/* * Copyright © 2018 Google, Inc. * Copyright © 2023 Behdad Esfahbod * * This is part of HarfBuzz, a text shaping library. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. * * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. * * Google Author(s): Garret Rieger, Roderick Sheeter */ #ifndef HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER_LIST_HH #define HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER_LIST_HH #endif /* HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER_LIST_HH */ /* Dummy header guards */ #define E(x, y) x, y // For each cp that we'd like to retain maps to the corresponding gid. HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_set_t, unicodes) HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_sorted_vector_t, unicode_to_new_gid_list) HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_sorted_vector_t, new_to_old_gid_list) // name_ids we would like to retain HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_set_t, name_ids) // name_languages we would like to retain HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_set_t, name_languages) //layout features which will be preserved HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_set_t, layout_features) // layout scripts which will be preserved. HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_set_t, layout_scripts) //glyph ids requested to retain HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_set_t, glyphs_requested) // Tables which should not be processed, just pass them through. HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_set_t, no_subset_tables) // Tables which should be dropped. HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_set_t, drop_tables) // Old -> New glyph id mapping HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_map_t, glyph_map_gsub) HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_set_t, _glyphset) HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_set_t, _glyphset_gsub) HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_set_t, _glyphset_mathed) HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_set_t, _glyphset_colred) //active lookups we'd like to retain HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_map_t, gsub_lookups) HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_map_t, gpos_lookups) //use_mark_sets mapping: old->new HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_map_t, used_mark_sets_map) //active langsys we'd like to retain HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_hashmap_t E(>), gsub_langsys) HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_hashmap_t E(>), gpos_langsys) //active features after removing redundant langsys and prune_features HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_map_t, gsub_features) HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_map_t, gpos_features) //active feature variation records/condition index with variations HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_hashmap_t E(>), gsub_feature_record_cond_idx_map) HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_hashmap_t E(>), gpos_feature_record_cond_idx_map) //feature index-> address of substituation feature table mapping with //variations HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_hashmap_t E(), gsub_feature_substitutes_map) HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_hashmap_t E(), gpos_feature_substitutes_map) // old feature_indexes set, used to reinstate the old features HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_set_t, gsub_old_features) HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_set_t, gpos_old_features) //feature_index->pair of (address of old feature, feature tag), used for inserting a catch all record //if necessary HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_hashmap_t E()>), gsub_old_feature_idx_tag_map) HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_hashmap_t E()>), gpos_old_feature_idx_tag_map) //active layers/palettes we'd like to retain HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_map_t, colrv1_layers) HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_map_t, colr_palettes) //colrv1 varstore retained varidx mapping HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_vector_t, colrv1_varstore_inner_maps) //colrv1 retained varidx -> (new varidx, delta) mapping HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (mutable hb_hashmap_t E()>), colrv1_variation_idx_delta_map) //colrv1 retained new delta set index -> new varidx mapping HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_map_t, colrv1_new_deltaset_idx_varidx_map) //Old layout item variation index -> (New varidx, delta) mapping HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (mutable hb_hashmap_t E()>), layout_variation_idx_delta_map) //gdef varstore retained varidx mapping HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_vector_t, gdef_varstore_inner_maps) HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_hashmap_t E(>), sanitized_table_cache) //normalized axes range map HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_hashmap_t E(), axes_location) HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_vector_t, normalized_coords) //user specified axes range map HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_hashmap_t E(), user_axes_location) //axis->TripleDistances map (distances in the pre-normalized space) HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_hashmap_t E(), axes_triple_distances) //retained old axis index -> new axis index mapping in fvar axis array HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_map_t, axes_index_map) //axis_index->axis_tag mapping in fvar axis array HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_map_t, axes_old_index_tag_map) //vector of retained axis tags in the order of axes given in the 'fvar' table HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_vector_t, axis_tags) //hmtx metrics map: new gid->(advance, lsb) HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (mutable hb_hashmap_t E()>), hmtx_map) //vmtx metrics map: new gid->(advance, lsb) HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (mutable hb_hashmap_t E()>), vmtx_map) //boundsWidth map: new gid->boundsWidth, boundWidth=xMax - xMin HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (mutable hb_vector_t, bounds_width_vec) //boundsHeight map: new gid->boundsHeight, boundsHeight=yMax - yMin HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (mutable hb_vector_t, bounds_height_vec) //map: new_gid -> contour points vector HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (mutable hb_hashmap_t E(), new_gid_contour_points_map) //new gids set for composite glyphs HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_set_t, composite_new_gids) //Old BASE item variation index -> (New varidx, 0) mapping HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (mutable hb_hashmap_t E()>), base_variation_idx_map) //BASE table varstore retained varidx mapping HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_vector_t, base_varstore_inner_maps) #ifdef HB_EXPERIMENTAL_API // name table overrides map: hb_ot_name_record_ids_t-> name string new value or // None to indicate should remove HB_SUBSET_PLAN_MEMBER (hb_hashmap_t E(), name_table_overrides) #endif #undef E