# German translation of the Godot Engine editor
# Copyright (C) 2016 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur and the Godot community
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Godot source code.
# Alexander Mahr <alex.mahr@gmail.com>, 2016.
# Andreas Esau <andreasesau@gmail.com>, 2016.
# Andreas Haas <liu.gam3@gmail.com>, 2016.
# Andreas Hirschauer <andreas@hirschauer-it.de>, 2016.
# Christian Fisch <christian.fiesel@gmail.com>, 2016.
# danjo <atze@libra.uberspace.de>, 2016.
# hyperglow <greensoma@web.de>, 2016.
# Jan Groß <jan@grossit.de>, 2016.
# Oliver Ruehl <oliver@ruehldesign.co>, 2016.
# Paul-Vincent Roll <paviro@me.com>, 2016.
# Peter Friedland <peter_friedland@gmx.de>, 2016.
# So Wieso <sowieso@dukun.de>, 2016.
# Timo Schwarzer <account@timoschwarzer.com>, 2016.
# viernullvier <hannes.breul+github@gmail.com>, 2016.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Godot Engine editor\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-08-31 15:37+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: So Wieso <sowieso@dukun.de>\n"
"Language-Team: German <https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/godot-engine/"
"Language: de\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 2.8\n"

#: modules/gdscript/gd_functions.cpp
msgid "Invalid type argument to convert(), use TYPE_* constants."
msgstr ""
"Ungültiger Parametertyp in convert()-Aufruf, TYPE_*-Konstanten benötigt."

#: modules/gdscript/gd_functions.cpp
msgid "Not enough bytes for decoding bytes, or invalid format."
msgstr ""
"Nicht genügend Bytes zum dekodieren des Byte-Strings, oder ungültiges Format."

#: modules/gdscript/gd_functions.cpp
msgid "step argument is zero!"
msgstr "Schrittargument ist null!"

#: modules/gdscript/gd_functions.cpp
msgid "Not a script with an instance"
msgstr "Skript hat keine Instanz"

#: modules/gdscript/gd_functions.cpp
msgid "Not based on a script"
msgstr "Nicht auf einem Skript basierend"

#: modules/gdscript/gd_functions.cpp
msgid "Not based on a resource file"
msgstr "Nicht auf einer Resourcendatei basierend"

#: modules/gdscript/gd_functions.cpp
msgid "Invalid instance dictionary format (missing @path)"
msgstr "Ungültiges Instanzverzeichnisformat (@path fehlt)"

#: modules/gdscript/gd_functions.cpp
msgid "Invalid instance dictionary format (can't load script at @path)"
msgstr ""
"Ungültiges Instanzverzeichnisformat (Skript in @path kann nicht geladen "

#: modules/gdscript/gd_functions.cpp
msgid "Invalid instance dictionary format (invalid script at @path)"
msgstr "Ungültiges Instanzverzeichnisformat (ungültiges Skript in @path)"

#: modules/gdscript/gd_functions.cpp
msgid "Invalid instance dictionary (invalid subclasses)"
msgstr "Ungültiges Instanzverzeichnisformat (ungültige Unterklasse)"

#: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp
msgid ""
"A SpriteFrames resource must be created or set in the 'Frames' property in "
"order for AnimatedSprite to display frames."
msgstr ""
"Eine SpriteFrames-Ressource muss in der ‚Frames‘-Eigenschaft erstellt oder "
"gesetzt werden, damit AnimatedSprite Einzelbilder darstellen kann."

#: scene/2d/canvas_modulate.cpp
msgid ""
"Only one visible CanvasModulate is allowed per scene (or set of instanced "
"scenes). The first created one will work, while the rest will be ignored."
msgstr ""
"Nur ein sichtbares CanvasModulate-Node ist pro Szene (oder einem Satz von "
"instantiierten Szenen) erlaubt. Der zuerst erstellte wird verwendet, der "
"Rest wird ignoriert."

#: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"CollisionPolygon2D only serves to provide a collision shape to a "
"CollisionObject2D derived node. Please only use it as a child of Area2D, "
"StaticBody2D, RigidBody2D, KinematicBody2D, etc. to give them a shape."
msgstr ""
"CollisionPolygon2D liefert nur eine Kollisionsform für ein von "
"CollisionObject2D abgeleitetes Node. Es kann nur als Unterobjekt von Area2D, "
"StaticBody2D, RigidBody2D, KinematicBody2D usw. eingehängt werden um diesen "
"eine Form zu geben."

#: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp
msgid "An empty CollisionPolygon2D has no effect on collision."
msgstr "Ein leeres CollisionPolygon2D hat keinen Effekt auf Kollisionen."

#: scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"CollisionShape2D only serves to provide a collision shape to a "
"CollisionObject2D derived node. Please only use it as a child of Area2D, "
"StaticBody2D, RigidBody2D, KinematicBody2D, etc. to give them a shape."
msgstr ""
"CollisionShape2D liefert nur eine Kollisionsform für ein von "
"CollisionObject2D abgeleitetes Node. Es kann nur als Unterobjekt von Area2D, "
"StaticBody2D, RigidBody2D, KinematicBody2D usw. eingehängt werden um diesen "
"eine Form zu geben."

#: scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"A shape must be provided for CollisionShape2D to function. Please create a "
"shape resource for it!"
msgstr ""
"Damit CollisionShape2D funktionieren kann, muss eine Form angegeben werden. "
"Bitte erzeuge eine Shape-Ressource dafür!"

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"A texture with the shape of the light must be supplied to the 'texture' "
msgstr ""
"Eine Textur mit der Form des Lichtkegels muss in der ‚Texture‘-Eigenschaft "
"angegeben werden."

#: scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"An occluder polygon must be set (or drawn) for this occluder to take effect."
msgstr ""
"Ein Occluder Polygon muss gesetzt oder gezeichnet werden, damit dieser "
"Occluder funktioniert."

#: scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp
msgid "The occluder polygon for this occluder is empty. Please draw a polygon!"
msgstr ""
"Das Occluder-Polygon für diesen Occluder ist leer. Bitte zeichne ein Polygon!"

#: scene/2d/navigation_polygon.cpp
msgid ""
"A NavigationPolygon resource must be set or created for this node to work. "
"Please set a property or draw a polygon."
msgstr ""
"Eine NavigationPolygon-Ressource muss für dieses Node erstellt oder ihm "
"zugewiesen. Bitte trage die entsprechende Eigenschaft ein oder zeichne ein "

#: scene/2d/navigation_polygon.cpp
msgid ""
"NavigationPolygonInstance must be a child or grandchild to a Navigation2D "
"node. It only provides navigation data."
msgstr ""
"Eine NavigationPolygon-Instanz muss ein Unterobjekt erster oder zweiter "
"Ordnung unterhalb eines Navigation2D-Node sein. Sie liefert nur "

#: scene/2d/parallax_layer.cpp
msgid ""
"ParallaxLayer node only works when set as child of a ParallaxBackground node."
msgstr ""
"Das ParallaxLayer-Node lässt sich nur als Unterobjekt eines "
"ParallaxBackground-Node verwenden."

#: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
msgid "Path property must point to a valid Particles2D node to work."
msgstr "Die Pfad-Eigenschaft muss auf ein gültiges Particles2D-Node verweisen."

#: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp
msgid "PathFollow2D only works when set as a child of a Path2D node."
msgstr ""
"PathFollow2D funktioniert nur, wenn es als Unterobjekt eines Path2D-Nodes "
"gesetzt wird."

#: scene/2d/remote_transform_2d.cpp
msgid "Path property must point to a valid Node2D node to work."
msgstr ""
"Die Pfad-Eigenschaft muss auf ein gültiges Node2D-Node zeigen um zu "

#: scene/2d/sample_player_2d.cpp scene/audio/sample_player.cpp
msgid ""
"A SampleLibrary resource must be created or set in the 'samples' property in "
"order for SamplePlayer to play sound."
msgstr ""
"Eine SampleLibrary-Ressource muss unter der Eigenschaft ‚Samples‘ erzeugt "
"oder ausgewählt werden, damit SamplePlayer Ton abspielen kann."

#: scene/2d/sprite.cpp
msgid ""
"Path property must point to a valid Viewport node to work. Such Viewport "
"must be set to 'render target' mode."
msgstr ""
"Die Pfad Eigenschaft muss auf eine gültige Viewport Node verweisen um zu "
"funktionieren. Dieser Viewport muss in 'render target' Modus gesetzt werden."

#: scene/2d/sprite.cpp
msgid ""
"The Viewport set in the path property must be set as 'render target' in "
"order for this sprite to work."
msgstr ""
"Der Viewport, der in der Pfad-Eigenschaft gesetzt wurde, muss als ‚Render "
"Target‘ definiert sein, damit das Sprite funktioniert."

#: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"VisibilityEnable2D works best when used with the edited scene root directly "
"as parent."
msgstr ""
"VisibilityEnable2D funktioniert am besten, wenn es ein Unterobjekt erster "
"Ordnung der bearbeiteten Szene ist."

#: scene/3d/baked_light_instance.cpp
msgid "BakedLightInstance does not contain a BakedLight resource."
msgstr "BakedLightInstance enthält keine BakedLight-Ressource."

#: scene/3d/body_shape.cpp
msgid ""
"CollisionShape only serves to provide a collision shape to a CollisionObject "
"derived node. Please only use it as a child of Area, StaticBody, RigidBody, "
"KinematicBody, etc. to give them a shape."
msgstr ""
"CollisionShape liefert nur eine Kollisionsform für ein von CollisionObject "
"abgeleitetes Node. Es kann nur als Unterobjekt von Area, StaticBody, "
"RigidBody, KinematicBody usw. eingehängt werden um diesen eine Form zu geben."

#: scene/3d/body_shape.cpp
msgid ""
"A shape must be provided for CollisionShape to function. Please create a "
"shape resource for it!"
msgstr ""
"Damit CollisionShape funktionieren kann, muss eine Form vorhanden sein. "
"Bitte erzeuge eine shape Ressource dafür!"

#: scene/3d/collision_polygon.cpp
msgid ""
"CollisionPolygon only serves to provide a collision shape to a "
"CollisionObject derived node. Please only use it as a child of Area, "
"StaticBody, RigidBody, KinematicBody, etc. to give them a shape."
msgstr ""
"CollisionPolygon liefert nur eine Kollisionsform für ein von CollisionObject "
"abgeleitetes Node. Es kann nur als Unterobjekt von Area, StaticBody, "
"RigidBody, KinematicBody usw. eingehängt werden um diesen eine Form zu geben."

#: scene/3d/collision_polygon.cpp
msgid "An empty CollisionPolygon has no effect on collision."
msgstr "Ein leeres CollisionPolygon hat keinen Effekt auf die Kollision."

#: scene/3d/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "A NavigationMesh resource must be set or created for this node to work."
msgstr ""
"Damit dieser Node funktionieren kann, muss eine NavigationMesh Ressource "
"erzeugt oder gesetzt werden."

#: scene/3d/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid ""
"NavigationMeshInstance must be a child or grandchild to a Navigation node. "
"It only provides navigation data."
msgstr ""
"Eine NavigationMesh-Instanz muss ein Unterobjekt erster oder höherer Ordnung "
"eines Navigation-Nodes sein. Es liefert nur Navigationsdaten."

#: scene/3d/scenario_fx.cpp
msgid ""
"Only one WorldEnvironment is allowed per scene (or set of instanced scenes)."
msgstr ""
"Pro Szene (oder einem Satz von instanzierten Szenen) ist nur ein einziges "
"WorldEnvironment erlaubt."

#: scene/3d/spatial_sample_player.cpp
msgid ""
"A SampleLibrary resource must be created or set in the 'samples' property in "
"order for SpatialSamplePlayer to play sound."
msgstr ""
"Eine SampleLibrary-Ressource muss unter der ‚Samples‘-Eigenschaft erzeugt "
"oder ausgewählt werden, damit SpatialSamplePlayer Ton abspielen kann."

#: scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
msgid ""
"A SpriteFrames resource must be created or set in the 'Frames' property in "
"order for AnimatedSprite3D to display frames."
msgstr ""
"Eine SpriteFrames-Ressource muss in der ‚Frames‘-Eigenschaft erzeugt oder "
"definiert werden, damit AnimatedSprite3D Einzelbilder anzeigen kann."

#: scene/gui/dialogs.cpp tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Abbrechen"

#: scene/gui/dialogs.cpp tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

#: scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
msgid "Alert!"
msgstr "Warnung!"

#: scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
msgid "Please Confirm..."
msgstr "Bitte bestätigen..."

#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "File Exists, Overwrite?"
msgstr "Datei existiert bereits. Überschreiben?"

#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "All Recognized"
msgstr "Alle bekannte Dateitypen"

#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "All Files (*)"
msgstr "Alle Dateien (*)"

#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: tools/editor/editor_help.cpp tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
#: tools/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp tools/editor/quick_open.cpp
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Öffnen"

#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Open a File"
msgstr "Datei öffnen"

#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Open File(s)"
msgstr "Datei(en) öffnen"

#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Open a Directory"
msgstr "Verzeichnis wählen"

#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Open a File or Directory"
msgstr "Datei oder Verzeichnis öffnen"

#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Speichern"

#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Save a File"
msgstr "Datei speichern"

#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp tools/editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp
#: tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Create Folder"
msgstr "Ordner erstellen"

#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp tools/editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
#: tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_font_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Pfad:"

#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Directories & Files:"
msgstr "Verzeichnisse & Dateien:"

#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "File:"
msgstr "Datei:"

#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Filter:"
msgstr "Filter:"

#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp tools/editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp
#: tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp tools/editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Name:"

#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp tools/editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp
#: tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Could not create folder."
msgstr "Ordner konnte nicht erstellt werden."

#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Must use a valid extension."
msgstr "Eine gültige Datei-Endung muss verwendet werden."

#: scene/gui/input_action.cpp tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
#: tools/editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Shift+"
msgstr "Umschalt+"

#: scene/gui/input_action.cpp tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
#: tools/editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Alt+"
msgstr "Alt+"

#: scene/gui/input_action.cpp
msgid "Ctrl+"
msgstr "Strg+"

#: scene/gui/input_action.cpp tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
#: tools/editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Meta+"
msgstr "Meta+"

#: scene/gui/input_action.cpp tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Device"
msgstr "Gerät"

#: scene/gui/input_action.cpp tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Button"
msgstr "Schaltfläche"

#: scene/gui/input_action.cpp tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Left Button."
msgstr "Linke Taste."

#: scene/gui/input_action.cpp tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Right Button."
msgstr "Rechte Taste."

#: scene/gui/input_action.cpp tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Middle Button."
msgstr "Mittlere Taste."

#: scene/gui/input_action.cpp tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Wheel Up."
msgstr "Mausrad hoch."

#: scene/gui/input_action.cpp tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Wheel Down."
msgstr "Mausrad runter."

#: scene/gui/input_action.cpp tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Axis"
msgstr "Achse"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Ausschneiden"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/property_editor.cpp tools/editor/resources_dock.cpp
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopieren"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/property_editor.cpp tools/editor/resources_dock.cpp
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Einfügen"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Select All"
msgstr "Alles auswählen"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp tools/editor/editor_log.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/rich_text_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/property_editor.cpp tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Löschen"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Rückgängig machen"

#: scene/gui/popup.cpp
msgid ""
"Popups will hide by default unless you call popup() or any of the popup*() "
"functions. Making them visible for editing is fine though, but they will "
"hide upon running."
msgstr ""
"Popups werden standardmäßig versteckt, es sei denn Sie rufen popup() oder "
"irgendeine der popup*() Funktionen auf. Sie für die Bearbeitung sichtbar zu "
"machen ist in Ordnung, aber sie werden zur Laufzeit automatisch wieder "

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid ""
"This viewport is not set as render target. If you intend for it to display "
"its contents directly to the screen, make it a child of a Control so it can "
"obtain a size. Otherwise, make it a RenderTarget and assign its internal "
"texture to some node for display."
msgstr ""
"Dieser Viewport ist nicht als Render-Ziel eingestellt. Soll sein Inhalt "
"direkt auf dem Bildschirm angezeigt werden, muss er als Unterobjekt eines "
"Controls eingehängt werden um dessen Größe zu erben. Andernfalls sollte die "
"Eigenschaft ‚Render Target‘ des Viewports aktiviert und seine Textur "
"irgendeinem Node zum Anzeigen zugewiesen werden."

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_font_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error initializing FreeType."
msgstr "Fehler beim initialisieren von FreeType."

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_font_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unknown font format."
msgstr "Unbekanntes Schriftformat."

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_font_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error loading font."
msgstr "Fehler beim Laden der Schriftart."

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_font_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid font size."
msgstr "Ungültige Schriftgröße."

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Deaktiviert"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "All Selection"
msgstr "Alle auswählen"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Move Add Key"
msgstr "Schlüsselbild bewegen hinzufügen"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Change Transition"
msgstr "Übergang beim Animationswechsel"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Change Transform"
msgstr "Anim ändere Transformation"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Change Value"
msgstr "Anim Wert ändern"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Change Call"
msgstr "Animation Änderungsaufruf"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Add Track"
msgstr "Anim Spur hinzufügen"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Duplicate Keys"
msgstr "Anim doppelte Schlüsselbilder"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Move Anim Track Up"
msgstr "Anim Spur nach oben verschieben"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Move Anim Track Down"
msgstr "Anim Spur nach unten verschieben"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Anim Track"
msgstr "Anim Spur entfernen"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Set Transitions to:"
msgstr "Setze Übergänge auf:"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Track Rename"
msgstr "Anim Spur umbenennen"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Track Change Interpolation"
msgstr "Anim Spur Interpolation ändern"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Track Change Value Mode"
msgstr "Anim Spur ändere Wert Modus"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Edit Node Curve"
msgstr "Node Kurve bearbeiten"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Edit Selection Curve"
msgstr "Selektions-Kurve bearbeiten"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Delete Keys"
msgstr "Anim Schlüsselbilder löschen"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Selection"
msgstr "Auswahl duplizieren"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Transposed"
msgstr "Transponiert duplizieren"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Selection"
msgstr "Auswahl entfernen"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Continuous"
msgstr "Fortlaufend"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Discrete"
msgstr "Einzeln"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Trigger"
msgstr "Auslöser"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Add Key"
msgstr "Anim Schlüsselszene hinzufügen"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Move Keys"
msgstr "Schlüsselbilder bewegen"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Scale Selection"
msgstr "Auswahl skalieren"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Scale From Cursor"
msgstr "Vom Cursor skalieren"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Goto Next Step"
msgstr "Gehe zum nächsten Schritt"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Goto Prev Step"
msgstr "Gehe zum vorherigen Schritt"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp tools/editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Linear"
msgstr "Linear"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Constant"
msgstr "Konstante"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "In"
msgstr "Rein"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Out"
msgstr "Raus"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "In-Out"
msgstr "Rein-Raus"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Out-In"
msgstr "Raus-Rein"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Transitions"
msgstr "Übergänge"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Optimize Animation"
msgstr "Animation optimieren"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Clean-Up Animation"
msgstr "Animation aufräumen"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Create NEW track for %s and insert key?"
msgstr "Erstelle eine NEUE Spur für %s und füge ein Schlüsselbild hinzu?"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Create %d NEW tracks and insert keys?"
msgstr "Erstelle %d NEUE Spuren und füge Schlüsselbilder hinzu?"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp tools/editor/create_dialog.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/light_occluder_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/navigation_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp tools/editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Erstellen"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Create & Insert"
msgstr "Animation Erstellen & Einfügen"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Insert Track & Key"
msgstr "Spur & Schlüsselbild einfügen"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Insert Key"
msgstr "Schlüsselbild einfügen"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Anim Len"
msgstr "Ändere Animationslänge"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Anim Loop"
msgstr "Ändere Animationswiederholung"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Create Typed Value Key"
msgstr "Animation Erstelle Typed Value Key"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Insert"
msgstr "Anim einfügen"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Scale Keys"
msgstr "Skaliere Schlüsselbilder"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Add Call Track"
msgstr "Aufruf-Spur zu Animation hinzufügen"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Animation zoom."
msgstr "Animation zoomen."

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Length (s):"
msgstr "Länge (s):"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Animation length (in seconds)."
msgstr "Länge der Animation (in Sekunden)."

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Step (s):"
msgstr "Schritte (s):"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Cursor step snap (in seconds)."
msgstr "Cursor Schritt Raster (in Sekunden)."

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Enable/Disable looping in animation."
msgstr "Aktivieren / Deaktivieren der Schleife (Loop)."

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Add new tracks."
msgstr "Neue Spuren hinzufügen."

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Move current track up."
msgstr "Aktuelle Spur hochschieben."

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Move current track down."
msgstr "Aktuelle Spur runterschieben."

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove selected track."
msgstr "Ausgewählte Spur entfernen."

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Track tools"
msgstr "Spur-Werkzeuge"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Enable editing of individual keys by clicking them."
msgstr "Aktiviere individuelle Schlüsselbildbearbeitung durch Anklicken."

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim. Optimizer"
msgstr "Anim. Optimierer"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Max. Linear Error:"
msgstr "Max. Linearer Fehler:"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Max. Angular Error:"
msgstr "Max. Winkel Fehler:"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Max Optimizable Angle:"
msgstr "Maximal optimierbarer Winkel:"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "Optimieren"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Select an AnimationPlayer from the Scene Tree to edit animations."
msgstr ""
"Wähle einen AnimationPlayer aus dem Szenenbaum um Animationen zu bearbeiten."

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Schlüsselbild"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Transition"
msgstr "Übergang"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Scale Ratio:"
msgstr "Skalierungsverhältnis:"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Call Functions in Which Node?"
msgstr "Rufe Funktion auf in welchem Node?"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove invalid keys"
msgstr "Ungültige Schlüsselbilder entfernen"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove unresolved and empty tracks"
msgstr "Ungelöste und leere Spuren entfernen"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Clean-up all animations"
msgstr "Alle Animationen aufräumen"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Clean-Up Animation(s) (NO UNDO!)"
msgstr "Alle Animationen aufräumen (Nicht rückgängig zu machen!)"

#: tools/editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Clean-Up"
msgstr "Aufräumen"

#: tools/editor/array_property_edit.cpp
msgid "Resize Array"
msgstr "Größe des Arrays ändern"

#: tools/editor/array_property_edit.cpp
msgid "Change Array Value Type"
msgstr "Wertetyp des Arrays ändern"

#: tools/editor/array_property_edit.cpp
msgid "Change Array Value"
msgstr "Array-Wert ändern"

#: tools/editor/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp tools/editor/create_dialog.cpp
#: tools/editor/editor_help.cpp tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp tools/editor/quick_open.cpp
#: tools/editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Search:"
msgstr "Suche:"

#: tools/editor/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Sort:"
msgstr "Sortiere:"

#: tools/editor/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Reverse"
msgstr "Umkehren"

#: tools/editor/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Category:"
msgstr "Kategorie:"

#: tools/editor/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "All"
msgstr "Alle"

#: tools/editor/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Site:"
msgstr "Seite:"

#: tools/editor/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Support.."
msgstr "Unterstützung.."

#: tools/editor/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Official"
msgstr "Offiziell"

#: tools/editor/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Community"
msgstr "Gemeinschaft"

#: tools/editor/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Testing"
msgstr "Testphase"

#: tools/editor/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Assets ZIP File"
msgstr "Projektdaten als ZIP-Datei"

#: tools/editor/call_dialog.cpp
msgid "Method List For '%s':"
msgstr "Methodenliste für '%s':"

#: tools/editor/call_dialog.cpp
msgid "Call"
msgstr "Aufruf"

#: tools/editor/call_dialog.cpp tools/editor/connections_dialog.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/sample_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp tools/editor/property_editor.cpp
#: tools/editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp tools/editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Schließen"

#: tools/editor/call_dialog.cpp
msgid "Method List:"
msgstr "Methodenliste:"

#: tools/editor/call_dialog.cpp
msgid "Arguments:"
msgstr "Argumente:"

#: tools/editor/call_dialog.cpp
msgid "Return:"
msgstr "Rückgabe:"

#: tools/editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Go to Line"
msgstr "Gehe zu Zeile"

#: tools/editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Line Number:"
msgstr "Zeilennummer:"

#: tools/editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "No Matches"
msgstr "Keine Übereinstimmungen"

#: tools/editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Replaced %d Ocurrence(s)."
msgstr "Suchbegriff wurde %d mal ersetzt."

#: tools/editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Ersetzen"

#: tools/editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Replace All"
msgstr "Alles ersetzen"

#: tools/editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Match Case"
msgstr "Groß-/Kleinschreibung berücksichtigen"

#: tools/editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Whole Words"
msgstr "Ganze Wörter"

#: tools/editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Selection Only"
msgstr "Nur Auswahl"

#: tools/editor/code_editor.cpp tools/editor/editor_help.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Suche"

#: tools/editor/code_editor.cpp tools/editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Finde"

#: tools/editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Nächste"

#: tools/editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Replaced %d ocurrence(s)."
msgstr "Suchbegriff wurde %d mal ersetzt."

#: tools/editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Not found!"
msgstr "Nicht gefunden!"

#: tools/editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Replace By"
msgstr "Ersetzen durch"

#: tools/editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Case Sensitive"
msgstr "Fallunterscheidung"

#: tools/editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Backwards"
msgstr "Rückwärts"

#: tools/editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Prompt On Replace"
msgstr "Aufforderung beim Ersetzen"

#: tools/editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Skip"
msgstr "Überspringen"

#: tools/editor/code_editor.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom In"
msgstr "Vergrößern"

#: tools/editor/code_editor.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom Out"
msgstr "Verkleinern"

#: tools/editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Reset Zoom"
msgstr "Vergrößerung zurücksetzen"

#: tools/editor/code_editor.cpp tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Line:"
msgstr "Zeile:"

#: tools/editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Col:"
msgstr "Spalte:"

#: tools/editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Method in target Node must be specified!"
msgstr "Methode in Ziel-Node muss angegeben werden!"

#: tools/editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Connect To Node:"
msgstr "Verbinde mit Node:"

#: tools/editor/connections_dialog.cpp
#: tools/editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp tools/editor/groups_editor.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Hinzufügen"

#: tools/editor/connections_dialog.cpp tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Entfernen"

#: tools/editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Add Extra Call Argument:"
msgstr "Zusätzlichen Aufrufparameter hinzufügen:"

#: tools/editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Extra Call Arguments:"
msgstr "zusätzliche Aufrufparameter:"

#: tools/editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Path to Node:"
msgstr "Pfad zu Node:"

#: tools/editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Make Function"
msgstr "Funktion erstellen"

#: tools/editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Deferred"
msgstr "Verzögert"

#: tools/editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Oneshot"
msgstr "Einmalig"

#: tools/editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Verbinden"

#: tools/editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Connect '%s' to '%s'"
msgstr "Verbinde '%s' zu '%s'"

#: tools/editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Connecting Signal:"
msgstr "Verbinde Signal:"

#: tools/editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Create Subscription"
msgstr "Erstelle Subscription"

#: tools/editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Connect.."
msgstr "Verbinde.."

#: tools/editor/connections_dialog.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Trennen"

#: tools/editor/connections_dialog.cpp tools/editor/node_dock.cpp
msgid "Signals"
msgstr "Signale"

#: tools/editor/create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Create New"
msgstr "Neu erstellen"

#: tools/editor/create_dialog.cpp tools/editor/editor_help.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp tools/editor/quick_open.cpp
msgid "Matches:"
msgstr "Treffer:"

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Search Replacement For:"
msgstr "Suche Ersatz für:"

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Dependencies For:"
msgstr "Abhängigkeiten Für:"

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Scene '%s' is currently being edited.\n"
"Changes will not take effect unless reloaded."
msgstr ""
"Szene '%s' wird momentan bearbeitet.\n"
"Änderungen werden nicht vorgenommen, bis neu geladen wird."

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Resource '%s' is in use.\n"
"Changes will take effect when reloaded."
msgstr ""
"Ressource '%s' wird momentan benutzt.\n"
"Änderungen werden erst dann aktiv, nachdem neu geladen wurde."

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Dependencies"
msgstr "Abhängigkeiten"

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Resource"
msgstr "Ressource"

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp tools/editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Pfad"

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Dependencies:"
msgstr "Abhängigkeiten:"

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Fix Broken"
msgstr "Defekte reparieren"

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Dependency Editor"
msgstr "Abhängigkeiteneditor"

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Search Replacement Resource:"
msgstr "Ersatz-Ressource suchen:"

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Owners Of:"
msgstr "Besitzer von:"

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"The files being removed are required by other resources in order for them to "
"Remove them anyway? (no undo)"
msgstr ""
"Die zu entfernenden Dateien werden von anderen Ressourcen gebraucht damit "
"sie richtig funktionieren können.\n"
"Trotzdem entfernen? (Nicht Wiederherstellbar)"

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove selected files from the project? (no undo)"
msgstr "Lösche ausgewählte Dateien aus dem Projekt? (nicht umkehrbar)"

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Error loading:"
msgstr "Ladefehler:"

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Scene failed to load due to missing dependencies:"
msgstr "Szene konnte aufgrund fehlender Abhängigkeiten nicht geladen werden:"

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Open Anyway"
msgstr "Trotzdem öffnen"

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Which action should be taken?"
msgstr "Welche Aktion soll ausgeführt werden?"

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Fix Dependencies"
msgstr "Abhängigkeiten reparieren"

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Errors loading!"
msgstr "Fehler beim laden!"

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Permanently delete %d item(s)? (No undo!)"
msgstr "Entferne %d Datei(en) dauerhaft? (Nicht Wiederherstellbar)"

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Owns"
msgstr "Besitzt"

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Resources Without Explicit Ownership:"
msgstr "Ressource ohne direkte Zugehörigkeit:"

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Orphan Resource Explorer"
msgstr "Ressourcenauflistung verwaister Dateien"

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Delete selected files?"
msgstr "Ausgewählte Dateien löschen?"

#: tools/editor/dependency_editor.cpp tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
#: tools/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Löschen"

#: tools/editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Invalid name."
msgstr "Ungültiger Name."

#: tools/editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Valid characters:"
msgstr "Gültige Zeichen:"

#: tools/editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Invalid name. Must not collide with an existing engine class name."
msgstr ""
"Ungültiger Name. Darf nicht mit existierenden Klassennamen der Engine "

#: tools/editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Invalid name. Must not collide with an existing buit-in type name."
msgstr ""
"Ungültiger Name. Darf nicht mit existierenden eingebauten Typnamen "

#: tools/editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Invalid name. Must not collide with an existing global constant name."
msgstr ""
"Ungültiger Name. Darf nicht mit Namen existierender globaler Konstanten "

#: tools/editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Invalid Path."
msgstr "Ungültiger Pfad."

#: tools/editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "File does not exist."
msgstr "Datei existiert nicht."

#: tools/editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Not in resource path."
msgstr "Nicht im Ressourcen-Pfad."

#: tools/editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Add AutoLoad"
msgstr "Autoload hinzufügen"

#: tools/editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Autoload '%s' already exists!"
msgstr "Autoload '%s' existiert bereits!"

#: tools/editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Rename Autoload"
msgstr "Autoload umbenennen"

#: tools/editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Toggle AutoLoad Globals"
msgstr "Autoload-Globals umschalten"

#: tools/editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Move Autoload"
msgstr "Autoload verschieben"

#: tools/editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Remove Autoload"
msgstr "Autoload entfernen"

#: tools/editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Aktivieren"

#: tools/editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Rearrange Autoloads"
msgstr "Autoloads neu anordnen"

#: tools/editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Node Name:"
msgstr "Node-Name:"

#: tools/editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/sample_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Name"

#: tools/editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Singleton"
msgstr "Singleton"

#: tools/editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "List:"
msgstr "Liste:"

#: tools/editor/editor_data.cpp
msgid "Updating Scene"
msgstr "Aktualisiere Szene"

#: tools/editor/editor_data.cpp
msgid "Storing local changes.."
msgstr "Speichere lokale Änderungen.."

#: tools/editor/editor_data.cpp
msgid "Updating scene.."
msgstr "Aktualisiere Szene..."

#: tools/editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp
msgid "Choose a Directory"
msgstr "Wähle ein Verzeichnis"

#: tools/editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp
msgid "Choose"
msgstr "Wählen"

#: tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Go Back"
msgstr "Zurück"

#: tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Go Forward"
msgstr "Vor"

#: tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Go Up"
msgstr "Hoch"

#: tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Aktualisieren"

#: tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Toggle Hidden Files"
msgstr "Versteckte Dateien ein- und ausblenden"

#: tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Toggle Favorite"
msgstr "Favoriten ein- und ausblenden"

#: tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Toggle Mode"
msgstr "Modus umschalten"

#: tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Focus Path"
msgstr "Zu Pfad springen"

#: tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Move Favorite Up"
msgstr "Favorit nach oben schieben"

#: tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Move Favorite Down"
msgstr "Favorit nach unten schieben"

#: tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp tools/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Favorites:"
msgstr "Favoriten:"

#: tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Recent:"
msgstr "Kürzlich:"

#: tools/editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Preview:"
msgstr "Vorschau:"

#: tools/editor/editor_file_system.cpp
msgid "ScanSources"
msgstr "Lese Quellen"

#: tools/editor/editor_help.cpp tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Search Help"
msgstr "Hilfe durchsuchen"

#: tools/editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Class List:"
msgstr "Klassenliste:"

#: tools/editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Search Classes"
msgstr "Klassen suchen"

#: tools/editor/editor_help.cpp tools/editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Class:"
msgstr "Klasse:"

#: tools/editor/editor_help.cpp tools/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
#: tools/editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Inherits:"
msgstr "Erbt:"

#: tools/editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Inherited by:"
msgstr "Geerbt von:"

#: tools/editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Brief Description:"
msgstr "Kurze Beschreibung:"

#: tools/editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Public Methods:"
msgstr "Öffentliche Methoden:"

#: tools/editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Members:"
msgstr "Mitglieder:"

#: tools/editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "GUI Theme Items:"
msgstr "GUI-Theme-Elemente:"

#: tools/editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Signals:"
msgstr "Signale:"

#: tools/editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Constants:"
msgstr "Konstanten:"

#: tools/editor/editor_help.cpp tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Beschreibung:"

#: tools/editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Method Description:"
msgstr "Methoden Beschreibung:"

#: tools/editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Search Text"
msgstr "Suchtext"

#: tools/editor/editor_import_export.cpp
msgid "Added:"
msgstr "Hinzugefügt:"

#: tools/editor/editor_import_export.cpp
msgid "Removed:"
msgstr "Entfernt:"

#: tools/editor/editor_import_export.cpp tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Error saving atlas:"
msgstr "Fehler beim speichern des Atlas:"

#: tools/editor/editor_import_export.cpp
msgid "Could not save atlas subtexture:"
msgstr "Atlas Untertextur konnte nicht gespeichert werden:"

#: tools/editor/editor_import_export.cpp
msgid "Storing File:"
msgstr "Speichere Datei:"

#: tools/editor/editor_import_export.cpp
msgid "Packing"
msgstr "Packe"

#: tools/editor/editor_import_export.cpp
msgid "Exporting for %s"
msgstr "Exportiere für %s"

#: tools/editor/editor_import_export.cpp
msgid "Setting Up.."
msgstr "Bereite vor..."

#: tools/editor/editor_log.cpp
msgid " Output:"
msgstr " Ausgabe:"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp tools/editor/editor_reimport_dialog.cpp
msgid "Re-Importing"
msgstr "Importiere erneut"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Importing:"
msgstr "Importiere:"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Node From Scene"
msgstr "Node aus Szene"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/resources_dock.cpp
msgid "Error saving resource!"
msgstr "Fehler beim speichern der Ressource!"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/resources_dock.cpp
msgid "Save Resource As.."
msgstr "Speichere Ressource als.."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "I see.."
msgstr "Verstehe..."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Can't open file for writing:"
msgstr "Datei kann nicht zum schreiben geöffnet werden:"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Requested file format unknown:"
msgstr "Angefordertes Dateiformat unbekannt:"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Error while saving."
msgstr "Fehler beim speichern."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Saving Scene"
msgstr "Speichere Szene"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Analyzing"
msgstr "Analysiere"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Creating Thumbnail"
msgstr "Erzeuge Miniaturansicht"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Couldn't save scene. Likely dependencies (instances) couldn't be satisfied."
msgstr ""
"Szene konnte nicht gespeichert werden. Wahrscheinlich werden Abhängigkeiten "
"(Instanzen) nicht erfüllt."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Failed to load resource."
msgstr "Laden der Ressource gescheitert."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Can't load MeshLibrary for merging!"
msgstr "MeshLibrary konnte nicht zum vereinen geladen werden!"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Error saving MeshLibrary!"
msgstr "Fehler beim speichern der MeshLibrary!"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Can't load TileSet for merging!"
msgstr "TileSet konnte nicht zum vereinen geladen werden!"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Error saving TileSet!"
msgstr "Fehler beim speichern des TileSet!"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Can't open export templates zip."
msgstr "Exportvorlagen-ZIP-Datei konnte nicht geöffnet werden."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Loading Export Templates"
msgstr "Lade Exportvorlagen"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Error trying to save layout!"
msgstr "Fehler beim speichern des Layouts!"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Default editor layout overridden."
msgstr "Standard-Editorlayout überschrieben."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Layout name not found!"
msgstr "Layout Name nicht gefunden!"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Restored default layout to base settings."
msgstr "Layout wurde auf die Standardeinstellungen zurückgesetzt."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Copy Params"
msgstr "Parameter kopieren"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Paste Params"
msgstr "Parameter einfügen"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paste Resource"
msgstr "Ressource einfügen"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Copy Resource"
msgstr "Ressource kopieren"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Make Built-In"
msgstr "Einbetten"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Make Sub-Resources Unique"
msgstr "Unter-Ressource Einzigartig Machen"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open in Help"
msgstr "In Hilfe öffnen"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "There is no defined scene to run."
msgstr "Es ist keine zu startende Szene definiert."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"No main scene has ever been defined, select one?\n"
"You can change it later in later in \"Project Settings\" under the "
"'application' category."
msgstr ""
"Es ist keine Hauptszene definiert worden.\n"
"Wähle eine in den Projekteinstellungen unter der Kategorie „Anwendung“."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Selected scene '%s' does not exist, select a valid one?\n"
"You can change it later in \"Project Settings\" under the 'application' "
msgstr ""
"Die ausgewählte Szene ‚%s‘ existiert nicht.\n"
"Wähle eine gültige Szene in den Projekteinstellungen unter der Kategorie "

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Selected scene '%s' is not a scene file, select a valid one?\n"
"You can change it later in \"Project Settings\" under the 'application' "
msgstr ""
"Die ausgewählte Szene ‚%s‘ ist keine gültige Datei für eine Szene.\n"
"Wähle eine gültige Szene in den Projekteinstellungen unter der Kategorie "

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Current scene was never saved, please save it prior to running."
msgstr ""
"Die aktuelle Szene wurde noch nicht gespeichert, bitte speichere sie vor dem "

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Could not start subprocess!"
msgstr "Unterprozess konnte nicht gestartet werden!"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Scene"
msgstr "Szene öffnen"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Base Scene"
msgstr "Basisszene öffnen"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Quick Open Scene.."
msgstr "Schnell Szenen öffnen.."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Quick Open Script.."
msgstr "Schnell Skripte öffnen.."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Close scene? (Unsaved changes will be lost)"
msgstr "Szene schließen? (Nicht gespeicherte Änderungen gehen verloren)"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save Scene As.."
msgstr "Szene speichern als.."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "This scene has never been saved. Save before running?"
msgstr "Diese Szene wurde nie gespeichert. Speichern vorm Starten?"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Please save the scene first."
msgstr "Bitte speichere die Szene zuerst."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save Translatable Strings"
msgstr "Speichere übersetzbare Zeichenketten"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Export Mesh Library"
msgstr "MeshLibrary exportieren"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Export Tile Set"
msgstr "Tileset exportieren"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Verlassen"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Exit the editor?"
msgstr "Editor verlassen?"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Current scene not saved. Open anyway?"
msgstr "Die aktuelle Szene ist nicht gespeichert. Trotzdem öffnen?"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Can't reload a scene that was never saved."
msgstr ""
"Szene kann nicht neu geladen werden, wenn sie vorher nicht gespeichert wurde."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Revert"
msgstr "Zurücksetzen"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "This action cannot be undone. Revert anyway?"
msgstr ""
"Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden. Trotzdem zurücksetzen?"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Quick Run Scene.."
msgstr "Schnell Szene starten.."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Open Project Manager? \n"
"(Unsaved changes will be lost)"
msgstr ""
"Projektverwaltung öffnen?\n"
"(Nicht gespeicherte Änderungen gehen verloren)"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Pick a Main Scene"
msgstr "Wähle eine Hauptszene"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Ugh"
msgstr "Ähm"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Error loading scene, it must be inside the project path. Use 'Import' to "
"open the scene, then save it inside the project path."
msgstr ""
"Fehler beim Laden der Szene. Sie muss innerhalb des Projektpfads liegen. Zum "
"Beheben kann ‚Import→Szene‘ verwendet werden um sie zu öffnen. Danach sollte "
"die Szene innerhalb des Projektpfades gespeichert werden."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Error loading scene."
msgstr "Fehler beim laden der Szene."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Scene '%s' has broken dependencies:"
msgstr "Szene '%s' hat defekte Abhängigkeiten:"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save Layout"
msgstr "Layout speichern"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Delete Layout"
msgstr "Layout löschen"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Standard"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Switch Scene Tab"
msgstr "Szenentab wechseln"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "%d more file(s)"
msgstr "%d weitere Datei(en)"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "%d more file(s) or folder(s)"
msgstr "%d weitere Datei(en) oder Ordner"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scene"
msgstr "Szene"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Go to previously opened scene."
msgstr "Gehe zu vorher geöffneter Szene."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Fullscreen Mode"
msgstr "Vollbildmodus"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Distraction Free Mode"
msgstr "Ablenkungsfreier Modus"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Next tab"
msgstr "Nächster Tab"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Previous tab"
msgstr "Vorheriger Tab"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Operations with scene files."
msgstr "Operationen mit Szenen Dateien."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "New Scene"
msgstr "Neue Szene"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "New Inherited Scene.."
msgstr "Neue gererbte Szene.."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Scene.."
msgstr "Szene öffnen.."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save Scene"
msgstr "Szene speichern"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save all Scenes"
msgstr "Alle Szenen speichern"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Close Scene"
msgstr "Szene schließen"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Close Goto Prev. Scene"
msgstr "Schließen und zur letzten Szene wechseln"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Recent"
msgstr "Zuletzt benutzte Szenen"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Quick Filter Files.."
msgstr "Schnell Dateien filtern.."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Convert To.."
msgstr "Umwandeln zu.."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Translatable Strings.."
msgstr "Übersetzbare Textbausteine.."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "MeshLibrary.."
msgstr "MeshLibrary.."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "TileSet.."
msgstr "TileSet.."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "Wiederherstellen"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Run Script"
msgstr "Skript ausführen"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Project Settings"
msgstr "Projekteinstellungen"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Revert Scene"
msgstr "Szene zurücksetzen"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Quit to Project List"
msgstr "Verlasse zur Projektverwaltung"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Import assets to the project."
msgstr "Importiere Medieninhalte ins Projekt."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_bitmask_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_font_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_mesh_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_sample_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_translation_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Import"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Miscellaneous project or scene-wide tools."
msgstr "Sonstiges Projekt oder szenenübergreifende Werkzeuge."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Werkzeuge"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Export the project to many platforms."
msgstr "Exportiere das Projekt für viele Plattformen."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Exportieren"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play the project."
msgstr "Projekt starten."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/sample_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Play"
msgstr "Abspielen"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Pause the scene"
msgstr "Szene pausieren"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Pause Scene"
msgstr "Szene pausieren"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Stop the scene."
msgstr "Szene stoppen."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/sample_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Stop"
msgstr "Stop"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play the edited scene."
msgstr "Spiele die bearbeitete Szene."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play Scene"
msgstr "Szene starten"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play custom scene"
msgstr "Spiele angepasste Szene"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play Custom Scene"
msgstr "Spiele angepasste Szene"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Debug options"
msgstr "Fehlerbehebungsoptionen"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Deploy with Remote Debug"
msgstr "Mit Fern-Fehlerbehebung starten"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"When exporting or deploying, the resulting executable will attempt to "
"connect to the IP of this computer in order to be debugged."
msgstr ""
"Beim Exportieren oder Starten wird das Programm versuchen, sich mit der IP-"
"Adresse dieses Computers zu verbinden, um Fehler beheben zu können."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Small Deploy with Network FS"
msgstr "Kleine Programmdatei über ein Netzwerkdateisystem"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"When this option is enabled, export or deploy will produce a minimal "
"The filesystem will be provided from the project by the editor over the "
"On Android, deploy will use the USB cable for faster performance. This "
"option speeds up testing for games with a large footprint."
msgstr ""
"Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, wird das Exportieren bzw. Starten nur eine "
"kleine Programmdatei erzeugen.\n"
"Die Projektdaten werden vom Editor über das Netzwerk bereitgestellt.\n"
"Bei Android wird hierbei das USB Kabel wegen der schnelleren "
"Übertragungsgeschwindigkeit benutzt. Diese Option beschleunigt das Testen "
"von Spielen mit großen Projektdaten."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Visible Collision Shapes"
msgstr "Collision Shapes sichtbar"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Collision shapes and raycast nodes (for 2D and 3D) will be visible on the "
"running game if this option is turned on."
msgstr ""
"Collision-Formen und Raycast Nodes (für 2D und 3D) werden im laufenden Spiel "
"angezeigt, falls diese Option aktiviert ist."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Visible Navigation"
msgstr "Navigation sichtbar"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Navigation meshes and polygons will be visible on the running game if this "
"option is turned on."
msgstr ""
"Navigations- Meshes und Polygone werden im laufenden Spiel sichtbar sein "
"wenn diese Option gewählt ist."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Sync Scene Changes"
msgstr "Szenenänderungen synchronisieren"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"When this option is turned on, any changes made to the scene in the editor "
"will be replicated in the running game.\n"
"When used remotely on a device, this is more efficient with network "
msgstr ""
"Wenn diese Option gewählt ist, werden jegliche Änderungen der Szene im "
"Editor im laufenden Spiel dargestellt.\n"
"Sollte dies beim Abspielen auf externen Geräten genutzt werden, ist es am "
"effizientesten das Netzwerk-Dateisystem zu nutzen."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Sync Script Changes"
msgstr "Skriptänderungen synchronisieren"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"When this option is turned on, any script that is saved will be reloaded on "
"the running game.\n"
"When used remotely on a device, this is more efficient with network "
msgstr ""
"Wenn diese Option gewählt ist, werden erneut gespeicherte Skripte während "
"des laufenden Spiels neu geladen.\n"
"Sollte dies beim Abspielen auf externen Geräten genutzt werden, ist es am "
"effizientesten das Netzwerk-Dateisystem zu nutzen."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp tools/editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Editor Settings"
msgstr "Editoreinstellungen"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Editor Layout"
msgstr "Editorlayout"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Install Export Templates"
msgstr "Exportvorlagen installieren"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "About"
msgstr "Über"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Alerts when an external resource has changed."
msgstr "Signalisiert, wenn sich eine externe Ressource verändert hat."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Spins when the editor window repaints!"
msgstr "Dreht sich, wenn das Editorfenster neu gezeichnet wird!"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Update Always"
msgstr "Immer aktualisieren"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Update Changes"
msgstr "Änderungen aktualisieren"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Inspector"
msgstr "Inspektor"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Create a new resource in memory and edit it."
msgstr "Erstelle eine neue Ressource im Speicher und bearbeite sie."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Load an existing resource from disk and edit it."
msgstr "Lade eine bestehende Ressource von der Festplatte und bearbeite sie."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save the currently edited resource."
msgstr "Speichere die so eben bearbeitete Ressource."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save As.."
msgstr "Speichern als.."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Go to the previous edited object in history."
msgstr "Gehe zum vorherigen bearbeiteten Objekt im Verlauf."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Go to the next edited object in history."
msgstr "Gehe zum nächsten bearbeiteten Objekt im Verlauf."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "History of recently edited objects."
msgstr "Verlauf der zuletzt bearbeiteten Objekte."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Object properties."
msgstr "Objekteigenschaften."

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "FileSystem"
msgstr "Dateisystem"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Output"
msgstr "Ausgabe"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp tools/editor/editor_reimport_dialog.cpp
msgid "Re-Import"
msgstr "Neuimport"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp tools/editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Update"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Thanks from the Godot community!"
msgstr "Danke von der Godot-Gemeinschaft!"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Thanks!"
msgstr "Danke!"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Import Templates From ZIP File"
msgstr "Vorlagen aus ZIP-Datei importieren"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export Project"
msgstr "Projekt exportieren"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Export Library"
msgstr "Bibliothek exportieren"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Merge With Existing"
msgstr "Mit existierendem vereinen"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Passwort:"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open & Run a Script"
msgstr "Skript öffnen und ausführen"

#: tools/editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Load Errors"
msgstr "Ladefehler"

#: tools/editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
msgid "Installed Plugins:"
msgstr "Installierte Erweiterungen:"

#: tools/editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
msgid "Version:"
msgstr "Version:"

#: tools/editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
msgid "Author:"
msgstr "Autor:"

#: tools/editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
msgid "Status:"
msgstr "Status:"

#: tools/editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Stop Profiling"
msgstr "Laufzeitanalyse beenden"

#: tools/editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Start Profiling"
msgstr "Laufzeitanalyse starten"

#: tools/editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Measure:"
msgstr "Messung:"

#: tools/editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Frame Time (sec)"
msgstr "Bild Zeit (Sek)"

#: tools/editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Average Time (sec)"
msgstr "Durchschnittszeit (Sek)"

#: tools/editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Frame %"
msgstr "Bild %"

#: tools/editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Fixed Frame %"
msgstr "Fixiertes Bild %"

#: tools/editor/editor_profiler.cpp tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Time:"
msgstr "Zeit:"

#: tools/editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Inclusive"
msgstr "Inklusive"

#: tools/editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Self"
msgstr "Self"

#: tools/editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Frame #:"
msgstr "Bild #:"

#: tools/editor/editor_reimport_dialog.cpp
msgid "Please wait for scan to complete."
msgstr "Bitte warten bis Operation abgeschlossen ist."

#: tools/editor/editor_reimport_dialog.cpp
msgid "Current scene must be saved to re-import."
msgstr "Aktuelle Szene muss gespeichert sein um sie erneut zu importieren."

#: tools/editor/editor_reimport_dialog.cpp
msgid "Save & Re-Import"
msgstr "Speichern & neu importieren"

#: tools/editor/editor_reimport_dialog.cpp
msgid "Re-Import Changed Resources"
msgstr "Veränderte Ressourcen neu importieren"

#: tools/editor/editor_run_script.cpp
msgid "Write your logic in the _run() method."
msgstr "Spiellogik sollte mit der _run()-Methode beginnen."

#: tools/editor/editor_run_script.cpp
msgid "There is an edited scene already."
msgstr "Es besteht bereits eine bearbeitete Szene."

#: tools/editor/editor_run_script.cpp
msgid "Couldn't instance script:"
msgstr "Skript konnte nicht instanziert werden:"

#: tools/editor/editor_run_script.cpp
msgid "Did you forget the 'tool' keyword?"
msgstr "Hast du das 'tool' Schlüsselwort vergessen?"

#: tools/editor/editor_run_script.cpp
msgid "Couldn't run script:"
msgstr "Skript konnte nicht ausgeführt werden:"

#: tools/editor/editor_run_script.cpp
msgid "Did you forget the '_run' method?"
msgstr "Hast du die '_run' Methode vergessen?"

#: tools/editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Default (Same as Editor)"
msgstr "Standard (wie Editor)"

#: tools/editor/editor_sub_scene.cpp
msgid "Select Node(s) to Import"
msgstr "Selektiere Node(s) für den Import"

#: tools/editor/editor_sub_scene.cpp
msgid "Scene Path:"
msgstr "Szenenpfad:"

#: tools/editor/editor_sub_scene.cpp
msgid "Import From Node:"
msgstr "Aus Node importieren:"

#: tools/editor/file_type_cache.cpp
msgid "Can't open file_type_cache.cch for writing, not saving file type cache!"
msgstr ""
"Die Datei 'file_type_cache.cch' konnte nicht zum schreiben geöffnet werden. "
"Der Dateityp-Cache wird nicht gespeichert!"

#: tools/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Same source and destination files, doing nothing."
msgstr "Quell- und Zieldatei sind gleich, ignoriere Anweisung."

#: tools/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Same source and destination paths, doing nothing."
msgstr "Quell- und Zielpfad sind gleich, ignoriere Anweisung."

#: tools/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Can't move directories to within themselves."
msgstr "Verzeichnisse lassen sich nicht in sich selbst verschieben."

#: tools/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Can't operate on '..'"
msgstr "Kann mit ‚..‘ nicht arbeiten"

#: tools/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Pick New Name and Location For:"
msgstr "Wähle neuen Namen und Ort für:"

#: tools/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "No files selected!"
msgstr "Keine Dateien ausgewählt!"

#: tools/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Instance"
msgstr "Instanz"

#: tools/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Edit Dependencies.."
msgstr "Abhängigkeiten bearbeiten.."

#: tools/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "View Owners.."
msgstr "Zeige Besitzer.."

#: tools/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Copy Path"
msgstr "Pfad kopieren"

#: tools/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Rename or Move.."
msgstr "Umbenennen oder Verschieben.."

#: tools/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Move To.."
msgstr "Verschiebe zu.."

#: tools/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Info"
msgstr "Info"

#: tools/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Show In File Manager"
msgstr "Zeige im Dateimanager"

#: tools/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Re-Import.."
msgstr "Neuimport.."

#: tools/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Previous Directory"
msgstr "Vorheriges Verzeichnis"

#: tools/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Next Directory"
msgstr "Nächstes Verzeichnis"

#: tools/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Re-Scan Filesystem"
msgstr "Dateisystem erneut einlesen"

#: tools/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Toggle folder status as Favorite"
msgstr "Favoriten-Verzeichnisstatus umschalten"

#: tools/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Instance the selected scene(s) as child of the selected node."
msgstr "Instantiiere gewählte Szene(n) als Unterobjekt des ausgewählten Nodes."

#: tools/editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Verschieben"

#: tools/editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Add to Group"
msgstr "Zu Gruppe hinzufügen"

#: tools/editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove from Group"
msgstr "Aus Gruppe entfernen"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_bitmask_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "No bit masks to import!"
msgstr "Keine Bitmasken zu importieren!"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_bitmask_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_sample_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Target path is empty."
msgstr "Zielpfad ist leer."

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_bitmask_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_sample_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Target path must be a complete resource path."
msgstr "Zielpfad muss ein kompletter Ressourcenpfad sein."

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_bitmask_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_sample_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Target path must exist."
msgstr "Zielpfad muss existieren."

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_bitmask_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_mesh_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_sample_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save path is empty!"
msgstr "Speicherpfad ist leer!"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_bitmask_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import BitMasks"
msgstr "BitMasks importieren"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_bitmask_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Source Texture(s):"
msgstr "Quelltextur(en):"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_bitmask_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_mesh_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_sample_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_translation_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Target Path:"
msgstr "Zielpfad:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_bitmask_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_font_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_sample_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_translation_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Akzeptieren"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_bitmask_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bit Mask"
msgstr "Bitmaske"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_font_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "No source font file!"
msgstr "Keine Quellschriftart-Datei gefunden!"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_font_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "No target font resource!"
msgstr "Keine Zielschriftart-Ressource!"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_font_import_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Invalid file extension.\n"
"Please use .fnt."
msgstr ""
"Ungültige Dateiendung.\n"
"Nutze .fnt als Dateiendung."

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_font_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can't load/process source font."
msgstr "Quellschriftart kann nicht geladen/verarbeitet werden."

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_font_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Couldn't save font."
msgstr "Schriftart konnte nicht gespeichert werden."

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_font_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Source Font:"
msgstr "Quellschriftart:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_font_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Source Font Size:"
msgstr "Quellschriftgröße:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_font_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Dest Resource:"
msgstr "Ziel-Ressource:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_font_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
msgstr "Franz jagt im komplett verwahrlosten Taxi quer durch Bayern."

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_font_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Test:"
msgstr "Test:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_font_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_mesh_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_sample_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Options:"
msgstr "Optionen:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_font_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Font Import"
msgstr "Schriftart importieren"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_font_import_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"This file is already a Godot font file, please supply a BMFont type file "
msgstr ""
"Diese Datei ist bereits eine Godot Schriftart. Bitte stattdessen eine Datei "
"im BMFont-Format angeben."

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_font_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Failed opening as BMFont file."
msgstr "Öffnen der BMFont-Datei fehlgeschlagen."

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_font_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid font custom source."
msgstr "Eigene Schriftart-Quelle ist ungültig."

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_font_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Schriftart"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_mesh_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "No meshes to import!"
msgstr "Keine Meshes zu importieren!"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_mesh_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Single Mesh Import"
msgstr "Einzelnes Mesh importieren"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_mesh_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Source Mesh(es):"
msgstr "Quell Mesh(es):"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_mesh_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh"
msgstr "Mesh"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_mesh_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Surface %d"
msgstr "Oberfläche %d"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_sample_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "No samples to import!"
msgstr "Keine Samples zu importieren!"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_sample_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Audio Samples"
msgstr "Audio-Samples importieren"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_sample_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Source Sample(s):"
msgstr "Quell Sample(s):"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_sample_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Audio Sample"
msgstr "Audio-Sample"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "New Clip"
msgstr "Neuer Clip"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation Options"
msgstr "Animationseinstellungen"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Flags"
msgstr "Flags"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bake FPS:"
msgstr "FPS fixieren:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Optimizer"
msgstr "Optimierung"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Max Linear Error"
msgstr "Obere lineare Fehlergrenze"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Max Angular Error"
msgstr "Obere Winkelfehlergrenze"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Max Angle"
msgstr "Maximaler Winkel"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clips"
msgstr "Ausschnitte"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Start(s)"
msgstr "Start"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "End(s)"
msgstr "Ende"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Loop"
msgstr "Wiederholung"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Filters"
msgstr "Filter"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Source path is empty."
msgstr "Quellpfad ist leer."

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Couldn't load post-import script."
msgstr "Post-Import Skript konnte nicht geladen werden."

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid/broken script for post-import."
msgstr "Ungültiges / Fehlerhaftes Skript für Post-Import."

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error importing scene."
msgstr "Fehler beim importieren der Szene."

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import 3D Scene"
msgstr "3D-Szene importieren"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Source Scene:"
msgstr "Quellszene:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Same as Target Scene"
msgstr "Dieselbe wie die Zielszene"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Shared"
msgstr "Geteilt"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Target Texture Folder:"
msgstr "Ziel-Texturenordner:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Post-Process Script:"
msgstr "Post-Process Skript:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Custom Root Node Type:"
msgstr "Angepasster Stamm-Node Typ:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "Auto"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "The Following Files are Missing:"
msgstr "Die folgenden Dateien fehlen:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Anyway"
msgstr "Trotzdem importieren"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import & Open"
msgstr "Importieren & Öffnen"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edited scene has not been saved, open imported scene anyway?"
msgstr ""
"Bearbeitete Szene wurde nicht gespeichert, trotzdem importierte Szene öffnen?"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/cube_grid_theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Scene"
msgstr "Szene importieren"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Importing Scene.."
msgstr "Szene wird importiert.."

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Running Custom Script.."
msgstr "Angepasstes Skript wird ausgeführt.."

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Couldn't load post-import script:"
msgstr "Post-Import Skript konnte nicht geladen werden:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid/broken script for post-import (check console):"
msgstr "Ungültiges oder fehlerhaftes Skript für Post-Import (siehe Konsole):"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error running post-import script:"
msgstr "Fehler beim ausführen des Post-Import Skripts:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Image:"
msgstr "Bild importieren:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can't import a file over itself:"
msgstr "Datei kann nicht in sich selbst importiert werden:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Couldn't localize path: %s (already local)"
msgstr "Pfad konnte nicht gefunden werden: %s (bereits lokal)"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Saving.."
msgstr "Speichere.."

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_scene_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "3D Scene Animation"
msgstr "3D-Szenenanimation"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Uncompressed"
msgstr "Unkomprimiert"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Compress Lossless (PNG)"
msgstr "Verlustfrei komprimieren (PNG)"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Compress Lossy (WebP)"
msgstr "Verlustbehaftet komprimieren (WebP)"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Compress (VRAM)"
msgstr "Komprimieren (VRAM)"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Texture Format"
msgstr "Texturformat"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Texture Compression Quality (WebP):"
msgstr "Texturkompressionsqualität (WebP):"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Texture Options"
msgstr "Textureinstellungen"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Please specify some files!"
msgstr "Bitte gib einige Dateien an!"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "At least one file needed for Atlas."
msgstr "Es wird zumindest eine Datei für den Atlas benötigt."

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error importing:"
msgstr "Fehler beim importieren:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Only one file is required for large texture."
msgstr "Es ist nur eine Datei für eine große Textur erforderlich."

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Max Texture Size:"
msgstr "Maximale Texturgröße:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Textures for Atlas (2D)"
msgstr "Texturen für Atlas (2D) importieren"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cell Size:"
msgstr "Zellgröße:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Large Texture"
msgstr "Große Textur"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Large Textures (2D)"
msgstr "Große Texturen (2D) importieren"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Source Texture"
msgstr "Quelltextur"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Base Atlas Texture"
msgstr "Basis-Atlastextur"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Source Texture(s)"
msgstr "Quelltextur(en)"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Textures for 2D"
msgstr "Texturen für 2D importieren"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Textures for 3D"
msgstr "Texturen für 3D importieren"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Textures"
msgstr "Texturen importieren"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "2D Texture"
msgstr "2D-Textur"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "3D Texture"
msgstr "3D-Textur"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Atlas Texture"
msgstr "Atlastextur"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"NOTICE: Importing 2D textures is not mandatory. Just copy png/jpg files to "
"the project."
msgstr ""
"MERKE: Das importieren von 2D Texturen ist nicht zwingend notwendig. Kopiere "
"einfach png/jpg Dateien in das Projekt."

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Crop empty space."
msgstr "Leere Bereiche beschneiden."

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Texture"
msgstr "Textur"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Large Texture"
msgstr "Große Textur importieren"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Load Source Image"
msgstr "Quellbild laden"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Slicing"
msgstr "Teile"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Inserting"
msgstr "Füge Ein"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Saving"
msgstr "Speichere"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Couldn't save large texture:"
msgstr "Große Textur konnte nicht gespeichert werden:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Build Atlas For:"
msgstr "Erstelle Atlas für:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Loading Image:"
msgstr "Lade Bild:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Couldn't load image:"
msgstr "Bild konnte nicht geladen werden:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Converting Images"
msgstr "Bilder werden konvertiert"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cropping Images"
msgstr "Bilder werden beschnitten"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blitting Images"
msgstr "Blitting Bilder"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Couldn't save atlas image:"
msgstr "Atlas-Bild konnte nicht gespeichert werden:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_texture_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Couldn't save converted texture:"
msgstr "Konvertierte Textur konnte nicht gespeichert werden:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_translation_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid source!"
msgstr "Fehlerhafte Quelle!"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_translation_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid translation source!"
msgstr "Fehlerhafte Übersetzungsquelle!"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_translation_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Column"
msgstr "Reihe"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_translation_import_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Sprache"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_translation_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "No items to import!"
msgstr "Keine Elemente zu importieren!"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_translation_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "No target path!"
msgstr "Kein Zielpfad!"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_translation_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Translations"
msgstr "Übersetzungen importieren"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_translation_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Couldn't import!"
msgstr "Konnte nicht importiert werden!"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_translation_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Translation"
msgstr "Übersetzung importieren"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_translation_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Source CSV:"
msgstr "Quell-CSV:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_translation_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Ignore First Row"
msgstr "Erste Zeile ignorieren"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_translation_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Compress"
msgstr "Komprimieren"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_translation_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add to Project (engine.cfg)"
msgstr "Zu Projekt hinzufügen (engine.cfg)"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_translation_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Languages:"
msgstr "Sprachen importieren:"

#: tools/editor/io_plugins/editor_translation_import_plugin.cpp
msgid "Translation"
msgstr "Übersetzung"

#: tools/editor/multi_node_edit.cpp
msgid "MultiNode Set"
msgstr "MultiNode setzen"

#: tools/editor/node_dock.cpp
msgid "Node"
msgstr "Node"

#: tools/editor/node_dock.cpp
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Gruppen"

#: tools/editor/node_dock.cpp
msgid "Select a Node to edit Signals and Groups."
msgstr "Wähle ein Node um Signale und Gruppen zu bearbeiten."

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle Autoplay"
msgstr "Automatisches Abspielen umschalten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New Animation Name:"
msgstr "Neuer Animationsname:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New Anim"
msgstr "Neue Animation"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Animation Name:"
msgstr "Animationsname ändern:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Animation"
msgstr "Animation entfernen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "ERROR: Invalid animation name!"
msgstr "FEHLER: ungültiger Animationsname!"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "ERROR: Animation name already exists!"
msgstr "FEHLER: Animationsname existiert bereits!"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rename Animation"
msgstr "Animation umbenennen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Animation"
msgstr "Animation hinzufügen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Blend Next Changed"
msgstr "Überblende nächste Bearbeitung"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Blend Time"
msgstr "Überblendungszeit ändern"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Load Animation"
msgstr "Animation laden"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Animation"
msgstr "Animation duplizieren"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "ERROR: No animation to copy!"
msgstr "Fehler: Keine Animation zum kopieren!"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "ERROR: No animation resource on clipboard!"
msgstr "FEHLER: Keine Animations-Ressource im Zwischenspeicher!"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pasted Animation"
msgstr "Eingefügte Animation"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paste Animation"
msgstr "Animation einfügen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "ERROR: No animation to edit!"
msgstr "FEHLER: Keine Animation zum bearbeiten!"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Play selected animation backwards from current pos. (A)"
msgstr "Spiele ausgewählte Animation rückwärts von aktueller Position. (A)"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Play selected animation backwards from end. (Shift+A)"
msgstr "Spiele ausgewählte Animation rückwärts vom Ende. (Umschalt+A)"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Stop animation playback. (S)"
msgstr "Stoppe Animations-Wiedergabe. (S)"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Play selected animation from start. (Shift+D)"
msgstr "Spiele ausgewählte Animation vom Start. (Umschalt+D)"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Play selected animation from current pos. (D)"
msgstr "Ausgewählte Animation von aktueller Position aus abspielen. (D)"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation position (in seconds)."
msgstr "Position der Animation (in Sekunden)."

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale animation playback globally for the node."
msgstr "Animationsablauf für dieses Node global skalieren."

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create new animation in player."
msgstr "Neue Animation im Player erstellen."

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Load animation from disk."
msgstr "Animation von der Festplatte laden."

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Load an animation from disk."
msgstr "Eine Animation von der Festplatte laden."

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save the current animation"
msgstr "Aktuelle Animation speichern"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save As"
msgstr "Speichern als"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Display list of animations in player."
msgstr "Liste der Animationen im Player anzeigen."

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Autoplay on Load"
msgstr "Beim Laden automatisch abspielen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Target Blend Times"
msgstr "Ziel-Übergangszeiten bearbeiten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation Tools"
msgstr "Animationswerkzeuge"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Copy Animation"
msgstr "Animation kopieren"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create New Animation"
msgstr "Neue Animation erstellen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation Name:"
msgstr "Animationsname:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/sample_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/property_editor.cpp tools/editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Error!"
msgstr "Fehler!"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend Times:"
msgstr "Übergangszeiten:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Next (Auto Queue):"
msgstr "Nächste (Automatische Warteschlange):"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cross-Animation Blend Times"
msgstr "Übergangszeiten kreuzender Animationen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation"
msgstr "Animation"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New name:"
msgstr "Neuer Name:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale:"
msgstr "Skalierung:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Fade In (s):"
msgstr "Einblenden (s):"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Fade Out (s):"
msgstr "Ausblenden (s):"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend"
msgstr "Blenden"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mix"
msgstr "Mix"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Auto Restart:"
msgstr "Automatisch neu starten:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Restart (s):"
msgstr "Neu starten (s):"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Random Restart (s):"
msgstr "Zufällig neu starten (s):"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Start!"
msgstr "Start!"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Amount:"
msgstr "Menge:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend:"
msgstr "Blende:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend 0:"
msgstr "Blende 0:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend 1:"
msgstr "Blende 1:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "X-Fade Time (s):"
msgstr "Überblendungszeit (s):"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Current:"
msgstr "Laufend:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Input"
msgstr "Eingang hinzufügen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clear Auto-Advance"
msgstr "Stoppe automatisches Durchschalten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Set Auto-Advance"
msgstr "Setze automatisches Durchschalten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete Input"
msgstr "Eingang löschen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Umbenennen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation tree is valid."
msgstr "Animationsbaum ist gültig."

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation tree is invalid."
msgstr "Animationsbaum ist ungültig."

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation Node"
msgstr "Animations-Node"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "OneShot Node"
msgstr "Einfach-Aufruf-Node"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mix Node"
msgstr "Misch-Node"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend2 Node"
msgstr "Blende2-Node"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend3 Node"
msgstr "Blende3-Node"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend4 Node"
msgstr "Blende4-Node"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "TimeScale Node"
msgstr "Zeitskalier-Node"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "TimeSeek Node"
msgstr "Zeitsuch-Node"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transition Node"
msgstr "Übergangs-Node"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Animations.."
msgstr "Animationen importieren.."

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Node Filters"
msgstr "Nodefilter bearbeiten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Filters.."
msgstr "Filter.."

#: tools/editor/plugins/baked_light_baker.cpp
msgid "Parsing %d Triangles:"
msgstr "Analysiere %d Dreiecke:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/baked_light_baker.cpp
msgid "Triangle #"
msgstr "Dreieck #"

#: tools/editor/plugins/baked_light_baker.cpp
msgid "Light Baker Setup:"
msgstr "Light-Baker einrichten:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/baked_light_baker.cpp
msgid "Parsing Geometry"
msgstr "Analysiere Geometrie"

#: tools/editor/plugins/baked_light_baker.cpp
msgid "Fixing Lights"
msgstr "Fixiere Lampen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/baked_light_baker.cpp
msgid "Making BVH"
msgstr "Erstelle BVH"

#: tools/editor/plugins/baked_light_baker.cpp
msgid "Creating Light Octree"
msgstr "erstelle Licht-Octree"

#: tools/editor/plugins/baked_light_baker.cpp
msgid "Creating Octree Texture"
msgstr "Erstelle Octree-Textur"

#: tools/editor/plugins/baked_light_baker.cpp
msgid "Transfer to Lightmaps:"
msgstr "übertrage zu Lightmaps:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/baked_light_baker.cpp
msgid "Allocating Texture #"
msgstr "Zuweisen von Textur #"

#: tools/editor/plugins/baked_light_baker.cpp
msgid "Baking Triangle #"
msgstr "Baking von Dreieck #"

#: tools/editor/plugins/baked_light_baker.cpp
msgid "Post-Processing Texture #"
msgstr "Nachbearbeiten von Textur #"

#: tools/editor/plugins/baked_light_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bake!"
msgstr "Bake!"

#: tools/editor/plugins/baked_light_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Reset the lightmap octree baking process (start over)."
msgstr "Lightmap-Octree-Backing-Prozess zurücksetzen (neu starten)."

#: tools/editor/plugins/camera_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/sample_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Vorschau"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Configure Snap"
msgstr "Einrasten konfigurieren"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Offset:"
msgstr "Gitterversatz:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Step:"
msgstr "Gitterabstand:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotation Offset:"
msgstr "Rotationsversatz:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotation Step:"
msgstr "Rotationsabstand:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Pivot"
msgstr "Mittelpunkt bewegen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Action"
msgstr "Aktion verschieben"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit IK Chain"
msgstr "IK-Kette bearbeiten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit CanvasItem"
msgstr "CanvasItem bearbeiten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Anchors"
msgstr "Ankerpunkte ändern"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom (%):"
msgstr "Vergrößerung (%):"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paste Pose"
msgstr "Pose einfügen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select Mode"
msgstr "Auswahlmodus"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Drag: Rotate"
msgstr "Ziehen = Rotieren"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Alt+Drag: Move"
msgstr "Alt+Ziehen = Verschieben"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Press 'v' to Change Pivot, 'Shift+v' to Drag Pivot (while moving)."
msgstr ""
"‚V‘ drücken um Angelpunkt auf Mausposition zu setzen, ‚Umschalt+V‘ drücken "
"um das Objekt ohne seinen Angelpunkt zu verschieben."

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Alt+RMB: Depth list selection"
msgstr "Alt+Rechtsklick: Listenauswahl nach Tiefe"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Mode"
msgstr "Bewegungsmodus"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate Mode"
msgstr "Rotationsmodus"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Show a list of all objects at the position clicked\n"
"(same as Alt+RMB in select mode)."
msgstr ""
"Zeige eine Liste aller Objekte, die sich an der angeklickten Position "
"(equivalent zu Alt+RMT im Auswahlmodus)."

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Click to change object's rotation pivot."
msgstr "Klicken um Angelpunkt des Objekts zu ändern."

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pan Mode"
msgstr "Schwenkmodus"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Lock the selected object in place (can't be moved)."
msgstr ""
"Das ausgewählte Objekt an seiner Position sperren (kann nicht bewegt werden)."

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unlock the selected object (can be moved)."
msgstr "Das ausgewählte Objekt entsperren (kann bewegt werden)."

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Makes sure the object's children are not selectable."
msgstr "Verhindert das Auswählen von Unterobjekten dieses Nodes."

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Restores the object's children's ability to be selected."
msgstr "Macht Unterobjekte dieses Objekts wieder auswählbar."

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Bearbeiten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Use Snap"
msgstr "Einrasten aktivieren"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show Grid"
msgstr "Raster anzeigen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Use Rotation Snap"
msgstr "Rotationsraster benutzen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap Relative"
msgstr "Relatives Einrasten benutzen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Configure Snap.."
msgstr "Einrasten konfigurieren.."

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Use Pixel Snap"
msgstr "Pixelraster benutzen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Expand to Parent"
msgstr "Auf übergeordnetes Node ausdehnen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Skeleton.."
msgstr "Skelett.."

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Make Bones"
msgstr "Knochen erstellen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Bones"
msgstr "Knochen entfernen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Make IK Chain"
msgstr "IK-Kette erzeugen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear IK Chain"
msgstr "IK-Kette zurücksetzen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View"
msgstr "Ansicht"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom Reset"
msgstr "Vergrößerung zurücksetzen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom Set.."
msgstr "Vergrößerung setzen.."

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Center Selection"
msgstr "Auswahl zentrieren"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Frame Selection"
msgstr "Auswahl einrahmen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Anchor"
msgstr "Anker"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Insert Keys"
msgstr "Schlüsselbilder einfügen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Insert Key"
msgstr "Schlüsselbild einfügen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Insert Key (Existing Tracks)"
msgstr "Schlüsselbild einfügen (in existierende Spuren)"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Copy Pose"
msgstr "Pose kopieren"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Pose"
msgstr "Pose zurücksetzen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set a Value"
msgstr "Einen Wert setzen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap (Pixels):"
msgstr "Einrasten (Pixel):"

#: tools/editor/plugins/collision_polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/light_occluder_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/navigation_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Poly"
msgstr "Polygon erstellen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/collision_polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/collision_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/light_occluder_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/navigation_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Poly"
msgstr "Polygon bearbeiten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/collision_polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/collision_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/light_occluder_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/navigation_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Poly (Remove Point)"
msgstr "Polygon bearbeiten (Punkt entfernen)"

#: tools/editor/plugins/collision_polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/light_occluder_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/navigation_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create a new polygon from scratch."
msgstr "Polygon von Grund auf neu erstellen."

#: tools/editor/plugins/collision_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Poly3D"
msgstr "Polygon3D erstellen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/collision_shape_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Handle"
msgstr "Wähle Griff"

#: tools/editor/plugins/color_ramp_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add/Remove Color Ramp Point"
msgstr "Farbverlaufspunkt hinzufügen/entfernen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/color_ramp_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
msgstr "Farbverlauf anpassen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/cube_grid_theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Creating Mesh Library"
msgstr "Erzeuge MeshLibrary"

#: tools/editor/plugins/cube_grid_theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Thumbnail.."
msgstr "Vorschau.."

#: tools/editor/plugins/cube_grid_theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove item %d?"
msgstr "Element %d entfernen?"

#: tools/editor/plugins/cube_grid_theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Item"
msgstr "Element hinzufügen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/cube_grid_theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Selected Item"
msgstr "Ausgewähltes Element entfernen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/cube_grid_theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import from Scene"
msgstr "Aus Szene importieren"

#: tools/editor/plugins/cube_grid_theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Update from Scene"
msgstr "Aus Szene aktualisieren"

#: tools/editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Item %d"
msgstr "Element %d"

#: tools/editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Items"
msgstr "Elemente"

#: tools/editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Item List Editor"
msgstr "Auflistungseditor"

#: tools/editor/plugins/light_occluder_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Occluder Polygon"
msgstr "Occluder-Polygon erzeugen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/light_occluder_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/navigation_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit existing polygon:"
msgstr "Bestehendes Polygon bearbeiten:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/light_occluder_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/navigation_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "LMB: Move Point."
msgstr "LMT: Punkt verschieben."

#: tools/editor/plugins/light_occluder_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/navigation_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Ctrl+LMB: Split Segment."
msgstr "Strg+LMT: Segment aufteilen."

#: tools/editor/plugins/light_occluder_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/navigation_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "RMB: Erase Point."
msgstr "RMT: Punkt entfernen."

#: tools/editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh is empty!"
msgstr "Mesh ist leer!"

#: tools/editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Static Trimesh Body"
msgstr "Statischen Trimesh-Körper erzeugen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Static Convex Body"
msgstr "Statischen Konvex-Körper erzeugen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This doesn't work on scene root!"
msgstr "Das geht nicht an der Wurzel der Szene!"

#: tools/editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Trimesh Shape"
msgstr "Trimesh-Form erzeugen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Convex Shape"
msgstr "Konvexe Form erstellen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Navigation Mesh"
msgstr "Navigations-Mesh erzeugen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "MeshInstance lacks a Mesh!"
msgstr "Mesh-Instanz fehlt ein Mesh!"

#: tools/editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh has not surface to create outlines from!"
msgstr "Mesh hat keine Oberfläche von der Umrisse erzeugt werden könnten!"

#: tools/editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not create outline!"
msgstr "Konnte keinen Umriss erzeugen!"

#: tools/editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Outline"
msgstr "Umriss erzeugen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Trimesh Static Body"
msgstr "Statischen Trimesh-Körper erzeugen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Convex Static Body"
msgstr "Statischen Konvex-Körper erzeugen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Trimesh Collision Sibling"
msgstr "Trimesh Kollisionselement erzeugen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Convex Collision Sibling"
msgstr "Konvexes Kollisionselement erzeugen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Outline Mesh.."
msgstr "Umriss-Mesh erzeugen.."

#: tools/editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Outline Mesh"
msgstr "Erzeuge Umriss-Mesh"

#: tools/editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Outline Size:"
msgstr "Umrissgröße:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No mesh source specified (and no MultiMesh set in node)."
msgstr ""
"Keine Mesh-Quelle angegeben (und kein MultiMesh-Eintrag im Node gesetzt)."

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No mesh source specified (and MultiMesh contains no Mesh)."
msgstr "Keine Mesh-Quelle angegeben (und MultiMesh enthält kein Mesh)."

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh source is invalid (invalid path)."
msgstr "Mesh-Quelle ist ungültig (ungültiger Pfad)."

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh source is invalid (not a MeshInstance)."
msgstr "Mesh-Quelle ist ungültig (keine Mesh-Instanz)."

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh source is invalid (contains no Mesh resource)."
msgstr "Mesh-Quelle ist ungültig (enthält keine Mesh-Ressource)."

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No surface source specified."
msgstr "Keine Quelle für Oberfläche angegeben."

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Surface source is invalid (invalid path)."
msgstr "Oberflächen-Quelle ist ungültig (ungültiger Pfad)."

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Surface source is invalid (no geometry)."
msgstr "Quelle für Oberfläche ist ungültig (keine Geometrie)."

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Surface source is invalid (no faces)."
msgstr "Quelle für Oberfläche ist ungültig (keine Faces)."

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Parent has no solid faces to populate."
msgstr "Elternelement hat keine soliden Faces zu besetzen."

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Couldn't map area."
msgstr "Gebiet konnte nicht abgebildet werden."

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select a Source Mesh:"
msgstr "Quell-Mesh auswählen:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select a Target Surface:"
msgstr "Ziel-Oberfläche auswählen:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Populate Surface"
msgstr "Oberfläche besetzen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Populate MultiMesh"
msgstr "MultiMesh besetzen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Target Surface:"
msgstr "Ziel-Oberfläche:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Source Mesh:"
msgstr "Quell-Mesh:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "X-Axis"
msgstr "X-Achse"

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Y-Axis"
msgstr "Y-Achse"

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Z-Axis"
msgstr "Z-Achse"

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh Up Axis:"
msgstr "Aufwärts-Achse des Meshs:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Random Rotation:"
msgstr "Zufällige Rotation:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Random Tilt:"
msgstr "Zufälliges Kippen:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Random Scale:"
msgstr "Zufällige Skalieren:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Populate"
msgstr "Besetzen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/navigation_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Navigation Polygon"
msgstr "Erzeuge Navigationspolygon"

#: tools/editor/plugins/navigation_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Poly And Point"
msgstr "Polygon und Punkt entfernen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error loading image:"
msgstr "Fehler beim Laden des Bilds:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No pixels with transparency > 128 in image.."
msgstr "Keine Pixel mit einer Transzparenz > 128 im Bild.."

#: tools/editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Emission Mask"
msgstr "Emissionsmaske setzen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Emission Mask"
msgstr "Emissionsmaske leeren"

#: tools/editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Load Emission Mask"
msgstr "Emissionsmaske laden"

#: tools/editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Generated Point Count:"
msgstr "Anzahl generierter Punkte:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Node does not contain geometry."
msgstr "Knoten enthält keine Geometrie."

#: tools/editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Node does not contain geometry (faces)."
msgstr "Knoten enthält keine Geometrie (Flächen)."

#: tools/editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Faces contain no area!"
msgstr "Flächen enthalten keinen Bereich!"

#: tools/editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No faces!"
msgstr "Keine Flächen!"

#: tools/editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Generate AABB"
msgstr "Erzeuge AABB"

#: tools/editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Emitter From Mesh"
msgstr "Erzeuge Emittent aus Mesh"

#: tools/editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Emitter From Node"
msgstr "Erzeuge Emittent aus Node"

#: tools/editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Emitter"
msgstr "Leere Emittent"

#: tools/editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Emitter"
msgstr "Erzeuge Emittent"

#: tools/editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Emission Positions:"
msgstr "Emissionsorte:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Emission Fill:"
msgstr "Emissionsausschüttung"

#: tools/editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Surface"
msgstr "Oberfläche"

#: tools/editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Volume"
msgstr "Volumen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Point from Curve"
msgstr "Punkt von Kurve entfernen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Point to Curve"
msgstr "Punkt zu Kurve hinzufügen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Point in Curve"
msgstr "Punkt auf Kurve verschieben"

#: tools/editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move In-Control in Curve"
msgstr "Eingangsgriff auf Kurve verschieben"

#: tools/editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Out-Control in Curve"
msgstr "Ausgangsgriff auf Kurve verschieben"

#: tools/editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select Points"
msgstr "Punkte auswählen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Shift+Drag: Select Control Points"
msgstr "Shift+Ziehen: Kontrollpunkte auswählen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Click: Add Point"
msgstr "Klicken: Punkt hinzufügen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Right Click: Delete Point"
msgstr "Rechtsklick: Punkt löschen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select Control Points (Shift+Drag)"
msgstr "Kontrollpunkte auswählen (Shift+Ziehen)"

#: tools/editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Point (in empty space)"
msgstr "Punkt hinzufügen (in leerem Raum)"

#: tools/editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Split Segment (in curve)"
msgstr "Segment aufteilen (in Kurve)"

#: tools/editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete Point"
msgstr "Punk löschen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Close Curve"
msgstr "Kurve schließen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Curve Point #"
msgstr "Kurvenpunkt #"

#: tools/editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Curve Point Pos"
msgstr "Position des Kurvenpunkts setzen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Curve In Pos"
msgstr "Position der Eingangskurve setzen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Curve Out Pos"
msgstr "Position der Ausgangskurve setzen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Split Path"
msgstr "Pfad aufteilen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Path Point"
msgstr "Pfadpunkt entfernen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create UV Map"
msgstr "Erzeuge UV-Map"

#: tools/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform UV Map"
msgstr "Transformiere UV-Map"

#: tools/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Polygon 2D UV Editor"
msgstr "Polygon2D-UV-Editor"

#: tools/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Point"
msgstr "Punkt verschieben"

#: tools/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Ctrl: Rotate"
msgstr "Strg: Rotieren"

#: tools/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Shift: Move All"
msgstr "Shift: Alle verschieben"

#: tools/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Shift+Ctrl: Scale"
msgstr "Shift+Strg: Skalieren"

#: tools/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Polygon"
msgstr "Polygon verschieben"

#: tools/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate Polygon"
msgstr "Polygon rotieren"

#: tools/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale Polygon"
msgstr "Polygon skalieren"

#: tools/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Polygon->UV"
msgstr "Polygon→UV"

#: tools/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "UV->Polygon"
msgstr "UV→Polygon"

#: tools/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear UV"
msgstr "Leere UV-Map"

#: tools/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap"
msgstr "Einrasten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Enable Snap"
msgstr "Einrasten aktivieren"

#: tools/editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid"
msgstr "Raster"

#: tools/editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "ERROR: Couldn't load resource!"
msgstr "FEHLER: Ressource konnte nicht geladen werden!"

#: tools/editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Resource"
msgstr "Ressource hinzufügen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rename Resource"
msgstr "Ressource umbenennen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete Resource"
msgstr "Ressource löschen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Resource clipboard is empty!"
msgstr "Zwischenablage für Ressourcen ist leer!"

#: tools/editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Load Resource"
msgstr "Ressource laden"

#: tools/editor/plugins/rich_text_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Parse BBCode"
msgstr "BBCode parsen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sample_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Length:"
msgstr "Länge:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sample_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Open Sample File(s)"
msgstr "Audiodatei(en) öffnen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sample_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "ERROR: Couldn't load sample!"
msgstr "Fehler: Konnte Audio nicht laden!"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sample_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Sample"
msgstr "Sample hinzufügen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sample_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rename Sample"
msgstr "Sample umbenennen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sample_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete Sample"
msgstr "Sample löschen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sample_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "16 Bits"
msgstr "16 Bit"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sample_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "8 Bits"
msgstr "8 Bit"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sample_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Stereo"
msgstr "Stereo"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sample_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mono"
msgstr "Mono"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sample_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Format"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sample_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pitch"
msgstr "Tonhöhe"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error while saving theme"
msgstr "Fehler beim Speichern des Motivs"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error saving"
msgstr "Fehler beim Speichern"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error importing theme"
msgstr "Fehler beim importieren des Motivs"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error importing"
msgstr "Fehler beim Importieren"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Theme"
msgstr "Motiv importieren"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save Theme As.."
msgstr "Motiv speichern als.."

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Next script"
msgstr "Nächstes Skript"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Previous script"
msgstr "Vorheriges Skript"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "File"
msgstr "Datei"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "New"
msgstr "Neu"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save All"
msgstr "Alle speichern"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "History Prev"
msgstr "Zurück im Verlauf"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "History Next"
msgstr "Vorwärts im Verlauf"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Reload Theme"
msgstr "Motiv neu laden"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save Theme"
msgstr "Motiv speichern"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save Theme As"
msgstr "Motiv speichern als"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Close Docs"
msgstr "Dokumentation schließen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Move Up"
msgstr "Schiebe hoch"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Move Down"
msgstr "Schiebe herunter"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Indent Left"
msgstr "Nach links einrücken"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Indent Right"
msgstr "Nach rechts einrücken"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle Comment"
msgstr "Kommentar umschalten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clone Down"
msgstr "Klone herunter"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Complete Symbol"
msgstr "Symbol vervollständigen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Trim Trailing Whitespace"
msgstr "kürze Leerraum am Zeilenende"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Auto Indent"
msgstr "Automatische Einrückung"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Soft Reload Script"
msgstr "Zaghaftes Skript-Neuladen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Find.."
msgstr "Finde.."

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Find Next"
msgstr "Finde Nächstes"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Find Previous"
msgstr "Finde Vorheriges"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Replace.."
msgstr "Ersetzen.."

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Goto Function.."
msgstr "Springe zu Funktion.."

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Goto Line.."
msgstr "Springe zu Zeile.."

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Debug"
msgstr "Debuggen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle Breakpoint"
msgstr "Haltepunkt umschalten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove All Breakpoints"
msgstr "Lösche alle Haltepunkte"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Goto Next Breakpoint"
msgstr "Springe zum nächsten Haltepunkt"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Goto Previous Breakpoint"
msgstr "Springe zum vorigen Haltepunkt"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Step Over"
msgstr "Überspringen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Step Into"
msgstr "Hineinspringen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Break"
msgstr "Unterbrechung"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Fortfahren"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Keep Debugger Open"
msgstr "Debugger offen halten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Window"
msgstr "Fenster"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Left"
msgstr "nach links"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Right"
msgstr "nach rechts"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Hilfe"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Contextual Help"
msgstr "Kontexthilfe"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Tutorials"
msgstr "Anleitungen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Open https://godotengine.org at tutorials section."
msgstr "Öffnet https://godotengine.org im Abschnitt ‚Tutorials‘."

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Classes"
msgstr "Klassen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Search the class hierarchy."
msgstr "Durchsuche die Klassenhierarchie."

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Search the reference documentation."
msgstr "Durchsuche die Referenzdokumentation."

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Go to previous edited document."
msgstr "Springe zum zuvor bearbeiteten Dokument."

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Go to next edited document."
msgstr "Springe zum nächsten bearbeiteten Dokument."

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Script"
msgstr "Erstelle Skript"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"The following files are newer on disk.\n"
"What action should be taken?:"
msgstr ""
"Die folgenden Dateien wurden im Dateisystem verändert.\n"
"Wie soll weiter vorgegangen werden?:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Reload"
msgstr "Neu laden"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Resave"
msgstr "Erneut speichern"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Debugger"
msgstr "Debugger"

#: tools/editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Built-in scripts can only be edited when the scene they belong to is loaded"
msgstr ""
"Eingebettete Skripte können nur bearbeitet werden wenn die entsprechende "
"Szene geladen ist"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Vertex"
msgstr "Vertex"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Fragment"
msgstr "Fragment"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Lighting"
msgstr "Belichtung"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
msgstr "Ändere skalare Konstante"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Vec Constant"
msgstr "Ändere Vektorkonstante"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change RGB Constant"
msgstr "Ändere RGB-Konstante"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
msgstr "Ändere skalaren Operator"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Vec Operator"
msgstr "Ändere Vektoroperator"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
msgstr "Ändere Vektor-Skalar-Operator"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change RGB Operator"
msgstr "Ändere RGB-Operator"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
msgstr "schalte exklusive Rotation um"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Scalar Function"
msgstr "Ändere skalare Funktion"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Vec Function"
msgstr "Ändere Vektorfunktion"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
msgstr "Ändere Skalar-Uniform"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
msgstr "Ändere Vektor-Uniform"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
msgstr "Ändere RGB-Uniform"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Default Value"
msgstr "Ändere Standardwert"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
msgstr "Ändere XForm-Uniform"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
msgstr "Ändere Textur-Uniform"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
msgstr "Ändere Cubemap-Uniform"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Comment"
msgstr "Ändere Kommentar"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
msgstr "Hinzufügen/Entfernen zum Farbgradienten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
msgstr "Hinzfügen/Entfernen zum Curve-Map"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Modify Curve Map"
msgstr "Verändere Curve-Map"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Input Name"
msgstr "Ändere Eingabename"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
msgstr "Verbinde Graph-Nodes"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
msgstr "Trenne Graph-Nodes"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
msgstr "Entferne Shader-Graph-Node"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
msgstr "Verschiebe Shader-Graph-Node"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
msgstr "Dupliziere Graph-Node(s)"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
msgstr "Entferne Shade-Graph-Node(s)"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
msgstr "Fehler: Zyklische Verbindung"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
msgstr "Fehler: Fehlende Eingangsverbindung"

#: tools/editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
msgstr "Shader-Graph-Node hinzufügen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Orthogonal"
msgstr "Orthogonal"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Perspective"
msgstr "Perspektive"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform Aborted."
msgstr "Transformation abgebrochen."

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "X-Axis Transform."
msgstr "X-Achsen-Transformation."

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Y-Axis Transform."
msgstr "Y-Achsen-Transformation."

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Z-Axis Transform."
msgstr "Z-Achsen-Transformation."

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Plane Transform."
msgstr "Zeige Flächentransformation."

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scaling to %s%%."
msgstr "Skaliere auf %s%%."

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotating %s degrees."
msgstr "Rotiere %s Grad."

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bottom View."
msgstr "Sicht von unten."

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bottom"
msgstr "Unten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Top View."
msgstr "Sicht von oben."

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Top"
msgstr "Oben"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rear View."
msgstr "Sicht von hinten."

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rear"
msgstr "Hinten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Front View."
msgstr "Sicht von Vorne."

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Front"
msgstr "Vorne"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Left View."
msgstr "Sicht von links."

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Links"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Right View."
msgstr "Sicht von Rechts."

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Rechts"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Keying is disabled (no key inserted)."
msgstr "Schlüsselbildeinfügen ist deaktiviert (kein Schlüsselbild eingefügt)."

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation Key Inserted."
msgstr "Animationsschlüsselbild eingefügt."

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Align with view"
msgstr "Auf Sicht ausrichten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Environment"
msgstr "Umgebung"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Audio Listener"
msgstr "Audiosenke"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Gizmos"
msgstr "Gizmos"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "XForm Dialog"
msgstr "Transformationsdialog"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No scene selected to instance!"
msgstr "Keine Szene für Instanz ausgewählt!"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Instance at Cursor"
msgstr "Instanz am Mauszeiger"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not instance scene!"
msgstr "Konnte Szene nicht instantiieren!"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Mode (W)"
msgstr "Bewegungsmodus (W)"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate Mode (E)"
msgstr "Rotationsmodus (E)"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale Mode (R)"
msgstr "Skalierungsmodus (R)"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bottom View"
msgstr "Sicht von unten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Top View"
msgstr "Sicht von oben"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rear View"
msgstr "Sicht von hinten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Front View"
msgstr "Sicht von Vorne"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Left View"
msgstr "Sicht von links"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Right View"
msgstr "Sicht von rechts"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Switch Perspective/Orthogonal view"
msgstr "Wechsle zwischen perspektivischer und orthogonaler Sicht"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Insert Animation Key"
msgstr "Animations-Schlüsselbild einfügen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Focus Selection"
msgstr "zur Auswahl springen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Align Selection With View"
msgstr "Auswahl auf Ansicht ausrichten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform"
msgstr "Transformation"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Local Coords"
msgstr "Lokale Koordinaten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform Dialog.."
msgstr "Transformationsdialog.."

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Use Default Light"
msgstr "Nutze Standardlicht"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Use Default sRGB"
msgstr "Nutze Standard-sRGB"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "1 Viewport"
msgstr "Eine Ansicht"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "2 Viewports"
msgstr "Zwei Ansichten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "2 Viewports (Alt)"
msgstr "Zwei Ansichten (alternativ)"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "3 Viewports"
msgstr "Drei Ansichten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "3 Viewports (Alt)"
msgstr "Drei Ansichten (alternativ)"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "4 Viewports"
msgstr "Vier Ansichten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Display Normal"
msgstr "Normale Ansicht"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Display Wireframe"
msgstr "Wireframe-Ansicht"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Display Overdraw"
msgstr "Overdraw-Ansicht"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Display Shadeless"
msgstr "Shadeless-Ansicht"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Origin"
msgstr "Zeige Ursprung"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Grid"
msgstr "Zeige Gitter"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap Settings"
msgstr "Einrasteinstellungen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Translate Snap:"
msgstr "Einrasten verschieben:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate Snap (deg.):"
msgstr "Einrasten rotieren (Grad):"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale Snap (%):"
msgstr "Einrasten skalieren (%):"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Viewport Settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen für Ansichten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Default Light Normal:"
msgstr "Standardlichtnormale:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Ambient Light Color:"
msgstr "Umgebungslichtfarbe:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Perspective FOV (deg.):"
msgstr "Perspektivisches FOV (Grad):"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Z-Near:"
msgstr "Z-Anzeige nah:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Z-Far:"
msgstr "Z-Anzeige fern:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform Change"
msgstr "Transformationsänderung"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Translate:"
msgstr "Translation:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate (deg.):"
msgstr "Rotation (Grad):"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale (ratio):"
msgstr "Skalierung (Verhältnis):"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform Type"
msgstr "Typ der Transformation"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pre"
msgstr "Vorher"

#: tools/editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Post"
msgstr "Nachher"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "ERROR: Couldn't load frame resource!"
msgstr "Fehler: Konnte Frame-Ressource nicht laden!"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Frame"
msgstr "Frame hinzufügen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Resource clipboard is empty or not a texture!"
msgstr "Zwischenablage der Ressourcen ist leer oder enthält keine Textur!"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paste Frame"
msgstr "Frame einfügen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Empty"
msgstr "Empty einfügen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Animation Loop"
msgstr "Bearbeite Animationsschleife"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Animation FPS"
msgstr "Ändere FPS-Wert der Animation"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "(empty)"
msgstr "(leer)"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animations"
msgstr "Animationen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Speed (FPS):"
msgstr "Geschwindigkeit (FPS):"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation Frames"
msgstr "Animationsframes"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Insert Empty (Before)"
msgstr "Empty einfügen (davor)"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Insert Empty (After)"
msgstr "Empty einfügen (danach)"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Up"
msgstr "Hoch"

#: tools/editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Down"
msgstr "Herunter"

#: tools/editor/plugins/style_box_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "StyleBox Preview:"
msgstr "StyleBox-Vorschau:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap Mode:"
msgstr "Einrastmodus:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "<None>"
msgstr "<Nichts>"

#: tools/editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pixel Snap"
msgstr "Pixel-Einrasten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Snap"
msgstr "Gitter-Einrasten"

#: tools/editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Auto Slice"
msgstr "Autoschnitt"

#: tools/editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Offset:"
msgstr "Versatz:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Step:"
msgstr "Schritt:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Separation:"
msgstr "Trennung:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Texture Region"
msgstr "Texturbereich"

#: tools/editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Texture Region Editor"
msgstr "Texturbegrenzungseditor"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can't save theme to file:"
msgstr "Kann Motiv nicht speichern in Datei:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add All Items"
msgstr "Alle Elemente hinzufügen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add All"
msgstr "Alle hinzufügen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Item"
msgstr "Entferne Element"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Class Items"
msgstr "Füge Klassen-Element hinzu"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Class Items"
msgstr "Entferne Klassen-Element"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Empty Template"
msgstr "Leeres Template erstellen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Empty Editor Template"
msgstr "Leeres Editor-Template erstellen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "CheckBox Radio1"
msgstr "Kontrollkasten Radio1"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "CheckBox Radio2"
msgstr "Kontrollkasten Radio2"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Item"
msgstr "Element"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Check Item"
msgstr "Überprüfe Element"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Checked Item"
msgstr "Überprüftes Element"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Has"
msgstr "Enthält"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Many"
msgstr "Viele"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Optionen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Have,Many,Several,Options!"
msgstr "Enthalten,Viele,Einige,Optionen!"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Tab 1"
msgstr "Tab 1"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Tab 2"
msgstr "Tab 2"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Tab 3"
msgstr "Tab 3"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp tools/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Typ:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Data Type:"
msgstr "Datentyp:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Icon"
msgstr "Symbol"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Style"
msgstr "Stil"

#: tools/editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Color"
msgstr "Farbe"

#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paint TileMap"
msgstr "Zeichne TileMap"

#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Duplizieren"

#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Erase TileMap"
msgstr "Lösche TileMap"

#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Erase selection"
msgstr "Lösche Auswahl"

#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Find tile"
msgstr "Finde Kachel"

#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transpose"
msgstr "Transponieren"

#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mirror X"
msgstr "X-Koordinaten spiegeln"

#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mirror Y"
msgstr "Y-Koordinaten spiegeln"

#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bucket"
msgstr "Eimer"

#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pick Tile"
msgstr "Wähle Kachel"

#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Auswählen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate 0 degrees"
msgstr "Drehe auf 0 Grad"

#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate 90 degrees"
msgstr "Drehe auf 90 Grad"

#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate 180 degrees"
msgstr "Drehe auf 180 Grad"

#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate 270 degrees"
msgstr "Drehe auf 270 Grad"

#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not find tile:"
msgstr "Konnte Kachel nicht finden:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Item name or ID:"
msgstr "Elementname oder ID:"

#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create from scene?"
msgstr "Von Szene erstellen?"

#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Merge from scene?"
msgstr "Aus Szene vereinen?"

#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create from Scene"
msgstr "Von Szene erstellen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Merge from Scene"
msgstr "Aus Szene vereinen"

#: tools/editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Fehler"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Edit Script Options"
msgstr "Skriptoptionen bearbeiten"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Please export outside the project folder!"
msgstr "Bitte außerhalb des Projektordners exportieren!"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Error exporting project!"
msgstr "Fehler beim Exportieren des Projekts!"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Error writing the project PCK!"
msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben des Projekt-PCK!"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "No exporter for platform '%s' yet."
msgstr "Kein Exporter für Plattform ‚%s‘ verfügbar."

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Include"
msgstr "Einbeziehen"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Change Image Group"
msgstr "Ändere Bildergruppe"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Group name can't be empty!"
msgstr "Gruppenname muss vorhanden sein!"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Invalid character in group name!"
msgstr "Ungültiges Zeichen in Gruppenname!"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Group name already exists!"
msgstr "Gruppenname existiert bereits!"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Add Image Group"
msgstr "Füge Bildergruppe hinzu"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Delete Image Group"
msgstr "Lösche Bildergruppe"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Atlas Preview"
msgstr "Atlas-Vorschau"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Project Export Settings"
msgstr "Projektexporteinstellungen"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Target"
msgstr "Ziel"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export to Platform"
msgstr "Export zu Plattform"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Resources"
msgstr "Ressourcen"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export selected resources (including dependencies)."
msgstr "Exportiere ausgewählte Ressourcen (inklusive Abhängigkeiten)."

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export all resources in the project."
msgstr "Exportiere alle Ressourcen des Projekts."

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export all files in the project directory."
msgstr "Exportiere alle Dateien im Projektverzeichnis."

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export Mode:"
msgstr "Export-Modus:"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Resources to Export:"
msgstr "Zu exportierende Ressourcen:"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Aktion"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid ""
"Filters to export non-resource files (comma-separated, e.g.: *.json, *.txt):"
msgstr ""
"Filter um Nicht-Ressourcendateien zu exportieren (durch Kommata getrennt, z."
"B.: *.json, *.txt):"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Filters to exclude from export (comma-separated, e.g.: *.json, *.txt):"
msgstr ""
"Filter um vom Export auszuschließen (durch Kommata getrennt, z.B.: *.json, *."

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Convert text scenes to binary on export."
msgstr "Konvertiere Textszenen in Binärformat beim Exportieren."

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Bilder"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Keep Original"
msgstr "Original behalten"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Compress for Disk (Lossy, WebP)"
msgstr "Komprimiere für Festplattenspeicher (verlustbehaftet, WebP)"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Compress for RAM (BC/PVRTC/ETC)"
msgstr "Komprimiere für Arbeitsspeicher (BC/PVRTC/ETC)"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Convert Images (*.png):"
msgstr "Konvertiere Bilder (*.png):"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Compress for Disk (Lossy) Quality:"
msgstr ""
"Qualitätseinstellungen für Kompression (verlustbehaftet, auf Festplatte):"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Shrink All Images:"
msgstr "Alle Bilder verkleinern:"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Compress Formats:"
msgstr "Komprimierungsformate:"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Image Groups"
msgstr "Bildergruppen"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Groups:"
msgstr "Gruppen:"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Compress Disk"
msgstr "Komprimiere für Festplatte"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Compress RAM"
msgstr "Komprimiere für Arbeitsspeicher"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Compress Mode:"
msgstr "Kompressionsmodus:"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Lossy Quality:"
msgstr "Verlustbehaftete Qualität:"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Atlas:"
msgstr "Atlas:"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Shrink By:"
msgstr "Verkleinern nach:"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Preview Atlas"
msgstr "Zeige Atlas-Vorschau"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Image Filter:"
msgstr "Bildfilter:"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Images:"
msgstr "Bilder:"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Select None"
msgstr "Nichts auswählen"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Group"
msgstr "Gruppe"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Samples"
msgstr "Samples"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Sample Conversion Mode: (.wav files):"
msgstr "Audio-Umwandlungs-Modus: (.wav-Dateien):"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Keep"
msgstr "Behalten"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Compress (RAM - IMA-ADPCM)"
msgstr "Komprimieren (RAM - IMA-ADPCM)"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Sampling Rate Limit (Hz):"
msgstr "Grenze der Abtastrate (Hz):"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Trim"
msgstr "Zuschneiden"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Trailing Silence:"
msgstr "Auslaufende Stille:"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Script"
msgstr "Skript"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Script Export Mode:"
msgstr "Skript-Exportmodus:"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Text"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Compiled"
msgstr "Kompiliert"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Encrypted (Provide Key Below)"
msgstr "Verschlüsselt (Schlüssel unten angeben)"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Script Encryption Key (256-bits as hex):"
msgstr "Skript-Schlüssel (256 Bit hexadezimal):"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export PCK/Zip"
msgstr "Exportiere PCK/Zip"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export Project PCK"
msgstr "Exportiere Projekt-PCK"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export.."
msgstr "Exportieren.."

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Project Export"
msgstr "Projekt exportieren"

#: tools/editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export Preset:"
msgstr "Exportvorlage:"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Invalid project path, the path must exist!"
msgstr "Ungültiger Projektpfad, der Pfad muss existieren!"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Invalid project path, engine.cfg must not exist."
msgstr "Ungültiger Projektpfad, engine.cfg darf nicht existieren."

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Invalid project path, engine.cfg must exist."
msgstr "Ungültiger Projektpfad, engine.cfg muss existieren."

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Imported Project"
msgstr "Importiertes Projekt"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Invalid project path (changed anything?)."
msgstr "Ungültiger Projektpfad (etwas geändert?)."

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Couldn't create engine.cfg in project path."
msgstr "Konnte engine.cfg in Projektpfad nicht erzeugen."

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "The following files failed extraction from package:"
msgstr "Die folgenden Dateien ließen sich nicht aus dem Paket extrahieren:"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Package Installed Successfully!"
msgstr "Paket erfolgreich installiert!"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Import Existing Project"
msgstr "Existierendes Projekt importieren"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Project Path (Must Exist):"
msgstr "Projektpfad (muss existieren):"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Project Name:"
msgstr "Projektname:"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Create New Project"
msgstr "Erstelle neues Projekt"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Project Path:"
msgstr "Projektpfad:"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Install Project:"
msgstr "Installiere Projekt:"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Install"
msgstr "Installieren"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "Durchstöbern"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "New Game Project"
msgstr "Neues Spiel"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "That's a BINGO!"
msgstr "Aber klar :-) !"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Unnamed Project"
msgstr "Unbenanntes Projekt"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Are you sure to open more than one project?"
msgstr "Sollen wirklich mehrere Projekte geöffnet werden?"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Are you sure to run more than one project?"
msgstr "Sollen wirklich mehrere Projekte ausgeführt werden?"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Remove project from the list? (Folder contents will not be modified)"
msgstr ""
"Das Projekt aus der Liste entfernen? (Inhalte des Projektordners werden "
"nicht geändert)"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"You are about the scan %s folders for existing Godot projects. Do you "
msgstr "Sollen wirklich %s Ordner nach Godot-Projekten durchsucht werden?"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Project Manager"
msgstr "Projektverwaltung"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Project List"
msgstr "Projektliste"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Run"
msgstr "Ausführen"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Scan"
msgstr "Scannen"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Select a Folder to Scan"
msgstr "Wähle zu durchsuchenden Ordner"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "New Project"
msgstr "Neues Projekt"

#: tools/editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Verlassen"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Key "
msgstr "Taste "

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Joy Button"
msgstr "Joysticktaste"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Joy Axis"
msgstr "Joystickachse"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Mouse Button"
msgstr "Maustaste"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Invalid action (anything goes but '/' or ':')."
msgstr "Ungültiger Name für Aktion (alle Zeichen außer ‚/‘ und ‚:‘ möglich)."

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Action '%s' already exists!"
msgstr "Aktion ‚%s‘ existiert bereits!"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Rename Input Action Event"
msgstr "Eingabeaktionsereignis umbenennen"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Add Input Action Event"
msgstr "Eingabeaktionsereignis hinzufügen"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp tools/editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Control+"
msgstr "Steuerung+"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp tools/editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Press a Key.."
msgstr "Drücke eine Taste.."

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Mouse Button Index:"
msgstr "Maustasten-Index:"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Left Button"
msgstr "Linke Taste"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Right Button"
msgstr "Rechte Taste"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Middle Button"
msgstr "Mittlere Taste"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Wheel Up Button"
msgstr "Mausrad hoch"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Wheel Down Button"
msgstr "Mausrad herunter"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Button 6"
msgstr "Taste 6"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Button 7"
msgstr "Taste 7"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Button 8"
msgstr "Taste 8"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Button 9"
msgstr "Taste 9"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Joystick Axis Index:"
msgstr "Joystickachsen-Index:"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Joystick Button Index:"
msgstr "Joysticktasten-Index:"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Add Input Action"
msgstr "Füge Eingabeaktion hinzu"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Erase Input Action Event"
msgstr "Lösche Eingabeaktionsereignis"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Toggle Persisting"
msgstr "Dauerhaft umschalten"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Error saving settings."
msgstr "Fehler beim Speichern der Einstellungen."

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Settings saved OK."
msgstr "Einstellungen gespeichert OK."

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Add Translation"
msgstr "Übersetzung hinzufügen"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Remove Translation"
msgstr "Übersetzung entfernen"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Add Remapped Path"
msgstr "Remap-Pfad hinzufügen"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Resource Remap Add Remap"
msgstr "Ressourcen-Remap hinzufügen"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Change Resource Remap Language"
msgstr "Ändere Zielsprache des Ressourcen-Remaps"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Remove Resource Remap"
msgstr "Ressourcen-Remap entfernen"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Remove Resource Remap Option"
msgstr "Ressourcen-Remap-Option entfernen"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Project Settings (engine.cfg)"
msgstr "Projekteinstellungen (engine.cfg)"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp tools/editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "General"
msgstr "Allgemein"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp tools/editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Property:"
msgstr "Eigenschaft:"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Del"
msgstr "Entfernen"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Copy To Platform.."
msgstr "Kopiere zu Plattform.."

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Input Map"
msgstr "Eingabe Zuordnung"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Action:"
msgstr "Aktion:"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Device:"
msgstr "Gerät:"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Index:"
msgstr "Index:"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Localization"
msgstr "Lokalisierung"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Translations"
msgstr "Übersetzungen"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Translations:"
msgstr "Übersetzungen:"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Add.."
msgstr "Hinzufügen.."

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Remaps"
msgstr "Remaps"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Resources:"
msgstr "Ressourcen:"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Remaps by Locale:"
msgstr "Remaps nach Lokalisierung:"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Locale"
msgstr "Lokalisierung"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "AutoLoad"
msgstr "Autoload"

#: tools/editor/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "Erweiterungen"

#: tools/editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Preset.."
msgstr "Voreinstellungen.."

#: tools/editor/property_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ease In"
msgstr "Einfahren"

#: tools/editor/property_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ease Out"
msgstr "Ausfahren"

#: tools/editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Zero"
msgstr "Null"

#: tools/editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Easing In-Out"
msgstr "Glätten Ein-Aus"

#: tools/editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Easing Out-In"
msgstr "Glätten Aus-Ein"

#: tools/editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "File.."
msgstr "Datei.."

#: tools/editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Dir.."
msgstr "Verzeichnis.."

#: tools/editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Load"
msgstr "Lade"

#: tools/editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Assign"
msgstr "Zuweisen"

#: tools/editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Error loading file: Not a resource!"
msgstr "Fehler beim Laden der Datei: Keine Ressource!"

#: tools/editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Couldn't load image"
msgstr "Konnte Bild nicht laden"

#: tools/editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Bit %d, val %d."
msgstr "Bit %d, Wert %d."

#: tools/editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "On"
msgstr "An"

#: tools/editor/property_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Set"
msgstr "Setzen"

#: tools/editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Properties:"
msgstr "Eigenschaften:"

#: tools/editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Global"
msgstr "Global"

#: tools/editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Sections:"
msgstr "Abschnitte:"

#: tools/editor/pvrtc_compress.cpp
msgid "Could not execute PVRTC tool:"
msgstr "Konnte PVRTC-Werkzeug nicht ausführen:"

#: tools/editor/pvrtc_compress.cpp
msgid "Can't load back converted image using PVRTC tool:"
msgstr ""
"Konnte PVRTC-Werkzeug nicht benutzen um konvertiertes Bild zurück zu laden:"

#: tools/editor/reparent_dialog.cpp tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Reparent Node"
msgstr "Node umhängen"

#: tools/editor/reparent_dialog.cpp
msgid "Reparent Location (Select new Parent):"
msgstr "Ort umhängen (neue Eltern auswählen):"

#: tools/editor/reparent_dialog.cpp
msgid "Keep Global Transform"
msgstr "Behalte globale Transformation"

#: tools/editor/reparent_dialog.cpp tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Reparent"
msgstr "Umhängen"

#: tools/editor/resources_dock.cpp
msgid "Create New Resource"
msgstr "Erstelle neue Ressource"

#: tools/editor/resources_dock.cpp
msgid "Open Resource"
msgstr "Ressource öffnen"

#: tools/editor/resources_dock.cpp
msgid "Save Resource"
msgstr "Ressource speichern"

#: tools/editor/resources_dock.cpp
msgid "Resource Tools"
msgstr "Ressourcenwerkzeuge"

#: tools/editor/resources_dock.cpp
msgid "Make Local"
msgstr "Lokal machen"

#: tools/editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp
msgid "Run Mode:"
msgstr "Ausführungsmodus:"

#: tools/editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp
msgid "Current Scene"
msgstr "Aktuelle Szene"

#: tools/editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp
msgid "Main Scene"
msgstr "Hauptszene"

#: tools/editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp
msgid "Main Scene Arguments:"
msgstr "Hauptszenen Parameter:"

#: tools/editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp
msgid "Scene Run Settings"
msgstr "Szenenausführungseinstellungen"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "OK :("
msgstr "Verstehe"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "No parent to instance a child at."
msgstr "Kein Node unter dem Unterobjekt instantiiert werden könnte vorhanden."

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "No parent to instance the scenes at."
msgstr ""
"Kein Eltern-Node unter dem Szenen instantiiert werden könnten vorhanden."

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Error loading scene from %s"
msgstr "Fehler beim Laden der Szene von %s"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Error instancing scene from %s"
msgstr "Fehler beim Instanziieren von %s"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "Ok"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Cannot instance the scene '%s' because the current scene exists within one "
"of its nodes."
msgstr ""
"Kann Szene %s nicht instanziieren da die aktuelle Szene in einer ihrer Nodes "

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Instance Scene(s)"
msgstr "Instanz-Szene(n)"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "This operation can't be done on the tree root."
msgstr ""
"Diese Aktion kann nicht auf der Wurzel des Szenenbaums ausgeführt werden."

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Move Node In Parent"
msgstr "Bewege Node innerhalb des Eltern-Nodes"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Move Nodes In Parent"
msgstr "Bewege Nodes innerhalb des Eltern-Nodes"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Node(s)"
msgstr "Dupliziere Node(s)"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Delete Node(s)?"
msgstr "Lösche Node(s)?"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "This operation can't be done without a scene."
msgstr "Diese Aktion kann nicht ohne eine Szene ausgeführt werden."

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "This operation requires a single selected node."
msgstr "Diese Aktion benötigt ein einzelnes ausgewähltes Node."

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "This operation can't be done on instanced scenes."
msgstr "Diese Aktion kann nicht auf instantiierten Szenen ausgeführt werden."

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Save New Scene As.."
msgstr "Speichere neue Szene als.."

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Makes Sense!"
msgstr "Verstehe!"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Can't operate on nodes from a foreign scene!"
msgstr "Kann nicht an Nodes von fremden Szenen arbeiten!"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Can't operate on nodes the current scene inherits from!"
msgstr "Kann nicht an Nodes von denen die aktuelle Szene erbt arbeiten!"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Remove Node(s)"
msgstr "Entferne Node(s)"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Create Node"
msgstr "Erzeuge Node"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Couldn't save new scene. Likely dependencies (instances) couldn't be "
msgstr ""
"Konnte neue Szene nicht speichern. Wahrscheinlich konnten (Instanz-) "
"Abhängigkeiten nicht erfüllt werden."

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Error saving scene."
msgstr "Fehler beim Speichern der Szene."

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Error duplicating scene to save it."
msgstr "Fehler beim Duplizieren der Szene zum Speichern."

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Edit Groups"
msgstr "Gruppen bearbeiten"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Edit Connections"
msgstr "Verbindungen bearbeiten"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Delete Node(s)"
msgstr "Node(s) löschen"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Add Child Node"
msgstr "Node hier anhängen"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Instance Child Scene"
msgstr "Szene hier instantiieren"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Change Type"
msgstr "Typ ändern"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Add Script"
msgstr "Skript hinzufügen"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Merge From Scene"
msgstr "Aus Szene zusammenführen"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Save Branch as Scene"
msgstr "Speichere Verzweigung als Szene"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Delete (No Confirm)"
msgstr "Löschen (keine Bestätigung)"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Add/Create a New Node"
msgstr "Hinzufügen/Erstellen eines neuen Nodes"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Instance a scene file as a Node. Creates an inherited scene if no root node "
msgstr ""
"Instantiiere eine Szenendatei als Node. Erzeugt eine geerbte Szene falls "
"keine Root-Node existiert."

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"This item cannot be made visible because the parent is hidden. Unhide the "
"parent first."
msgstr ""
"Diese Element kann nicht sichtbar gemacht werden solange das Elternelement "
"versteckt ist. Elternelement zuerst sichtbar machen."

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Toggle Spatial Visible"
msgstr "Spatial-Sichtbarkeit umschalten"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Toggle CanvasItem Visible"
msgstr "CanvasItem-Sichtbarkeit umschalten"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Instance:"
msgstr "Instanz:"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Invalid node name, the following characters are not allowed:"
msgstr ""
"Ungültiger Name für ein Node, die folgenden Zeichen sind nicht gestattet:"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Rename Node"
msgstr "Node umbenennen"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Scene Tree (Nodes):"
msgstr "Szenenbaum (Nodes):"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Editable Children"
msgstr "bearbeitbare Unterobjekte"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Load As Placeholder"
msgstr "Als Platzhalter laden"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Discard Instancing"
msgstr "Instantiierung verwerfen"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Open in Editor"
msgstr "Im Editor öffnen"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Clear Inheritance"
msgstr "Leere Vererbung"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Clear Inheritance? (No Undo!)"
msgstr "Vererbung wirklich leeren? (Lässt sich nicht rückgängig machen!)"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Clear!"
msgstr "Leeren!"

#: tools/editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Select a Node"
msgstr "Wähle ein Node"

#: tools/editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Invalid parent class name"
msgstr "Ungültiger Name für Elternklasse"

#: tools/editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Valid chars:"
msgstr "Gültige Zeichen:"

#: tools/editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Invalid class name"
msgstr "Ungültiger Klassenname"

#: tools/editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Valid name"
msgstr "Gültiger Name"

#: tools/editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "N/A"
msgstr "Nicht verfügbar"

#: tools/editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Class name is invalid!"
msgstr "Name der Klasse ist ungültig!"

#: tools/editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Parent class name is invalid!"
msgstr "Name der Elternklasse ist ungültig!"

#: tools/editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Invalid path!"
msgstr "Ungültiger Pfad!"

#: tools/editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Could not create script in filesystem."
msgstr "Skript konnte nicht im Dateisystem erstellt werden."

#: tools/editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Path is empty"
msgstr "Pfad ist leer"

#: tools/editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Path is not local"
msgstr "Pfad ist nicht lokal"

#: tools/editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Invalid base path"
msgstr "Ungültiger Pfad"

#: tools/editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "Datei existiert"

#: tools/editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Invalid extension"
msgstr "Ungültige Erweiterung"

#: tools/editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Valid path"
msgstr "Gültiger Pfad"

#: tools/editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Class Name:"
msgstr "Klassenname:"

#: tools/editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Built-In Script"
msgstr "Built-In-Skript"

#: tools/editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Create Node Script"
msgstr "Erstelle Node-Skript"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Bytes:"
msgstr "Bytes:"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Warnung"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Error:"
msgstr "Fehler:"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Source:"
msgstr "Quelle:"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Function:"
msgstr "Funktion:"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Errors"
msgstr "Fehler"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Child Process Connected"
msgstr "Unterprozess verbunden"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Inspect Previous Instance"
msgstr "Vorherige Instanz untersuchen"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Inspect Next Instance"
msgstr "Nächste Instanz untersuchen"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Stack Frames"
msgstr "Stack Frames"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Variable"
msgstr "Variable"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Errors:"
msgstr "Fehler:"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Stack Trace (if applicable):"
msgstr "Stack Trace (falls geeignet):"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remote Inspector"
msgstr "Ferninspektor"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Live Scene Tree:"
msgstr "Echtzeit Szenenbaum:"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remote Object Properties: "
msgstr "Eigenschaften entfernter Objekte: "

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Profiler"
msgstr "Profiler"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Monitor"
msgstr "Monitor"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Wert"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Monitors"
msgstr "Monitore"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "List of Video Memory Usage by Resource:"
msgstr "Auflistung der Grafikspeichernutzung nach Ressource:"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Total:"
msgstr "Insgesamt:"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Video Mem"
msgstr "Grafikspeicher"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Resource Path"
msgstr "Ressourcenpfad"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Art"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Usage"
msgstr "Nutzung"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Misc"
msgstr "Verschiedenes"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Clicked Control:"
msgstr "Angeklicktes Control-Node:"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Clicked Control Type:"
msgstr "Typ des angeklickten Control-Nodes:"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Live Edit Root:"
msgstr "Wurzel der Echtzeitbearbeitung:"

#: tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Set From Tree"
msgstr "Nach Szenenbaum einstellen"

#: tools/editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Shortcuts"
msgstr "Tastenkürzel"

#: tools/editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Light Radius"
msgstr "Ändere Lichtradius"

#: tools/editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Camera FOV"
msgstr "Ändere FOV der Kamera"

#: tools/editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Camera Size"
msgstr "Ändere Kameragröße"

#: tools/editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Sphere Shape Radius"
msgstr "Ändere Radius der Kugelform"

#: tools/editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change Box Shape Extents"
msgstr "Ändere Ausmessungen der Kastenform"

#: tools/editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Capsule Shape Radius"
msgstr "Ändere Radius der Kapselform"

#: tools/editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Capsule Shape Height"
msgstr "Ändere Höhe der Kapselform"

#: tools/editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Ray Shape Length"
msgstr "Ändere Länge der Strahlenform"

#: tools/editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change Notifier Extents"
msgstr "Ändere Ausmaße des Benachrichtigers"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "A node yielded without working memory, please read the docs on how to "
#~ "yield properly!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ein Node wurde übergeben ohne nötigen Speicher bereitzustellen, korrektes "
#~ "Vorgehen wird in der Dokumentation beschrieben (Stichwort ‚yield‘)!"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Node yielded, but did not return a function state in the first working "
#~ "memory."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Node wurde übergeben, gab aber keinen Funktionszustand am Anfang des Node-"
#~ "Speichers zurück."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Return value must be assigned to first element of node working memory! "
#~ "Fix your node please."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Zurückgegebener Wert muss dem ersten Element im Node-Speicher zugewiesen "
#~ "sein! Bitte entsprechendes Node anpassen."

#~ msgid "Node returned an invalid sequence output: "
#~ msgstr "Node gab ungültige Sequenzausgabe zurück: "

#~ msgid "Found sequence bit but not the node in the stack, report bug!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Sequenzbit gefunden aber kein entsprechendes Node auf dem Stack, bitte "
#~ "melden Sie den Bug!"

#~ msgid "Stack overflow with stack depth: "
#~ msgstr "Stack-Overflow mit Stack-Tiefe: "

#~ msgid "Functions:"
#~ msgstr "Funktionen:"

#~ msgid "Variables:"
#~ msgstr "Variablen:"

#~ msgid "Name is not a valid identifier:"
#~ msgstr "Name ist kein gültiger Bezeichner:"

#~ msgid "Name already in use by another func/var/signal:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Name wird schon von anderer Funktion, Variablen oder Signal verwendet:"

#~ msgid "Rename Function"
#~ msgstr "Funktion umbenennen"

#~ msgid "Rename Variable"
#~ msgstr "Variable umbenennen"

#~ msgid "Rename Signal"
#~ msgstr "Signal umbenennen"

#~ msgid "Add Function"
#~ msgstr "Funktion hinzufügen"

#~ msgid "Add Variable"
#~ msgstr "Variable hinzufügen"

#~ msgid "Add Signal"
#~ msgstr "Signal hinzufügen"

#~ msgid "Remove Function"
#~ msgstr "Funktion entfernen"

#~ msgid "Remove Variable"
#~ msgstr "Variable entfernen"

#~ msgid "Editing Variable:"
#~ msgstr "bearbeite Variable:"

#~ msgid "Remove Signal"
#~ msgstr "Signal entfernen"

#~ msgid "Editing Signal:"
#~ msgstr "bearbeite Signal:"

#~ msgid "Add Node"
#~ msgstr "Node hinzufügen"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add Preload Node"
#~ msgstr "Node hier anhängen"

#~ msgid "Add Node(s) From Tree"
#~ msgstr "Node(s) aus Szenenbaum hinzufügen"

#~ msgid "Add Getter Property"
#~ msgstr "Getter-Eigenschaft hinzufügen"

#~ msgid "Add Setter Property"
#~ msgstr "Setter-Eigenschaft hinzufügen"

#~ msgid "Base Type:"
#~ msgstr "Basistyp:"

#~ msgid "Available Nodes:"
#~ msgstr "Verfügbare Nodes:"

#~ msgid "Select or create a function to edit graph"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Zum bearbeiten des Graphen muss eine Funktion ausgewählt oder erstellt "
#~ "weden"

#~ msgid "Edit Signal Arguments:"
#~ msgstr "Signalparameter bearbeiten:"

#~ msgid "Edit Variable:"
#~ msgstr "Variable bearbeiten:"

#~ msgid "Change"
#~ msgstr "Ändern"

#~ msgid "Delete Selected"
#~ msgstr "Ausgewähltes löschen"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Find Node Type"
#~ msgstr "Finde Node-Typ"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Copy Nodes"
#~ msgstr "Pose kopieren"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Cut Nodes"
#~ msgstr "Erzeuge Node"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Paste Nodes"
#~ msgstr "Pose einfügen"

#~ msgid "Input type not iterable: "
#~ msgstr "Eingabetyp nicht iterierbar: "

#~ msgid "Iterator became invalid"
#~ msgstr "Iterator wurde ungültig"

#~ msgid "Iterator became invalid: "
#~ msgstr "Iterator wurde ungültig: "

#~ msgid "Invalid index property name."
#~ msgstr "Ungültiger Name der Index-Eigenschaft."

#~ msgid "Base object is not a Node!"
#~ msgstr "Basis-Objekt ist kein Node!"

#~ msgid "Path does not lead Node!"
#~ msgstr "Pfad führt nicht zu einem Node!"

#~ msgid "Invalid index property name '%s' in node %s."
#~ msgstr "Ungültiger Indexeigenschaftsname ‚%s‘ in Node %s."

#~ msgid ": Invalid argument of type: "
#~ msgstr ": Ungültiger Parameter vom Typ: "

#~ msgid ": Invalid arguments: "
#~ msgstr ": Ungültige Parameter: "

#~ msgid "VariableGet not found in script: "
#~ msgstr "VariableGet nicht im Skript gefunden: "

#~ msgid "VariableSet not found in script: "
#~ msgstr "VariableSet nicht im Skript gefunden: "

#~ msgid "Custom node has no _step() method, can't process graph."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Eigens erstelltes Node hat keine _step()-Methode, Graph kann nicht "
#~ "verarbeitet werden."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Invalid return value from _step(), must be integer (seq out), or string "
#~ "(error)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ungültiger Rückgabewert von _step(), muss Integer (für Sequenzausgabe) "
#~ "oder String (für Fehler) sein."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select Property"
#~ msgstr "Punkte auswählen"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select Method"
#~ msgstr "Auswahlmodus"

#~ msgid "Create a new script for the selected node."
#~ msgstr "Erzeuge ein neues Skript für das ausgewählte Node."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Custom node has no _get_output_port_unsequenced(idx,wmem), but "
#~ "unsequenced ports were specified."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Eigens erstelltes Node hat keine Methode _get_output_port_unsequenced(idx,"
#~ "wmem), jedoch wurden unsequenzierte Ports angegeben."

#~ msgid "Cannot go into subdir:"
#~ msgstr "Unterordner kann nicht geöffnet werden:"

#~ msgid "Imported Resources"
#~ msgstr "Importierte Ressourcen"

#~ msgid "Insert Keys (Ins)"
#~ msgstr "Schlüsselbilder einfügen (Einfg)"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Change Anim Loop Interpolation"
#~ msgstr "Ändere Animationswiederholung"

#~ msgid "Enable/Disable interpolation when looping animation."
#~ msgstr "Aktivieren/Deaktivieren Interpolation, wenn Schleife aktiviert."

#~ msgid "Load Layout"
#~ msgstr "Layout Laden"

#~ msgid "Scale Region Editor"
#~ msgstr "Skalierungsbegrenzungseditor"

#~ msgid "Binds (Extra Params):"
#~ msgstr "Bindungen (Extra Parameter):"

#~ msgid "Method In Node:"
#~ msgstr "Methode in Node:"

#~ msgid "Edit Connections.."
#~ msgstr "Bearbeite Verbindungen.."

#~ msgid "Plugin List:"
#~ msgstr "Plugin Liste:"