#pragma once #ifndef __CVTT_ENDPOINTREFINER_H__ #define __CVTT_ENDPOINTREFINER_H__ #include "ConvectionKernels_ParallelMath.h" namespace cvtt { namespace Internal { // Solve for a, b where v = a*t + b // This allows endpoints to be mapped to where T=0 and T=1 // Least squares from totals: // a = (tv - t*v/w)/(tt - t*t/w) // b = (v - a*t)/w template<int TVectorSize> class EndpointRefiner { public: typedef ParallelMath::Float MFloat; typedef ParallelMath::UInt16 MUInt16; typedef ParallelMath::UInt15 MUInt15; typedef ParallelMath::AInt16 MAInt16; typedef ParallelMath::SInt16 MSInt16; typedef ParallelMath::SInt32 MSInt32; MFloat m_tv[TVectorSize]; MFloat m_v[TVectorSize]; MFloat m_tt; MFloat m_t; MFloat m_w; int m_wu; float m_rcpMaxIndex; float m_channelWeights[TVectorSize]; float m_rcpChannelWeights[TVectorSize]; void Init(int indexRange, const float channelWeights[TVectorSize]) { for (int ch = 0; ch < TVectorSize; ch++) { m_tv[ch] = ParallelMath::MakeFloatZero(); m_v[ch] = ParallelMath::MakeFloatZero(); } m_tt = ParallelMath::MakeFloatZero(); m_t = ParallelMath::MakeFloatZero(); m_w = ParallelMath::MakeFloatZero(); m_rcpMaxIndex = 1.0f / static_cast<float>(indexRange - 1); for (int ch = 0; ch < TVectorSize; ch++) { m_channelWeights[ch] = channelWeights[ch]; m_rcpChannelWeights[ch] = 1.0f; if (m_channelWeights[ch] != 0.0f) m_rcpChannelWeights[ch] = 1.0f / channelWeights[ch]; } m_wu = 0; } void ContributePW(const MFloat *pwFloatPixel, const MUInt15 &index, const MFloat &weight) { MFloat t = ParallelMath::ToFloat(index) * m_rcpMaxIndex; for (int ch = 0; ch < TVectorSize; ch++) { MFloat v = pwFloatPixel[ch] * weight; m_tv[ch] = m_tv[ch] + t * v; m_v[ch] = m_v[ch] + v; } m_tt = m_tt + weight * t * t; m_t = m_t + weight * t; m_w = m_w + weight; } void ContributeUnweightedPW(const MFloat *pwFloatPixel, const MUInt15 &index, int numRealChannels) { MFloat t = ParallelMath::ToFloat(index) * m_rcpMaxIndex; for (int ch = 0; ch < numRealChannels; ch++) { MFloat v = pwFloatPixel[ch]; m_tv[ch] = m_tv[ch] + t * v; m_v[ch] = m_v[ch] + v; } m_tt = m_tt + t * t; m_t = m_t + t; m_wu++; } void ContributeUnweightedPW(const MFloat *floatPixel, const MUInt15 &index) { ContributeUnweightedPW(floatPixel, index, TVectorSize); } void GetRefinedEndpoints(MFloat endPoint[2][TVectorSize]) { // a = (tv - t*v/w)/(tt - t*t/w) // b = (v - a*t)/w MFloat w = m_w + ParallelMath::MakeFloat(static_cast<float>(m_wu)); ParallelMath::MakeSafeDenominator(w); MFloat wRcp = ParallelMath::Reciprocal(w); MFloat adenom = (m_tt * w - m_t * m_t) * wRcp; ParallelMath::FloatCompFlag adenomZero = ParallelMath::Equal(adenom, ParallelMath::MakeFloatZero()); ParallelMath::ConditionalSet(adenom, adenomZero, ParallelMath::MakeFloat(1.0f)); for (int ch = 0; ch < TVectorSize; ch++) { /* if (adenom == 0.0) p1 = p2 = er.v / er.w; else { float4 a = (er.tv - er.t*er.v / er.w) / adenom; float4 b = (er.v - a * er.t) / er.w; p1 = b; p2 = a + b; } */ MFloat a = (m_tv[ch] - m_t * m_v[ch] * wRcp) / adenom; MFloat b = (m_v[ch] - a * m_t) * wRcp; MFloat p1 = b; MFloat p2 = a + b; ParallelMath::ConditionalSet(p1, adenomZero, (m_v[ch] * wRcp)); ParallelMath::ConditionalSet(p2, adenomZero, p1); // Unweight float inverseWeight = m_rcpChannelWeights[ch]; endPoint[0][ch] = p1 * inverseWeight; endPoint[1][ch] = p2 * inverseWeight; } } void GetRefinedEndpointsLDR(MUInt15 endPoint[2][TVectorSize], int numRealChannels, const ParallelMath::RoundTowardNearestForScope *roundingMode) { MFloat floatEndPoint[2][TVectorSize]; GetRefinedEndpoints(floatEndPoint); for (int epi = 0; epi < 2; epi++) for (int ch = 0; ch < TVectorSize; ch++) endPoint[epi][ch] = ParallelMath::RoundAndConvertToU15(ParallelMath::Clamp(floatEndPoint[epi][ch], 0.0f, 255.0f), roundingMode); } void GetRefinedEndpointsLDR(MUInt15 endPoint[2][TVectorSize], const ParallelMath::RoundTowardNearestForScope *roundingMode) { GetRefinedEndpointsLDR(endPoint, TVectorSize, roundingMode); } void GetRefinedEndpointsHDR(MSInt16 endPoint[2][TVectorSize], bool isSigned, const ParallelMath::RoundTowardNearestForScope *roundingMode) { MFloat floatEndPoint[2][TVectorSize]; GetRefinedEndpoints(floatEndPoint); for (int epi = 0; epi < 2; epi++) { for (int ch = 0; ch < TVectorSize; ch++) { MFloat f = floatEndPoint[epi][ch]; if (isSigned) endPoint[epi][ch] = ParallelMath::LosslessCast<MSInt16>::Cast(ParallelMath::RoundAndConvertToS16(ParallelMath::Clamp(f, -31743.0f, 31743.0f), roundingMode)); else endPoint[epi][ch] = ParallelMath::LosslessCast<MSInt16>::Cast(ParallelMath::RoundAndConvertToU15(ParallelMath::Clamp(f, 0.0f, 31743.0f), roundingMode)); } } } }; } } #endif