/* Copyright 2017-2022 Google Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* VERSION HISTORY 1.0 (2018-03-27) Initial public release */ /*! @file spirv_reflect.h */ #ifndef SPIRV_REFLECT_H #define SPIRV_REFLECT_H #if defined(SPIRV_REFLECT_USE_SYSTEM_SPIRV_H) #include <spirv/unified1/spirv.h> #else #include "./include/spirv/unified1/spirv.h" #endif #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef _MSC_VER #define SPV_REFLECT_DEPRECATED(msg_str) __declspec(deprecated("This symbol is deprecated. Details: " msg_str)) #elif defined(__clang__) #define SPV_REFLECT_DEPRECATED(msg_str) __attribute__((deprecated(msg_str))) #elif defined(__GNUC__) #if GCC_VERSION >= 40500 #define SPV_REFLECT_DEPRECATED(msg_str) __attribute__((deprecated(msg_str))) #else #define SPV_REFLECT_DEPRECATED(msg_str) __attribute__((deprecated)) #endif #else #define SPV_REFLECT_DEPRECATED(msg_str) #endif /*! @enum SpvReflectResult */ typedef enum SpvReflectResult { SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_NOT_READY, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_ERROR_PARSE_FAILED, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_ERROR_ALLOC_FAILED, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_ERROR_RANGE_EXCEEDED, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_ERROR_NULL_POINTER, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_ERROR_COUNT_MISMATCH, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_ERROR_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_ERROR_SPIRV_INVALID_CODE_SIZE, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_ERROR_SPIRV_INVALID_MAGIC_NUMBER, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_ERROR_SPIRV_UNEXPECTED_EOF, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_ERROR_SPIRV_INVALID_ID_REFERENCE, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_ERROR_SPIRV_SET_NUMBER_OVERFLOW, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_ERROR_SPIRV_INVALID_STORAGE_CLASS, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_ERROR_SPIRV_RECURSION, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_ERROR_SPIRV_INVALID_INSTRUCTION, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_ERROR_SPIRV_UNEXPECTED_BLOCK_DATA, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_ERROR_SPIRV_INVALID_BLOCK_MEMBER_REFERENCE, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_ERROR_SPIRV_INVALID_ENTRY_POINT, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_ERROR_SPIRV_INVALID_EXECUTION_MODE, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_ERROR_SPIRV_MAX_RECURSIVE_EXCEEDED, } SpvReflectResult; /*! @enum SpvReflectModuleFlagBits SPV_REFLECT_MODULE_FLAG_NO_COPY - Disables copying of SPIR-V code when a SPIRV-Reflect shader module is created. It is the responsibility of the calling program to ensure that the pointer remains valid and the memory it's pointing to is not freed while SPIRV-Reflect operations are taking place. Freeing the backing memory will cause undefined behavior or most likely a crash. This is flag is intended for cases where the memory overhead of storing the copied SPIR-V is undesirable. */ typedef enum SpvReflectModuleFlagBits { SPV_REFLECT_MODULE_FLAG_NONE = 0x00000000, SPV_REFLECT_MODULE_FLAG_NO_COPY = 0x00000001, } SpvReflectModuleFlagBits; typedef uint32_t SpvReflectModuleFlags; /*! @enum SpvReflectTypeFlagBits */ typedef enum SpvReflectTypeFlagBits { SPV_REFLECT_TYPE_FLAG_UNDEFINED = 0x00000000, SPV_REFLECT_TYPE_FLAG_VOID = 0x00000001, SPV_REFLECT_TYPE_FLAG_BOOL = 0x00000002, SPV_REFLECT_TYPE_FLAG_INT = 0x00000004, SPV_REFLECT_TYPE_FLAG_FLOAT = 0x00000008, SPV_REFLECT_TYPE_FLAG_VECTOR = 0x00000100, SPV_REFLECT_TYPE_FLAG_MATRIX = 0x00000200, SPV_REFLECT_TYPE_FLAG_EXTERNAL_IMAGE = 0x00010000, SPV_REFLECT_TYPE_FLAG_EXTERNAL_SAMPLER = 0x00020000, SPV_REFLECT_TYPE_FLAG_EXTERNAL_SAMPLED_IMAGE = 0x00040000, SPV_REFLECT_TYPE_FLAG_EXTERNAL_BLOCK = 0x00080000, SPV_REFLECT_TYPE_FLAG_EXTERNAL_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE = 0x00100000, SPV_REFLECT_TYPE_FLAG_EXTERNAL_MASK = 0x00FF0000, SPV_REFLECT_TYPE_FLAG_STRUCT = 0x10000000, SPV_REFLECT_TYPE_FLAG_ARRAY = 0x20000000, SPV_REFLECT_TYPE_FLAG_REF = 0x40000000, } SpvReflectTypeFlagBits; typedef uint32_t SpvReflectTypeFlags; /*! @enum SpvReflectDecorationBits NOTE: HLSL row_major and column_major decorations are reversed in SPIR-V. Meaning that matrices declrations with row_major will get reflected as column_major and vice versa. The row and column decorations get appied during the compilation. SPIRV-Reflect reads the data as is and does not make any attempt to correct it to match what's in the source. */ typedef enum SpvReflectDecorationFlagBits { SPV_REFLECT_DECORATION_NONE = 0x00000000, SPV_REFLECT_DECORATION_BLOCK = 0x00000001, SPV_REFLECT_DECORATION_BUFFER_BLOCK = 0x00000002, SPV_REFLECT_DECORATION_ROW_MAJOR = 0x00000004, SPV_REFLECT_DECORATION_COLUMN_MAJOR = 0x00000008, SPV_REFLECT_DECORATION_BUILT_IN = 0x00000010, SPV_REFLECT_DECORATION_NOPERSPECTIVE = 0x00000020, SPV_REFLECT_DECORATION_FLAT = 0x00000040, SPV_REFLECT_DECORATION_NON_WRITABLE = 0x00000080, SPV_REFLECT_DECORATION_RELAXED_PRECISION = 0x00000100, SPV_REFLECT_DECORATION_NON_READABLE = 0x00000200, } SpvReflectDecorationFlagBits; typedef uint32_t SpvReflectDecorationFlags; /*! @enum SpvReflectResourceType */ typedef enum SpvReflectResourceType { SPV_REFLECT_RESOURCE_FLAG_UNDEFINED = 0x00000000, SPV_REFLECT_RESOURCE_FLAG_SAMPLER = 0x00000001, SPV_REFLECT_RESOURCE_FLAG_CBV = 0x00000002, SPV_REFLECT_RESOURCE_FLAG_SRV = 0x00000004, SPV_REFLECT_RESOURCE_FLAG_UAV = 0x00000008, } SpvReflectResourceType; /*! @enum SpvReflectFormat */ typedef enum SpvReflectFormat { SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_UNDEFINED = 0, // = VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R16_UINT = 74, // = VK_FORMAT_R16_UINT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R16_SINT = 75, // = VK_FORMAT_R16_SINT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R16_SFLOAT = 76, // = VK_FORMAT_R16_SFLOAT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R16G16_UINT = 81, // = VK_FORMAT_R16G16_UINT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R16G16_SINT = 82, // = VK_FORMAT_R16G16_SINT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R16G16_SFLOAT = 83, // = VK_FORMAT_R16G16_SFLOAT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R16G16B16_UINT = 88, // = VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16_UINT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R16G16B16_SINT = 89, // = VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16_SINT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R16G16B16_SFLOAT = 90, // = VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16_SFLOAT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UINT = 95, // = VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UINT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SINT = 96, // = VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SINT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT = 97, // = VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R32_UINT = 98, // = VK_FORMAT_R32_UINT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R32_SINT = 99, // = VK_FORMAT_R32_SINT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R32_SFLOAT = 100, // = VK_FORMAT_R32_SFLOAT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R32G32_UINT = 101, // = VK_FORMAT_R32G32_UINT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R32G32_SINT = 102, // = VK_FORMAT_R32G32_SINT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R32G32_SFLOAT = 103, // = VK_FORMAT_R32G32_SFLOAT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R32G32B32_UINT = 104, // = VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32_UINT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SINT = 105, // = VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SINT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SFLOAT = 106, // = VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SFLOAT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT = 107, // = VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SINT = 108, // = VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SINT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT = 109, // = VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R64_UINT = 110, // = VK_FORMAT_R64_UINT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R64_SINT = 111, // = VK_FORMAT_R64_SINT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R64_SFLOAT = 112, // = VK_FORMAT_R64_SFLOAT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R64G64_UINT = 113, // = VK_FORMAT_R64G64_UINT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R64G64_SINT = 114, // = VK_FORMAT_R64G64_SINT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R64G64_SFLOAT = 115, // = VK_FORMAT_R64G64_SFLOAT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R64G64B64_UINT = 116, // = VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64_UINT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R64G64B64_SINT = 117, // = VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64_SINT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R64G64B64_SFLOAT = 118, // = VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64_SFLOAT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R64G64B64A64_UINT = 119, // = VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64A64_UINT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R64G64B64A64_SINT = 120, // = VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64A64_SINT SPV_REFLECT_FORMAT_R64G64B64A64_SFLOAT = 121, // = VK_FORMAT_R64G64B64A64_SFLOAT } SpvReflectFormat; /*! @enum SpvReflectVariableFlagBits */ enum SpvReflectVariableFlagBits{ SPV_REFLECT_VARIABLE_FLAGS_NONE = 0x00000000, SPV_REFLECT_VARIABLE_FLAGS_UNUSED = 0x00000001, }; typedef uint32_t SpvReflectVariableFlags; /*! @enum SpvReflectDescriptorType */ typedef enum SpvReflectDescriptorType { SPV_REFLECT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLER = 0, // = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLER SPV_REFLECT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER = 1, // = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER SPV_REFLECT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLED_IMAGE = 2, // = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLED_IMAGE SPV_REFLECT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_IMAGE = 3, // = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_IMAGE SPV_REFLECT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER = 4, // = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER SPV_REFLECT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER = 5, // = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER SPV_REFLECT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER = 6, // = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER SPV_REFLECT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER = 7, // = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER SPV_REFLECT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER_DYNAMIC = 8, // = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER_DYNAMIC SPV_REFLECT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER_DYNAMIC = 9, // = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER_DYNAMIC SPV_REFLECT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INPUT_ATTACHMENT = 10, // = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INPUT_ATTACHMENT SPV_REFLECT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_KHR = 1000150000 // = VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_KHR } SpvReflectDescriptorType; /*! @enum SpvReflectShaderStageFlagBits */ typedef enum SpvReflectShaderStageFlagBits { SPV_REFLECT_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT = 0x00000001, // = VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT SPV_REFLECT_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_BIT = 0x00000002, // = VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_BIT SPV_REFLECT_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_BIT = 0x00000004, // = VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_BIT SPV_REFLECT_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT = 0x00000008, // = VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT SPV_REFLECT_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT = 0x00000010, // = VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT SPV_REFLECT_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE_BIT = 0x00000020, // = VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE_BIT SPV_REFLECT_SHADER_STAGE_TASK_BIT_NV = 0x00000040, // = VK_SHADER_STAGE_TASK_BIT_NV SPV_REFLECT_SHADER_STAGE_TASK_BIT_EXT = SPV_REFLECT_SHADER_STAGE_TASK_BIT_NV, // = VK_SHADER_STAGE_CALLABLE_BIT_EXT SPV_REFLECT_SHADER_STAGE_MESH_BIT_NV = 0x00000080, // = VK_SHADER_STAGE_MESH_BIT_NV SPV_REFLECT_SHADER_STAGE_MESH_BIT_EXT = SPV_REFLECT_SHADER_STAGE_MESH_BIT_NV, // = VK_SHADER_STAGE_CALLABLE_BIT_EXT SPV_REFLECT_SHADER_STAGE_RAYGEN_BIT_KHR = 0x00000100, // = VK_SHADER_STAGE_RAYGEN_BIT_KHR SPV_REFLECT_SHADER_STAGE_ANY_HIT_BIT_KHR = 0x00000200, // = VK_SHADER_STAGE_ANY_HIT_BIT_KHR SPV_REFLECT_SHADER_STAGE_CLOSEST_HIT_BIT_KHR = 0x00000400, // = VK_SHADER_STAGE_CLOSEST_HIT_BIT_KHR SPV_REFLECT_SHADER_STAGE_MISS_BIT_KHR = 0x00000800, // = VK_SHADER_STAGE_MISS_BIT_KHR SPV_REFLECT_SHADER_STAGE_INTERSECTION_BIT_KHR = 0x00001000, // = VK_SHADER_STAGE_INTERSECTION_BIT_KHR SPV_REFLECT_SHADER_STAGE_CALLABLE_BIT_KHR = 0x00002000, // = VK_SHADER_STAGE_CALLABLE_BIT_KHR } SpvReflectShaderStageFlagBits; /*! @enum SpvReflectGenerator */ typedef enum SpvReflectGenerator { SPV_REFLECT_GENERATOR_KHRONOS_LLVM_SPIRV_TRANSLATOR = 6, SPV_REFLECT_GENERATOR_KHRONOS_SPIRV_TOOLS_ASSEMBLER = 7, SPV_REFLECT_GENERATOR_KHRONOS_GLSLANG_REFERENCE_FRONT_END = 8, SPV_REFLECT_GENERATOR_GOOGLE_SHADERC_OVER_GLSLANG = 13, SPV_REFLECT_GENERATOR_GOOGLE_SPIREGG = 14, SPV_REFLECT_GENERATOR_GOOGLE_RSPIRV = 15, SPV_REFLECT_GENERATOR_X_LEGEND_MESA_MESAIR_SPIRV_TRANSLATOR = 16, SPV_REFLECT_GENERATOR_KHRONOS_SPIRV_TOOLS_LINKER = 17, SPV_REFLECT_GENERATOR_WINE_VKD3D_SHADER_COMPILER = 18, SPV_REFLECT_GENERATOR_CLAY_CLAY_SHADER_COMPILER = 19, } SpvReflectGenerator; enum { SPV_REFLECT_MAX_ARRAY_DIMS = 32, SPV_REFLECT_MAX_DESCRIPTOR_SETS = 64, }; enum { SPV_REFLECT_BINDING_NUMBER_DONT_CHANGE = ~0, SPV_REFLECT_SET_NUMBER_DONT_CHANGE = ~0 }; typedef struct SpvReflectNumericTraits { struct Scalar { uint32_t width; uint32_t signedness; } scalar; struct Vector { uint32_t component_count; } vector; struct Matrix { uint32_t column_count; uint32_t row_count; uint32_t stride; // Measured in bytes } matrix; } SpvReflectNumericTraits; typedef struct SpvReflectImageTraits { SpvDim dim; uint32_t depth; uint32_t arrayed; uint32_t ms; // 0: single-sampled; 1: multisampled uint32_t sampled; SpvImageFormat image_format; } SpvReflectImageTraits; typedef enum SpvReflectArrayDimType { SPV_REFLECT_ARRAY_DIM_RUNTIME = 0, // OpTypeRuntimeArray SPV_REFLECT_ARRAY_DIM_SPEC_CONSTANT = 0xFFFFFFFF // specialization constant } SpvReflectArrayDimType; typedef struct SpvReflectArrayTraits { uint32_t dims_count; // Each entry is either: // - specialization constant dimension // - OpTypeRuntimeArray // - the array length otherwise uint32_t dims[SPV_REFLECT_MAX_ARRAY_DIMS]; // Stores Ids for dimensions that are specialization constants uint32_t spec_constant_op_ids[SPV_REFLECT_MAX_ARRAY_DIMS]; uint32_t stride; // Measured in bytes } SpvReflectArrayTraits; typedef struct SpvReflectBindingArrayTraits { uint32_t dims_count; uint32_t dims[SPV_REFLECT_MAX_ARRAY_DIMS]; } SpvReflectBindingArrayTraits; /*! @struct SpvReflectTypeDescription @brief Information about an OpType* instruction */ typedef struct SpvReflectTypeDescription { uint32_t id; SpvOp op; const char* type_name; // Non-NULL if type is member of a struct const char* struct_member_name; SpvStorageClass storage_class; SpvReflectTypeFlags type_flags; SpvReflectDecorationFlags decoration_flags; struct Traits { SpvReflectNumericTraits numeric; SpvReflectImageTraits image; SpvReflectArrayTraits array; } traits; // If underlying type is a struct (ex. array of structs) // this gives access to the OpTypeStruct struct SpvReflectTypeDescription* struct_type_description; // @deprecated use struct_type_description instead uint32_t member_count; // @deprecated use struct_type_description instead struct SpvReflectTypeDescription* members; } SpvReflectTypeDescription; // -- GODOT begin -- /*! @struct SpvReflectSpecializationConstant */ typedef enum SpvReflectSpecializationConstantType { SPV_REFLECT_SPECIALIZATION_CONSTANT_BOOL = 0, SPV_REFLECT_SPECIALIZATION_CONSTANT_INT = 1, SPV_REFLECT_SPECIALIZATION_CONSTANT_FLOAT = 2, } SpvReflectSpecializationConstantType; typedef struct SpvReflectSpecializationConstant { const char* name; uint32_t spirv_id; uint32_t constant_id; SpvReflectSpecializationConstantType constant_type; union { float float_value; uint32_t int_bool_value; } default_value; } SpvReflectSpecializationConstant; // -- GODOT end -- /*! @struct SpvReflectInterfaceVariable @brief The OpVariable that is either an Input or Output to the module */ typedef struct SpvReflectInterfaceVariable { uint32_t spirv_id; const char* name; uint32_t location; uint32_t component; SpvStorageClass storage_class; const char* semantic; SpvReflectDecorationFlags decoration_flags; SpvBuiltIn built_in; SpvReflectNumericTraits numeric; SpvReflectArrayTraits array; uint32_t member_count; struct SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* members; SpvReflectFormat format; // NOTE: SPIR-V shares type references for variables // that have the same underlying type. This means // that the same type name will appear for multiple // variables. SpvReflectTypeDescription* type_description; struct { uint32_t location; } word_offset; } SpvReflectInterfaceVariable; /*! @struct SpvReflectBlockVariable */ typedef struct SpvReflectBlockVariable { uint32_t spirv_id; const char* name; // For Push Constants, this is the lowest offset of all memebers uint32_t offset; // Measured in bytes uint32_t absolute_offset; // Measured in bytes uint32_t size; // Measured in bytes uint32_t padded_size; // Measured in bytes SpvReflectDecorationFlags decoration_flags; SpvReflectNumericTraits numeric; SpvReflectArrayTraits array; SpvReflectVariableFlags flags; uint32_t member_count; struct SpvReflectBlockVariable* members; SpvReflectTypeDescription* type_description; struct { uint32_t offset; } word_offset; } SpvReflectBlockVariable; /*! @struct SpvReflectDescriptorBinding */ typedef struct SpvReflectDescriptorBinding { uint32_t spirv_id; const char* name; uint32_t binding; uint32_t input_attachment_index; uint32_t set; SpvReflectDescriptorType descriptor_type; SpvReflectResourceType resource_type; SpvReflectImageTraits image; SpvReflectBlockVariable block; SpvReflectBindingArrayTraits array; uint32_t count; uint32_t accessed; uint32_t uav_counter_id; struct SpvReflectDescriptorBinding* uav_counter_binding; SpvReflectTypeDescription* type_description; struct { uint32_t binding; uint32_t set; } word_offset; SpvReflectDecorationFlags decoration_flags; } SpvReflectDescriptorBinding; /*! @struct SpvReflectDescriptorSet */ typedef struct SpvReflectDescriptorSet { uint32_t set; uint32_t binding_count; SpvReflectDescriptorBinding** bindings; } SpvReflectDescriptorSet; /*! @struct SpvReflectEntryPoint */ typedef struct SpvReflectEntryPoint { const char* name; uint32_t id; SpvExecutionModel spirv_execution_model; SpvReflectShaderStageFlagBits shader_stage; uint32_t input_variable_count; SpvReflectInterfaceVariable** input_variables; uint32_t output_variable_count; SpvReflectInterfaceVariable** output_variables; uint32_t interface_variable_count; SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* interface_variables; uint32_t descriptor_set_count; SpvReflectDescriptorSet* descriptor_sets; uint32_t used_uniform_count; uint32_t* used_uniforms; uint32_t used_push_constant_count; uint32_t* used_push_constants; uint32_t execution_mode_count; SpvExecutionMode* execution_modes; struct LocalSize { uint32_t x; uint32_t y; uint32_t z; } local_size; uint32_t invocations; // valid for geometry uint32_t output_vertices; // valid for geometry, tesselation } SpvReflectEntryPoint; /*! @struct SpvReflectCapability */ typedef struct SpvReflectCapability { SpvCapability value; uint32_t word_offset; } SpvReflectCapability; /*! @struct SpvReflectShaderModule */ typedef struct SpvReflectShaderModule { SpvReflectGenerator generator; const char* entry_point_name; uint32_t entry_point_id; uint32_t entry_point_count; SpvReflectEntryPoint* entry_points; SpvSourceLanguage source_language; uint32_t source_language_version; const char* source_file; const char* source_source; uint32_t capability_count; SpvReflectCapability* capabilities; SpvExecutionModel spirv_execution_model; // Uses value(s) from first entry point SpvReflectShaderStageFlagBits shader_stage; // Uses value(s) from first entry point uint32_t descriptor_binding_count; // Uses value(s) from first entry point SpvReflectDescriptorBinding* descriptor_bindings; // Uses value(s) from first entry point uint32_t descriptor_set_count; // Uses value(s) from first entry point SpvReflectDescriptorSet descriptor_sets[SPV_REFLECT_MAX_DESCRIPTOR_SETS]; // Uses value(s) from first entry point uint32_t input_variable_count; // Uses value(s) from first entry point SpvReflectInterfaceVariable** input_variables; // Uses value(s) from first entry point uint32_t output_variable_count; // Uses value(s) from first entry point SpvReflectInterfaceVariable** output_variables; // Uses value(s) from first entry point uint32_t interface_variable_count; // Uses value(s) from first entry point SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* interface_variables; // Uses value(s) from first entry point uint32_t push_constant_block_count; // Uses value(s) from first entry point SpvReflectBlockVariable* push_constant_blocks; // Uses value(s) from first entry point // -- GODOT begin -- uint32_t specialization_constant_count; SpvReflectSpecializationConstant* specialization_constants; // -- GODOT end -- struct Internal { SpvReflectModuleFlags module_flags; size_t spirv_size; uint32_t* spirv_code; uint32_t spirv_word_count; size_t type_description_count; SpvReflectTypeDescription* type_descriptions; } * _internal; } SpvReflectShaderModule; #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif /*! @fn spvReflectCreateShaderModule @param size Size in bytes of SPIR-V code. @param p_code Pointer to SPIR-V code. @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @return SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS on success. */ SpvReflectResult spvReflectCreateShaderModule( size_t size, const void* p_code, SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module ); /*! @fn spvReflectCreateShaderModule2 @param flags Flags for module creations. @param size Size in bytes of SPIR-V code. @param p_code Pointer to SPIR-V code. @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @return SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS on success. */ SpvReflectResult spvReflectCreateShaderModule2( SpvReflectModuleFlags flags, size_t size, const void* p_code, SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module ); SPV_REFLECT_DEPRECATED("renamed to spvReflectCreateShaderModule") SpvReflectResult spvReflectGetShaderModule( size_t size, const void* p_code, SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module ); /*! @fn spvReflectDestroyShaderModule @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. */ void spvReflectDestroyShaderModule(SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module); /*! @fn spvReflectGetCodeSize @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @return Returns the size of the SPIR-V in bytes */ uint32_t spvReflectGetCodeSize(const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module); /*! @fn spvReflectGetCode @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @return Returns a const pointer to the compiled SPIR-V bytecode. */ const uint32_t* spvReflectGetCode(const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module); /*! @fn spvReflectGetEntryPoint @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param entry_point Name of the requested entry point. @return Returns a const pointer to the requested entry point, or NULL if it's not found. */ const SpvReflectEntryPoint* spvReflectGetEntryPoint( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, const char* entry_point ); /*! @fn spvReflectEnumerateDescriptorBindings @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param p_count If pp_bindings is NULL, the module's descriptor binding count (across all descriptor sets) will be stored here. If pp_bindings is not NULL, *p_count must contain the module's descriptor binding count. @param pp_bindings If NULL, the module's total descriptor binding count will be written to *p_count. If non-NULL, pp_bindings must point to an array with *p_count entries, where pointers to the module's descriptor bindings will be written. The caller must not free the binding pointers written to this array. @return If successful, returns SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS. Otherwise, the error code indicates the cause of the failure. */ SpvReflectResult spvReflectEnumerateDescriptorBindings( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectDescriptorBinding** pp_bindings ); /*! @fn spvReflectEnumerateEntryPointDescriptorBindings @brief Creates a listing of all descriptor bindings that are used in the static call tree of the given entry point. @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param entry_point The name of the entry point to get the descriptor bindings for. @param p_count If pp_bindings is NULL, the entry point's descriptor binding count (across all descriptor sets) will be stored here. If pp_bindings is not NULL, *p_count must contain the entry points's descriptor binding count. @param pp_bindings If NULL, the entry point's total descriptor binding count will be written to *p_count. If non-NULL, pp_bindings must point to an array with *p_count entries, where pointers to the entry point's descriptor bindings will be written. The caller must not free the binding pointers written to this array. @return If successful, returns SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS. Otherwise, the error code indicates the cause of the failure. */ SpvReflectResult spvReflectEnumerateEntryPointDescriptorBindings( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, const char* entry_point, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectDescriptorBinding** pp_bindings ); /*! @fn spvReflectEnumerateDescriptorSets @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param p_count If pp_sets is NULL, the module's descriptor set count will be stored here. If pp_sets is not NULL, *p_count must contain the module's descriptor set count. @param pp_sets If NULL, the module's total descriptor set count will be written to *p_count. If non-NULL, pp_sets must point to an array with *p_count entries, where pointers to the module's descriptor sets will be written. The caller must not free the descriptor set pointers written to this array. @return If successful, returns SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS. Otherwise, the error code indicates the cause of the failure. */ SpvReflectResult spvReflectEnumerateDescriptorSets( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectDescriptorSet** pp_sets ); /*! @fn spvReflectEnumerateEntryPointDescriptorSets @brief Creates a listing of all descriptor sets and their bindings that are used in the static call tree of a given entry point. @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param entry_point The name of the entry point to get the descriptor bindings for. @param p_count If pp_sets is NULL, the module's descriptor set count will be stored here. If pp_sets is not NULL, *p_count must contain the module's descriptor set count. @param pp_sets If NULL, the module's total descriptor set count will be written to *p_count. If non-NULL, pp_sets must point to an array with *p_count entries, where pointers to the module's descriptor sets will be written. The caller must not free the descriptor set pointers written to this array. @return If successful, returns SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS. Otherwise, the error code indicates the cause of the failure. */ SpvReflectResult spvReflectEnumerateEntryPointDescriptorSets( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, const char* entry_point, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectDescriptorSet** pp_sets ); /*! @fn spvReflectEnumerateInterfaceVariables @brief If the module contains multiple entry points, this will only get the interface variables for the first one. @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param p_count If pp_variables is NULL, the module's interface variable count will be stored here. If pp_variables is not NULL, *p_count must contain the module's interface variable count. @param pp_variables If NULL, the module's interface variable count will be written to *p_count. If non-NULL, pp_variables must point to an array with *p_count entries, where pointers to the module's interface variables will be written. The caller must not free the interface variables written to this array. @return If successful, returns SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS. Otherwise, the error code indicates the cause of the failure. */ SpvReflectResult spvReflectEnumerateInterfaceVariables( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectInterfaceVariable** pp_variables ); /*! @fn spvReflectEnumerateEntryPointInterfaceVariables @brief Enumerate the interface variables for a given entry point. @param entry_point The name of the entry point to get the interface variables for. @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param p_count If pp_variables is NULL, the entry point's interface variable count will be stored here. If pp_variables is not NULL, *p_count must contain the entry point's interface variable count. @param pp_variables If NULL, the entry point's interface variable count will be written to *p_count. If non-NULL, pp_variables must point to an array with *p_count entries, where pointers to the entry point's interface variables will be written. The caller must not free the interface variables written to this array. @return If successful, returns SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS. Otherwise, the error code indicates the cause of the failure. */ SpvReflectResult spvReflectEnumerateEntryPointInterfaceVariables( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, const char* entry_point, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectInterfaceVariable** pp_variables ); /*! @fn spvReflectEnumerateInputVariables @brief If the module contains multiple entry points, this will only get the input variables for the first one. @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param p_count If pp_variables is NULL, the module's input variable count will be stored here. If pp_variables is not NULL, *p_count must contain the module's input variable count. @param pp_variables If NULL, the module's input variable count will be written to *p_count. If non-NULL, pp_variables must point to an array with *p_count entries, where pointers to the module's input variables will be written. The caller must not free the interface variables written to this array. @return If successful, returns SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS. Otherwise, the error code indicates the cause of the failure. */ SpvReflectResult spvReflectEnumerateInputVariables( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectInterfaceVariable** pp_variables ); // -- GOODT begin -- /*! @fn spvReflectEnumerateSpecializationConstants @brief If the module contains multiple entry points, this will only get the specialization constants for the first one. @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param p_count If pp_constants is NULL, the module's specialization constant count will be stored here. If pp_variables is not NULL, *p_count must contain the module's specialization constant count. @param pp_variables If NULL, the module's specialization constant count will be written to *p_count. If non-NULL, pp_constants must point to an array with *p_count entries, where pointers to the module's specialization constants will be written. The caller must not free the specialization constants written to this array. @return If successful, returns SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS. Otherwise, the error code indicates the cause of the failure. */ SpvReflectResult spvReflectEnumerateSpecializationConstants( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectSpecializationConstant** pp_constants ); // -- GODOT end -- /*! @fn spvReflectEnumerateEntryPointInputVariables @brief Enumerate the input variables for a given entry point. @param entry_point The name of the entry point to get the input variables for. @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param p_count If pp_variables is NULL, the entry point's input variable count will be stored here. If pp_variables is not NULL, *p_count must contain the entry point's input variable count. @param pp_variables If NULL, the entry point's input variable count will be written to *p_count. If non-NULL, pp_variables must point to an array with *p_count entries, where pointers to the entry point's input variables will be written. The caller must not free the interface variables written to this array. @return If successful, returns SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS. Otherwise, the error code indicates the cause of the failure. */ SpvReflectResult spvReflectEnumerateEntryPointInputVariables( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, const char* entry_point, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectInterfaceVariable** pp_variables ); /*! @fn spvReflectEnumerateOutputVariables @brief Note: If the module contains multiple entry points, this will only get the output variables for the first one. @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param p_count If pp_variables is NULL, the module's output variable count will be stored here. If pp_variables is not NULL, *p_count must contain the module's output variable count. @param pp_variables If NULL, the module's output variable count will be written to *p_count. If non-NULL, pp_variables must point to an array with *p_count entries, where pointers to the module's output variables will be written. The caller must not free the interface variables written to this array. @return If successful, returns SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS. Otherwise, the error code indicates the cause of the failure. */ SpvReflectResult spvReflectEnumerateOutputVariables( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectInterfaceVariable** pp_variables ); /*! @fn spvReflectEnumerateEntryPointOutputVariables @brief Enumerate the output variables for a given entry point. @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param entry_point The name of the entry point to get the output variables for. @param p_count If pp_variables is NULL, the entry point's output variable count will be stored here. If pp_variables is not NULL, *p_count must contain the entry point's output variable count. @param pp_variables If NULL, the entry point's output variable count will be written to *p_count. If non-NULL, pp_variables must point to an array with *p_count entries, where pointers to the entry point's output variables will be written. The caller must not free the interface variables written to this array. @return If successful, returns SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS. Otherwise, the error code indicates the cause of the failure. */ SpvReflectResult spvReflectEnumerateEntryPointOutputVariables( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, const char* entry_point, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectInterfaceVariable** pp_variables ); /*! @fn spvReflectEnumeratePushConstantBlocks @brief Note: If the module contains multiple entry points, this will only get the push constant blocks for the first one. @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param p_count If pp_blocks is NULL, the module's push constant block count will be stored here. If pp_blocks is not NULL, *p_count must contain the module's push constant block count. @param pp_blocks If NULL, the module's push constant block count will be written to *p_count. If non-NULL, pp_blocks must point to an array with *p_count entries, where pointers to the module's push constant blocks will be written. The caller must not free the block variables written to this array. @return If successful, returns SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS. Otherwise, the error code indicates the cause of the failure. */ SpvReflectResult spvReflectEnumeratePushConstantBlocks( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectBlockVariable** pp_blocks ); SPV_REFLECT_DEPRECATED("renamed to spvReflectEnumeratePushConstantBlocks") SpvReflectResult spvReflectEnumeratePushConstants( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectBlockVariable** pp_blocks ); /*! @fn spvReflectEnumerateEntryPointPushConstantBlocks @brief Enumerate the push constant blocks used in the static call tree of a given entry point. @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param p_count If pp_blocks is NULL, the entry point's push constant block count will be stored here. If pp_blocks is not NULL, *p_count must contain the entry point's push constant block count. @param pp_blocks If NULL, the entry point's push constant block count will be written to *p_count. If non-NULL, pp_blocks must point to an array with *p_count entries, where pointers to the entry point's push constant blocks will be written. The caller must not free the block variables written to this array. @return If successful, returns SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS. Otherwise, the error code indicates the cause of the failure. */ SpvReflectResult spvReflectEnumerateEntryPointPushConstantBlocks( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, const char* entry_point, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectBlockVariable** pp_blocks ); /*! @fn spvReflectGetDescriptorBinding @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param binding_number The "binding" value of the requested descriptor binding. @param set_number The "set" value of the requested descriptor binding. @param p_result If successful, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS will be written to *p_result. Otherwise, a error code indicating the cause of the failure will be stored here. @return If the module contains a descriptor binding that matches the provided [binding_number, set_number] values, a pointer to that binding is returned. The caller must not free this pointer. If no match can be found, or if an unrelated error occurs, the return value will be NULL. Detailed error results are written to *pResult. @note If the module contains multiple desriptor bindings with the same set and binding numbers, there are no guarantees about which binding will be returned. */ const SpvReflectDescriptorBinding* spvReflectGetDescriptorBinding( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, uint32_t binding_number, uint32_t set_number, SpvReflectResult* p_result ); /*! @fn spvReflectGetEntryPointDescriptorBinding @brief Get the descriptor binding with the given binding number and set number that is used in the static call tree of a certain entry point. @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param entry_point The entry point to get the binding from. @param binding_number The "binding" value of the requested descriptor binding. @param set_number The "set" value of the requested descriptor binding. @param p_result If successful, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS will be written to *p_result. Otherwise, a error code indicating the cause of the failure will be stored here. @return If the entry point contains a descriptor binding that matches the provided [binding_number, set_number] values, a pointer to that binding is returned. The caller must not free this pointer. If no match can be found, or if an unrelated error occurs, the return value will be NULL. Detailed error results are written to *pResult. @note If the entry point contains multiple desriptor bindings with the same set and binding numbers, there are no guarantees about which binding will be returned. */ const SpvReflectDescriptorBinding* spvReflectGetEntryPointDescriptorBinding( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, const char* entry_point, uint32_t binding_number, uint32_t set_number, SpvReflectResult* p_result ); /*! @fn spvReflectGetDescriptorSet @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param set_number The "set" value of the requested descriptor set. @param p_result If successful, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS will be written to *p_result. Otherwise, a error code indicating the cause of the failure will be stored here. @return If the module contains a descriptor set with the provided set_number, a pointer to that set is returned. The caller must not free this pointer. If no match can be found, or if an unrelated error occurs, the return value will be NULL. Detailed error results are written to *pResult. */ const SpvReflectDescriptorSet* spvReflectGetDescriptorSet( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, uint32_t set_number, SpvReflectResult* p_result ); /*! @fn spvReflectGetEntryPointDescriptorSet @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param entry_point The entry point to get the descriptor set from. @param set_number The "set" value of the requested descriptor set. @param p_result If successful, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS will be written to *p_result. Otherwise, a error code indicating the cause of the failure will be stored here. @return If the entry point contains a descriptor set with the provided set_number, a pointer to that set is returned. The caller must not free this pointer. If no match can be found, or if an unrelated error occurs, the return value will be NULL. Detailed error results are written to *pResult. */ const SpvReflectDescriptorSet* spvReflectGetEntryPointDescriptorSet( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, const char* entry_point, uint32_t set_number, SpvReflectResult* p_result ); /* @fn spvReflectGetInputVariableByLocation @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param location The "location" value of the requested input variable. A location of 0xFFFFFFFF will always return NULL with *p_result == ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND. @param p_result If successful, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS will be written to *p_result. Otherwise, a error code indicating the cause of the failure will be stored here. @return If the module contains an input interface variable with the provided location value, a pointer to that variable is returned. The caller must not free this pointer. If no match can be found, or if an unrelated error occurs, the return value will be NULL. Detailed error results are written to *pResult. @note */ const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* spvReflectGetInputVariableByLocation( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, uint32_t location, SpvReflectResult* p_result ); SPV_REFLECT_DEPRECATED("renamed to spvReflectGetInputVariableByLocation") const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* spvReflectGetInputVariable( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, uint32_t location, SpvReflectResult* p_result ); /* @fn spvReflectGetEntryPointInputVariableByLocation @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param entry_point The entry point to get the input variable from. @param location The "location" value of the requested input variable. A location of 0xFFFFFFFF will always return NULL with *p_result == ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND. @param p_result If successful, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS will be written to *p_result. Otherwise, a error code indicating the cause of the failure will be stored here. @return If the entry point contains an input interface variable with the provided location value, a pointer to that variable is returned. The caller must not free this pointer. If no match can be found, or if an unrelated error occurs, the return value will be NULL. Detailed error results are written to *pResult. @note */ const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* spvReflectGetEntryPointInputVariableByLocation( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, const char* entry_point, uint32_t location, SpvReflectResult* p_result ); /* @fn spvReflectGetInputVariableBySemantic @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param semantic The "semantic" value of the requested input variable. A semantic of NULL will return NULL. A semantic of "" will always return NULL with *p_result == ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND. @param p_result If successful, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS will be written to *p_result. Otherwise, a error code indicating the cause of the failure will be stored here. @return If the module contains an input interface variable with the provided semantic, a pointer to that variable is returned. The caller must not free this pointer. If no match can be found, or if an unrelated error occurs, the return value will be NULL. Detailed error results are written to *pResult. @note */ const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* spvReflectGetInputVariableBySemantic( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, const char* semantic, SpvReflectResult* p_result ); /* @fn spvReflectGetEntryPointInputVariableBySemantic @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param entry_point The entry point to get the input variable from. @param semantic The "semantic" value of the requested input variable. A semantic of NULL will return NULL. A semantic of "" will always return NULL with *p_result == ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND. @param p_result If successful, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS will be written to *p_result. Otherwise, a error code indicating the cause of the failure will be stored here. @return If the entry point contains an input interface variable with the provided semantic, a pointer to that variable is returned. The caller must not free this pointer. If no match can be found, or if an unrelated error occurs, the return value will be NULL. Detailed error results are written to *pResult. @note */ const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* spvReflectGetEntryPointInputVariableBySemantic( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, const char* entry_point, const char* semantic, SpvReflectResult* p_result ); /* @fn spvReflectGetOutputVariableByLocation @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param location The "location" value of the requested output variable. A location of 0xFFFFFFFF will always return NULL with *p_result == ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND. @param p_result If successful, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS will be written to *p_result. Otherwise, a error code indicating the cause of the failure will be stored here. @return If the module contains an output interface variable with the provided location value, a pointer to that variable is returned. The caller must not free this pointer. If no match can be found, or if an unrelated error occurs, the return value will be NULL. Detailed error results are written to *pResult. @note */ const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* spvReflectGetOutputVariableByLocation( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, uint32_t location, SpvReflectResult* p_result ); SPV_REFLECT_DEPRECATED("renamed to spvReflectGetOutputVariableByLocation") const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* spvReflectGetOutputVariable( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, uint32_t location, SpvReflectResult* p_result ); /* @fn spvReflectGetEntryPointOutputVariableByLocation @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param entry_point The entry point to get the output variable from. @param location The "location" value of the requested output variable. A location of 0xFFFFFFFF will always return NULL with *p_result == ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND. @param p_result If successful, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS will be written to *p_result. Otherwise, a error code indicating the cause of the failure will be stored here. @return If the entry point contains an output interface variable with the provided location value, a pointer to that variable is returned. The caller must not free this pointer. If no match can be found, or if an unrelated error occurs, the return value will be NULL. Detailed error results are written to *pResult. @note */ const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* spvReflectGetEntryPointOutputVariableByLocation( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, const char* entry_point, uint32_t location, SpvReflectResult* p_result ); /* @fn spvReflectGetOutputVariableBySemantic @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param semantic The "semantic" value of the requested output variable. A semantic of NULL will return NULL. A semantic of "" will always return NULL with *p_result == ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND. @param p_result If successful, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS will be written to *p_result. Otherwise, a error code indicating the cause of the failure will be stored here. @return If the module contains an output interface variable with the provided semantic, a pointer to that variable is returned. The caller must not free this pointer. If no match can be found, or if an unrelated error occurs, the return value will be NULL. Detailed error results are written to *pResult. @note */ const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* spvReflectGetOutputVariableBySemantic( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, const char* semantic, SpvReflectResult* p_result ); /* @fn spvReflectGetEntryPointOutputVariableBySemantic @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param entry_point The entry point to get the output variable from. @param semantic The "semantic" value of the requested output variable. A semantic of NULL will return NULL. A semantic of "" will always return NULL with *p_result == ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND. @param p_result If successful, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS will be written to *p_result. Otherwise, a error code indicating the cause of the failure will be stored here. @return If the entry point contains an output interface variable with the provided semantic, a pointer to that variable is returned. The caller must not free this pointer. If no match can be found, or if an unrelated error occurs, the return value will be NULL. Detailed error results are written to *pResult. @note */ const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* spvReflectGetEntryPointOutputVariableBySemantic( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, const char* entry_point, const char* semantic, SpvReflectResult* p_result ); /*! @fn spvReflectGetPushConstantBlock @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param index The index of the desired block within the module's array of push constant blocks. @param p_result If successful, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS will be written to *p_result. Otherwise, a error code indicating the cause of the failure will be stored here. @return If the provided index is within range, a pointer to the corresponding push constant block is returned. The caller must not free this pointer. If no match can be found, or if an unrelated error occurs, the return value will be NULL. Detailed error results are written to *pResult. */ const SpvReflectBlockVariable* spvReflectGetPushConstantBlock( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, uint32_t index, SpvReflectResult* p_result ); SPV_REFLECT_DEPRECATED("renamed to spvReflectGetPushConstantBlock") const SpvReflectBlockVariable* spvReflectGetPushConstant( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, uint32_t index, SpvReflectResult* p_result ); /*! @fn spvReflectGetEntryPointPushConstantBlock @brief Get the push constant block corresponding to the given entry point. As by the Vulkan specification there can be no more than one push constant block used by a given entry point, so if there is one it will be returned, otherwise NULL will be returned. @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param entry_point The entry point to get the push constant block from. @param p_result If successful, SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS will be written to *p_result. Otherwise, a error code indicating the cause of the failure will be stored here. @return If the provided index is within range, a pointer to the corresponding push constant block is returned. The caller must not free this pointer. If no match can be found, or if an unrelated error occurs, the return value will be NULL. Detailed error results are written to *pResult. */ const SpvReflectBlockVariable* spvReflectGetEntryPointPushConstantBlock( const SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, const char* entry_point, SpvReflectResult* p_result ); /*! @fn spvReflectChangeDescriptorBindingNumbers @brief Assign new set and/or binding numbers to a descriptor binding. In addition to updating the reflection data, this function modifies the underlying SPIR-V bytecode. The updated code can be retrieved with spvReflectGetCode(). If the binding is used in multiple entry points within the module, it will be changed in all of them. @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param p_binding Pointer to the descriptor binding to modify. @param new_binding_number The new binding number to assign to the provided descriptor binding. To leave the binding number unchanged, pass SPV_REFLECT_BINDING_NUMBER_DONT_CHANGE. @param new_set_number The new set number to assign to the provided descriptor binding. Successfully changing a descriptor binding's set number invalidates all existing SpvReflectDescriptorBinding and SpvReflectDescriptorSet pointers from this module. To leave the set number unchanged, pass SPV_REFLECT_SET_NUMBER_DONT_CHANGE. @return If successful, returns SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS. Otherwise, the error code indicates the cause of the failure. */ SpvReflectResult spvReflectChangeDescriptorBindingNumbers( SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, const SpvReflectDescriptorBinding* p_binding, uint32_t new_binding_number, uint32_t new_set_number ); SPV_REFLECT_DEPRECATED("Renamed to spvReflectChangeDescriptorBindingNumbers") SpvReflectResult spvReflectChangeDescriptorBindingNumber( SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, const SpvReflectDescriptorBinding* p_descriptor_binding, uint32_t new_binding_number, uint32_t optional_new_set_number ); /*! @fn spvReflectChangeDescriptorSetNumber @brief Assign a new set number to an entire descriptor set (including all descriptor bindings in that set). In addition to updating the reflection data, this function modifies the underlying SPIR-V bytecode. The updated code can be retrieved with spvReflectGetCode(). If the descriptor set is used in multiple entry points within the module, it will be modified in all of them. @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param p_set Pointer to the descriptor binding to modify. @param new_set_number The new set number to assign to the provided descriptor set, and all its descriptor bindings. Successfully changing a descriptor binding's set number invalidates all existing SpvReflectDescriptorBinding and SpvReflectDescriptorSet pointers from this module. To leave the set number unchanged, pass SPV_REFLECT_SET_NUMBER_DONT_CHANGE. @return If successful, returns SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS. Otherwise, the error code indicates the cause of the failure. */ SpvReflectResult spvReflectChangeDescriptorSetNumber( SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, const SpvReflectDescriptorSet* p_set, uint32_t new_set_number ); /*! @fn spvReflectChangeInputVariableLocation @brief Assign a new location to an input interface variable. In addition to updating the reflection data, this function modifies the underlying SPIR-V bytecode. The updated code can be retrieved with spvReflectGetCode(). It is the caller's responsibility to avoid assigning the same location to multiple input variables. If the input variable is used by multiple entry points in the module, it will be changed in all of them. @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param p_input_variable Pointer to the input variable to update. @param new_location The new location to assign to p_input_variable. @return If successful, returns SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS. Otherwise, the error code indicates the cause of the failure. */ SpvReflectResult spvReflectChangeInputVariableLocation( SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* p_input_variable, uint32_t new_location ); /*! @fn spvReflectChangeOutputVariableLocation @brief Assign a new location to an output interface variable. In addition to updating the reflection data, this function modifies the underlying SPIR-V bytecode. The updated code can be retrieved with spvReflectGetCode(). It is the caller's responsibility to avoid assigning the same location to multiple output variables. If the output variable is used by multiple entry points in the module, it will be changed in all of them. @param p_module Pointer to an instance of SpvReflectShaderModule. @param p_output_variable Pointer to the output variable to update. @param new_location The new location to assign to p_output_variable. @return If successful, returns SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_SUCCESS. Otherwise, the error code indicates the cause of the failure. */ SpvReflectResult spvReflectChangeOutputVariableLocation( SpvReflectShaderModule* p_module, const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* p_output_variable, uint32_t new_location ); /*! @fn spvReflectSourceLanguage @param source_lang The source language code. @return Returns string of source language specified in \a source_lang. The caller must not free the memory associated with this string. */ const char* spvReflectSourceLanguage(SpvSourceLanguage source_lang); /*! @fn spvReflectBlockVariableTypeName @param p_var Pointer to block variable. @return Returns string of block variable's type description type name or NULL if p_var is NULL. */ const char* spvReflectBlockVariableTypeName( const SpvReflectBlockVariable* p_var ); #if defined(__cplusplus) }; #endif #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(SPIRV_REFLECT_DISABLE_CPP_BINDINGS) #include <cstdlib> #include <string> #include <vector> namespace spv_reflect { /*! \class ShaderModule */ class ShaderModule { public: ShaderModule(); ShaderModule(size_t size, const void* p_code, SpvReflectModuleFlags flags = SPV_REFLECT_MODULE_FLAG_NONE); ShaderModule(const std::vector<uint8_t>& code, SpvReflectModuleFlags flags = SPV_REFLECT_MODULE_FLAG_NONE); ShaderModule(const std::vector<uint32_t>& code, SpvReflectModuleFlags flags = SPV_REFLECT_MODULE_FLAG_NONE); ~ShaderModule(); ShaderModule(ShaderModule&& other); ShaderModule& operator=(ShaderModule&& other); SpvReflectResult GetResult() const; const SpvReflectShaderModule& GetShaderModule() const; uint32_t GetCodeSize() const; const uint32_t* GetCode() const; const char* GetEntryPointName() const; const char* GetSourceFile() const; uint32_t GetEntryPointCount() const; const char* GetEntryPointName(uint32_t index) const; SpvReflectShaderStageFlagBits GetEntryPointShaderStage(uint32_t index) const; SpvReflectShaderStageFlagBits GetShaderStage() const; SPV_REFLECT_DEPRECATED("Renamed to GetShaderStage") SpvReflectShaderStageFlagBits GetVulkanShaderStage() const { return GetShaderStage(); } SpvReflectResult EnumerateDescriptorBindings(uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectDescriptorBinding** pp_bindings) const; SpvReflectResult EnumerateEntryPointDescriptorBindings(const char* entry_point, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectDescriptorBinding** pp_bindings) const; SpvReflectResult EnumerateDescriptorSets( uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectDescriptorSet** pp_sets) const ; SpvReflectResult EnumerateEntryPointDescriptorSets(const char* entry_point, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectDescriptorSet** pp_sets) const ; SpvReflectResult EnumerateInterfaceVariables(uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectInterfaceVariable** pp_variables) const; SpvReflectResult EnumerateEntryPointInterfaceVariables(const char* entry_point, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectInterfaceVariable** pp_variables) const; SpvReflectResult EnumerateInputVariables(uint32_t* p_count,SpvReflectInterfaceVariable** pp_variables) const; SpvReflectResult EnumerateEntryPointInputVariables(const char* entry_point, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectInterfaceVariable** pp_variables) const; SpvReflectResult EnumerateOutputVariables(uint32_t* p_count,SpvReflectInterfaceVariable** pp_variables) const; SpvReflectResult EnumerateEntryPointOutputVariables(const char* entry_point, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectInterfaceVariable** pp_variables) const; SpvReflectResult EnumeratePushConstantBlocks(uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectBlockVariable** pp_blocks) const; SpvReflectResult EnumerateEntryPointPushConstantBlocks(const char* entry_point, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectBlockVariable** pp_blocks) const; SPV_REFLECT_DEPRECATED("Renamed to EnumeratePushConstantBlocks") SpvReflectResult EnumeratePushConstants(uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectBlockVariable** pp_blocks) const { return EnumeratePushConstantBlocks(p_count, pp_blocks); } const SpvReflectDescriptorBinding* GetDescriptorBinding(uint32_t binding_number, uint32_t set_number, SpvReflectResult* p_result = nullptr) const; const SpvReflectDescriptorBinding* GetEntryPointDescriptorBinding(const char* entry_point, uint32_t binding_number, uint32_t set_number, SpvReflectResult* p_result = nullptr) const; const SpvReflectDescriptorSet* GetDescriptorSet(uint32_t set_number, SpvReflectResult* p_result = nullptr) const; const SpvReflectDescriptorSet* GetEntryPointDescriptorSet(const char* entry_point, uint32_t set_number, SpvReflectResult* p_result = nullptr) const; const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* GetInputVariableByLocation(uint32_t location, SpvReflectResult* p_result = nullptr) const; SPV_REFLECT_DEPRECATED("Renamed to GetInputVariableByLocation") const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* GetInputVariable(uint32_t location, SpvReflectResult* p_result = nullptr) const { return GetInputVariableByLocation(location, p_result); } const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* GetEntryPointInputVariableByLocation(const char* entry_point, uint32_t location, SpvReflectResult* p_result = nullptr) const; const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* GetInputVariableBySemantic(const char* semantic, SpvReflectResult* p_result = nullptr) const; const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* GetEntryPointInputVariableBySemantic(const char* entry_point, const char* semantic, SpvReflectResult* p_result = nullptr) const; const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* GetOutputVariableByLocation(uint32_t location, SpvReflectResult* p_result = nullptr) const; SPV_REFLECT_DEPRECATED("Renamed to GetOutputVariableByLocation") const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* GetOutputVariable(uint32_t location, SpvReflectResult* p_result = nullptr) const { return GetOutputVariableByLocation(location, p_result); } const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* GetEntryPointOutputVariableByLocation(const char* entry_point, uint32_t location, SpvReflectResult* p_result = nullptr) const; const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* GetOutputVariableBySemantic(const char* semantic, SpvReflectResult* p_result = nullptr) const; const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* GetEntryPointOutputVariableBySemantic(const char* entry_point, const char* semantic, SpvReflectResult* p_result = nullptr) const; const SpvReflectBlockVariable* GetPushConstantBlock(uint32_t index, SpvReflectResult* p_result = nullptr) const; SPV_REFLECT_DEPRECATED("Renamed to GetPushConstantBlock") const SpvReflectBlockVariable* GetPushConstant(uint32_t index, SpvReflectResult* p_result = nullptr) const { return GetPushConstantBlock(index, p_result); } const SpvReflectBlockVariable* GetEntryPointPushConstantBlock(const char* entry_point, SpvReflectResult* p_result = nullptr) const; SpvReflectResult ChangeDescriptorBindingNumbers(const SpvReflectDescriptorBinding* p_binding, uint32_t new_binding_number = SPV_REFLECT_BINDING_NUMBER_DONT_CHANGE, uint32_t optional_new_set_number = SPV_REFLECT_SET_NUMBER_DONT_CHANGE); SPV_REFLECT_DEPRECATED("Renamed to ChangeDescriptorBindingNumbers") SpvReflectResult ChangeDescriptorBindingNumber(const SpvReflectDescriptorBinding* p_binding, uint32_t new_binding_number = SPV_REFLECT_BINDING_NUMBER_DONT_CHANGE, uint32_t new_set_number = SPV_REFLECT_SET_NUMBER_DONT_CHANGE) { return ChangeDescriptorBindingNumbers(p_binding, new_binding_number, new_set_number); } SpvReflectResult ChangeDescriptorSetNumber(const SpvReflectDescriptorSet* p_set, uint32_t new_set_number = SPV_REFLECT_SET_NUMBER_DONT_CHANGE); SpvReflectResult ChangeInputVariableLocation(const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* p_input_variable, uint32_t new_location); SpvReflectResult ChangeOutputVariableLocation(const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* p_output_variable, uint32_t new_location); private: // Make noncopyable ShaderModule(const ShaderModule&); ShaderModule& operator=(const ShaderModule&); private: mutable SpvReflectResult m_result = SPV_REFLECT_RESULT_NOT_READY; SpvReflectShaderModule m_module = {}; }; // ================================================================================================= // ShaderModule // ================================================================================================= /*! @fn ShaderModule */ inline ShaderModule::ShaderModule() {} /*! @fn ShaderModule @param size @param p_code */ inline ShaderModule::ShaderModule(size_t size, const void* p_code, SpvReflectModuleFlags flags) { m_result = spvReflectCreateShaderModule2( flags, size, p_code, &m_module); } /*! @fn ShaderModule @param code */ inline ShaderModule::ShaderModule(const std::vector<uint8_t>& code, SpvReflectModuleFlags flags) { m_result = spvReflectCreateShaderModule2( flags, code.size(), code.data(), &m_module); } /*! @fn ShaderModule @param code */ inline ShaderModule::ShaderModule(const std::vector<uint32_t>& code, SpvReflectModuleFlags flags) { m_result = spvReflectCreateShaderModule2( flags, code.size() * sizeof(uint32_t), code.data(), &m_module); } /*! @fn ~ShaderModule */ inline ShaderModule::~ShaderModule() { spvReflectDestroyShaderModule(&m_module); } inline ShaderModule::ShaderModule(ShaderModule&& other) { *this = std::move(other); } inline ShaderModule& ShaderModule::operator=(ShaderModule&& other) { m_result = std::move(other.m_result); m_module = std::move(other.m_module); other.m_module = {}; return *this; } /*! @fn GetResult @return */ inline SpvReflectResult ShaderModule::GetResult() const { return m_result; } /*! @fn GetShaderModule @return */ inline const SpvReflectShaderModule& ShaderModule::GetShaderModule() const { return m_module; } /*! @fn GetCodeSize @return */ inline uint32_t ShaderModule::GetCodeSize() const { return spvReflectGetCodeSize(&m_module); } /*! @fn GetCode @return */ inline const uint32_t* ShaderModule::GetCode() const { return spvReflectGetCode(&m_module); } /*! @fn GetEntryPoint @return Returns entry point */ inline const char* ShaderModule::GetEntryPointName() const { return this->GetEntryPointName(0); } /*! @fn GetEntryPoint @return Returns entry point */ inline const char* ShaderModule::GetSourceFile() const { return m_module.source_file; } /*! @fn GetEntryPointCount @param @return */ inline uint32_t ShaderModule::GetEntryPointCount() const { return m_module.entry_point_count; } /*! @fn GetEntryPointName @param index @return */ inline const char* ShaderModule::GetEntryPointName(uint32_t index) const { return m_module.entry_points[index].name; } /*! @fn GetEntryPointShaderStage @param index @return Returns the shader stage for the entry point at \b index */ inline SpvReflectShaderStageFlagBits ShaderModule::GetEntryPointShaderStage(uint32_t index) const { return m_module.entry_points[index].shader_stage; } /*! @fn GetShaderStage @return Returns shader stage for the first entry point */ inline SpvReflectShaderStageFlagBits ShaderModule::GetShaderStage() const { return m_module.shader_stage; } /*! @fn EnumerateDescriptorBindings @param count @param p_binding_numbers @param pp_bindings @return */ inline SpvReflectResult ShaderModule::EnumerateDescriptorBindings( uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectDescriptorBinding** pp_bindings ) const { m_result = spvReflectEnumerateDescriptorBindings( &m_module, p_count, pp_bindings); return m_result; } /*! @fn EnumerateEntryPointDescriptorBindings @param entry_point @param count @param pp_bindings @return */ inline SpvReflectResult ShaderModule::EnumerateEntryPointDescriptorBindings( const char* entry_point, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectDescriptorBinding** pp_bindings ) const { m_result = spvReflectEnumerateEntryPointDescriptorBindings( &m_module, entry_point, p_count, pp_bindings); return m_result; } /*! @fn EnumerateDescriptorSets @param count @param pp_sets @return */ inline SpvReflectResult ShaderModule::EnumerateDescriptorSets( uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectDescriptorSet** pp_sets ) const { m_result = spvReflectEnumerateDescriptorSets( &m_module, p_count, pp_sets); return m_result; } /*! @fn EnumerateEntryPointDescriptorSets @param entry_point @param count @param pp_sets @return */ inline SpvReflectResult ShaderModule::EnumerateEntryPointDescriptorSets( const char* entry_point, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectDescriptorSet** pp_sets ) const { m_result = spvReflectEnumerateEntryPointDescriptorSets( &m_module, entry_point, p_count, pp_sets); return m_result; } /*! @fn EnumerateInterfaceVariables @param count @param pp_variables @return */ inline SpvReflectResult ShaderModule::EnumerateInterfaceVariables( uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectInterfaceVariable** pp_variables ) const { m_result = spvReflectEnumerateInterfaceVariables( &m_module, p_count, pp_variables); return m_result; } /*! @fn EnumerateEntryPointInterfaceVariables @param entry_point @param count @param pp_variables @return */ inline SpvReflectResult ShaderModule::EnumerateEntryPointInterfaceVariables( const char* entry_point, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectInterfaceVariable** pp_variables ) const { m_result = spvReflectEnumerateEntryPointInterfaceVariables( &m_module, entry_point, p_count, pp_variables); return m_result; } /*! @fn EnumerateInputVariables @param count @param pp_variables @return */ inline SpvReflectResult ShaderModule::EnumerateInputVariables( uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectInterfaceVariable** pp_variables ) const { m_result = spvReflectEnumerateInputVariables( &m_module, p_count, pp_variables); return m_result; } /*! @fn EnumerateEntryPointInputVariables @param entry_point @param count @param pp_variables @return */ inline SpvReflectResult ShaderModule::EnumerateEntryPointInputVariables( const char* entry_point, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectInterfaceVariable** pp_variables ) const { m_result = spvReflectEnumerateEntryPointInputVariables( &m_module, entry_point, p_count, pp_variables); return m_result; } /*! @fn EnumerateOutputVariables @param count @param pp_variables @return */ inline SpvReflectResult ShaderModule::EnumerateOutputVariables( uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectInterfaceVariable** pp_variables ) const { m_result = spvReflectEnumerateOutputVariables( &m_module, p_count, pp_variables); return m_result; } /*! @fn EnumerateEntryPointOutputVariables @param entry_point @param count @param pp_variables @return */ inline SpvReflectResult ShaderModule::EnumerateEntryPointOutputVariables( const char* entry_point, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectInterfaceVariable** pp_variables ) const { m_result = spvReflectEnumerateEntryPointOutputVariables( &m_module, entry_point, p_count, pp_variables); return m_result; } /*! @fn EnumeratePushConstantBlocks @param count @param pp_blocks @return */ inline SpvReflectResult ShaderModule::EnumeratePushConstantBlocks( uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectBlockVariable** pp_blocks ) const { m_result = spvReflectEnumeratePushConstantBlocks( &m_module, p_count, pp_blocks); return m_result; } /*! @fn EnumerateEntryPointPushConstantBlocks @param entry_point @param count @param pp_blocks @return */ inline SpvReflectResult ShaderModule::EnumerateEntryPointPushConstantBlocks( const char* entry_point, uint32_t* p_count, SpvReflectBlockVariable** pp_blocks ) const { m_result = spvReflectEnumerateEntryPointPushConstantBlocks( &m_module, entry_point, p_count, pp_blocks); return m_result; } /*! @fn GetDescriptorBinding @param binding_number @param set_number @param p_result @return */ inline const SpvReflectDescriptorBinding* ShaderModule::GetDescriptorBinding( uint32_t binding_number, uint32_t set_number, SpvReflectResult* p_result ) const { return spvReflectGetDescriptorBinding( &m_module, binding_number, set_number, p_result); } /*! @fn GetEntryPointDescriptorBinding @param entry_point @param binding_number @param set_number @param p_result @return */ inline const SpvReflectDescriptorBinding* ShaderModule::GetEntryPointDescriptorBinding( const char* entry_point, uint32_t binding_number, uint32_t set_number, SpvReflectResult* p_result ) const { return spvReflectGetEntryPointDescriptorBinding( &m_module, entry_point, binding_number, set_number, p_result); } /*! @fn GetDescriptorSet @param set_number @param p_result @return */ inline const SpvReflectDescriptorSet* ShaderModule::GetDescriptorSet( uint32_t set_number, SpvReflectResult* p_result ) const { return spvReflectGetDescriptorSet( &m_module, set_number, p_result); } /*! @fn GetEntryPointDescriptorSet @param entry_point @param set_number @param p_result @return */ inline const SpvReflectDescriptorSet* ShaderModule::GetEntryPointDescriptorSet( const char* entry_point, uint32_t set_number, SpvReflectResult* p_result ) const { return spvReflectGetEntryPointDescriptorSet( &m_module, entry_point, set_number, p_result); } /*! @fn GetInputVariable @param location @param p_result @return */ inline const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* ShaderModule::GetInputVariableByLocation( uint32_t location, SpvReflectResult* p_result ) const { return spvReflectGetInputVariableByLocation( &m_module, location, p_result); } inline const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* ShaderModule::GetInputVariableBySemantic( const char* semantic, SpvReflectResult* p_result ) const { return spvReflectGetInputVariableBySemantic( &m_module, semantic, p_result); } /*! @fn GetEntryPointInputVariable @param entry_point @param location @param p_result @return */ inline const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* ShaderModule::GetEntryPointInputVariableByLocation( const char* entry_point, uint32_t location, SpvReflectResult* p_result ) const { return spvReflectGetEntryPointInputVariableByLocation( &m_module, entry_point, location, p_result); } inline const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* ShaderModule::GetEntryPointInputVariableBySemantic( const char* entry_point, const char* semantic, SpvReflectResult* p_result ) const { return spvReflectGetEntryPointInputVariableBySemantic( &m_module, entry_point, semantic, p_result); } /*! @fn GetOutputVariable @param location @param p_result @return */ inline const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* ShaderModule::GetOutputVariableByLocation( uint32_t location, SpvReflectResult* p_result ) const { return spvReflectGetOutputVariableByLocation( &m_module, location, p_result); } inline const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* ShaderModule::GetOutputVariableBySemantic( const char* semantic, SpvReflectResult* p_result ) const { return spvReflectGetOutputVariableBySemantic(&m_module, semantic, p_result); } /*! @fn GetEntryPointOutputVariable @param entry_point @param location @param p_result @return */ inline const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* ShaderModule::GetEntryPointOutputVariableByLocation( const char* entry_point, uint32_t location, SpvReflectResult* p_result ) const { return spvReflectGetEntryPointOutputVariableByLocation( &m_module, entry_point, location, p_result); } inline const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* ShaderModule::GetEntryPointOutputVariableBySemantic( const char* entry_point, const char* semantic, SpvReflectResult* p_result ) const { return spvReflectGetEntryPointOutputVariableBySemantic( &m_module, entry_point, semantic, p_result); } /*! @fn GetPushConstant @param index @param p_result @return */ inline const SpvReflectBlockVariable* ShaderModule::GetPushConstantBlock( uint32_t index, SpvReflectResult* p_result ) const { return spvReflectGetPushConstantBlock( &m_module, index, p_result); } /*! @fn GetEntryPointPushConstant @param entry_point @param index @param p_result @return */ inline const SpvReflectBlockVariable* ShaderModule::GetEntryPointPushConstantBlock( const char* entry_point, SpvReflectResult* p_result ) const { return spvReflectGetEntryPointPushConstantBlock( &m_module, entry_point, p_result); } /*! @fn ChangeDescriptorBindingNumbers @param p_binding @param new_binding_number @param new_set_number @return */ inline SpvReflectResult ShaderModule::ChangeDescriptorBindingNumbers( const SpvReflectDescriptorBinding* p_binding, uint32_t new_binding_number, uint32_t new_set_number ) { return spvReflectChangeDescriptorBindingNumbers( &m_module, p_binding, new_binding_number, new_set_number); } /*! @fn ChangeDescriptorSetNumber @param p_set @param new_set_number @return */ inline SpvReflectResult ShaderModule::ChangeDescriptorSetNumber( const SpvReflectDescriptorSet* p_set, uint32_t new_set_number ) { return spvReflectChangeDescriptorSetNumber( &m_module, p_set, new_set_number); } /*! @fn ChangeInputVariableLocation @param p_input_variable @param new_location @return */ inline SpvReflectResult ShaderModule::ChangeInputVariableLocation( const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* p_input_variable, uint32_t new_location) { return spvReflectChangeInputVariableLocation( &m_module, p_input_variable, new_location); } /*! @fn ChangeOutputVariableLocation @param p_input_variable @param new_location @return */ inline SpvReflectResult ShaderModule::ChangeOutputVariableLocation( const SpvReflectInterfaceVariable* p_output_variable, uint32_t new_location) { return spvReflectChangeOutputVariableLocation( &m_module, p_output_variable, new_location); } } // namespace spv_reflect #endif // defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(SPIRV_REFLECT_DISABLE_CPP_WRAPPER) #endif // SPIRV_REFLECT_H