Holds physics-related properties of a surface, namely its roughness and bounciness.
Holds physics-related properties of a surface, namely its roughness and bounciness. This class is used to apply these properties to a physics body.
If [code]true[/code], subtracts the bounciness from the colliding object's bounciness instead of adding it.
The body's bounciness. Values range from [code]0[/code] (no bounce) to [code]1[/code] (full bounciness).
The body's friction. Values range from [code]0[/code] (frictionless) to [code]1[/code] (maximum friction).
If [code]true[/code], the physics engine will use the friction of the object marked as "rough" when two objects collide. If [code]false[/code], the physics engine will use the lowest friction of all colliding objects instead. If [code]true[/code] for both colliding objects, the physics engine will use the highest friction.