# com.android.godot # for this, need to push gdbserver to device # adb push [location]/gdbserver /data/local # run DEBUG_PORT=5039 GDB_PATH="$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gdb" #kill existing previous gdbserver if exists adb shell killall gdbserver run-as com.android.godot killall com.android.godot run-as com.android.godot killall gdbserver #get data dir of the app adb pull /system/bin/app_process app_process DATA_DIR=`adb shell run-as com.android.godot /system/bin/sh -c pwd | tr -d '\n\r'` echo "DATA DIR IS $DATA_DIR" #start app adb shell am start -n com.android.godot/com.android.godot.Godot #get the pid of the app PID=`adb shell pidof com.android.godot | tr -d '\n\r'` echo "PID IS: $PID hoho" #launch gdbserver DEBUG_SOCKET=debug-socket #echo adb shell /data/local/gdbserver +debug-socket --attach $PID adb shell run-as com.android.godot lib/gdbserver +$DEBUG_SOCKET --attach $PID & sleep 2s #adb shell /data/local/gdbserver localhost:$DEBUG_PORT --attach $PID & #setup network connection adb forward tcp:$DEBUG_PORT localfilesystem:$DATA_DIR/$DEBUG_SOCKET cp gdb.setup.base gdb.setup echo "target remote :$DEBUG_PORT" >> gdb.setup #echo "file $GDB_PATH -x gdb.setup