using System; using GodotTools.Core; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Linq; using JetBrains.Annotations; using Microsoft.Build.Construction; using Microsoft.Build.Globbing; using Semver; namespace GodotTools.ProjectEditor { public sealed class MSBuildProject { internal ProjectRootElement Root { get; set; } public bool HasUnsavedChanges { get; set; } public void Save() => Root.Save(); public MSBuildProject(ProjectRootElement root) { Root = root; } } public static class ProjectUtils { public static MSBuildProject Open(string path) { var root = ProjectRootElement.Open(path); return root != null ? new MSBuildProject(root) : null; } [PublicAPI] public static void AddItemToProjectChecked(string projectPath, string itemType, string include) { var dir = Directory.GetParent(projectPath).FullName; var root = ProjectRootElement.Open(projectPath); Debug.Assert(root != null); if (root.AreDefaultCompileItemsEnabled()) { // No need to add. It's already included automatically by the MSBuild Sdk. // This assumes the source file is inside the project directory and not manually excluded in the csproj return; } var normalizedInclude = include.RelativeToPath(dir).Replace("/", "\\"); if (root.AddItemChecked(itemType, normalizedInclude)) root.Save(); } public static void RenameItemInProjectChecked(string projectPath, string itemType, string oldInclude, string newInclude) { var dir = Directory.GetParent(projectPath).FullName; var root = ProjectRootElement.Open(projectPath); Debug.Assert(root != null); if (root.AreDefaultCompileItemsEnabled()) { // No need to add. It's already included automatically by the MSBuild Sdk. // This assumes the source file is inside the project directory and not manually excluded in the csproj return; } var normalizedOldInclude = oldInclude.NormalizePath(); var normalizedNewInclude = newInclude.NormalizePath(); var item = root.FindItemOrNullAbs(itemType, normalizedOldInclude); if (item == null) return; // Check if the found item include already matches the new path var glob = MSBuildGlob.Parse(item.Include); if (glob.IsMatch(normalizedNewInclude)) return; // Otherwise, if the item include uses globbing it's better to add a new item instead of modifying if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(glob.WildcardDirectoryPart) || glob.FilenamePart.Contains("*")) { root.AddItem(itemType, normalizedNewInclude.RelativeToPath(dir).Replace("/", "\\")); root.Save(); return; } item.Include = normalizedNewInclude.RelativeToPath(dir).Replace("/", "\\"); root.Save(); } public static void RemoveItemFromProjectChecked(string projectPath, string itemType, string include) { var root = ProjectRootElement.Open(projectPath); Debug.Assert(root != null); if (root.AreDefaultCompileItemsEnabled()) { // No need to add. It's already included automatically by the MSBuild Sdk. // This assumes the source file is inside the project directory and not manually excluded in the csproj return; } var normalizedInclude = include.NormalizePath(); var item = root.FindItemOrNullAbs(itemType, normalizedInclude); // Couldn't find an existing item that matches to remove if (item == null) return; var glob = MSBuildGlob.Parse(item.Include); // If the item include uses globbing don't remove it if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(glob.WildcardDirectoryPart) || glob.FilenamePart.Contains("*")) { return; } item.Parent.RemoveChild(item); root.Save(); } public static void RenameItemsToNewFolderInProjectChecked(string projectPath, string itemType, string oldFolder, string newFolder) { var dir = Directory.GetParent(projectPath).FullName; var root = ProjectRootElement.Open(projectPath); Debug.Assert(root != null); if (root.AreDefaultCompileItemsEnabled()) { // No need to add. It's already included automatically by the MSBuild Sdk. // This assumes the source file is inside the project directory and not manually excluded in the csproj return; } bool dirty = false; var oldFolderNormalized = oldFolder.NormalizePath(); var newFolderNormalized = newFolder.NormalizePath(); string absOldFolderNormalized = Path.GetFullPath(oldFolderNormalized).NormalizePath(); string absNewFolderNormalized = Path.GetFullPath(newFolderNormalized).NormalizePath(); foreach (var item in root.FindAllItemsInFolder(itemType, oldFolderNormalized)) { string absPathNormalized = Path.GetFullPath(item.Include).NormalizePath(); string absNewIncludeNormalized = absNewFolderNormalized + absPathNormalized.Substring(absOldFolderNormalized.Length); item.Include = absNewIncludeNormalized.RelativeToPath(dir).Replace("/", "\\"); dirty = true; } if (dirty) root.Save(); } public static void RemoveItemsInFolderFromProjectChecked(string projectPath, string itemType, string folder) { var root = ProjectRootElement.Open(projectPath); Debug.Assert(root != null); if (root.AreDefaultCompileItemsEnabled()) { // No need to add. It's already included automatically by the MSBuild Sdk. // This assumes the source file is inside the project directory and not manually excluded in the csproj return; } var folderNormalized = folder.NormalizePath(); var itemsToRemove = root.FindAllItemsInFolder(itemType, folderNormalized).ToList(); if (itemsToRemove.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in itemsToRemove) item.Parent.RemoveChild(item); root.Save(); } } private static string[] GetAllFilesRecursive(string rootDirectory, string mask) { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(rootDirectory, mask, SearchOption.AllDirectories); // We want relative paths for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { files[i] = files[i].RelativeToPath(rootDirectory); } return files; } public static string[] GetIncludeFiles(string projectPath, string itemType) { var result = new List<string>(); var existingFiles = GetAllFilesRecursive(Path.GetDirectoryName(projectPath), "*.cs"); var root = ProjectRootElement.Open(projectPath); Debug.Assert(root != null); if (root.AreDefaultCompileItemsEnabled()) { var excluded = new List<string>(); result.AddRange(existingFiles); foreach (var item in root.Items) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Condition)) continue; if (item.ItemType != itemType) continue; string normalizedRemove = item.Remove.NormalizePath(); var glob = MSBuildGlob.Parse(normalizedRemove); excluded.AddRange(result.Where(includedFile => glob.IsMatch(includedFile))); } result.RemoveAll(f => excluded.Contains(f)); } foreach (var itemGroup in root.ItemGroups) { if (itemGroup.Condition.Length != 0) continue; foreach (var item in itemGroup.Items) { if (item.ItemType != itemType) continue; string normalizedInclude = item.Include.NormalizePath(); var glob = MSBuildGlob.Parse(normalizedInclude); foreach (var existingFile in existingFiles) { if (glob.IsMatch(existingFile)) { result.Add(existingFile); } } } } return result.ToArray(); } public static void MigrateToProjectSdksStyle(MSBuildProject project, string projectName) { var root = project.Root; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(root.Sdk)) return; root.Sdk = $"{ProjectGenerator.GodotSdkNameToUse}/{ProjectGenerator.GodotSdkVersionToUse}"; root.ToolsVersion = null; root.DefaultTargets = null; root.AddProperty("TargetFramework", "net472"); // Remove obsolete properties, items and elements. We're going to be conservative // here to minimize the chances of introducing breaking changes. As such we will // only remove elements that could potentially cause issues with the Godot.NET.Sdk. void RemoveElements(IEnumerable<ProjectElement> elements) { foreach (var element in elements) element.Parent.RemoveChild(element); } // Default Configuration RemoveElements(root.PropertyGroups.SelectMany(g => g.Properties) .Where(p => p.Name == "Configuration" && p.Condition.Trim() == "'$(Configuration)' == ''" && p.Value == "Debug")); // Default Platform RemoveElements(root.PropertyGroups.SelectMany(g => g.Properties) .Where(p => p.Name == "Platform" && p.Condition.Trim() == "'$(Platform)' == ''" && p.Value == "AnyCPU")); // Simple properties var yabaiProperties = new[] { "OutputPath", "BaseIntermediateOutputPath", "IntermediateOutputPath", "TargetFrameworkVersion", "ProjectTypeGuids", "ApiConfiguration" }; RemoveElements(root.PropertyGroups.SelectMany(g => g.Properties) .Where(p => yabaiProperties.Contains(p.Name))); // Configuration dependent properties var yabaiPropertiesForConfigs = new[] { "DebugSymbols", "DebugType", "Optimize", "DefineConstants", "ErrorReport", "WarningLevel", "ConsolePause" }; var configNames = new[] { "ExportDebug", "ExportRelease", "Debug", "Tools", "Release" // Include old config names as well in case it's upgrading from 3.2.1 or older }; foreach (var config in configNames) { var group = root.PropertyGroups .FirstOrDefault(g => g.Condition.Trim() == $"'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == '{config}|AnyCPU'"); if (group == null) continue; RemoveElements(group.Properties.Where(p => yabaiPropertiesForConfigs.Contains(p.Name))); if (group.Count == 0) { // No more children, safe to delete the group group.Parent.RemoveChild(group); } } // Godot API References var apiAssemblies = new[] { ApiAssemblyNames.Core, ApiAssemblyNames.Editor }; RemoveElements(root.ItemGroups.SelectMany(g => g.Items) .Where(i => i.ItemType == "Reference" && apiAssemblies.Contains(i.Include))); // Microsoft.NETFramework.ReferenceAssemblies PackageReference RemoveElements(root.ItemGroups.SelectMany(g => g.Items).Where(i => i.ItemType == "PackageReference" && i.Include.Equals("Microsoft.NETFramework.ReferenceAssemblies", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))); // Imports var yabaiImports = new[] { "$(MSBuildBinPath)/Microsoft.CSharp.targets", "$(MSBuildBinPath)Microsoft.CSharp.targets" }; RemoveElements(root.Imports.Where(import => yabaiImports.Contains( import.Project.Replace("\\", "/").Replace("//", "/")))); // 'EnableDefaultCompileItems' and 'GenerateAssemblyInfo' are kept enabled by default // on new projects, but when migrating old projects we disable them to avoid errors. root.AddProperty("EnableDefaultCompileItems", "false"); root.AddProperty("GenerateAssemblyInfo", "false"); // Older AssemblyInfo.cs cause the following error: // 'Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs(19,28): error CS8357: // The specified version string contains wildcards, which are not compatible with determinism. // Either remove wildcards from the version string, or disable determinism for this compilation.' // We disable deterministic builds to prevent this. The user can then fix this manually when desired // by fixing 'AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")' to not use wildcards. root.AddProperty("Deterministic", "false"); project.HasUnsavedChanges = true; var xDoc = XDocument.Parse(root.RawXml); if (xDoc.Root == null) return; // Too bad, we will have to keep the xmlns/namespace and xml declaration XElement GetElement(XDocument doc, string name, string value, string parentName) { foreach (var node in doc.DescendantNodes()) { if (!(node is XElement element)) continue; if (element.Name.LocalName.Equals(name) && element.Value == value && element.Parent != null && element.Parent.Name.LocalName.Equals(parentName)) { return element; } } return null; } // Add comment about Microsoft.NET.Sdk properties disabled during migration GetElement(xDoc, name: "EnableDefaultCompileItems", value: "false", parentName: "PropertyGroup") .AddBeforeSelf(new XComment("The following properties were overridden during migration to prevent errors.\n" + " Enabling them may require other manual changes to the project and its files.")); void RemoveNamespace(XElement element) { element.Attributes().Where(x => x.IsNamespaceDeclaration).Remove(); element.Name = element.Name.LocalName; foreach (var node in element.DescendantNodes()) { if (node is XElement xElement) { // Need to do the same for all children recursively as it adds it to them for some reason... RemoveNamespace(xElement); } } } // Remove xmlns/namespace RemoveNamespace(xDoc.Root); // Remove xml declaration xDoc.Nodes().FirstOrDefault(node => node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration)?.Remove(); string projectFullPath = root.FullPath; root = ProjectRootElement.Create(xDoc.CreateReader()); root.FullPath = projectFullPath; project.Root = root; } public static void EnsureGodotSdkIsUpToDate(MSBuildProject project) { string godotSdkAttrValue = $"{ProjectGenerator.GodotSdkNameToUse}/{ProjectGenerator.GodotSdkVersionToUse}"; var root = project.Root; string rootSdk = root.Sdk?.Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rootSdk)) { // Check if the version is already the same. if (rootSdk.Equals(godotSdkAttrValue, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return; // We also allow higher versions as long as the major and minor are the same. var semVerToUse = SemVersion.Parse(ProjectGenerator.GodotSdkVersionToUse); var godotSdkAttrLaxValueRegex = new Regex($@"^{ProjectGenerator.GodotSdkNameToUse}/(?<ver>.*)$"); var match = godotSdkAttrLaxValueRegex.Match(rootSdk); if (match.Success && SemVersion.TryParse(match.Groups["ver"].Value, out var semVerDetected) && semVerDetected.Major == semVerToUse.Major && semVerDetected.Minor == semVerToUse.Minor && semVerDetected > semVerToUse) { return; } } root.Sdk = godotSdkAttrValue; project.HasUnsavedChanges = true; } } }