/*************************************************************************/ /* editor_toaster.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "editor/editor_node.h" #include "editor/editor_scale.h" #include "scene/gui/label.h" #include "scene/gui/panel_container.h" #include "editor_toaster.h" EditorToaster *EditorToaster::singleton = nullptr; void EditorToaster::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_INTERNAL_PROCESS: { double delta = get_process_delta_time(); // Check if one element is hovered, if so, don't elapse time. bool hovered = false; for (const KeyValue<Control *, Toast> &element : toasts) { if (Rect2(Vector2(), element.key->get_size()).has_point(element.key->get_local_mouse_position())) { hovered = true; break; } } // Elapses the time and remove toasts if needed. if (!hovered) { for (const KeyValue<Control *, Toast> &element : toasts) { if (!element.value.popped || element.value.duration <= 0) { continue; } toasts[element.key].remaining_time -= delta; if (toasts[element.key].remaining_time < 0) { close(element.key); } element.key->update(); } } else { // Reset the timers when hovered. for (const KeyValue<Control *, Toast> &element : toasts) { if (!element.value.popped || element.value.duration <= 0) { continue; } toasts[element.key].remaining_time = element.value.duration; element.key->update(); } } // Change alpha over time. bool needs_update = false; for (const KeyValue<Control *, Toast> &element : toasts) { Color modulate = element.key->get_modulate(); // Change alpha over time. if (element.value.popped && modulate.a < 1.0) { modulate.a += delta * 3; element.key->set_modulate(modulate); } else if (!element.value.popped && modulate.a > 0.0) { modulate.a -= delta * 2; element.key->set_modulate(modulate); } // Hide element if it is not visible anymore. if (modulate.a <= 0) { if (element.key->is_visible()) { element.key->hide(); needs_update = true; } } } if (needs_update) { _update_vbox_position(); _update_disable_notifications_button(); main_button->update(); } } break; case NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE: case NOTIFICATION_THEME_CHANGED: { if (vbox_container->is_visible()) { main_button->set_icon(get_theme_icon(SNAME("Notification"), SNAME("EditorIcons"))); } else { main_button->set_icon(get_theme_icon(SNAME("NotificationDisabled"), SNAME("EditorIcons"))); } disable_notifications_button->set_icon(get_theme_icon(SNAME("NotificationDisabled"), SNAME("EditorIcons"))); // Styleboxes background. info_panel_style_background->set_bg_color(get_theme_color("base_color", "Editor")); warning_panel_style_background->set_bg_color(get_theme_color("base_color", "Editor")); warning_panel_style_background->set_border_color(get_theme_color("warning_color", "Editor")); error_panel_style_background->set_bg_color(get_theme_color("base_color", "Editor")); error_panel_style_background->set_border_color(get_theme_color("error_color", "Editor")); // Styleboxes progress. info_panel_style_progress->set_bg_color(get_theme_color("base_color", "Editor").lightened(0.03)); warning_panel_style_progress->set_bg_color(get_theme_color("base_color", "Editor").lightened(0.03)); warning_panel_style_progress->set_border_color(get_theme_color("warning_color", "Editor")); error_panel_style_progress->set_bg_color(get_theme_color("base_color", "Editor").lightened(0.03)); error_panel_style_progress->set_border_color(get_theme_color("error_color", "Editor")); main_button->update(); disable_notifications_button->update(); } break; case NOTIFICATION_TRANSFORM_CHANGED: { _update_vbox_position(); _update_disable_notifications_button(); } break; default: break; } } void EditorToaster::_error_handler(void *p_self, const char *p_func, const char *p_file, int p_line, const char *p_error, const char *p_errorexp, bool p_editor_notify, ErrorHandlerType p_type) { if (!EditorToaster::get_singleton() || !EditorToaster::get_singleton()->is_inside_tree()) { return; } #ifdef DEV_ENABLED bool in_dev = true; #else bool in_dev = false; #endif int show_all_setting = EDITOR_GET("interface/editor/show_internal_errors_in_toast_notifications"); if (p_editor_notify || (show_all_setting == 0 && in_dev) || show_all_setting == 1) { String err_str; if (p_errorexp && p_errorexp[0]) { err_str = String::utf8(p_errorexp); } else { err_str = String::utf8(p_error); } String tooltip_str = String::utf8(p_file) + ":" + itos(p_line); if (!p_editor_notify) { if (p_type == ERR_HANDLER_WARNING) { err_str = "INTERNAL WARNING: " + err_str; } else { err_str = "INTERNAL ERROR: " + err_str; } } Severity severity = (p_type == ERR_HANDLER_WARNING) ? SEVERITY_WARNING : SEVERITY_ERROR; EditorToaster::get_singleton()->popup_str(err_str, severity, tooltip_str); } } void EditorToaster::_update_vbox_position() { // This is kind of a workaround because it's hard to keep the VBox anchroed to the bottom. vbox_container->set_size(Vector2()); vbox_container->set_position(get_global_position() - vbox_container->get_size() + Vector2(get_size().x, -5 * EDSCALE)); } void EditorToaster::_update_disable_notifications_button() { bool any_visible = false; for (KeyValue<Control *, Toast> element : toasts) { if (element.key->is_visible()) { any_visible = true; break; } } if (!any_visible || !vbox_container->is_visible()) { disable_notifications_panel->hide(); } else { disable_notifications_panel->show(); disable_notifications_panel->set_position(get_global_position() + Vector2(5 * EDSCALE, -disable_notifications_panel->get_minimum_size().y) + Vector2(get_size().x, -5 * EDSCALE)); } } void EditorToaster::_auto_hide_or_free_toasts() { // Hide or free old temporary items. int visible_temporary = 0; int temporary = 0; LocalVector<Control *> to_delete; for (int i = vbox_container->get_child_count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Control *control = Object::cast_to<Control>(vbox_container->get_child(i)); if (toasts[control].duration <= 0) { continue; // Ignore non-temporary toasts. } temporary++; if (control->is_visible()) { visible_temporary++; } // Hide if (visible_temporary > max_temporary_count) { close(control); } // Free if (temporary > max_temporary_count * 2) { to_delete.push_back(control); } } // Delete the control right away (removed as child) as it might cause issues otherwise when iterative over the vbox_container children. for (unsigned int i = 0; i < to_delete.size(); i++) { vbox_container->remove_child(to_delete[i]); to_delete[i]->queue_delete(); toasts.erase(to_delete[i]); } } void EditorToaster::_draw_button() { bool has_one = false; Severity highest_severity = SEVERITY_INFO; for (const KeyValue<Control *, Toast> &element : toasts) { if (!element.key->is_visible()) { continue; } has_one = true; if (element.value.severity > highest_severity) { highest_severity = element.value.severity; } } if (!has_one) { return; } Color color; real_t button_radius = main_button->get_size().x / 8; switch (highest_severity) { case SEVERITY_INFO: color = get_theme_color("accent_color", "Editor"); break; case SEVERITY_WARNING: color = get_theme_color("warning_color", "Editor"); break; case SEVERITY_ERROR: color = get_theme_color("error_color", "Editor"); break; default: break; } main_button->draw_circle(Vector2(button_radius * 2, button_radius * 2), button_radius, color); } void EditorToaster::_draw_progress(Control *panel) { if (toasts.has(panel) && toasts[panel].remaining_time > 0 && toasts[panel].duration > 0) { Size2 size = panel->get_size(); size.x *= MIN(1, Math::range_lerp(toasts[panel].remaining_time, 0, toasts[panel].duration, 0, 2)); Ref<StyleBoxFlat> stylebox; switch (toasts[panel].severity) { case SEVERITY_INFO: stylebox = info_panel_style_progress; break; case SEVERITY_WARNING: stylebox = warning_panel_style_progress; break; case SEVERITY_ERROR: stylebox = error_panel_style_progress; break; default: break; } panel->draw_style_box(stylebox, Rect2(Vector2(), size)); } } void EditorToaster::_set_notifications_enabled(bool p_enabled) { vbox_container->set_visible(p_enabled); if (p_enabled) { main_button->set_icon(get_theme_icon(SNAME("Notification"), SNAME("EditorIcons"))); } else { main_button->set_icon(get_theme_icon(SNAME("NotificationDisabled"), SNAME("EditorIcons"))); } _update_disable_notifications_button(); } void EditorToaster::_repop_old() { // Repop olds, up to max_temporary_count bool needs_update = false; int visible = 0; for (int i = vbox_container->get_child_count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Control *control = Object::cast_to<Control>(vbox_container->get_child(i)); if (!control->is_visible()) { control->show(); toasts[control].remaining_time = toasts[control].duration; toasts[control].popped = true; needs_update = true; } visible++; if (visible >= max_temporary_count) { break; } } if (needs_update) { _update_vbox_position(); _update_disable_notifications_button(); main_button->update(); } } Control *EditorToaster::popup(Control *p_control, Severity p_severity, double p_time, String p_tooltip) { // Create the panel according to the severity. PanelContainer *panel = memnew(PanelContainer); panel->set_tooltip(p_tooltip); switch (p_severity) { case SEVERITY_INFO: panel->add_theme_style_override("panel", info_panel_style_background); break; case SEVERITY_WARNING: panel->add_theme_style_override("panel", warning_panel_style_background); break; case SEVERITY_ERROR: panel->add_theme_style_override("panel", error_panel_style_background); break; default: break; } panel->set_modulate(Color(1, 1, 1, 0)); panel->connect("draw", callable_bind(callable_mp(this, &EditorToaster::_draw_progress), panel)); // Horizontal container. HBoxContainer *hbox_container = memnew(HBoxContainer); hbox_container->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); panel->add_child(hbox_container); // Content control. p_control->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); hbox_container->add_child(p_control); // Close button. if (p_time > 0.0) { Button *close_button = memnew(Button); close_button->set_flat(true); close_button->set_icon(get_theme_icon("Close", "EditorIcons")); close_button->connect("pressed", callable_bind(callable_mp(this, &EditorToaster::close), panel)); hbox_container->add_child(close_button); } toasts[panel].severity = p_severity; if (p_time > 0.0) { toasts[panel].duration = p_time; toasts[panel].remaining_time = p_time; } else { toasts[panel].duration = -1.0; } toasts[panel].popped = true; vbox_container->add_child(panel); _auto_hide_or_free_toasts(); _update_vbox_position(); _update_disable_notifications_button(); main_button->update(); return panel; } void EditorToaster::popup_str(String p_message, Severity p_severity, String p_tooltip) { // Since "_popup_str" adds nodes to the tree, and since the "add_child" method is not // thread-safe, it's better to defer the call to the next cycle to be thread-safe. call_deferred(SNAME("_popup_str"), p_message, p_severity, p_tooltip); } void EditorToaster::_popup_str(String p_message, Severity p_severity, String p_tooltip) { // Check if we already have a popup with the given message. Control *control = nullptr; for (KeyValue<Control *, Toast> element : toasts) { if (element.value.message == p_message && element.value.severity == p_severity && element.value.tooltip == p_tooltip) { control = element.key; break; } } // Create a new message if needed. if (control == nullptr) { Label *label = memnew(Label); control = popup(label, p_severity, default_message_duration, p_tooltip); toasts[control].message = p_message; toasts[control].tooltip = p_tooltip; toasts[control].count = 1; } else { if (toasts[control].popped) { toasts[control].count += 1; } else { toasts[control].count = 1; } toasts[control].remaining_time = toasts[control].duration; toasts[control].popped = true; control->show(); vbox_container->move_child(control, vbox_container->get_child_count()); _auto_hide_or_free_toasts(); _update_vbox_position(); _update_disable_notifications_button(); main_button->update(); } // Retrieve the label back then update the text. Label *label = Object::cast_to<Label>(control->get_child(0)->get_child(0)); ERR_FAIL_COND(!label); if (toasts[control].count == 1) { label->set_text(p_message); } else { label->set_text(vformat("%s (%d)", p_message, toasts[control].count)); } } void EditorToaster::close(Control *p_control) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!toasts.has(p_control)); toasts[p_control].remaining_time = -1.0; toasts[p_control].popped = false; } EditorToaster *EditorToaster::get_singleton() { return singleton; } void EditorToaster::_bind_methods() { // Binding method to make it defer-able. ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_popup_str", "message", "severity", "tooltip"), &EditorToaster::_popup_str); } EditorToaster::EditorToaster() { set_notify_transform(true); set_process_internal(true); // VBox. vbox_container = memnew(VBoxContainer); vbox_container->set_as_top_level(true); vbox_container->connect("resized", callable_mp(this, &EditorToaster::_update_vbox_position)); add_child(vbox_container); // Theming (background). info_panel_style_background.instantiate(); info_panel_style_background->set_corner_radius_all(stylebox_radius * EDSCALE); warning_panel_style_background.instantiate(); warning_panel_style_background->set_border_width(SIDE_LEFT, stylebox_radius * EDSCALE); warning_panel_style_background->set_corner_radius_all(stylebox_radius * EDSCALE); error_panel_style_background.instantiate(); error_panel_style_background->set_border_width(SIDE_LEFT, stylebox_radius * EDSCALE); error_panel_style_background->set_corner_radius_all(stylebox_radius * EDSCALE); Ref<StyleBoxFlat> boxes[] = { info_panel_style_background, warning_panel_style_background, error_panel_style_background }; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { boxes[i]->set_default_margin(SIDE_LEFT, int(stylebox_radius * 2.5)); boxes[i]->set_default_margin(SIDE_RIGHT, int(stylebox_radius * 2.5)); boxes[i]->set_default_margin(SIDE_TOP, 3); boxes[i]->set_default_margin(SIDE_BOTTOM, 3); } // Theming (progress). info_panel_style_progress.instantiate(); info_panel_style_progress->set_corner_radius_all(stylebox_radius * EDSCALE); warning_panel_style_progress.instantiate(); warning_panel_style_progress->set_border_width(SIDE_LEFT, stylebox_radius * EDSCALE); warning_panel_style_progress->set_corner_radius_all(stylebox_radius * EDSCALE); error_panel_style_progress.instantiate(); error_panel_style_progress->set_border_width(SIDE_LEFT, stylebox_radius * EDSCALE); error_panel_style_progress->set_corner_radius_all(stylebox_radius * EDSCALE); // Main button. main_button = memnew(Button); main_button->set_flat(true); main_button->connect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &EditorToaster::_set_notifications_enabled), varray(true)); main_button->connect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &EditorToaster::_repop_old)); main_button->connect("draw", callable_mp(this, &EditorToaster::_draw_button)); add_child(main_button); // Disable notification button. disable_notifications_panel = memnew(PanelContainer); disable_notifications_panel->set_as_top_level(true); disable_notifications_panel->add_theme_style_override("panel", info_panel_style_background); add_child(disable_notifications_panel); disable_notifications_button = memnew(Button); disable_notifications_button->set_flat(true); disable_notifications_button->connect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &EditorToaster::_set_notifications_enabled), varray(false)); disable_notifications_panel->add_child(disable_notifications_button); // Other singleton = this; eh.errfunc = _error_handler; add_error_handler(&eh); }; EditorToaster::~EditorToaster() { singleton = nullptr; remove_error_handler(&eh); }