/**************************************************************************/ /* editor_resource_preview.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "editor_resource_preview.h" #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #include "core/io/file_access.h" #include "core/io/resource_loader.h" #include "core/io/resource_saver.h" #include "core/variant/variant_utility.h" #include "editor/editor_node.h" #include "editor/editor_paths.h" #include "editor/editor_settings.h" #include "editor/editor_string_names.h" #include "editor/themes/editor_scale.h" #include "scene/resources/image_texture.h" #include "servers/rendering/rendering_server_default.h" bool EditorResourcePreviewGenerator::handles(const String &p_type) const { bool success = false; if (GDVIRTUAL_CALL(_handles, p_type, success)) { return success; } ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(false, "EditorResourcePreviewGenerator::_handles needs to be overridden."); } Ref EditorResourcePreviewGenerator::generate(const Ref &p_from, const Size2 &p_size, Dictionary &p_metadata) const { Ref preview; if (GDVIRTUAL_CALL(_generate, p_from, p_size, p_metadata, preview)) { return preview; } ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(Ref(), "EditorResourcePreviewGenerator::_generate needs to be overridden."); } Ref EditorResourcePreviewGenerator::generate_from_path(const String &p_path, const Size2 &p_size, Dictionary &p_metadata) const { Ref preview; if (GDVIRTUAL_CALL(_generate_from_path, p_path, p_size, p_metadata, preview)) { return preview; } Ref res = ResourceLoader::load(p_path); if (!res.is_valid()) { return res; } return generate(res, p_size, p_metadata); } bool EditorResourcePreviewGenerator::generate_small_preview_automatically() const { bool success = false; GDVIRTUAL_CALL(_generate_small_preview_automatically, success); return success; } bool EditorResourcePreviewGenerator::can_generate_small_preview() const { bool success = false; GDVIRTUAL_CALL(_can_generate_small_preview, success); return success; } void EditorResourcePreviewGenerator::_bind_methods() { GDVIRTUAL_BIND(_handles, "type"); GDVIRTUAL_BIND(_generate, "resource", "size", "metadata"); GDVIRTUAL_BIND(_generate_from_path, "path", "size", "metadata"); GDVIRTUAL_BIND(_generate_small_preview_automatically); GDVIRTUAL_BIND(_can_generate_small_preview); } EditorResourcePreviewGenerator::EditorResourcePreviewGenerator() { } EditorResourcePreview *EditorResourcePreview::singleton = nullptr; void EditorResourcePreview::_thread_func(void *ud) { EditorResourcePreview *erp = (EditorResourcePreview *)ud; erp->_thread(); } void EditorResourcePreview::_preview_ready(const String &p_path, int p_hash, const Ref &p_texture, const Ref &p_small_texture, ObjectID id, const StringName &p_func, const Variant &p_ud, const Dictionary &p_metadata) { { MutexLock lock(preview_mutex); uint64_t modified_time = 0; if (!p_path.begins_with("ID:")) { modified_time = FileAccess::get_modified_time(p_path); } Item item; item.order = order++; item.preview = p_texture; item.small_preview = p_small_texture; item.last_hash = p_hash; item.modified_time = modified_time; item.preview_metadata = p_metadata; cache[p_path] = item; } Callable(id, p_func).call_deferred(p_path, p_texture, p_small_texture, p_ud); } void EditorResourcePreview::_generate_preview(Ref &r_texture, Ref &r_small_texture, const QueueItem &p_item, const String &cache_base, Dictionary &p_metadata) { String type; uint64_t started_at = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec(); if (p_item.resource.is_valid()) { type = p_item.resource->get_class(); } else { type = ResourceLoader::get_resource_type(p_item.path); } if (type.is_empty()) { r_texture = Ref(); r_small_texture = Ref(); if (is_print_verbose_enabled()) { print_line(vformat("Generated '%s' preview in %d usec", p_item.path, OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() - started_at)); } return; //could not guess type } int thumbnail_size = EDITOR_GET("filesystem/file_dialog/thumbnail_size"); thumbnail_size *= EDSCALE; r_texture = Ref(); r_small_texture = Ref(); for (int i = 0; i < preview_generators.size(); i++) { if (!preview_generators[i]->handles(type)) { continue; } Ref generated; if (p_item.resource.is_valid()) { generated = preview_generators.write[i]->generate(p_item.resource, Vector2(thumbnail_size, thumbnail_size), p_metadata); } else { generated = preview_generators.write[i]->generate_from_path(p_item.path, Vector2(thumbnail_size, thumbnail_size), p_metadata); } r_texture = generated; if (preview_generators[i]->can_generate_small_preview()) { Ref generated_small; Dictionary d; if (p_item.resource.is_valid()) { generated_small = preview_generators.write[i]->generate(p_item.resource, Vector2(small_thumbnail_size, small_thumbnail_size), d); } else { generated_small = preview_generators.write[i]->generate_from_path(p_item.path, Vector2(small_thumbnail_size, small_thumbnail_size), d); } r_small_texture = generated_small; } if (!r_small_texture.is_valid() && r_texture.is_valid() && preview_generators[i]->generate_small_preview_automatically()) { Ref small_image = r_texture->get_image(); small_image = small_image->duplicate(); small_image->resize(small_thumbnail_size, small_thumbnail_size, Image::INTERPOLATE_CUBIC); r_small_texture.instantiate(); r_small_texture->set_image(small_image); } break; } if (!p_item.resource.is_valid()) { // Cache the preview in case it's a resource on disk. if (r_texture.is_valid()) { // Wow it generated a preview... save cache. bool has_small_texture = r_small_texture.is_valid(); ResourceSaver::save(r_texture, cache_base + ".png"); if (has_small_texture) { ResourceSaver::save(r_small_texture, cache_base + "_small.png"); } Ref f = FileAccess::open(cache_base + ".txt", FileAccess::WRITE); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(f.is_null(), "Cannot create file '" + cache_base + ".txt'. Check user write permissions."); _write_preview_cache(f, thumbnail_size, has_small_texture, FileAccess::get_modified_time(p_item.path), FileAccess::get_md5(p_item.path), p_metadata); } } if (is_print_verbose_enabled()) { print_line(vformat("Generated '%s' preview in %d usec", p_item.path, OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() - started_at)); } } const Dictionary EditorResourcePreview::get_preview_metadata(const String &p_path) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!cache.has(p_path), Dictionary()); return cache[p_path].preview_metadata; } void EditorResourcePreview::_iterate() { preview_mutex.lock(); if (queue.size() == 0) { preview_mutex.unlock(); return; } QueueItem item = queue.front()->get(); queue.pop_front(); if (cache.has(item.path)) { Item cached_item = cache[item.path]; // Already has it because someone loaded it, just let it know it's ready. _preview_ready(item.path, cached_item.last_hash, cached_item.preview, cached_item.small_preview, item.id, item.function, item.userdata, cached_item.preview_metadata); preview_mutex.unlock(); return; } preview_mutex.unlock(); Ref texture; Ref small_texture; int thumbnail_size = EDITOR_GET("filesystem/file_dialog/thumbnail_size"); thumbnail_size *= EDSCALE; if (item.resource.is_valid()) { Dictionary preview_metadata; _generate_preview(texture, small_texture, item, String(), preview_metadata); _preview_ready(item.path, item.resource->hash_edited_version(), texture, small_texture, item.id, item.function, item.userdata, preview_metadata); return; } Dictionary preview_metadata; String temp_path = EditorPaths::get_singleton()->get_cache_dir(); String cache_base = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->globalize_path(item.path).md5_text(); cache_base = temp_path.path_join("resthumb-" + cache_base); // Does not have it, try to load a cached thumbnail. String file = cache_base + ".txt"; Ref f = FileAccess::open(file, FileAccess::READ); if (f.is_null()) { // No cache found, generate. _generate_preview(texture, small_texture, item, cache_base, preview_metadata); } else { uint64_t modtime = FileAccess::get_modified_time(item.path); int tsize; bool has_small_texture; uint64_t last_modtime; String hash; _read_preview_cache(f, &tsize, &has_small_texture, &last_modtime, &hash, &preview_metadata); bool cache_valid = true; if (tsize != thumbnail_size) { cache_valid = false; f.unref(); } else if (last_modtime != modtime) { String last_md5 = f->get_line(); String md5 = FileAccess::get_md5(item.path); f.unref(); if (last_md5 != md5) { cache_valid = false; } else { // Update modified time. Ref f2 = FileAccess::open(file, FileAccess::WRITE); if (f2.is_null()) { // Not returning as this would leave the thread hanging and would require // some proper cleanup/disabling of resource preview generation. ERR_PRINT("Cannot create file '" + file + "'. Check user write permissions."); } else { _write_preview_cache(f2, thumbnail_size, has_small_texture, modtime, md5, preview_metadata); } } } else { f.unref(); } if (cache_valid) { Ref img; img.instantiate(); Ref small_img; small_img.instantiate(); if (img->load(cache_base + ".png") != OK) { cache_valid = false; } else { texture.instantiate(); texture->set_image(img); if (has_small_texture) { if (small_img->load(cache_base + "_small.png") != OK) { cache_valid = false; } else { small_texture.instantiate(); small_texture->set_image(small_img); } } } } if (!cache_valid) { _generate_preview(texture, small_texture, item, cache_base, preview_metadata); } } _preview_ready(item.path, 0, texture, small_texture, item.id, item.function, item.userdata, preview_metadata); } void EditorResourcePreview::_write_preview_cache(Ref p_file, int p_thumbnail_size, bool p_has_small_texture, uint64_t p_modified_time, String p_hash, const Dictionary &p_metadata) { p_file->store_line(itos(p_thumbnail_size)); p_file->store_line(itos(p_has_small_texture)); p_file->store_line(itos(p_modified_time)); p_file->store_line(p_hash); p_file->store_line(VariantUtilityFunctions::var_to_str(p_metadata).replace("\n", " ")); } void EditorResourcePreview::_read_preview_cache(Ref p_file, int *r_thumbnail_size, bool *r_has_small_texture, uint64_t *r_modified_time, String *r_hash, Dictionary *r_metadata) { *r_thumbnail_size = p_file->get_line().to_int(); *r_has_small_texture = p_file->get_line().to_int(); *r_modified_time = p_file->get_line().to_int(); *r_hash = p_file->get_line(); *r_metadata = VariantUtilityFunctions::str_to_var(p_file->get_line()); } void EditorResourcePreview::_thread() { exited.clear(); while (!exiting.is_set()) { preview_sem.wait(); _iterate(); } exited.set(); } void EditorResourcePreview::_idle_callback() { if (!singleton) { // Just in case the shutdown of the editor involves the deletion of the singleton // happening while additional idle callbacks can happen. return; } // Process preview tasks, trying to leave a little bit of responsiveness worst case. uint64_t start = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_msec(); while (!singleton->queue.is_empty() && OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_msec() - start < 100) { singleton->_iterate(); } } void EditorResourcePreview::_update_thumbnail_sizes() { if (small_thumbnail_size == -1) { // Kind of a workaround to retrieve the default icon size. small_thumbnail_size = EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_editor_theme()->get_icon(SNAME("Object"), EditorStringName(EditorIcons))->get_width(); } } void EditorResourcePreview::queue_edited_resource_preview(const Ref &p_res, Object *p_receiver, const StringName &p_receiver_func, const Variant &p_userdata) { ERR_FAIL_NULL(p_receiver); ERR_FAIL_COND(!p_res.is_valid()); _update_thumbnail_sizes(); { MutexLock lock(preview_mutex); String path_id = "ID:" + itos(p_res->get_instance_id()); if (cache.has(path_id) && cache[path_id].last_hash == p_res->hash_edited_version()) { cache[path_id].order = order++; p_receiver->call(p_receiver_func, path_id, cache[path_id].preview, cache[path_id].small_preview, p_userdata); return; } cache.erase(path_id); //erase if exists, since it will be regen QueueItem item; item.function = p_receiver_func; item.id = p_receiver->get_instance_id(); item.resource = p_res; item.path = path_id; item.userdata = p_userdata; queue.push_back(item); } preview_sem.post(); } void EditorResourcePreview::queue_resource_preview(const String &p_path, Object *p_receiver, const StringName &p_receiver_func, const Variant &p_userdata) { ERR_FAIL_NULL(p_receiver); _update_thumbnail_sizes(); { MutexLock lock(preview_mutex); if (cache.has(p_path)) { cache[p_path].order = order++; p_receiver->call(p_receiver_func, p_path, cache[p_path].preview, cache[p_path].small_preview, p_userdata); return; } QueueItem item; item.function = p_receiver_func; item.id = p_receiver->get_instance_id(); item.path = p_path; item.userdata = p_userdata; queue.push_back(item); } preview_sem.post(); } void EditorResourcePreview::add_preview_generator(const Ref &p_generator) { preview_generators.push_back(p_generator); } void EditorResourcePreview::remove_preview_generator(const Ref &p_generator) { preview_generators.erase(p_generator); } EditorResourcePreview *EditorResourcePreview::get_singleton() { return singleton; } void EditorResourcePreview::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("queue_resource_preview", "path", "receiver", "receiver_func", "userdata"), &EditorResourcePreview::queue_resource_preview); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("queue_edited_resource_preview", "resource", "receiver", "receiver_func", "userdata"), &EditorResourcePreview::queue_edited_resource_preview); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_preview_generator", "generator"), &EditorResourcePreview::add_preview_generator); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_preview_generator", "generator"), &EditorResourcePreview::remove_preview_generator); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("check_for_invalidation", "path"), &EditorResourcePreview::check_for_invalidation); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("preview_invalidated", PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "path"))); } void EditorResourcePreview::check_for_invalidation(const String &p_path) { bool call_invalidated = false; { MutexLock lock(preview_mutex); if (cache.has(p_path)) { uint64_t modified_time = FileAccess::get_modified_time(p_path); if (modified_time != cache[p_path].modified_time) { cache.erase(p_path); call_invalidated = true; } } } if (call_invalidated) { //do outside mutex call_deferred(SNAME("emit_signal"), "preview_invalidated", p_path); } } void EditorResourcePreview::start() { if (DisplayServer::get_singleton()->get_name() == "headless") { return; } if (RSG::texture_storage->can_create_resources_async()) { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(thread.is_started(), "Thread already started."); thread.start(_thread_func, this); } else { SceneTree *st = Object::cast_to(OS::get_singleton()->get_main_loop()); ERR_FAIL_NULL_MSG(st, "Editor's MainLoop is not a SceneTree. This is a bug."); } } void EditorResourcePreview::stop() { if (RSG::texture_storage->can_create_resources_async()) { if (thread.is_started()) { exiting.set(); preview_sem.post(); for (int i = 0; i < preview_generators.size(); i++) { preview_generators.write[i]->abort(); } while (!exited.is_set()) { OS::get_singleton()->delay_usec(10000); RenderingServer::get_singleton()->sync(); //sync pending stuff, as thread may be blocked on rendering server } thread.wait_to_finish(); } } } EditorResourcePreview::EditorResourcePreview() { singleton = this; order = 0; } EditorResourcePreview::~EditorResourcePreview() { stop(); }