/**************************************************************************/ /* gdscript_docgen.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "gdscript_docgen.h" #include "../gdscript.h" using GDP = GDScriptParser; using GDType = GDP::DataType; static String _get_script_path(const String &p_path) { return p_path.trim_prefix("res://").quote(); } static String _get_class_name(const GDP::ClassNode &p_class) { const GDP::ClassNode *curr_class = &p_class; if (!curr_class->identifier) { // All inner classes have an identifier, so this is the outer class. return _get_script_path(curr_class->fqcn); } String full_name = curr_class->identifier->name; while (curr_class->outer) { curr_class = curr_class->outer; if (!curr_class->identifier) { // All inner classes have an identifier, so this is the outer class. return vformat("%s.%s", _get_script_path(curr_class->fqcn), full_name); } full_name = vformat("%s.%s", curr_class->identifier->name, full_name); } return full_name; } static void _doctype_from_gdtype(const GDType &p_gdtype, String &r_type, String &r_enum, bool p_is_return = false) { if (!p_gdtype.is_hard_type()) { r_type = "Variant"; return; } switch (p_gdtype.kind) { case GDType::BUILTIN: if (p_gdtype.builtin_type == Variant::NIL) { r_type = p_is_return ? "void" : "null"; return; } if (p_gdtype.builtin_type == Variant::ARRAY && p_gdtype.has_container_element_type()) { _doctype_from_gdtype(p_gdtype.get_container_element_type(), r_type, r_enum); if (!r_enum.is_empty()) { r_type = "int[]"; r_enum += "[]"; return; } if (!r_type.is_empty() && r_type != "Variant") { r_type += "[]"; return; } } r_type = Variant::get_type_name(p_gdtype.builtin_type); return; case GDType::NATIVE: r_type = p_gdtype.native_type; return; case GDType::SCRIPT: if (p_gdtype.script_type.is_valid()) { if (p_gdtype.script_type->get_global_name() != StringName()) { r_type = _get_script_path(p_gdtype.script_type->get_global_name()); return; } if (!p_gdtype.script_type->get_path().is_empty()) { r_type = _get_script_path(p_gdtype.script_type->get_path()); return; } } if (!p_gdtype.script_path.is_empty()) { r_type = _get_script_path(p_gdtype.script_path); return; } r_type = "Object"; return; case GDType::CLASS: r_type = _get_class_name(*p_gdtype.class_type); return; case GDType::ENUM: r_type = "int"; r_enum = String(p_gdtype.native_type).replace("::", "."); if (r_enum.begins_with("res://")) { r_enum = r_enum.trim_prefix("res://"); int dot_pos = r_enum.rfind("."); if (dot_pos >= 0) { r_enum = r_enum.left(dot_pos).quote() + r_enum.substr(dot_pos); } } return; case GDType::VARIANT: case GDType::RESOLVING: case GDType::UNRESOLVED: r_type = "Variant"; return; } } void GDScriptDocGen::generate_docs(GDScript *p_script, const GDP::ClassNode *p_class) { p_script->_clear_doc(); DocData::ClassDoc &doc = p_script->doc; doc.script_path = _get_script_path(p_script->get_script_path()); if (p_script->name.is_empty()) { doc.name = doc.script_path; } else { doc.name = p_script->name; } if (p_script->_owner) { doc.name = p_script->_owner->doc.name + "." + doc.name; doc.script_path = doc.script_path + "." + doc.name; } doc.is_script_doc = true; if (p_script->base.is_valid() && p_script->base->is_valid()) { if (!p_script->base->doc.name.is_empty()) { doc.inherits = p_script->base->doc.name; } else { doc.inherits = p_script->base->get_instance_base_type(); } } else if (p_script->native.is_valid()) { doc.inherits = p_script->native->get_name(); } doc.brief_description = p_class->doc_data.brief; doc.description = p_class->doc_data.description; for (const Pair &p : p_class->doc_data.tutorials) { DocData::TutorialDoc td; td.title = p.first; td.link = p.second; doc.tutorials.append(td); } doc.is_deprecated = p_class->doc_data.is_deprecated; doc.is_experimental = p_class->doc_data.is_experimental; for (const GDP::ClassNode::Member &member : p_class->members) { switch (member.type) { case GDP::ClassNode::Member::CLASS: { const GDP::ClassNode *inner_class = member.m_class; const StringName &class_name = inner_class->identifier->name; p_script->member_lines[class_name] = inner_class->start_line; // Recursively generate inner class docs. // Needs inner GDScripts to exist: previously generated in GDScriptCompiler::make_scripts(). GDScriptDocGen::generate_docs(*p_script->subclasses[class_name], inner_class); } break; case GDP::ClassNode::Member::CONSTANT: { const GDP::ConstantNode *m_const = member.constant; const StringName &const_name = member.constant->identifier->name; p_script->member_lines[const_name] = m_const->start_line; DocData::ConstantDoc const_doc; DocData::constant_doc_from_variant(const_doc, const_name, m_const->initializer->reduced_value, m_const->doc_data.description); const_doc.is_deprecated = m_const->doc_data.is_deprecated; const_doc.is_experimental = m_const->doc_data.is_experimental; doc.constants.push_back(const_doc); } break; case GDP::ClassNode::Member::FUNCTION: { const GDP::FunctionNode *m_func = member.function; const StringName &func_name = m_func->identifier->name; p_script->member_lines[func_name] = m_func->start_line; DocData::MethodDoc method_doc; method_doc.name = func_name; method_doc.description = m_func->doc_data.description; method_doc.is_deprecated = m_func->doc_data.is_deprecated; method_doc.is_experimental = m_func->doc_data.is_experimental; method_doc.qualifiers = m_func->is_static ? "static" : ""; if (m_func->return_type) { _doctype_from_gdtype(m_func->return_type->get_datatype(), method_doc.return_type, method_doc.return_enum, true); } else { method_doc.return_type = "Variant"; } for (const GDScriptParser::ParameterNode *p : m_func->parameters) { DocData::ArgumentDoc arg_doc; arg_doc.name = p->identifier->name; _doctype_from_gdtype(p->get_datatype(), arg_doc.type, arg_doc.enumeration); if (p->initializer != nullptr) { if (p->initializer->is_constant) { arg_doc.default_value = p->initializer->reduced_value.get_construct_string().replace("\n", "\\n"); } else { arg_doc.default_value = ""; } } method_doc.arguments.push_back(arg_doc); } doc.methods.push_back(method_doc); } break; case GDP::ClassNode::Member::SIGNAL: { const GDP::SignalNode *m_signal = member.signal; const StringName &signal_name = m_signal->identifier->name; p_script->member_lines[signal_name] = m_signal->start_line; DocData::MethodDoc signal_doc; signal_doc.name = signal_name; signal_doc.description = m_signal->doc_data.description; signal_doc.is_deprecated = m_signal->doc_data.is_deprecated; signal_doc.is_experimental = m_signal->doc_data.is_experimental; for (const GDScriptParser::ParameterNode *p : m_signal->parameters) { DocData::ArgumentDoc arg_doc; arg_doc.name = p->identifier->name; _doctype_from_gdtype(p->get_datatype(), arg_doc.type, arg_doc.enumeration); signal_doc.arguments.push_back(arg_doc); } doc.signals.push_back(signal_doc); } break; case GDP::ClassNode::Member::VARIABLE: { const GDP::VariableNode *m_var = member.variable; const StringName &var_name = m_var->identifier->name; p_script->member_lines[var_name] = m_var->start_line; DocData::PropertyDoc prop_doc; prop_doc.name = var_name; prop_doc.description = m_var->doc_data.description; prop_doc.is_deprecated = m_var->doc_data.is_deprecated; prop_doc.is_experimental = m_var->doc_data.is_experimental; _doctype_from_gdtype(m_var->get_datatype(), prop_doc.type, prop_doc.enumeration); switch (m_var->property) { case GDP::VariableNode::PROP_NONE: break; case GDP::VariableNode::PROP_INLINE: if (m_var->setter != nullptr) { prop_doc.setter = m_var->setter->identifier->name; } if (m_var->getter != nullptr) { prop_doc.getter = m_var->getter->identifier->name; } break; case GDP::VariableNode::PROP_SETGET: if (m_var->setter_pointer != nullptr) { prop_doc.setter = m_var->setter_pointer->name; } if (m_var->getter_pointer != nullptr) { prop_doc.getter = m_var->getter_pointer->name; } break; } if (m_var->initializer) { if (m_var->initializer->is_constant) { prop_doc.default_value = m_var->initializer->reduced_value.get_construct_string().replace("\n", "\\n"); } else { prop_doc.default_value = ""; } } prop_doc.overridden = false; doc.properties.push_back(prop_doc); } break; case GDP::ClassNode::Member::ENUM: { const GDP::EnumNode *m_enum = member.m_enum; StringName name = m_enum->identifier->name; p_script->member_lines[name] = m_enum->start_line; DocData::EnumDoc enum_doc; enum_doc.description = m_enum->doc_data.description; enum_doc.is_deprecated = m_enum->doc_data.is_deprecated; enum_doc.is_experimental = m_enum->doc_data.is_experimental; doc.enums[name] = enum_doc; for (const GDP::EnumNode::Value &val : m_enum->values) { DocData::ConstantDoc const_doc; const_doc.name = val.identifier->name; const_doc.value = String(Variant(val.value)); const_doc.is_value_valid = true; const_doc.enumeration = name; const_doc.description = val.doc_data.description; const_doc.is_deprecated = val.doc_data.is_deprecated; const_doc.is_experimental = val.doc_data.is_experimental; doc.constants.push_back(const_doc); } } break; case GDP::ClassNode::Member::ENUM_VALUE: { const GDP::EnumNode::Value &m_enum_val = member.enum_value; const StringName &name = m_enum_val.identifier->name; p_script->member_lines[name] = m_enum_val.identifier->start_line; DocData::ConstantDoc const_doc; DocData::constant_doc_from_variant(const_doc, name, m_enum_val.value, m_enum_val.doc_data.description); const_doc.enumeration = "@unnamed_enums"; const_doc.is_deprecated = m_enum_val.doc_data.is_deprecated; const_doc.is_experimental = m_enum_val.doc_data.is_experimental; doc.constants.push_back(const_doc); } break; default: break; } } // Add doc to the outer-most class. p_script->_add_doc(doc); }