GodotAudio.WebChannel.CHANNEL_SR ); this._channelSplitter .connect(this._c, GodotAudio.WebChannel.CHANNEL_C) .connect( this._channelMerger, GodotAudio.WebChannel.CHANNEL_L, GodotAudio.WebChannel.CHANNEL_C ); this._channelSplitter .connect(this._lfe, GodotAudio.WebChannel.CHANNEL_L) .connect( this._channelMerger, GodotAudio.WebChannel.CHANNEL_L, GodotAudio.WebChannel.CHANNEL_LFE ); this._channelMerger.connect(this._bus.getInputNode()); } /** * Returns the input node. * @returns {AudioNode} */ getInputNode() { return this._channelSplitter; } /** * Returns the output node. * @returns {AudioNode} */ getOutputNode() { return this._channelMerger; } /** * Sets the volume for each (split) channel. * @param {Float32Array} volume Volume array from the engine for each channel. * @returns {void} */ setVolume(volume) { if (volume.length !== GodotAudio.MAX_VOLUME_CHANNELS) { throw new Error( `Volume length isn't "${GodotAudio.MAX_VOLUME_CHANNELS}", is ${volume.length} instead` ); } this._l.gain.value = volume[GodotAudio.GodotChannel.CHANNEL_L] ?? 0; this._r.gain.value = volume[GodotAudio.GodotChannel.CHANNEL_R] ?? 0; this._sl.gain.value = volume[GodotAudio.GodotChannel.CHANNEL_SL] ?? 0; this._sr.gain.value = volume[GodotAudio.GodotChannel.CHANNEL_SR] ?? 0; this._c.gain.value = volume[GodotAudio.GodotChannel.CHANNEL_C] ?? 0; this._lfe.gain.value = volume[GodotAudio.GodotChannel.CHANNEL_LFE] ?? 0; } /** * Clears the current `SampleNodeBus` instance. * @returns {void} */ clear() { this._bus = null; this._channelSplitter.disconnect(); this._channelSplitter = null; this._l.disconnect(); this._l = null; this._r.disconnect(); this._r = null; this._sl.disconnect(); this._sl = null; this._sr.disconnect(); this._sr = null; this._c.disconnect(); this._c = null; this._lfe.disconnect(); this._lfe = null; this._channelMerger.disconnect(); this._channelMerger = null; } } /** * @typedef {{ * id: string * streamObjectId: string * busIndex: number * }} SampleNodeParams * @typedef {{ * offset?: number * playbackRate?: number * startTime?: number * pitchScale?: number * loopMode?: LoopMode * volume?: Float32Array * start?: boolean * }} SampleNodeOptions */ /** * Represents an `AudioNode` of a `Sample`. * @class */ class SampleNode { /** * Returns a `SampleNode`. * @param {string} id Id of the `SampleNode`. * @returns {SampleNode} * @throws {ReferenceError} When no `SampleNode` is not found */ static getSampleNode(id) { if (!GodotAudio.sampleNodes.has(id)) { throw new ReferenceError(`Could not find sample node "${id}"`); } return GodotAudio.sampleNodes.get(id); } /** * Returns a `SampleNode`, returns null if not found. * @param {string} id Id of the SampleNode. * @returns {SampleNode?} */ static getSampleNodeOrNull(id) { return GodotAudio.sampleNodes.get(id) ?? null; } /** * Stops a `SampleNode` by id. * @param {string} id Id of the `SampleNode` to stop. * @returns {void} */ static stopSampleNode(id) { const sampleNode = GodotAudio.SampleNode.getSampleNodeOrNull(id); if (sampleNode == null) { return; } sampleNode.stop(); } /** * Pauses the `SampleNode` by id. * @param {string} id Id of the `SampleNode` to pause. * @param {boolean} enable State of the pause * @returns {void} */ static pauseSampleNode(id, enable) { const sampleNode = GodotAudio.SampleNode.getSampleNodeOrNull(id); if (sampleNode == null) { return; } sampleNode.pause(enable); } /** * Creates a `SampleNode` based on the params. Will register the `SampleNode` to * the `GodotAudio.sampleNodes` regisery. * @param {SampleNodeParams} params Base params. * @param {SampleNodeOptions} options Optional params. * @returns {SampleNode} */ static create(params, options = {}) { const sampleNode = new GodotAudio.SampleNode(params, options); GodotAudio.sampleNodes.set(params.id, sampleNode); return sampleNode; } /** * Deletes a `SampleNode` based on the id. * @param {string} id Id of the `SampleNode` to delete. * @returns {void} */ static delete(id) { GodotAudio.sampleNodes.delete(id); } /** * @param {SampleNodeParams} params Base params * @param {SampleNodeOptions} [options={{}}] Optional params */ constructor(params, options = {}) { /** @type {string} */ this.id = params.id; /** @type {string} */ this.streamObjectId = params.streamObjectId; /** @type {number} */ this.offset = options.offset ?? 0; /** @type {number} */ this._playbackPosition = options.offset; /** @type {number} */ this.startTime = options.startTime ?? 0; /** @type {boolean} */ this.isPaused = false; /** @type {boolean} */ this.isStarted = false; /** @type {boolean} */ this.isCanceled = false; /** @type {number} */ this.pauseTime = 0; /** @type {number} */ this._playbackRate = 44100; /** @type {LoopMode} */ this.loopMode = options.loopMode ?? this.getSample().loopMode ?? 'disabled'; /** @type {number} */ this._pitchScale = options.pitchScale ?? 1; /** @type {number} */ this._sourceStartTime = 0; /** @type {Map} */ this._sampleNodeBuses = new Map(); /** @type {AudioBufferSourceNode | null} */ this._source = GodotAudio.ctx.createBufferSource(); this._onended = null; /** @type {AudioWorkletNode | null} */ this._positionWorklet = null; this.setPlaybackRate(options.playbackRate ?? 44100); this._source.buffer = this.getSample().getAudioBuffer(); this._addEndedListener(); const bus = GodotAudio.Bus.getBus(params.busIndex); const sampleNodeBus = this.getSampleNodeBus(bus); sampleNodeBus.setVolume(options.volume); this.connectPositionWorklet(options.start); } /** * Gets the playback rate. * @returns {number} */ getPlaybackRate() { return this._playbackRate; } /** * Gets the playback position. * @returns {number} */ getPlaybackPosition() { return this._playbackPosition; } /** * Sets the playback rate. * @param {number} val Value to set. * @returns {void} */ setPlaybackRate(val) { this._playbackRate = val; this._syncPlaybackRate(); } /** * Gets the pitch scale. * @returns {number} */ getPitchScale() { return this._pitchScale; } /** * Sets the pitch scale. * @param {number} val Value to set. * @returns {void} */ setPitchScale(val) { this._pitchScale = val; this._syncPlaybackRate(); } /** * Returns the linked `Sample`. * @returns {Sample} */ getSample() { return GodotAudio.Sample.getSample(this.streamObjectId); } /** * Returns the output node. * @returns {AudioNode} */ getOutputNode() { return this._source; } /** * Starts the `SampleNode`. * @returns {void} */ start() { if (this.isStarted) { return; } this._resetSourceStartTime(); this._source.start(this.startTime, this.offset); this.isStarted = true; } /** * Stops the `SampleNode`. * @returns {void} */ stop() { this.clear(); } /** * Restarts the `SampleNode`. */ restart() { this.isPaused = false; this.pauseTime = 0; this._resetSourceStartTime(); this._restart(); } /** * Pauses the `SampleNode`. * @param {boolean} [enable=true] State of the pause. * @returns {void} */ pause(enable = true) { if (enable) { this._pause(); return; } this._unpause(); } /** * Connects an AudioNode to the output node of this `SampleNode`. * @param {AudioNode} node AudioNode to connect. * @returns {void} */ connect(node) { return this.getOutputNode().connect(node); } /** * Sets the volumes of the `SampleNode` for each buses passed in parameters. * @param {Array} buses * @param {Float32Array} volumes */ setVolumes(buses, volumes) { for (let busIdx = 0; busIdx < buses.length; busIdx++) { const sampleNodeBus = this.getSampleNodeBus(buses[busIdx]); sampleNodeBus.setVolume( volumes.slice( busIdx * GodotAudio.MAX_VOLUME_CHANNELS, (busIdx * GodotAudio.MAX_VOLUME_CHANNELS) + GodotAudio.MAX_VOLUME_CHANNELS ) ); } } /** * Returns the SampleNodeBus based on the bus in parameters. * @param {Bus} bus Bus to get the SampleNodeBus from. * @returns {SampleNodeBus} */ getSampleNodeBus(bus) { if (!this._sampleNodeBuses.has(bus)) { const sampleNodeBus = GodotAudio.SampleNodeBus.create(bus); this._sampleNodeBuses.set(bus, sampleNodeBus); this._source.connect(sampleNodeBus.getInputNode()); } return this._sampleNodeBuses.get(bus); } /** * Sets up and connects the source to the GodotPositionReportingProcessor * If the worklet module is not loaded in, it will be added */ connectPositionWorklet(start) { try { this._positionWorklet = this.createPositionWorklet(); this._source.connect(this._positionWorklet); if (start) { this.start(); } } catch (error) { if (error?.name !== 'InvalidStateError') { throw error; } const path = GodotConfig.locate_file('godot.audio.position.worklet.js'); GodotAudio.ctx.audioWorklet .addModule(path) .then(() => { if (!this.isCanceled) { this._positionWorklet = this.createPositionWorklet(); this._source.connect(this._positionWorklet); if (start) { this.start(); } } }).catch((addModuleError) => { GodotRuntime.error('Failed to create PositionWorklet.', addModuleError); }); } } /** * Creates the AudioWorkletProcessor used to track playback position. * @returns {AudioWorkletNode} */ createPositionWorklet() { const worklet = new AudioWorkletNode( GodotAudio.ctx, 'godot-position-reporting-processor' ); worklet.port.onmessage = (event) => { switch (event.data['type']) { case 'position': this._playbackPosition = (parseInt(event.data.data, 10) / this.getSample().sampleRate) + this.offset; break; default: // Do nothing. } }; return worklet; } /** * Clears the `SampleNode`. * @returns {void} */ clear() { this.isCanceled = true; this.isPaused = false; this.pauseTime = 0; if (this._source != null) { this._source.removeEventListener('ended', this._onended); this._onended = null; if (this.isStarted) { this._source.stop(); } this._source.disconnect(); this._source = null; } for (const sampleNodeBus of this._sampleNodeBuses.values()) { sampleNodeBus.clear(); } this._sampleNodeBuses.clear(); if (this._positionWorklet) { this._positionWorklet.disconnect(); this._positionWorklet.port.onmessage = null; this._positionWorklet = null; } GodotAudio.SampleNode.delete(this.id); } /** * Resets the source start time * @returns {void} */ _resetSourceStartTime() { this._sourceStartTime = GodotAudio.ctx.currentTime; } /** * Syncs the `AudioNode` playback rate based on the `SampleNode` playback rate and pitch scale. * @returns {void} */ _syncPlaybackRate() { this._source.playbackRate.value = this.getPlaybackRate() * this.getPitchScale(); } /** * Restarts the `SampleNode`. * Honors `isPaused` and `pauseTime`. * @returns {void} */ _restart() { if (this._source != null) { this._source.disconnect(); } this._source = GodotAudio.ctx.createBufferSource(); this._source.buffer = this.getSample().getAudioBuffer(); // Make sure that we connect the new source to the sample node bus. for (const sampleNodeBus of this._sampleNodeBuses.values()) { this.connect(sampleNodeBus.getInputNode()); } this._addEndedListener(); const pauseTime = this.isPaused ? this.pauseTime : 0; this.connectPositionWorklet(); this._source.start(this.startTime, this.offset + pauseTime); this.isStarted = true; } /** * Pauses the `SampleNode`. * @returns {void} */ _pause() { this.isPaused = true; this.pauseTime = (GodotAudio.ctx.currentTime - this._sourceStartTime) / this.getPlaybackRate(); this._source.stop(); } /** * Unpauses the `SampleNode`. * @returns {void} */ _unpause() { this._restart(); this.isPaused = false; this.pauseTime = 0; } /** * Adds an "ended" listener to the source node to repeat it if necessary. * @returns {void} */ _addEndedListener() { if (this._onended != null) { this._source.removeEventListener('ended', this._onended); } /** @type {SampleNode} */ // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-this const self = this; this._onended = (_) => { if (self.isPaused) { return; } switch (self.getSample().loopMode) { case 'disabled': { const id = this.id; self.stop(); if (GodotAudio.sampleFinishedCallback != null) { const idCharPtr = GodotRuntime.allocString(id); GodotAudio.sampleFinishedCallback(idCharPtr); GodotRuntime.free(idCharPtr); } } break; case 'forward': case 'backward': self.restart(); break; default: // do nothing } }; this._source.addEventListener('ended', this._onended); } } /** * Collection of nodes to represents a Godot Engine audio bus. * @class */ class Bus { /** * Returns the number of registered buses. * @returns {number} */ static getCount() { return GodotAudio.buses.length; } /** * Sets the number of registered buses. * Will delete buses if lower than the current number. * @param {number} val Count of registered buses. * @returns {void} */ static setCount(val) { const buses = GodotAudio.buses; if (val === buses.length) { return; } if (val < buses.length) { // TODO: what to do with nodes connected to the deleted buses? const deletedBuses = buses.slice(val); for (let i = 0; i < deletedBuses.length; i++) { const deletedBus = deletedBuses[i]; deletedBus.clear(); } GodotAudio.buses = buses.slice(0, val); return; } for (let i = GodotAudio.buses.length; i < val; i++) { GodotAudio.Bus.create(); } } /** * Returns a `Bus` based on it's index number. * @param {number} index * @returns {Bus} * @throws {ReferenceError} If the index value is outside the registry. */ static getBus(index) { if (index < 0 || index >= GodotAudio.buses.length) { throw new ReferenceError(`invalid bus index "${index}"`); } return GodotAudio.buses[index]; } /** * Returns a `Bus` based on it's index number. Returns null if it doesn't exist. * @param {number} index * @returns {Bus?} */ static getBusOrNull(index) { if (index < 0 || index >= GodotAudio.buses.length) { return null; } return GodotAudio.buses[index]; } /** * Move a bus from an index to another. * @param {number} fromIndex From index * @param {number} toIndex To index * @returns {void} */ static move(fromIndex, toIndex) { const movedBus = GodotAudio.Bus.getBusOrNull(fromIndex); if (movedBus == null) { return; } const buses = GodotAudio.buses.filter((_, i) => i !== fromIndex); // Inserts at index. buses.splice(toIndex - 1, 0, movedBus); GodotAudio.buses = buses; } /** * Adds a new bus at the specified index. * @param {number} index Index to add a new bus. * @returns {void} */ static addAt(index) { const newBus = GodotAudio.Bus.create(); if (index !== newBus.getId()) { GodotAudio.Bus.move(newBus.getId(), index); } } /** * Creates a `Bus` and registers it. * @returns {Bus} */ static create() { const newBus = new GodotAudio.Bus(); const isFirstBus = GodotAudio.buses.length === 0; GodotAudio.buses.push(newBus); if (isFirstBus) { newBus.setSend(null); } else { newBus.setSend(GodotAudio.Bus.getBus(0)); } return newBus; } /** * `Bus` constructor. */ constructor() { /** @type {Set} */ this._sampleNodes = new Set(); /** @type {boolean} */ this.isSolo = false; /** @type {Bus?} */ this._send = null; /** @type {GainNode} */ this._gainNode = GodotAudio.ctx.createGain(); /** @type {GainNode} */ this._soloNode = GodotAudio.ctx.createGain(); /** @type {GainNode} */ this._muteNode = GodotAudio.ctx.createGain(); this._gainNode .connect(this._soloNode) .connect(this._muteNode); } /** * Returns the current id of the bus (its index). * @returns {number} */ getId() { return GodotAudio.buses.indexOf(this); } /** * Returns the bus volume db value. * @returns {number} */ getVolumeDb() { return GodotAudio.linear_to_db(this._gainNode.gain.value); } /** * Sets the bus volume db value. * @param {number} val Value to set * @returns {void} */ setVolumeDb(val) { const linear = GodotAudio.db_to_linear(val); if (isFinite(linear)) { this._gainNode.gain.value = linear; } } /** * Returns the "send" bus. * If null, this bus sends its contents directly to the output. * If not null, this bus sends its contents to another bus. * @returns {Bus?} */ getSend() { return this._send; } /** * Sets the "send" bus. * If null, this bus sends its contents directly to the output. * If not null, this bus sends its contents to another bus. * * **Note:** if null, `getId()` must be equal to 0. Otherwise, it will throw. * @param {Bus?} val * @returns {void} * @throws {Error} When val is `null` and `getId()` isn't equal to 0 */ setSend(val) { this._send = val; if (val == null) { if (this.getId() == 0) { this.getOutputNode().connect(GodotAudio.ctx.destination); return; } throw new Error( `Cannot send to "${val}" without the bus being at index 0 (current index: ${this.getId()})` ); } this.connect(val); } /** * Returns the input node of the bus. * @returns {AudioNode} */ getInputNode() { return this._gainNode; } /** * Returns the output node of the bus. * @returns {AudioNode} */ getOutputNode() { return this._muteNode; } /** * Sets the mute status of the bus. * @param {boolean} enable */ mute(enable) { this._muteNode.gain.value = enable ? 0 : 1; } /** * Sets the solo status of the bus. * @param {boolean} enable */ solo(enable) { if (this.isSolo === enable) { return; } if (enable) { if (GodotAudio.busSolo != null && GodotAudio.busSolo !== this) { GodotAudio.busSolo._disableSolo(); } this._enableSolo(); return; } this._disableSolo(); } /** * Wrapper to simply add a sample node to the bus. * @param {SampleNode} sampleNode `SampleNode` to remove * @returns {void} */ addSampleNode(sampleNode) { this._sampleNodes.add(sampleNode); sampleNode.getOutputNode().connect(this.getInputNode()); } /** * Wrapper to simply remove a sample node from the bus. * @param {SampleNode} sampleNode `SampleNode` to remove * @returns {void} */ removeSampleNode(sampleNode) { this._sampleNodes.delete(sampleNode); sampleNode.getOutputNode().disconnect(); } /** * Wrapper to simply connect to another bus. * @param {Bus} bus * @returns {void} */ connect(bus) { if (bus == null) { throw new Error('cannot connect to null bus'); } this.getOutputNode().disconnect(); this.getOutputNode().connect(bus.getInputNode()); return bus; } /** * Clears the current bus. * @returns {void} */ clear() { GodotAudio.buses = GodotAudio.buses.filter((v) => v !== this); } _syncSampleNodes() { const sampleNodes = Array.from(this._sampleNodes); for (let i = 0; i < sampleNodes.length; i++) { const sampleNode = sampleNodes[i]; sampleNode.getOutputNode().disconnect(); sampleNode.getOutputNode().connect(this.getInputNode()); } } /** * Process to enable solo. * @returns {void} */ _enableSolo() { this.isSolo = true; GodotAudio.busSolo = this; this._soloNode.gain.value = 1; const otherBuses = GodotAudio.buses.filter( (otherBus) => otherBus !== this ); for (let i = 0; i < otherBuses.length; i++) { const otherBus = otherBuses[i]; otherBus._soloNode.gain.value = 0; } } /** * Process to disable solo. * @returns {void} */ _disableSolo() { this.isSolo = false; GodotAudio.busSolo = null; this._soloNode.gain.value = 1; const otherBuses = GodotAudio.buses.filter( (otherBus) => otherBus !== this ); for (let i = 0; i < otherBuses.length; i++) { const otherBus = otherBuses[i]; otherBus._soloNode.gain.value = 1; } } } const _GodotAudio = { $GodotAudio__deps: ['$GodotRuntime', '$GodotOS'], $GodotAudio: { /** * Max number of volume channels. */ MAX_VOLUME_CHANNELS: 8, /** * Represents the index of each sound channel relative to the engine. */ GodotChannel: Object.freeze({ CHANNEL_L: 0, CHANNEL_R: 1, CHANNEL_C: 3, CHANNEL_LFE: 4, CHANNEL_RL: 5, CHANNEL_RR: 6, CHANNEL_SL: 7, CHANNEL_SR: 8, }), /** * Represents the index of each sound channel relative to the Web Audio API. */ WebChannel: Object.freeze({ CHANNEL_L: 0, CHANNEL_R: 1, CHANNEL_SL: 2, CHANNEL_SR: 3, CHANNEL_C: 4, CHANNEL_LFE: 5, }), // `Sample` class /** * Registry of `Sample`s. * @type {Map} */ samples: null, Sample, // `SampleNodeBus` class SampleNodeBus, // `SampleNode` class /** * Registry of `SampleNode`s. * @type {Map} */ sampleNodes: null, SampleNode, // `Bus` class /** * Registry of `Bus`es. * @type {Array} */ buses: null, /** * Reference to the current bus in solo mode. * @type {Bus | null} */ busSolo: null, Bus, /** * Callback to signal that a sample has finished. * @type {(playbackObjectIdPtr: number) => void | null} */ sampleFinishedCallback: null, /** @type {AudioContext} */ ctx: null, input: null, driver: null, interval: 0, /** * Converts linear volume to Db. * @param {number} linear Linear value to convert. * @returns {number} */ linear_to_db: function (linear) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-loss-of-precision return Math.log(linear) * 8.6858896380650365530225783783321; }, /** * Converts Db volume to linear. * @param {number} db Db value to convert. * @returns {number} */ db_to_linear: function (db) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-loss-of-precision return Math.exp(db * 0.11512925464970228420089957273422); }, init: function (mix_rate, latency, onstatechange, onlatencyupdate) { // Initialize classes static values. GodotAudio.samples = new Map(); GodotAudio.sampleNodes = new Map(); GodotAudio.buses = []; GodotAudio.busSolo = null; const opts = {}; // If mix_rate is 0, let the browser choose. if (mix_rate) { GodotAudio.sampleRate = mix_rate; opts['sampleRate'] = mix_rate; } // Do not specify, leave 'interactive' for good performance. // opts['latencyHint'] = latency / 1000; const ctx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)(opts); GodotAudio.ctx = ctx; ctx.onstatechange = function () { let state = 0; switch (ctx.state) { case 'suspended': state = 0; break; case 'running': state = 1; break; case 'closed': state = 2; break; default: // Do nothing. } onstatechange(state); }; ctx.onstatechange(); // Immediately notify state. // Update computed latency GodotAudio.interval = setInterval(function () { let computed_latency = 0; if (ctx.baseLatency) { computed_latency += GodotAudio.ctx.baseLatency; } if (ctx.outputLatency) { computed_latency += GodotAudio.ctx.outputLatency; } onlatencyupdate(computed_latency); }, 1000); GodotOS.atexit(GodotAudio.close_async); return ctx.destination.channelCount; }, create_input: function (callback) { if (GodotAudio.input) { return 0; // Already started. } function gotMediaInput(stream) { try { GodotAudio.input = GodotAudio.ctx.createMediaStreamSource(stream); callback(GodotAudio.input); } catch (e) { GodotRuntime.error('Failed creating input.', e); } } if (navigator.mediaDevices && navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia) { navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ 'audio': true, }).then(gotMediaInput, function (e) { GodotRuntime.error('Error getting user media.', e); }); } else { if (!navigator.getUserMedia) { navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia; } if (!navigator.getUserMedia) { GodotRuntime.error('getUserMedia not available.'); return 1; } navigator.getUserMedia({ 'audio': true, }, gotMediaInput, function (e) { GodotRuntime.print(e); }); } return 0; }, close_async: function (resolve, reject) { const ctx = GodotAudio.ctx; GodotAudio.ctx = null; // Audio was not initialized. if (!ctx) { resolve(); return; } // Remove latency callback if (GodotAudio.interval) { clearInterval(GodotAudio.interval); GodotAudio.interval = 0; } // Disconnect input, if it was started. if (GodotAudio.input) { GodotAudio.input.disconnect(); GodotAudio.input = null; } // Disconnect output let closed = Promise.resolve(); if (GodotAudio.driver) { closed = GodotAudio.driver.close(); } closed.then(function () { return ctx.close(); }).then(function () { ctx.onstatechange = null; resolve(); }).catch(function (e) { ctx.onstatechange = null; GodotRuntime.error('Error closing AudioContext', e); resolve(); }); }, /** * Triggered when a sample node needs to start. * @param {string} playbackObjectId The unique id of the sample playback * @param {string} streamObjectId The unique id of the stream * @param {number} busIndex Index of the bus currently binded to the sample playback * @param {SampleNodeOptions} startOptions Optional params * @returns {void} */ start_sample: function ( playbackObjectId, streamObjectId, busIndex, startOptions ) { GodotAudio.SampleNode.stopSampleNode(playbackObjectId); GodotAudio.SampleNode.create( { busIndex, id: playbackObjectId, streamObjectId, }, startOptions ); }, /** * Triggered when a sample node needs to be stopped. * @param {string} playbackObjectId Id of the sample playback * @returns {void} */ stop_sample: function (playbackObjectId) { GodotAudio.SampleNode.stopSampleNode(playbackObjectId); }, /** * Triggered when a sample node needs to be paused or unpaused. * @param {string} playbackObjectId Id of the sample playback * @param {boolean} pause State of the pause * @returns {void} */ sample_set_pause: function (playbackObjectId, pause) { GodotAudio.SampleNode.pauseSampleNode(playbackObjectId, pause); }, /** * Triggered when a sample node needs its pitch scale to be updated. * @param {string} playbackObjectId Id of the sample playback * @param {number} pitchScale Pitch scale of the sample playback * @returns {void} */ update_sample_pitch_scale: function (playbackObjectId, pitchScale) { const sampleNode = GodotAudio.SampleNode.getSampleNodeOrNull(playbackObjectId); if (sampleNode == null) { return; } sampleNode.setPitchScale(pitchScale); }, /** * Triggered when a sample node volumes need to be updated. * @param {string} playbackObjectId Id of the sample playback * @param {Array} busIndexes Indexes of the buses that need to be updated * @param {Float32Array} volumes Array of the volumes * @returns {void} */ sample_set_volumes_linear: function (playbackObjectId, busIndexes, volumes) { const sampleNode = GodotAudio.SampleNode.getSampleNodeOrNull(playbackObjectId); if (sampleNode == null) { return; } const buses = busIndexes.map((busIndex) => GodotAudio.Bus.getBus(busIndex)); sampleNode.setVolumes(buses, volumes); }, /** * Triggered when the bus count changes. * @param {number} count Number of buses * @returns {void} */ set_sample_bus_count: function (count) { GodotAudio.Bus.setCount(count); }, /** * Triggered when a bus needs to be removed. * @param {number} index Bus index * @returns {void} */ remove_sample_bus: function (index) { const bus = GodotAudio.Bus.getBusOrNull(index); if (bus == null) { return; } bus.clear(); }, /** * Triggered when a bus needs to be at the desired position. * @param {number} atPos Position to add the bus * @returns {void} */ add_sample_bus: function (atPos) { GodotAudio.Bus.addAt(atPos); }, /** * Triggered when a bus needs to be moved. * @param {number} busIndex Index of the bus to move * @param {number} toPos Index of the new position of the bus * @returns {void} */ move_sample_bus: function (busIndex, toPos) { GodotAudio.Bus.move(busIndex, toPos); }, /** * Triggered when the "send" value of a bus changes. * @param {number} busIndex Index of the bus to update the "send" value * @param {number} sendIndex Index of the bus that is the new "send" * @returns {void} */ set_sample_bus_send: function (busIndex, sendIndex) { const bus = GodotAudio.Bus.getBusOrNull(busIndex); if (bus == null) { // Cannot send from an invalid bus. return; } let targetBus = GodotAudio.Bus.getBusOrNull(sendIndex); if (targetBus == null) { // Send to master. targetBus = GodotAudio.Bus.getBus(0); } bus.setSend(targetBus); }, /** * Triggered when a bus needs its volume db to be updated. * @param {number} busIndex Index of the bus to update its volume db * @param {number} volumeDb Volume of the bus * @returns {void} */ set_sample_bus_volume_db: function (busIndex, volumeDb) { const bus = GodotAudio.Bus.getBusOrNull(busIndex); if (bus == null) { return; } bus.setVolumeDb(volumeDb); }, /** * Triggered when a bus needs to update its solo status * @param {number} busIndex Index of the bus to update its solo status * @param {boolean} enable Status of the solo * @returns {void} */ set_sample_bus_solo: function (busIndex, enable) { const bus = GodotAudio.Bus.getBusOrNull(busIndex); if (bus == null) { return; } bus.solo(enable); }, /** * Triggered when a bus needs to update its mute status * @param {number} busIndex Index of the bus to update its mute status * @param {boolean} enable Status of the mute * @returns {void} */ set_sample_bus_mute: function (busIndex, enable) { const bus = GodotAudio.Bus.getBusOrNull(busIndex); if (bus == null) { return; } bus.mute(enable); }, }, godot_audio_is_available__sig: 'i', godot_audio_is_available__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_is_available: function () { if (!(window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)) { return 0; } return 1; }, godot_audio_has_worklet__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_has_worklet__sig: 'i', godot_audio_has_worklet: function () { return GodotAudio.ctx && GodotAudio.ctx.audioWorklet ? 1 : 0; }, godot_audio_has_script_processor__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_has_script_processor__sig: 'i', godot_audio_has_script_processor: function () { return GodotAudio.ctx && GodotAudio.ctx.createScriptProcessor ? 1 : 0; }, godot_audio_init__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_init__sig: 'iiiii', godot_audio_init: function ( p_mix_rate, p_latency, p_state_change, p_latency_update ) { const statechange = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_state_change); const latencyupdate = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_latency_update); const mix_rate = GodotRuntime.getHeapValue(p_mix_rate, 'i32'); const channels = GodotAudio.init( mix_rate, p_latency, statechange, latencyupdate ); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(p_mix_rate, GodotAudio.ctx.sampleRate, 'i32'); return channels; }, godot_audio_resume__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_resume__sig: 'v', godot_audio_resume: function () { if (GodotAudio.ctx && GodotAudio.ctx.state !== 'running') { GodotAudio.ctx.resume(); } }, godot_audio_input_start__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_input_start__sig: 'i', godot_audio_input_start: function () { return GodotAudio.create_input(function (input) { input.connect(GodotAudio.driver.get_node()); }); }, godot_audio_input_stop__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_input_stop__sig: 'v', godot_audio_input_stop: function () { if (GodotAudio.input) { const tracks = GodotAudio.input['mediaStream']['getTracks'](); for (let i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) { tracks[i]['stop'](); } GodotAudio.input.disconnect(); GodotAudio.input = null; } }, godot_audio_sample_stream_is_registered__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_sample_stream_is_registered__sig: 'ii', /** * Returns if the sample stream is registered * @param {number} streamObjectIdStrPtr Pointer of the streamObjectId * @returns {number} */ godot_audio_sample_stream_is_registered: function (streamObjectIdStrPtr) { const streamObjectId = GodotRuntime.parseString(streamObjectIdStrPtr); return Number(GodotAudio.Sample.getSampleOrNull(streamObjectId) != null); }, godot_audio_sample_register_stream__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_sample_register_stream__sig: 'viiiiiii', /** * Registers a stream. * @param {number} streamObjectIdStrPtr StreamObjectId pointer * @param {number} framesPtr Frames pointer * @param {number} framesTotal Frames total value * @param {number} loopModeStrPtr Loop mode pointer * @param {number} loopBegin Loop begin value * @param {number} loopEnd Loop end value * @returns {void} */ godot_audio_sample_register_stream: function ( streamObjectIdStrPtr, framesPtr, framesTotal, loopModeStrPtr, loopBegin, loopEnd ) { const BYTES_PER_FLOAT32 = 4; const streamObjectId = GodotRuntime.parseString(streamObjectIdStrPtr); const loopMode = GodotRuntime.parseString(loopModeStrPtr); const numberOfChannels = 2; const sampleRate = GodotAudio.ctx.sampleRate; /** @type {Float32Array} */ const subLeft = GodotRuntime.heapSub(HEAPF32, framesPtr, framesTotal); /** @type {Float32Array} */ const subRight = GodotRuntime.heapSub( HEAPF32, framesPtr + framesTotal * BYTES_PER_FLOAT32, framesTotal ); const audioBuffer = GodotAudio.ctx.createBuffer( numberOfChannels, framesTotal, sampleRate ); audioBuffer.copyToChannel(new Float32Array(subLeft), 0, 0); audioBuffer.copyToChannel(new Float32Array(subRight), 1, 0); GodotAudio.Sample.create( { id: streamObjectId, audioBuffer, }, { loopBegin, loopEnd, loopMode, numberOfChannels, sampleRate, } ); }, godot_audio_sample_unregister_stream__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_sample_unregister_stream__sig: 'vi', /** * Unregisters a stream. * @param {number} streamObjectIdStrPtr StreamObjectId pointer * @returns {void} */ godot_audio_sample_unregister_stream: function (streamObjectIdStrPtr) { const streamObjectId = GodotRuntime.parseString(streamObjectIdStrPtr); const sample = GodotAudio.Sample.getSampleOrNull(streamObjectId); if (sample != null) { sample.clear(); } }, godot_audio_sample_start__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_sample_start__sig: 'viiiifi', /** * Starts a sample. * @param {number} playbackObjectIdStrPtr Playback object id pointer * @param {number} streamObjectIdStrPtr Stream object id pointer * @param {number} busIndex Bus index * @param {number} offset Sample offset * @param {number} pitchScale Pitch scale * @param {number} volumePtr Volume pointer * @returns {void} */ godot_audio_sample_start: function ( playbackObjectIdStrPtr, streamObjectIdStrPtr, busIndex, offset, pitchScale, volumePtr ) { /** @type {string} */ const playbackObjectId = GodotRuntime.parseString(playbackObjectIdStrPtr); /** @type {string} */ const streamObjectId = GodotRuntime.parseString(streamObjectIdStrPtr); /** @type {Float32Array} */ const volume = GodotRuntime.heapSub(HEAPF32, volumePtr, 8); /** @type {SampleNodeOptions} */ const startOptions = { offset, volume, playbackRate: 1, pitchScale, start: true, }; GodotAudio.start_sample( playbackObjectId, streamObjectId, busIndex, startOptions ); }, godot_audio_sample_stop__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_sample_stop__sig: 'vi', /** * Stops a sample from playing. * @param {number} playbackObjectIdStrPtr Playback object id pointer * @returns {void} */ godot_audio_sample_stop: function (playbackObjectIdStrPtr) { const playbackObjectId = GodotRuntime.parseString(playbackObjectIdStrPtr); GodotAudio.stop_sample(playbackObjectId); }, godot_audio_sample_set_pause__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_sample_set_pause__sig: 'vii', /** * Sets the pause state of a sample. * @param {number} playbackObjectIdStrPtr Playback object id pointer * @param {number} pause Pause state */ godot_audio_sample_set_pause: function (playbackObjectIdStrPtr, pause) { const playbackObjectId = GodotRuntime.parseString(playbackObjectIdStrPtr); GodotAudio.sample_set_pause(playbackObjectId, Boolean(pause)); }, godot_audio_sample_is_active__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_sample_is_active__sig: 'ii', /** * Returns if the sample is active. * @param {number} playbackObjectIdStrPtr Playback object id pointer * @returns {number} */ godot_audio_sample_is_active: function (playbackObjectIdStrPtr) { const playbackObjectId = GodotRuntime.parseString(playbackObjectIdStrPtr); return Number(GodotAudio.sampleNodes.has(playbackObjectId)); }, godot_audio_get_sample_playback_position__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_get_sample_playback_position__sig: 'di', /** * Returns the position of the playback position. * @param {number} playbackObjectIdStrPtr Playback object id pointer * @returns {number} */ godot_audio_get_sample_playback_position: function (playbackObjectIdStrPtr) { const playbackObjectId = GodotRuntime.parseString(playbackObjectIdStrPtr); const sampleNode = GodotAudio.SampleNode.getSampleNodeOrNull(playbackObjectId); if (sampleNode == null) { return 0; } return sampleNode.getPlaybackPosition(); }, godot_audio_sample_update_pitch_scale__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_sample_update_pitch_scale__sig: 'vii', /** * Updates the pitch scale of a sample. * @param {number} playbackObjectIdStrPtr Playback object id pointer * @param {number} pitchScale Pitch scale value * @returns {void} */ godot_audio_sample_update_pitch_scale: function ( playbackObjectIdStrPtr, pitchScale ) { const playbackObjectId = GodotRuntime.parseString(playbackObjectIdStrPtr); GodotAudio.update_sample_pitch_scale(playbackObjectId, pitchScale); }, godot_audio_sample_set_volumes_linear__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_sample_set_volumes_linear__sig: 'vii', /** * Sets the volumes linear of each mentioned bus for the sample. * @param {number} playbackObjectIdStrPtr Playback object id pointer * @param {number} busesPtr Buses array pointer * @param {number} busesSize Buses array size * @param {number} volumesPtr Volumes array pointer * @param {number} volumesSize Volumes array size * @returns {void} */ godot_audio_sample_set_volumes_linear: function ( playbackObjectIdStrPtr, busesPtr, busesSize, volumesPtr, volumesSize ) { /** @type {string} */ const playbackObjectId = GodotRuntime.parseString(playbackObjectIdStrPtr); /** @type {Uint32Array} */ const buses = GodotRuntime.heapSub(HEAP32, busesPtr, busesSize); /** @type {Float32Array} */ const volumes = GodotRuntime.heapSub(HEAPF32, volumesPtr, volumesSize); GodotAudio.sample_set_volumes_linear( playbackObjectId, Array.from(buses), volumes ); }, godot_audio_sample_bus_set_count__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_sample_bus_set_count__sig: 'vi', /** * Sets the bus count. * @param {number} count Bus count * @returns {void} */ godot_audio_sample_bus_set_count: function (count) { GodotAudio.set_sample_bus_count(count); }, godot_audio_sample_bus_remove__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_sample_bus_remove__sig: 'vi', /** * Removes a bus. * @param {number} index Index of the bus to remove * @returns {void} */ godot_audio_sample_bus_remove: function (index) { GodotAudio.remove_sample_bus(index); }, godot_audio_sample_bus_add__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_sample_bus_add__sig: 'vi', /** * Adds a bus at the defined position. * @param {number} atPos Position to add the bus * @returns {void} */ godot_audio_sample_bus_add: function (atPos) { GodotAudio.add_sample_bus(atPos); }, godot_audio_sample_bus_move__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_sample_bus_move__sig: 'vii', /** * Moves the bus from a position to another. * @param {number} fromPos Position of the bus to move * @param {number} toPos Final position of the bus * @returns {void} */ godot_audio_sample_bus_move: function (fromPos, toPos) { GodotAudio.move_sample_bus(fromPos, toPos); }, godot_audio_sample_bus_set_send__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_sample_bus_set_send__sig: 'vii', /** * Sets the "send" of a bus. * @param {number} bus Position of the bus to set the send * @param {number} sendIndex Position of the "send" bus * @returns {void} */ godot_audio_sample_bus_set_send: function (bus, sendIndex) { GodotAudio.set_sample_bus_send(bus, sendIndex); }, godot_audio_sample_bus_set_volume_db__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_sample_bus_set_volume_db__sig: 'vii', /** * Sets the volume db of a bus. * @param {number} bus Position of the bus to set the volume db * @param {number} volumeDb Volume db to set * @returns {void} */ godot_audio_sample_bus_set_volume_db: function (bus, volumeDb) { GodotAudio.set_sample_bus_volume_db(bus, volumeDb); }, godot_audio_sample_bus_set_solo__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_sample_bus_set_solo__sig: 'vii', /** * Sets the state of solo for a bus * @param {number} bus Position of the bus to set the solo state * @param {number} enable State of the solo * @returns {void} */ godot_audio_sample_bus_set_solo: function (bus, enable) { GodotAudio.set_sample_bus_solo(bus, Boolean(enable)); }, godot_audio_sample_bus_set_mute__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_sample_bus_set_mute__sig: 'vii', /** * Sets the state of mute for a bus * @param {number} bus Position of the bus to set the mute state * @param {number} enable State of the mute * @returns {void} */ godot_audio_sample_bus_set_mute: function (bus, enable) { GodotAudio.set_sample_bus_mute(bus, Boolean(enable)); }, godot_audio_sample_set_finished_callback__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_sample_set_finished_callback__sig: 'vi', /** * Sets the finished callback * @param {Number} callbackPtr Finished callback pointer * @returns {void} */ godot_audio_sample_set_finished_callback: function (callbackPtr) { GodotAudio.sampleFinishedCallback = GodotRuntime.get_func(callbackPtr); }, }; autoAddDeps(_GodotAudio, '$GodotAudio'); mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, _GodotAudio); /** * The AudioWorklet API driver, used when threads are available. */ const GodotAudioWorklet = { $GodotAudioWorklet__deps: ['$GodotAudio', '$GodotConfig'], $GodotAudioWorklet: { promise: null, worklet: null, ring_buffer: null, create: function (channels) { const path = GodotConfig.locate_file('godot.audio.worklet.js'); GodotAudioWorklet.promise = GodotAudio.ctx.audioWorklet .addModule(path) .then(function () { GodotAudioWorklet.worklet = new AudioWorkletNode( GodotAudio.ctx, 'godot-processor', { outputChannelCount: [channels], } ); return Promise.resolve(); }); GodotAudio.driver = GodotAudioWorklet; }, start: function (in_buf, out_buf, state) { GodotAudioWorklet.promise.then(function () { const node = GodotAudioWorklet.worklet; node.connect(GodotAudio.ctx.destination); node.port.postMessage({ 'cmd': 'start', 'data': [state, in_buf, out_buf], }); node.port.onmessage = function (event) { GodotRuntime.error(event.data); }; }); }, start_no_threads: function ( p_out_buf, p_out_size, out_callback, p_in_buf, p_in_size, in_callback ) { function RingBuffer() { let wpos = 0; let rpos = 0; let pending_samples = 0; const wbuf = new Float32Array(p_out_size); function send(port) { if (pending_samples === 0) { return; } const buffer = GodotRuntime.heapSub(HEAPF32, p_out_buf, p_out_size); const size = buffer.length; const tot_sent = pending_samples; out_callback(wpos, pending_samples); if (wpos + pending_samples >= size) { const high = size - wpos; wbuf.set(buffer.subarray(wpos, size)); pending_samples -= high; wpos = 0; } if (pending_samples > 0) { wbuf.set( buffer.subarray(wpos, wpos + pending_samples), tot_sent - pending_samples ); } port.postMessage({ 'cmd': 'chunk', 'data': wbuf.subarray(0, tot_sent) }); wpos += pending_samples; pending_samples = 0; } this.receive = function (recv_buf) { const buffer = GodotRuntime.heapSub(HEAPF32, p_in_buf, p_in_size); const from = rpos; let to_write = recv_buf.length; let high = 0; if (rpos + to_write >= p_in_size) { high = p_in_size - rpos; buffer.set(recv_buf.subarray(0, high), rpos); to_write -= high; rpos = 0; } if (to_write) { buffer.set(recv_buf.subarray(high, to_write), rpos); } in_callback(from, recv_buf.length); rpos += to_write; }; this.consumed = function (size, port) { pending_samples += size; send(port); }; } GodotAudioWorklet.ring_buffer = new RingBuffer(); GodotAudioWorklet.promise.then(function () { const node = GodotAudioWorklet.worklet; const buffer = GodotRuntime.heapSlice(HEAPF32, p_out_buf, p_out_size); node.connect(GodotAudio.ctx.destination); node.port.postMessage({ 'cmd': 'start_nothreads', 'data': [buffer, p_in_size], }); node.port.onmessage = function (event) { if (!GodotAudioWorklet.worklet) { return; } if (event.data['cmd'] === 'read') { const read = event.data['data']; GodotAudioWorklet.ring_buffer.consumed( read, GodotAudioWorklet.worklet.port ); } else if (event.data['cmd'] === 'input') { const buf = event.data['data']; if (buf.length > p_in_size) { GodotRuntime.error('Input chunk is too big'); return; } GodotAudioWorklet.ring_buffer.receive(buf); } else { GodotRuntime.error(event.data); } }; }); }, get_node: function () { return GodotAudioWorklet.worklet; }, close: function () { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { if (GodotAudioWorklet.promise === null) { return; } const p = GodotAudioWorklet.promise; p.then(function () { GodotAudioWorklet.worklet.port.postMessage({ 'cmd': 'stop', 'data': null, }); GodotAudioWorklet.worklet.disconnect(); GodotAudioWorklet.worklet.port.onmessage = null; GodotAudioWorklet.worklet = null; GodotAudioWorklet.promise = null; resolve(); }).catch(function (err) { // Aborted? GodotRuntime.error(err); }); }); }, }, godot_audio_worklet_create__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_worklet_create__sig: 'ii', godot_audio_worklet_create: function (channels) { try { GodotAudioWorklet.create(channels); } catch (e) { GodotRuntime.error('Error starting AudioDriverWorklet', e); return 1; } return 0; }, godot_audio_worklet_start__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_worklet_start__sig: 'viiiii', godot_audio_worklet_start: function ( p_in_buf, p_in_size, p_out_buf, p_out_size, p_state ) { const out_buffer = GodotRuntime.heapSub(HEAPF32, p_out_buf, p_out_size); const in_buffer = GodotRuntime.heapSub(HEAPF32, p_in_buf, p_in_size); const state = GodotRuntime.heapSub(HEAP32, p_state, 4); GodotAudioWorklet.start(in_buffer, out_buffer, state); }, godot_audio_worklet_start_no_threads__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_worklet_start_no_threads__sig: 'viiiiii', godot_audio_worklet_start_no_threads: function ( p_out_buf, p_out_size, p_out_callback, p_in_buf, p_in_size, p_in_callback ) { const out_callback = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_out_callback); const in_callback = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_in_callback); GodotAudioWorklet.start_no_threads( p_out_buf, p_out_size, out_callback, p_in_buf, p_in_size, in_callback ); }, godot_audio_worklet_state_wait__sig: 'iiii', godot_audio_worklet_state_wait: function ( p_state, p_idx, p_expected, p_timeout ) { Atomics.wait(HEAP32, (p_state >> 2) + p_idx, p_expected, p_timeout); return Atomics.load(HEAP32, (p_state >> 2) + p_idx); }, godot_audio_worklet_state_add__sig: 'iiii', godot_audio_worklet_state_add: function (p_state, p_idx, p_value) { return Atomics.add(HEAP32, (p_state >> 2) + p_idx, p_value); }, godot_audio_worklet_state_get__sig: 'iii', godot_audio_worklet_state_get: function (p_state, p_idx) { return Atomics.load(HEAP32, (p_state >> 2) + p_idx); }, }; autoAddDeps(GodotAudioWorklet, '$GodotAudioWorklet'); mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, GodotAudioWorklet); /* * The ScriptProcessorNode API, used when threads are disabled. */ const GodotAudioScript = { $GodotAudioScript__deps: ['$GodotAudio'], $GodotAudioScript: { script: null, create: function (buffer_length, channel_count) { GodotAudioScript.script = GodotAudio.ctx.createScriptProcessor( buffer_length, 2, channel_count ); GodotAudio.driver = GodotAudioScript; return GodotAudioScript.script.bufferSize; }, start: function (p_in_buf, p_in_size, p_out_buf, p_out_size, onprocess) { GodotAudioScript.script.onaudioprocess = function (event) { // Read input const inb = GodotRuntime.heapSub(HEAPF32, p_in_buf, p_in_size); const input = event.inputBuffer; if (GodotAudio.input) { const inlen = input.getChannelData(0).length; for (let ch = 0; ch < 2; ch++) { const data = input.getChannelData(ch); for (let s = 0; s < inlen; s++) { inb[s * 2 + ch] = data[s]; } } } // Let Godot process the input/output. onprocess(); // Write the output. const outb = GodotRuntime.heapSub(HEAPF32, p_out_buf, p_out_size); const output = event.outputBuffer; const channels = output.numberOfChannels; for (let ch = 0; ch < channels; ch++) { const data = output.getChannelData(ch); // Loop through samples and assign computed values. for (let sample = 0; sample < data.length; sample++) { data[sample] = outb[sample * channels + ch]; } } }; GodotAudioScript.script.connect(GodotAudio.ctx.destination); }, get_node: function () { return GodotAudioScript.script; }, close: function () { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { GodotAudioScript.script.disconnect(); GodotAudioScript.script.onaudioprocess = null; GodotAudioScript.script = null; resolve(); }); }, }, godot_audio_script_create__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_script_create__sig: 'iii', godot_audio_script_create: function (buffer_length, channel_count) { const buf_len = GodotRuntime.getHeapValue(buffer_length, 'i32'); try { const out_len = GodotAudioScript.create(buf_len, channel_count); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(buffer_length, out_len, 'i32'); } catch (e) { GodotRuntime.error('Error starting AudioDriverScriptProcessor', e); return 1; } return 0; }, godot_audio_script_start__proxy: 'sync', godot_audio_script_start__sig: 'viiiii', godot_audio_script_start: function ( p_in_buf, p_in_size, p_out_buf, p_out_size, p_cb ) { const onprocess = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_cb); GodotAudioScript.start( p_in_buf, p_in_size, p_out_buf, p_out_size, onprocess ); }, }; autoAddDeps(GodotAudioScript, '$GodotAudioScript'); mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, GodotAudioScript);