class Say: var prefix = "S" func greet(): prefix = "S Greeted" print("hello") func say(name): print(prefix, " say something ", name) class SayAnotherThing extends Say: # This currently crashes the engine. #var prefix = "SAT" func greet(): prefix = "SAT Greeted" print("hi") func say(name): print(prefix, " say another thing ", name) class SayNothing extends Say: # This currently crashes the engine. #var prefix = "SN" func greet(): super() prefix = "SN Greeted" print("howdy, see above") func greet_prefix_before_super(): prefix = "SN Greeted" super.greet() print("howdy, see above") func say(name): @warning_ignore("unsafe_call_argument") super(name + " super'd") print(prefix, " say nothing... or not? ", name) func test(): var say = say.greet() say.say("foo") print() var say_another_thing = say_another_thing.greet() say_another_thing.say("bar") print() var say_nothing = say_nothing.greet() print(say_nothing.prefix) say_nothing.greet_prefix_before_super() print(say_nothing.prefix) # This currently triggers a compiler bug: "compiler bug, function name not found" #say_nothing.say("baz")