// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 #pragma once #include "bvh_node_base.h" namespace embree { /*! Node with unaligned bounds */ template struct OBBNode_t : public BaseNode_t { using BaseNode_t::children; struct Create { __forceinline NodeRef operator() (const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) const { OBBNode_t* node = (OBBNode_t*) alloc.malloc0(sizeof(OBBNode_t),NodeRef::byteNodeAlignment); node->clear(); return NodeRef::encodeNode(node); } }; struct Set { __forceinline void operator() (NodeRef node, size_t i, NodeRef child, const OBBox3fa& bounds) const { node.ungetAABBNode()->setRef(i,child); node.ungetAABBNode()->setBounds(i,bounds); } }; /*! Clears the node. */ __forceinline void clear() { naabb.l.vx = Vec3fa(nan); naabb.l.vy = Vec3fa(nan); naabb.l.vz = Vec3fa(nan); naabb.p = Vec3fa(nan); BaseNode_t::clear(); } /*! Sets bounding box. */ __forceinline void setBounds(size_t i, const OBBox3fa& b) { assert(i < N); AffineSpace3fa space = b.space; space.p -= b.bounds.lower; space = AffineSpace3fa::scale(1.0f/max(Vec3fa(1E-19f),b.bounds.upper-b.bounds.lower))*space; naabb.l.vx.x[i] = space.l.vx.x; naabb.l.vx.y[i] = space.l.vx.y; naabb.l.vx.z[i] = space.l.vx.z; naabb.l.vy.x[i] = space.l.vy.x; naabb.l.vy.y[i] = space.l.vy.y; naabb.l.vy.z[i] = space.l.vy.z; naabb.l.vz.x[i] = space.l.vz.x; naabb.l.vz.y[i] = space.l.vz.y; naabb.l.vz.z[i] = space.l.vz.z; naabb.p.x[i] = space.p.x; naabb.p.y[i] = space.p.y; naabb.p.z[i] = space.p.z; } /*! Sets ID of child. */ __forceinline void setRef(size_t i, const NodeRef& ref) { assert(i < N); children[i] = ref; } /*! Returns the extent of the bounds of the ith child */ __forceinline Vec3fa extent(size_t i) const { assert(i naabb; //!< non-axis aligned bounding boxes (bounds are [0,1] in specified space) }; }