#include "resource_importer_wav.h" #include "scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.h" #include "os/file_access.h" #include "io/marshalls.h" #include "io/resource_saver.h" String ResourceImporterWAV::get_importer_name() const { return "wav"; } String ResourceImporterWAV::get_visible_name() const{ return "Microsoft WAV"; } void ResourceImporterWAV::get_recognized_extensions(List *p_extensions) const{ p_extensions->push_back("wav"); } String ResourceImporterWAV::get_save_extension() const { return "smp"; } String ResourceImporterWAV::get_resource_type() const{ return "AudioStreamSample"; } bool ResourceImporterWAV::get_option_visibility(const String& p_option,const Map& p_options) const { return true; } int ResourceImporterWAV::get_preset_count() const { return 0; } String ResourceImporterWAV::get_preset_name(int p_idx) const { return String(); } void ResourceImporterWAV::get_import_options(List *r_options,int p_preset) const { r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL,"force/8_bit"),false)); r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL,"force/mono"),false)); r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL,"force/max_rate"),false)); r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::REAL,"force/max_rate_hz",PROPERTY_HINT_EXP_RANGE,"11025,192000,1"),44100)); r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL,"edit/trim"),true)); r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL,"edit/normalize"),true)); r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL,"edit/loop"),false)); r_options->push_back(ImportOption(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT,"compress/mode",PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM,"Disabled,RAM (Ima-ADPCM)"),0)); } Error ResourceImporterWAV::import(const String& p_source_file, const String& p_save_path, const Map& p_options, List* r_platform_variants, List *r_gen_files) { /* STEP 1, READ WAVE FILE */ Error err; FileAccess *file=FileAccess::open(p_source_file, FileAccess::READ,&err); ERR_FAIL_COND_V( err!=OK, ERR_CANT_OPEN ); /* CHECK RIFF */ char riff[5]; riff[4]=0; file->get_buffer((uint8_t*)&riff,4); //RIFF if (riff[0]!='R' || riff[1]!='I' || riff[2]!='F' || riff[3]!='F') { file->close(); memdelete(file); ERR_FAIL_V( ERR_FILE_UNRECOGNIZED ); } /* GET FILESIZE */ uint32_t filesize=file->get_32(); /* CHECK WAVE */ char wave[4]; file->get_buffer((uint8_t*)&wave,4); //RIFF if (wave[0]!='W' || wave[1]!='A' || wave[2]!='V' || wave[3]!='E') { file->close(); memdelete(file); ERR_EXPLAIN("Not a WAV file (no WAVE RIFF Header)") ERR_FAIL_V( ERR_FILE_UNRECOGNIZED ); } int format_bits=0; int format_channels=0; AudioStreamSample::LoopMode loop=AudioStreamSample::LOOP_DISABLED; bool format_found=false; bool data_found=false; int format_freq=0; int loop_begin=0; int loop_end=0; int frames; Vector data; while (!file->eof_reached()) { /* chunk */ char chunkID[4]; file->get_buffer((uint8_t*)&chunkID,4); //RIFF /* chunk size */ uint32_t chunksize=file->get_32(); uint32_t file_pos=file->get_pos(); //save file pos, so we can skip to next chunk safely if (file->eof_reached()) { //ERR_PRINT("EOF REACH"); break; } if (chunkID[0]=='f' && chunkID[1]=='m' && chunkID[2]=='t' && chunkID[3]==' ' && !format_found) { /* IS FORMAT CHUNK */ uint16_t compression_code=file->get_16(); if (compression_code!=1) { ERR_PRINT("Format not supported for WAVE file (not PCM). Save WAVE files as uncompressed PCM instead."); break; } format_channels=file->get_16(); if (format_channels!=1 && format_channels !=2) { ERR_PRINT("Format not supported for WAVE file (not stereo or mono)"); break; } format_freq=file->get_32(); //sampling rate file->get_32(); // average bits/second (unused) file->get_16(); // block align (unused) format_bits=file->get_16(); // bits per sample if (format_bits%8) { ERR_PRINT("Strange number of bits in sample (not 8,16,24,32)"); break; } /* Dont need anything else, continue */ format_found=true; } if (chunkID[0]=='d' && chunkID[1]=='a' && chunkID[2]=='t' && chunkID[3]=='a' && !data_found) { /* IS FORMAT CHUNK */ data_found=true; if (!format_found) { ERR_PRINT("'data' chunk before 'format' chunk found."); break; } frames=chunksize; frames/=format_channels; frames/=(format_bits>>3); /*print_line("chunksize: "+itos(chunksize)); print_line("channels: "+itos(format_channels)); print_line("bits: "+itos(format_bits)); */ int len=frames; if (format_channels==2) len*=2; if (format_bits>8) len*=2; data.resize(frames*format_channels); for (int i=0;iget_8(); s-=128; int8_t *sp=(int8_t*)&s; data[i*format_channels+c]=float(*sp)/128.0; } else { //16+ bits samples are SIGNED // if sample is > 16 bits, just read extra bytes uint32_t s=0; for (int b=0;b<(format_bits>>3);b++) { s|=((uint32_t)file->get_8())<<(b*8); } s<<=(32-format_bits); int32_t ss=s; data[i*format_channels+c]=(ss>>16)/32768.0; } } } if (file->eof_reached()) { file->close(); memdelete(file); ERR_EXPLAIN("Premature end of file."); ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_FILE_CORRUPT); } } if (chunkID[0]=='s' && chunkID[1]=='m' && chunkID[2]=='p' && chunkID[3]=='l') { //loop point info! for(int i=0;i<10;i++) file->get_32(); // i wish to know why should i do this... no doc! loop=file->get_32()?AudioStreamSample::LOOP_PING_PONG:AudioStreamSample::LOOP_FORWARD; loop_begin=file->get_32(); loop_end=file->get_32(); } file->seek( file_pos+chunksize ); } file->close(); memdelete(file); // STEP 2, APPLY CONVERSIONS bool is16=format_bits!=8; int rate=format_freq; print_line("Input Sample: "); print_line("\tframes: "+itos(frames)); print_line("\tformat_channels: "+itos(format_channels)); print_line("\t16bits: "+itos(is16)); print_line("\trate: "+itos(rate)); print_line("\tloop: "+itos(loop)); print_line("\tloop begin: "+itos(loop_begin)); print_line("\tloop end: "+itos(loop_end)); //apply frequency limit bool limit_rate = p_options["force/max_rate"]; int limit_rate_hz = p_options["force/max_rate_hz"]; if (limit_rate && rate > limit_rate_hz) { //resampleeee!!! int new_data_frames = frames * limit_rate_hz / rate; Vector new_data; new_data.resize( new_data_frames * format_channels ); for(int c=0;cmax) max=amp; } if (max>0) { float mult=1.0/max; for(int i=0;i limit) { first=i; found=true; } if (found && amp > limit) { last=i; } } first/=format_channels; last/=format_channels; if (first new_data; new_data.resize((last-first+1)*format_channels); for(int i=first*format_channels;i<=last*format_channels;i++) { new_data[i-first*format_channels]=data[i]; } data=new_data; frames=data.size()/format_channels; } } bool make_loop = p_options["edit/loop"]; if (make_loop && !loop) { loop=AudioStreamSample::LOOP_FORWARD; loop_begin=0; loop_end=frames; } int compression = p_options["compress/mode"]; bool force_mono = p_options["force/mono"]; if (force_mono && format_channels==2) { Vector new_data; new_data.resize(data.size()/2); for(int i=0;i dst_data; AudioStreamSample::Format dst_format; if ( compression == 1) { dst_format=AudioStreamSample::FORMAT_IMA_ADPCM; if (format_channels==1) { _compress_ima_adpcm(data,dst_data); } else { //byte interleave Vector left; Vector right; int tframes = data.size()/2; left.resize(tframes); right.resize(tframes); for(int i=0;i bleft; PoolVector bright; _compress_ima_adpcm(left,bleft); _compress_ima_adpcm(right,bright); int dl = bleft.size(); dst_data.resize( dl *2 ); PoolVector::Write w=dst_data.write(); PoolVector::Read rl=bleft.read(); PoolVector::Read rr=bright.read(); for(int i=0;i::Write w = dst_data.write(); int ds=data.size(); for(int i=0;i sample; sample.instance(); sample->set_data(dst_data); sample->set_format(dst_format); sample->set_mix_rate(rate); sample->set_loop_mode(loop); sample->set_loop_begin(loop_begin); sample->set_loop_end(loop_end); sample->set_stereo(format_channels==2); ResourceSaver::save(p_save_path+".smp",sample); return OK; } void ResourceImporterWAV::_compress_ima_adpcm(const Vector& p_data,PoolVector& dst_data) { /*p_sample_data->data = (void*)malloc(len); xm_s8 *dataptr=(xm_s8*)p_sample_data->data;*/ static const int16_t _ima_adpcm_step_table[89] = { 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37, 41, 45, 50, 55, 60, 66, 73, 80, 88, 97, 107, 118, 130, 143, 157, 173, 190, 209, 230, 253, 279, 307, 337, 371, 408, 449, 494, 544, 598, 658, 724, 796, 876, 963, 1060, 1166, 1282, 1411, 1552, 1707, 1878, 2066, 2272, 2499, 2749, 3024, 3327, 3660, 4026, 4428, 4871, 5358, 5894, 6484, 7132, 7845, 8630, 9493, 10442, 11487, 12635, 13899, 15289, 16818, 18500, 20350, 22385, 24623, 27086, 29794, 32767 }; static const int8_t _ima_adpcm_index_table[16] = { -1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 4, 6, 8, -1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 4, 6, 8 }; int datalen = p_data.size(); int datamax=datalen; if (datalen&1) datalen++; dst_data.resize(datalen/2+4); PoolVector::Write w = dst_data.write(); int i,step_idx=0,prev=0; uint8_t *out = w.ptr(); //int16_t xm_prev=0; const float *in=p_data.ptr(); /* initial value is zero */ *(out++) =0; *(out++) =0; /* Table index initial value */ *(out++) =0; /* unused */ *(out++) =0; for (i=0;i=datamax) xm_sample=0; else { xm_sample=CLAMP(in[i]*32767.0,-32768,32767); /* if (xm_sample==32767 || xm_sample==-32768) printf("clippy!\n",xm_sample); */ } //xm_sample=xm_sample+xm_prev; //xm_prev=xm_sample; diff = (int)xm_sample - prev ; nibble=0 ; step = _ima_adpcm_step_table[ step_idx ]; vpdiff = step >> 3 ; if (diff < 0) { nibble=8; diff=-diff ; } mask = 4 ; while (mask) { if (diff >= step) { nibble |= mask; diff -= step; vpdiff += step; } step >>= 1 ; mask >>= 1 ; }; if (nibble&8) prev-=vpdiff ; else prev+=vpdiff ; if (prev > 32767) { //printf("%i,xms %i, prev %i,diff %i, vpdiff %i, clip up %i\n",i,xm_sample,prev,diff,vpdiff,prev); prev=32767; } else if (prev < -32768) { //printf("%i,xms %i, prev %i,diff %i, vpdiff %i, clip down %i\n",i,xm_sample,prev,diff,vpdiff,prev); prev = -32768 ; } step_idx += _ima_adpcm_index_table[nibble]; if (step_idx< 0) step_idx= 0 ; else if (step_idx> 88) step_idx= 88 ; if (i&1) { *out|=nibble<<4; out++; } else { *out=nibble; } /*dataptr[i]=prev>>8;*/ } } ResourceImporterWAV::ResourceImporterWAV() { }