/**************************************************************************/ /* visual_shader_editor_plugin.h */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef VISUAL_SHADER_EDITOR_PLUGIN_H #define VISUAL_SHADER_EDITOR_PLUGIN_H #include "editor/editor_plugin.h" #include "editor/editor_properties.h" #include "editor/plugins/editor_resource_conversion_plugin.h" #include "scene/resources/syntax_highlighter.h" #include "scene/resources/visual_shader.h" class CodeEdit; class CurveEditor; class GraphEdit; class GraphNode; class MenuButton; class PopupPanel; class RichTextLabel; class Tree; class VisualShaderEditor; class VisualShaderNodePlugin : public RefCounted { GDCLASS(VisualShaderNodePlugin, RefCounted); protected: VisualShaderEditor *vseditor = nullptr; protected: static void _bind_methods(); GDVIRTUAL2RC(Object *, _create_editor, Ref<Resource>, Ref<VisualShaderNode>) public: void set_editor(VisualShaderEditor *p_editor); virtual Control *create_editor(const Ref<Resource> &p_parent_resource, const Ref<VisualShaderNode> &p_node); }; class VisualShaderGraphPlugin : public RefCounted { GDCLASS(VisualShaderGraphPlugin, RefCounted); private: VisualShaderEditor *editor = nullptr; struct InputPort { Button *default_input_button = nullptr; }; struct Port { TextureButton *preview_button = nullptr; }; struct Link { VisualShader::Type type = VisualShader::Type::TYPE_MAX; VisualShaderNode *visual_node = nullptr; GraphNode *graph_node = nullptr; bool preview_visible = false; int preview_pos = 0; HashMap<int, InputPort> input_ports; HashMap<int, Port> output_ports; VBoxContainer *preview_box = nullptr; LineEdit *parameter_name = nullptr; CodeEdit *expression_edit = nullptr; CurveEditor *curve_editors[3] = { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr }; }; Ref<VisualShader> visual_shader; HashMap<int, Link> links; List<VisualShader::Connection> connections; Color vector_expanded_color[4]; protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: void set_editor(VisualShaderEditor *p_editor); void register_shader(VisualShader *p_visual_shader); void set_connections(const List<VisualShader::Connection> &p_connections); void register_link(VisualShader::Type p_type, int p_id, VisualShaderNode *p_visual_node, GraphNode *p_graph_node); void register_output_port(int p_id, int p_port, TextureButton *p_button); void register_parameter_name(int p_id, LineEdit *p_parameter_name); void register_default_input_button(int p_node_id, int p_port_id, Button *p_button); void register_expression_edit(int p_node_id, CodeEdit *p_expression_edit); void register_curve_editor(int p_node_id, int p_index, CurveEditor *p_curve_editor); void clear_links(); void set_shader_type(VisualShader::Type p_type); bool is_preview_visible(int p_id) const; void update_node(VisualShader::Type p_type, int p_id); void update_node_deferred(VisualShader::Type p_type, int p_node_id); void add_node(VisualShader::Type p_type, int p_id, bool p_just_update); void remove_node(VisualShader::Type p_type, int p_id, bool p_just_update); void connect_nodes(VisualShader::Type p_type, int p_from_node, int p_from_port, int p_to_node, int p_to_port); void disconnect_nodes(VisualShader::Type p_type, int p_from_node, int p_from_port, int p_to_node, int p_to_port); void show_port_preview(VisualShader::Type p_type, int p_node_id, int p_port_id, bool p_is_valid); void set_node_position(VisualShader::Type p_type, int p_id, const Vector2 &p_position); void refresh_node_ports(VisualShader::Type p_type, int p_node); void set_input_port_default_value(VisualShader::Type p_type, int p_node_id, int p_port_id, Variant p_value); void update_parameter_refs(); void set_parameter_name(VisualShader::Type p_type, int p_node_id, const String &p_name); void update_curve(int p_node_id); void update_curve_xyz(int p_node_id); void set_expression(VisualShader::Type p_type, int p_node_id, const String &p_expression); int get_constant_index(float p_constant) const; Ref<Script> get_node_script(int p_node_id) const; void update_node_size(int p_node_id); void update_theme(); bool is_node_has_parameter_instances_relatively(VisualShader::Type p_type, int p_node) const; VisualShader::Type get_shader_type() const; VisualShaderGraphPlugin(); ~VisualShaderGraphPlugin(); }; class VisualShaderEditedProperty : public RefCounted { GDCLASS(VisualShaderEditedProperty, RefCounted); private: Variant edited_property; protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: void set_edited_property(Variant p_variant); Variant get_edited_property() const; VisualShaderEditedProperty() {} }; class VisualShaderEditor : public VBoxContainer { GDCLASS(VisualShaderEditor, VBoxContainer); friend class VisualShaderGraphPlugin; PopupPanel *property_editor_popup = nullptr; EditorProperty *property_editor = nullptr; int editing_node = -1; int editing_port = -1; Ref<VisualShaderEditedProperty> edited_property_holder; Ref<VisualShader> visual_shader; GraphEdit *graph = nullptr; Button *add_node = nullptr; MenuButton *varying_button = nullptr; Button *preview_shader = nullptr; OptionButton *edit_type = nullptr; OptionButton *edit_type_standard = nullptr; OptionButton *edit_type_particles = nullptr; OptionButton *edit_type_sky = nullptr; OptionButton *edit_type_fog = nullptr; CheckBox *custom_mode_box = nullptr; bool custom_mode_enabled = false; bool pending_update_preview = false; bool shader_error = false; Window *preview_window = nullptr; VBoxContainer *preview_vbox = nullptr; CodeEdit *preview_text = nullptr; Ref<CodeHighlighter> syntax_highlighter = nullptr; PanelContainer *error_panel = nullptr; Label *error_label = nullptr; bool pending_custom_scripts_to_delete = false; List<Ref<Script>> custom_scripts_to_delete; bool _block_update_options_menu = false; bool _block_rebuild_shader = false; Point2 saved_node_pos; bool saved_node_pos_dirty = false; ConfirmationDialog *members_dialog = nullptr; VisualShaderNode::PortType members_input_port_type = VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_MAX; VisualShaderNode::PortType members_output_port_type = VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_MAX; PopupMenu *popup_menu = nullptr; PopupMenu *constants_submenu = nullptr; MenuButton *tools = nullptr; ConfirmationDialog *add_varying_dialog = nullptr; OptionButton *varying_type = nullptr; LineEdit *varying_name = nullptr; OptionButton *varying_mode = nullptr; Label *varying_error_label = nullptr; ConfirmationDialog *remove_varying_dialog = nullptr; Tree *varyings = nullptr; PopupPanel *comment_title_change_popup = nullptr; LineEdit *comment_title_change_edit = nullptr; PopupPanel *comment_desc_change_popup = nullptr; TextEdit *comment_desc_change_edit = nullptr; bool preview_first = true; bool preview_showed = false; enum ShaderModeFlags { MODE_FLAGS_SPATIAL_CANVASITEM = 1, MODE_FLAGS_SKY = 2, MODE_FLAGS_PARTICLES = 4, MODE_FLAGS_FOG = 8, }; int mode = MODE_FLAGS_SPATIAL_CANVASITEM; enum TypeFlags { TYPE_FLAGS_VERTEX = 1, TYPE_FLAGS_FRAGMENT = 2, TYPE_FLAGS_LIGHT = 4, }; enum ParticlesTypeFlags { TYPE_FLAGS_EMIT = 1, TYPE_FLAGS_PROCESS = 2, TYPE_FLAGS_COLLIDE = 4, TYPE_FLAGS_EMIT_CUSTOM = 8, TYPE_FLAGS_PROCESS_CUSTOM = 16, }; enum SkyTypeFlags { TYPE_FLAGS_SKY = 1, }; enum FogTypeFlags { TYPE_FLAGS_FOG = 1, }; enum ToolsMenuOptions { EXPAND_ALL, COLLAPSE_ALL }; enum NodeMenuOptions { ADD, SEPARATOR, // ignore CUT, COPY, PASTE, DELETE, DUPLICATE, CLEAR_COPY_BUFFER, SEPARATOR2, // ignore FLOAT_CONSTANTS, CONVERT_CONSTANTS_TO_PARAMETERS, CONVERT_PARAMETERS_TO_CONSTANTS, SEPARATOR3, // ignore SET_COMMENT_TITLE, SET_COMMENT_DESCRIPTION, }; enum class VaryingMenuOptions { ADD, REMOVE, }; Tree *members = nullptr; AcceptDialog *alert = nullptr; LineEdit *node_filter = nullptr; RichTextLabel *node_desc = nullptr; Label *highend_label = nullptr; void _tools_menu_option(int p_idx); void _show_members_dialog(bool at_mouse_pos, VisualShaderNode::PortType p_input_port_type = VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_MAX, VisualShaderNode::PortType p_output_port_type = VisualShaderNode::PORT_TYPE_MAX); void _varying_menu_id_pressed(int p_idx); void _show_add_varying_dialog(); void _show_remove_varying_dialog(); void _update_nodes(); void _update_graph(); struct AddOption { String name; String category; String type; String description; Vector<Variant> ops; Ref<Script> script; int mode = 0; int return_type = 0; int func = 0; bool highend = false; bool is_custom = false; int temp_idx = 0; AddOption(const String &p_name = String(), const String &p_category = String(), const String &p_type = String(), const String &p_description = String(), const Vector<Variant> &p_ops = Vector<Variant>(), int p_return_type = -1, int p_mode = -1, int p_func = -1, bool p_highend = false) { name = p_name; type = p_type; category = p_category; description = p_description; ops = p_ops; return_type = p_return_type; mode = p_mode; func = p_func; highend = p_highend; } }; struct _OptionComparator { _FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator()(const AddOption &a, const AddOption &b) const { return a.category.count("/") > b.category.count("/") || (a.category + "/" + a.name).naturalnocasecmp_to(b.category + "/" + b.name) < 0; } }; Vector<AddOption> add_options; int cubemap_node_option_idx; int texture2d_node_option_idx; int texture2d_array_node_option_idx; int texture3d_node_option_idx; int custom_node_option_idx; int curve_node_option_idx; int curve_xyz_node_option_idx; List<String> keyword_list; List<VisualShaderNodeParameterRef> uniform_refs; void _draw_color_over_button(Object *obj, Color p_color); void _setup_node(VisualShaderNode *p_node, const Vector<Variant> &p_ops); void _add_node(int p_idx, const Vector<Variant> &p_ops, String p_resource_path = "", int p_node_idx = -1); void _add_varying(const String &p_name, VisualShader::VaryingMode p_mode, VisualShader::VaryingType p_type); void _remove_varying(const String &p_name); void _update_options_menu(); void _set_mode(int p_which); void _show_preview_text(); void _preview_close_requested(); void _preview_size_changed(); void _update_preview(); void _update_next_previews(int p_node_id); void _get_next_nodes_recursively(VisualShader::Type p_type, int p_node_id, LocalVector<int> &r_nodes) const; String _get_description(int p_idx); struct DragOp { VisualShader::Type type = VisualShader::Type::TYPE_MAX; int node = 0; Vector2 from; Vector2 to; }; List<DragOp> drag_buffer; bool drag_dirty = false; void _node_dragged(const Vector2 &p_from, const Vector2 &p_to, int p_node); void _nodes_dragged(); bool updating = false; void _connection_request(const String &p_from, int p_from_index, const String &p_to, int p_to_index); void _disconnection_request(const String &p_from, int p_from_index, const String &p_to, int p_to_index); void _scroll_changed(const Vector2 &p_scroll); void _node_selected(Object *p_node); void _delete_nodes(int p_type, const List<int> &p_nodes); void _delete_node_request(int p_type, int p_node); void _delete_nodes_request(const TypedArray<StringName> &p_nodes); void _node_changed(int p_id); void _edit_port_default_input(Object *p_button, int p_node, int p_port); void _port_edited(const StringName &p_property, const Variant &p_value, const String &p_field, bool p_changing); int to_node = -1; int to_slot = -1; int from_node = -1; int from_slot = -1; HashSet<int> selected_constants; HashSet<int> selected_parameters; int selected_comment = -1; int selected_float_constant = -1; void _convert_constants_to_parameters(bool p_vice_versa); void _replace_node(VisualShader::Type p_type_id, int p_node_id, const StringName &p_from, const StringName &p_to); void _update_constant(VisualShader::Type p_type_id, int p_node_id, Variant p_var, int p_preview_port); void _update_parameter(VisualShader::Type p_type_id, int p_node_id, Variant p_var, int p_preview_port); void _connection_to_empty(const String &p_from, int p_from_slot, const Vector2 &p_release_position); void _connection_from_empty(const String &p_to, int p_to_slot, const Vector2 &p_release_position); void _comment_title_popup_show(const Point2 &p_position, int p_node_id); void _comment_title_popup_hide(); void _comment_title_popup_focus_out(); void _comment_title_text_changed(const String &p_new_text); void _comment_title_text_submitted(const String &p_new_text); void _comment_desc_popup_show(const Point2 &p_position, int p_node_id); void _comment_desc_popup_hide(); void _comment_desc_confirm(); void _comment_desc_text_changed(); void _parameter_line_edit_changed(const String &p_text, int p_node_id); void _parameter_line_edit_focus_out(Object *line_edit, int p_node_id); void _port_name_focus_out(Object *line_edit, int p_node_id, int p_port_id, bool p_output); struct CopyItem { int id; Ref<VisualShaderNode> node; Vector2 position; Vector2 size; String group_inputs; String group_outputs; String expression; bool disabled = false; }; void _dup_copy_nodes(int p_type, List<CopyItem> &r_nodes, List<VisualShader::Connection> &r_connections); void _dup_paste_nodes(int p_type, List<CopyItem> &r_items, const List<VisualShader::Connection> &p_connections, const Vector2 &p_offset, bool p_duplicate); void _duplicate_nodes(); static Vector2 selection_center; static List<CopyItem> copy_items_buffer; static List<VisualShader::Connection> copy_connections_buffer; void _clear_copy_buffer(); void _copy_nodes(bool p_cut); void _paste_nodes(bool p_use_custom_position = false, const Vector2 &p_custom_position = Vector2()); Vector<Ref<VisualShaderNodePlugin>> plugins; Ref<VisualShaderGraphPlugin> graph_plugin; void _mode_selected(int p_id); void _custom_mode_toggled(bool p_enabled); void _input_select_item(Ref<VisualShaderNodeInput> input, String name); void _parameter_ref_select_item(Ref<VisualShaderNodeParameterRef> p_parameter_ref, String p_name); void _varying_select_item(Ref<VisualShaderNodeVarying> p_varying, String p_name); void _float_constant_selected(int p_which); VisualShader::Type get_current_shader_type() const; void _add_input_port(int p_node, int p_port, int p_port_type, const String &p_name); void _remove_input_port(int p_node, int p_port); void _change_input_port_type(int p_type, int p_node, int p_port); void _change_input_port_name(const String &p_text, Object *p_line_edit, int p_node, int p_port); void _add_output_port(int p_node, int p_port, int p_port_type, const String &p_name); void _remove_output_port(int p_node, int p_port); void _change_output_port_type(int p_type, int p_node, int p_port); void _change_output_port_name(const String &p_text, Object *p_line_edit, int p_node, int p_port); void _expand_output_port(int p_node, int p_port, bool p_expand); void _expression_focus_out(Object *code_edit, int p_node); void _set_node_size(int p_type, int p_node, const Size2 &p_size); void _node_resized(const Vector2 &p_new_size, int p_type, int p_node); void _preview_select_port(int p_node, int p_port); void _graph_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event); void _member_filter_changed(const String &p_text); void _sbox_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_ie); void _member_selected(); void _member_unselected(); void _member_create(); void _member_cancel(); void _varying_create(); void _varying_name_changed(const String &p_text); void _varying_deleted(); void _varying_selected(); void _varying_unselected(); void _update_varying_tree(); Vector2 menu_point; void _node_menu_id_pressed(int p_idx); Variant get_drag_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, Control *p_from); bool can_drop_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data, Control *p_from) const; void drop_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data, Control *p_from); bool _is_available(int p_mode); void _update_created_node(GraphNode *node); void _update_parameters(bool p_update_refs); void _update_parameter_refs(HashSet<String> &p_names); void _update_varyings(); void _update_options_menu_deferred(); void _rebuild_shader_deferred(); void _visibility_changed(); void _get_current_mode_limits(int &r_begin_type, int &r_end_type) const; void _update_custom_script(const Ref<Script> &p_script); void _script_created(const Ref<Script> &p_script); void _resource_saved(const Ref<Resource> &p_resource); void _resource_removed(const Ref<Resource> &p_resource); void _resources_removed(); protected: void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: void add_plugin(const Ref<VisualShaderNodePlugin> &p_plugin); void remove_plugin(const Ref<VisualShaderNodePlugin> &p_plugin); VisualShaderGraphPlugin *get_graph_plugin() { return graph_plugin.ptr(); } void clear_custom_types(); void add_custom_type(const String &p_name, const Ref<Script> &p_script, const String &p_description, int p_return_icon_type, const String &p_category, bool p_highend); Dictionary get_custom_node_data(Ref<VisualShaderNodeCustom> &p_custom_node); virtual Size2 get_minimum_size() const override; void edit(VisualShader *p_visual_shader); VisualShaderEditor(); }; class VisualShaderNodePluginDefault : public VisualShaderNodePlugin { GDCLASS(VisualShaderNodePluginDefault, VisualShaderNodePlugin); public: virtual Control *create_editor(const Ref<Resource> &p_parent_resource, const Ref<VisualShaderNode> &p_node) override; }; class EditorPropertyVisualShaderMode : public EditorProperty { GDCLASS(EditorPropertyVisualShaderMode, EditorProperty); OptionButton *options = nullptr; void _option_selected(int p_which); protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: void setup(const Vector<String> &p_options); virtual void update_property() override; void set_option_button_clip(bool p_enable); EditorPropertyVisualShaderMode(); }; class EditorInspectorVisualShaderModePlugin : public EditorInspectorPlugin { GDCLASS(EditorInspectorVisualShaderModePlugin, EditorInspectorPlugin); public: virtual bool can_handle(Object *p_object) override; virtual bool parse_property(Object *p_object, const Variant::Type p_type, const String &p_path, const PropertyHint p_hint, const String &p_hint_text, const BitField<PropertyUsageFlags> p_usage, const bool p_wide = false) override; }; class VisualShaderNodePortPreview : public Control { GDCLASS(VisualShaderNodePortPreview, Control); Ref<VisualShader> shader; VisualShader::Type type = VisualShader::Type::TYPE_MAX; int node = 0; int port = 0; bool is_valid = false; void _shader_changed(); //must regen protected: void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual Size2 get_minimum_size() const override; void setup(const Ref<VisualShader> &p_shader, VisualShader::Type p_type, int p_node, int p_port, bool p_is_valid); }; class VisualShaderConversionPlugin : public EditorResourceConversionPlugin { GDCLASS(VisualShaderConversionPlugin, EditorResourceConversionPlugin); public: virtual String converts_to() const override; virtual bool handles(const Ref<Resource> &p_resource) const override; virtual Ref<Resource> convert(const Ref<Resource> &p_resource) const override; }; #endif // VISUAL_SHADER_EDITOR_PLUGIN_H