#include "resource_importer_layered_texture.h" #include "resource_importer_texture.h" #include "editor/editor_file_system.h" #include "editor/editor_node.h" #include "io/config_file.h" #include "io/image_loader.h" #include "scene/resources/texture.h" String ResourceImporterLayeredTexture::get_importer_name() const { return is_3d ? "texture_3d" : "texture_array"; } String ResourceImporterLayeredTexture::get_visible_name() const { return is_3d ? "Texture3D" : "TextureArray"; } void ResourceImporterLayeredTexture::get_recognized_extensions(List *p_extensions) const { ImageLoader::get_recognized_extensions(p_extensions); } String ResourceImporterLayeredTexture::get_save_extension() const { return is_3d ? "tex3d" : "texarr"; } String ResourceImporterLayeredTexture::get_resource_type() const { return is_3d ? "Texture3D" : "TextureArray"; } bool ResourceImporterLayeredTexture::get_option_visibility(const String &p_option, const Map &p_options) const { return true; } int ResourceImporterLayeredTexture::get_preset_count() const { return 3; } String ResourceImporterLayeredTexture::get_preset_name(int p_idx) const { static const char *preset_names[] = { "3D", "2D", "ColorCorrect" }; return preset_names[p_idx]; } void ResourceImporterLayeredTexture::get_import_options(List *r_options, int p_preset) const { r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "compress/mode", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Lossless,Video RAM,Uncompressed", PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT | PROPERTY_USAGE_UPDATE_ALL_IF_MODIFIED), p_preset == PRESET_3D ? 1 : 0)); r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "flags/repeat", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,Enabled,Mirrored"), 0)); r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "flags/filter"), true)); r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "flags/mipmaps"), p_preset == PRESET_COLOR_CORRECT ? 0 : 1)); r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "flags/srgb", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disable,Enable"), p_preset == PRESET_3D ? 1 : 0)); r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "slices/horizontal", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "1,256,1"), p_preset == PRESET_COLOR_CORRECT ? 16 : 8)); r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "slices/vertical", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "1,256,1"), p_preset == PRESET_COLOR_CORRECT ? 1 : 8)); } void ResourceImporterLayeredTexture::_save_tex(const Vector > &p_images, const String &p_to_path, int p_compress_mode, Image::CompressMode p_vram_compression, bool p_mipmaps, int p_texture_flags) { FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_to_path, FileAccess::WRITE); f->store_8('G'); f->store_8('D'); if (is_3d) { f->store_8('3'); } else { f->store_8('A'); } f->store_8('T'); //godot streamable texture f->store_32(p_images[0]->get_width()); f->store_32(p_images[0]->get_height()); f->store_32(p_images.size()); //depth f->store_32(p_texture_flags); if (p_compress_mode != COMPRESS_VIDEO_RAM) { //vram needs to do a first compression to tell what the format is, for the rest its ok f->store_32(p_images[0]->get_format()); f->store_32(p_compress_mode); // 0 - lossless (PNG), 1 - vram, 2 - uncompressed } if ((p_compress_mode == COMPRESS_LOSSLESS) && p_images[0]->get_format() > Image::FORMAT_RGBA8) { p_compress_mode = COMPRESS_UNCOMPRESSED; //these can't go as lossy } for (int i = 0; i < p_images.size(); i++) { switch (p_compress_mode) { case COMPRESS_LOSSLESS: { Ref image = p_images[i]->duplicate(); if (p_mipmaps) { image->generate_mipmaps(); } else { image->clear_mipmaps(); } int mmc = image->get_mipmap_count() + 1; f->store_32(mmc); for (int i = 0; i < mmc; i++) { if (i > 0) { image->shrink_x2(); } PoolVector data = Image::lossless_packer(image); int data_len = data.size(); f->store_32(data_len); PoolVector::Read r = data.read(); f->store_buffer(r.ptr(), data_len); } } break; case COMPRESS_VIDEO_RAM: { Ref image = p_images[i]->duplicate(); image->generate_mipmaps(false); Image::CompressSource csource = Image::COMPRESS_SOURCE_LAYERED; image->compress(p_vram_compression, csource, 0.7); if (i == 0) { //hack so we can properly tell the format f->store_32(image->get_format()); f->store_32(p_compress_mode); // 0 - lossless (PNG), 1 - vram, 2 - uncompressed } PoolVector data = image->get_data(); int dl = data.size(); PoolVector::Read r = data.read(); f->store_buffer(r.ptr(), dl); } break; case COMPRESS_UNCOMPRESSED: { Ref image = p_images[i]->duplicate(); if (p_mipmaps) { image->generate_mipmaps(); } else { image->clear_mipmaps(); } PoolVector data = image->get_data(); int dl = data.size(); PoolVector::Read r = data.read(); f->store_buffer(r.ptr(), dl); } break; } } memdelete(f); } Error ResourceImporterLayeredTexture::import(const String &p_source_file, const String &p_save_path, const Map &p_options, List *r_platform_variants, List *r_gen_files) { int compress_mode = p_options["compress/mode"]; int no_bptc_if_rgb = p_options["compress/no_bptc_if_rgb"]; int repeat = p_options["flags/repeat"]; bool filter = p_options["flags/filter"]; bool mipmaps = p_options["flags/mipmaps"]; int srgb = p_options["flags/srgb"]; int hslices = p_options["slices/horizontal"]; int vslices = p_options["slices/vertical"]; Ref image; image.instance(); Error err = ImageLoader::load_image(p_source_file, image, NULL, false, 1.0); if (err != OK) return err; int tex_flags = 0; if (repeat > 0) tex_flags |= Texture::FLAG_REPEAT; if (repeat == 2) tex_flags |= Texture::FLAG_MIRRORED_REPEAT; if (filter) tex_flags |= Texture::FLAG_FILTER; if (mipmaps || compress_mode == COMPRESS_VIDEO_RAM) tex_flags |= Texture::FLAG_MIPMAPS; if (srgb == 1) tex_flags |= Texture::FLAG_CONVERT_TO_LINEAR; Vector > slices; int slice_w = image->get_width() / hslices; int slice_h = image->get_height() / vslices; //optimize if (compress_mode == COMPRESS_VIDEO_RAM) { //if using video ram, optimize if (srgb) { //remove alpha if not needed, so compression is more efficient if (image->get_format() == Image::FORMAT_RGBA8 && !image->detect_alpha()) { image->convert(Image::FORMAT_RGB8); } } else { image->optimize_channels(); } } for (int i = 0; i < vslices; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < hslices; j++) { int x = slice_w * j; int y = slice_h * i; Ref slice = image->get_rect(Rect2(x, y, slice_w, slice_h)); ERR_CONTINUE(slice.is_null() || slice->empty()); if (slice->get_width() != slice_w || slice->get_height() != slice_h) { slice->resize(slice_w, slice_h); } slices.push_back(slice); } } String extension = get_save_extension(); if (compress_mode == COMPRESS_VIDEO_RAM) { //must import in all formats, in order of priority (so platform choses the best supported one. IE, etc2 over etc). //Android, GLES 2.x bool ok_on_pc = false; bool encode_bptc = false; if (ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("rendering/vram_compression/import_bptc")) { encode_bptc = true; if (no_bptc_if_rgb) { Image::DetectChannels channels = image->get_detected_channels(); if (channels != Image::DETECTED_LA && channels != Image::DETECTED_RGBA) { encode_bptc = false; } } } if (encode_bptc) { _save_tex(slices, p_save_path + ".bptc." + extension, compress_mode, Image::COMPRESS_BPTC, mipmaps, tex_flags); r_platform_variants->push_back("bptc"); ok_on_pc = true; } if (ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("rendering/vram_compression/import_s3tc")) { _save_tex(slices, p_save_path + ".s3tc." + extension, compress_mode, Image::COMPRESS_S3TC, mipmaps, tex_flags); r_platform_variants->push_back("s3tc"); ok_on_pc = true; } if (ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("rendering/vram_compression/import_etc2")) { _save_tex(slices, p_save_path + ".etc2." + extension, compress_mode, Image::COMPRESS_ETC2, mipmaps, tex_flags); r_platform_variants->push_back("etc2"); } if (ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("rendering/vram_compression/import_etc")) { _save_tex(slices, p_save_path + ".etc." + extension, compress_mode, Image::COMPRESS_ETC, mipmaps, tex_flags); r_platform_variants->push_back("etc"); } if (ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("rendering/vram_compression/import_pvrtc")) { _save_tex(slices, p_save_path + ".pvrtc." + extension, compress_mode, Image::COMPRESS_PVRTC4, mipmaps, tex_flags); r_platform_variants->push_back("pvrtc"); } if (!ok_on_pc) { EditorNode::add_io_error("Warning, no suitable PC VRAM compression enabled in Project Settings. This texture will not display correcly on PC."); } } else { //import normally _save_tex(slices, p_save_path + "." + extension, compress_mode, Image::COMPRESS_S3TC /*this is ignored */, mipmaps, tex_flags); } return OK; } ResourceImporterLayeredTexture *ResourceImporterLayeredTexture::singleton = NULL; ResourceImporterLayeredTexture::ResourceImporterLayeredTexture() { singleton = this; is_3d = true; } ResourceImporterLayeredTexture::~ResourceImporterLayeredTexture() { }