// Copyright 2009-2020 Intel Corporation // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 #define RTC_EXPORT_API #include "default.h" #include "device.h" #include "scene.h" #include "context.h" #include "alloc.h" #include "../builders/bvh_builder_sah.h" #include "../builders/bvh_builder_morton.h" namespace embree { namespace isa // FIXME: support more ISAs for builders { struct BVH : public RefCount { BVH (Device* device) : device(device), allocator(device,true), morton_src(device,0), morton_tmp(device,0) { device->refInc(); } ~BVH() { device->refDec(); } public: Device* device; FastAllocator allocator; mvector morton_src; mvector morton_tmp; }; void* rtcBuildBVHMorton(const RTCBuildArguments* arguments) { BVH* bvh = (BVH*) arguments->bvh; RTCBuildPrimitive* prims_i = arguments->primitives; size_t primitiveCount = arguments->primitiveCount; RTCCreateNodeFunction createNode = arguments->createNode; RTCSetNodeChildrenFunction setNodeChildren = arguments->setNodeChildren; RTCSetNodeBoundsFunction setNodeBounds = arguments->setNodeBounds; RTCCreateLeafFunction createLeaf = arguments->createLeaf; RTCProgressMonitorFunction buildProgress = arguments->buildProgress; void* userPtr = arguments->userPtr; std::atomic progress(0); /* initialize temporary arrays for morton builder */ PrimRef* prims = (PrimRef*) prims_i; mvector& morton_src = bvh->morton_src; mvector& morton_tmp = bvh->morton_tmp; morton_src.resize(primitiveCount); morton_tmp.resize(primitiveCount); /* compute centroid bounds */ const BBox3fa centBounds = parallel_reduce ( size_t(0), primitiveCount, BBox3fa(empty), [&](const range& r) -> BBox3fa { BBox3fa bounds(empty); for (size_t i=r.begin(); i& r) { BVHBuilderMorton::MortonCodeGenerator generator(mapping,&morton_src[r.begin()]); for (size_t i=r.begin(); i root = BVHBuilderMorton::build>( /* thread local allocator for fast allocations */ [&] () -> FastAllocator::CachedAllocator { return bvh->allocator.getCachedAllocator(); }, /* lambda function that allocates BVH nodes */ [&] ( const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc, size_t N ) -> void* { return createNode((RTCThreadLocalAllocator)&alloc, (unsigned int)N,userPtr); }, /* lambda function that sets bounds */ [&] (void* node, const std::pair* children, size_t N) -> std::pair { BBox3fa bounds = empty; void* childptrs[BVHBuilderMorton::MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR]; const RTCBounds* cbounds[BVHBuilderMorton::MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR]; for (size_t i=0; i& current, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) -> std::pair { RTCBuildPrimitive localBuildPrims[RTC_BUILD_MAX_PRIMITIVES_PER_LEAF]; BBox3fa bounds = empty; for (size_t i=0;i BBox3fa { return prims[morton.index].bounds(); }, /* progress monitor function */ [&] (size_t dn) { if (!buildProgress) return true; const size_t n = progress.fetch_add(dn)+dn; const double f = std::min(1.0,double(n)/double(primitiveCount)); return buildProgress(userPtr,f); }, morton_src.data(),morton_tmp.data(),primitiveCount, *arguments); bvh->allocator.cleanup(); return root.first; } void* rtcBuildBVHBinnedSAH(const RTCBuildArguments* arguments) { BVH* bvh = (BVH*) arguments->bvh; RTCBuildPrimitive* prims = arguments->primitives; size_t primitiveCount = arguments->primitiveCount; RTCCreateNodeFunction createNode = arguments->createNode; RTCSetNodeChildrenFunction setNodeChildren = arguments->setNodeChildren; RTCSetNodeBoundsFunction setNodeBounds = arguments->setNodeBounds; RTCCreateLeafFunction createLeaf = arguments->createLeaf; RTCProgressMonitorFunction buildProgress = arguments->buildProgress; void* userPtr = arguments->userPtr; std::atomic progress(0); /* calculate priminfo */ auto computeBounds = [&](const range& r) -> CentGeomBBox3fa { CentGeomBBox3fa bounds(empty); for (size_t j=r.begin(); j( /* thread local allocator for fast allocations */ [&] () -> FastAllocator::CachedAllocator { return bvh->allocator.getCachedAllocator(); }, /* lambda function that creates BVH nodes */ [&](BVHBuilderBinnedSAH::BuildRecord* children, const size_t N, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) -> void* { void* node = createNode((RTCThreadLocalAllocator)&alloc, (unsigned int)N,userPtr); const RTCBounds* cbounds[GeneralBVHBuilder::MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR]; for (size_t i=0; i void* { setNodeChildren(node,children, (unsigned int)N,userPtr); return node; }, /* lambda function that creates BVH leaves */ [&](const PrimRef* prims, const range& range, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) -> void* { return createLeaf((RTCThreadLocalAllocator)&alloc,(RTCBuildPrimitive*)(prims+range.begin()),range.size(),userPtr); }, /* progress monitor function */ [&] (size_t dn) { if (!buildProgress) return true; const size_t n = progress.fetch_add(dn)+dn; const double f = std::min(1.0,double(n)/double(primitiveCount)); return buildProgress(userPtr,f); }, (PrimRef*)prims,pinfo,*arguments); bvh->allocator.cleanup(); return root; } static __forceinline const std::pair mergePair(const std::pair& a, const std::pair& b) { CentGeomBBox3fa centBounds = CentGeomBBox3fa::merge2(a.first,b.first); unsigned int maxGeomID = max(a.second,b.second); return std::pair(centBounds,maxGeomID); } void* rtcBuildBVHSpatialSAH(const RTCBuildArguments* arguments) { BVH* bvh = (BVH*) arguments->bvh; RTCBuildPrimitive* prims = arguments->primitives; size_t primitiveCount = arguments->primitiveCount; RTCCreateNodeFunction createNode = arguments->createNode; RTCSetNodeChildrenFunction setNodeChildren = arguments->setNodeChildren; RTCSetNodeBoundsFunction setNodeBounds = arguments->setNodeBounds; RTCCreateLeafFunction createLeaf = arguments->createLeaf; RTCSplitPrimitiveFunction splitPrimitive = arguments->splitPrimitive; RTCProgressMonitorFunction buildProgress = arguments->buildProgress; void* userPtr = arguments->userPtr; std::atomic progress(0); /* calculate priminfo */ auto computeBounds = [&](const range& r) -> std::pair { CentGeomBBox3fa bounds(empty); unsigned maxGeomID = 0; for (size_t j=r.begin(); j(bounds,maxGeomID); }; const std::pair pair = parallel_reduce(size_t(0),primitiveCount,size_t(1024),size_t(1024),std::pair(CentGeomBBox3fa(empty),0), computeBounds, mergePair); CentGeomBBox3fa bounds = pair.first; const unsigned int maxGeomID = pair.second; if (unlikely(maxGeomID >= ((unsigned int)1 << (32-RESERVED_NUM_SPATIAL_SPLITS_GEOMID_BITS)))) { /* fallback code for max geomID larger than threshold */ return rtcBuildBVHBinnedSAH(arguments); } const PrimInfo pinfo(0,primitiveCount,bounds); /* function that splits a build primitive */ struct Splitter { Splitter (RTCSplitPrimitiveFunction splitPrimitive, unsigned geomID, unsigned primID, void* userPtr) : splitPrimitive(splitPrimitive), geomID(geomID), primID(primID), userPtr(userPtr) {} __forceinline void operator() (PrimRef& prim, const size_t dim, const float pos, PrimRef& left_o, PrimRef& right_o) const { prim.geomIDref() &= BVHBuilderBinnedFastSpatialSAH::GEOMID_MASK; splitPrimitive((RTCBuildPrimitive*)&prim,(unsigned)dim,pos,(RTCBounds*)&left_o,(RTCBounds*)&right_o,userPtr); left_o.geomIDref() = geomID; left_o.primIDref() = primID; right_o.geomIDref() = geomID; right_o.primIDref() = primID; } __forceinline void operator() (const BBox3fa& box, const size_t dim, const float pos, BBox3fa& left_o, BBox3fa& right_o) const { PrimRef prim(box,geomID & BVHBuilderBinnedFastSpatialSAH::GEOMID_MASK,primID); splitPrimitive((RTCBuildPrimitive*)&prim,(unsigned)dim,pos,(RTCBounds*)&left_o,(RTCBounds*)&right_o,userPtr); } RTCSplitPrimitiveFunction splitPrimitive; unsigned geomID; unsigned primID; void* userPtr; }; /* build BVH */ void* root = BVHBuilderBinnedFastSpatialSAH::build( /* thread local allocator for fast allocations */ [&] () -> FastAllocator::CachedAllocator { return bvh->allocator.getCachedAllocator(); }, /* lambda function that creates BVH nodes */ [&] (BVHBuilderBinnedFastSpatialSAH::BuildRecord* children, const size_t N, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) -> void* { void* node = createNode((RTCThreadLocalAllocator)&alloc, (unsigned int)N,userPtr); const RTCBounds* cbounds[GeneralBVHBuilder::MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR]; for (size_t i=0; i void* { setNodeChildren(node,children, (unsigned int)N,userPtr); return node; }, /* lambda function that creates BVH leaves */ [&] (const PrimRef* prims, const range& range, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) -> void* { return createLeaf((RTCThreadLocalAllocator)&alloc,(RTCBuildPrimitive*)(prims+range.begin()),range.size(),userPtr); }, /* returns the splitter */ [&] ( const PrimRef& prim ) -> Splitter { return Splitter(splitPrimitive,prim.geomID(),prim.primID(),userPtr); }, /* progress monitor function */ [&] (size_t dn) { if (!buildProgress) return true; const size_t n = progress.fetch_add(dn)+dn; const double f = std::min(1.0,double(n)/double(primitiveCount)); return buildProgress(userPtr,f); }, (PrimRef*)prims, arguments->primitiveArrayCapacity, pinfo,*arguments); bvh->allocator.cleanup(); return root; } } } using namespace embree; using namespace embree::isa; RTC_NAMESPACE_BEGIN RTC_API RTCBVH rtcNewBVH(RTCDevice device) { RTC_CATCH_BEGIN; RTC_TRACE(rtcNewAllocator); RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(device); BVH* bvh = new BVH((Device*)device); return (RTCBVH) bvh->refInc(); RTC_CATCH_END((Device*)device); return nullptr; } RTC_API void* rtcBuildBVH(const RTCBuildArguments* arguments) { BVH* bvh = (BVH*) arguments->bvh; RTC_CATCH_BEGIN; RTC_TRACE(rtcBuildBVH); RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(bvh); RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(arguments); RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(arguments->createNode); RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(arguments->setNodeChildren); RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(arguments->setNodeBounds); RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(arguments->createLeaf); if (arguments->primitiveArrayCapacity < arguments->primitiveCount) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"primitiveArrayCapacity must be greater or equal to primitiveCount") /* initialize the allocator */ bvh->allocator.init_estimate(arguments->primitiveCount*sizeof(BBox3fa)); bvh->allocator.reset(); /* switch between differnet builders based on quality level */ if (arguments->buildQuality == RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_LOW) return rtcBuildBVHMorton(arguments); else if (arguments->buildQuality == RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_MEDIUM) return rtcBuildBVHBinnedSAH(arguments); else if (arguments->buildQuality == RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_HIGH) { if (arguments->splitPrimitive == nullptr || arguments->primitiveArrayCapacity <= arguments->primitiveCount) return rtcBuildBVHBinnedSAH(arguments); else return rtcBuildBVHSpatialSAH(arguments); } else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"invalid build quality"); /* if we are in dynamic mode, then do not clear temporary data */ if (!(arguments->buildFlags & RTC_BUILD_FLAG_DYNAMIC)) { bvh->morton_src.clear(); bvh->morton_tmp.clear(); } RTC_CATCH_END(bvh->device); return nullptr; } RTC_API void* rtcThreadLocalAlloc(RTCThreadLocalAllocator localAllocator, size_t bytes, size_t align) { FastAllocator::CachedAllocator* alloc = (FastAllocator::CachedAllocator*) localAllocator; RTC_CATCH_BEGIN; RTC_TRACE(rtcThreadLocalAlloc); return alloc->malloc0(bytes,align); RTC_CATCH_END(alloc->alloc->getDevice()); return nullptr; } RTC_API void rtcMakeStaticBVH(RTCBVH hbvh) { BVH* bvh = (BVH*) hbvh; RTC_CATCH_BEGIN; RTC_TRACE(rtcStaticBVH); RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hbvh); bvh->morton_src.clear(); bvh->morton_tmp.clear(); RTC_CATCH_END(bvh->device); } RTC_API void rtcRetainBVH(RTCBVH hbvh) { BVH* bvh = (BVH*) hbvh; Device* device = bvh ? bvh->device : nullptr; RTC_CATCH_BEGIN; RTC_TRACE(rtcRetainBVH); RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hbvh); bvh->refInc(); RTC_CATCH_END(device); } RTC_API void rtcReleaseBVH(RTCBVH hbvh) { BVH* bvh = (BVH*) hbvh; Device* device = bvh ? bvh->device : nullptr; RTC_CATCH_BEGIN; RTC_TRACE(rtcReleaseBVH); RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hbvh); bvh->refDec(); RTC_CATCH_END(device); } RTC_NAMESPACE_END