A node for driving body meshes from [XRBodyTracker] data.
This node uses body tracking data from a [XRBodyTracker] to animate the skeleton of a body mesh.
This node positions itself at the [constant XRBodyTracker.JOINT_ROOT] position and scales itself to [member XRServer.world_scale]. Adding the body model as a child of this node will result in the model being positioned and scaled correctly for XR experiences.
The body tracking position-data is scaled by [member Skeleton3D.motion_scale] when applied to the skeleton, which can be used to adjust the tracked body to match the scale of the body model.
The name of the [XRBodyTracker] registered with [XRServer] to obtain the body tracking data from.
Specifies the body parts to update.
Specifies the type of updates to perform on the bones.
If true then the nodes visibility is determined by whether tracking data is available.
The skeleton's upper body joints are updated.
The skeleton's lower body joints are updated.
The skeleton's hand joints are updated.
The skeleton's bones are fully updated (both position and rotation) to match the tracked bones.
The skeleton's bones are only rotated to align with the tracked bones, preserving bone length.
Represents the size of the [enum BoneUpdate] enum.