/*************************************************************************/ /* scroll_bar.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* http://www.godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2017 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "scroll_bar.h" #include "os/keyboard.h" #include "print_string.h" #include "os/os.h" bool ScrollBar::focus_by_default=false; void ScrollBar::set_can_focus_by_default(bool p_can_focus) { focus_by_default=p_can_focus; } void ScrollBar::_gui_input(InputEvent p_event) { switch(p_event.type) { case InputEvent::MOUSE_BUTTON: { const InputEventMouseButton &b=p_event.mouse_button; accept_event(); if (b.button_index==5 && b.pressed) { /* if (orientation==VERTICAL) set_val( get_val() + get_page() / 4.0 ); else */ set_value( get_value() + get_page() / 4.0 ); accept_event(); } if (b.button_index==4 && b.pressed) { /* if (orientation==HORIZONTAL) set_val( get_val() - get_page() / 4.0 ); else */ set_value( get_value() - get_page() / 4.0 ); accept_event(); } if (b.button_index!=1) return; if (b.pressed) { double ofs = orientation==VERTICAL ? b.y : b.x ; Ref decr = get_icon("decrement"); Ref incr = get_icon("increment"); double decr_size = orientation==VERTICAL ? decr->get_height() : decr->get_width(); double incr_size = orientation==VERTICAL ? incr->get_height() : incr->get_width(); double grabber_ofs = get_grabber_offset(); double grabber_size = get_grabber_size(); double total = orientation==VERTICAL ? get_size().height : get_size().width; if (ofs < decr_size ) { set_value( get_value() - (custom_step>=0?custom_step:get_step()) ); break; } if (ofs > total-incr_size ) { set_value( get_value() + (custom_step>=0?custom_step:get_step()) ); break; } ofs-=decr_size; if ( ofs < grabber_ofs ) { set_value( get_value() - get_page() ); break; } ofs-=grabber_ofs; if (ofs < grabber_size ) { drag.active=true; drag.pos_at_click=grabber_ofs+ofs; drag.value_at_click=get_as_ratio(); update(); } else { set_value( get_value() + get_page() ); } } else { drag.active=false; update(); } } break; case InputEvent::MOUSE_MOTION: { const InputEventMouseMotion &m=p_event.mouse_motion; accept_event(); if (drag.active) { double ofs = orientation==VERTICAL ? m.y : m.x ; Ref decr = get_icon("decrement"); double decr_size = orientation==VERTICAL ? decr->get_height() : decr->get_width(); ofs-=decr_size; double diff = (ofs-drag.pos_at_click) / get_area_size(); set_as_ratio( drag.value_at_click + diff ); } else { double ofs = orientation==VERTICAL ? m.y : m.x ; Ref decr = get_icon("decrement"); Ref incr = get_icon("increment"); double decr_size = orientation==VERTICAL ? decr->get_height() : decr->get_width(); double incr_size = orientation==VERTICAL ? incr->get_height() : incr->get_width(); double total = orientation==VERTICAL ? get_size().height : get_size().width; HiliteStatus new_hilite; if (ofs < decr_size ) { new_hilite=HILITE_DECR; } else if (ofs > total-incr_size ) { new_hilite=HILITE_INCR; } else { new_hilite=HILITE_RANGE; } if (new_hilite!=hilite) { hilite=new_hilite; update(); } } } break; case InputEvent::KEY: { const InputEventKey &k=p_event.key; if (!k.pressed) return; switch (k.scancode) { case KEY_LEFT: { if (orientation!=HORIZONTAL) return; set_value( get_value() - (custom_step>=0?custom_step:get_step()) ); } break; case KEY_RIGHT: { if (orientation!=HORIZONTAL) return; set_value( get_value() + (custom_step>=0?custom_step:get_step()) ); } break; case KEY_UP: { if (orientation!=VERTICAL) return; set_value( get_value() - (custom_step>=0?custom_step:get_step()) ); } break; case KEY_DOWN: { if (orientation!=VERTICAL) return; set_value( get_value() + (custom_step>=0?custom_step:get_step()) ); } break; case KEY_HOME: { set_value( get_min() ); } break; case KEY_END: { set_value( get_max() ); } break; } break; } } } void ScrollBar::_notification(int p_what) { if (p_what==NOTIFICATION_DRAW) { RID ci = get_canvas_item(); Ref decr = hilite==HILITE_DECR ? get_icon("decrement_hilite") : get_icon("decrement"); Ref incr = hilite==HILITE_INCR ? get_icon("increment_hilite") : get_icon("increment"); Ref bg = has_focus() ? get_stylebox("scroll_focus") : get_stylebox("scroll"); Ref grabber = (drag.active || hilite==HILITE_RANGE) ? get_stylebox("grabber_hilite") : get_stylebox("grabber"); Point2 ofs; VisualServer *vs = VisualServer::get_singleton(); vs->canvas_item_add_texture_rect( ci, Rect2( Point2(), decr->get_size()),decr->get_rid() ); if (orientation==HORIZONTAL) ofs.x+=decr->get_width(); else ofs.y+=decr->get_height(); Size2 area=get_size(); if (orientation==HORIZONTAL) area.width-=incr->get_width()+decr->get_width(); else area.height-=incr->get_height()+decr->get_height(); bg->draw(ci,Rect2(ofs,area)); if (orientation==HORIZONTAL) ofs.width+=area.width; else ofs.height+=area.height; vs->canvas_item_add_texture_rect( ci, Rect2( ofs, decr->get_size()),incr->get_rid() ); Rect2 grabber_rect; if (orientation==HORIZONTAL) { grabber_rect.size.width=get_grabber_size(); grabber_rect.size.height=get_size().height; grabber_rect.pos.y=0; grabber_rect.pos.x=get_grabber_offset()+decr->get_width()+bg->get_margin( MARGIN_LEFT ); } else { grabber_rect.size.width=get_size().width; grabber_rect.size.height=get_grabber_size(); grabber_rect.pos.y=get_grabber_offset()+decr->get_height()+bg->get_margin( MARGIN_TOP ); grabber_rect.pos.x=0; } grabber->draw(ci,grabber_rect); } if (p_what==NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE) { if (has_node(drag_slave_path)) { Node *n = get_node(drag_slave_path); drag_slave=n->cast_to(); } if (drag_slave) { drag_slave->connect("gui_input",this,"_drag_slave_input"); drag_slave->connect("tree_exited",this,"_drag_slave_exit",varray(),CONNECT_ONESHOT); } } if (p_what==NOTIFICATION_EXIT_TREE) { if (drag_slave) { drag_slave->disconnect("gui_input",this,"_drag_slave_input"); drag_slave->disconnect("tree_exited",this,"_drag_slave_exit"); } drag_slave=NULL; } if (p_what==NOTIFICATION_FIXED_PROCESS) { if (drag_slave_touching) { if (drag_slave_touching_deaccel) { Vector2 pos = Vector2(orientation==HORIZONTAL?get_value():0,orientation==VERTICAL?get_value():0); pos+=drag_slave_speed*get_fixed_process_delta_time(); bool turnoff=false; if (orientation==HORIZONTAL) { if (pos.x<0) { pos.x=0; turnoff=true; } if (pos.x > (get_max()-get_page())) { pos.x=get_max()-get_page(); turnoff=true; } set_value(pos.x); float sgn_x = drag_slave_speed.x<0? -1 : 1; float val_x = Math::abs(drag_slave_speed.x); val_x-=1000*get_fixed_process_delta_time(); if (val_x<0) { turnoff=true; } drag_slave_speed.x=sgn_x*val_x; } else { if (pos.y<0) { pos.y=0; turnoff=true; } if (pos.y > (get_max()-get_page())) { pos.y=get_max()-get_page(); turnoff=true; } set_value(pos.y); float sgn_y = drag_slave_speed.y<0? -1 : 1; float val_y = Math::abs(drag_slave_speed.y); val_y-=1000*get_fixed_process_delta_time(); if (val_y<0) { turnoff=true; } drag_slave_speed.y=sgn_y*val_y; } if (turnoff) { set_fixed_process(false); drag_slave_touching=false; drag_slave_touching_deaccel=false; } } else { if (time_since_motion==0 || time_since_motion>0.1) { Vector2 diff = drag_slave_accum - last_drag_slave_accum; last_drag_slave_accum=drag_slave_accum; drag_slave_speed=diff/get_fixed_process_delta_time(); } time_since_motion+=get_fixed_process_delta_time(); } } } if (p_what==NOTIFICATION_MOUSE_EXIT) { hilite=HILITE_NONE; update(); } } double ScrollBar::get_grabber_min_size() const { Ref grabber=get_stylebox("grabber"); Size2 gminsize=grabber->get_minimum_size()+grabber->get_center_size(); return (orientation==VERTICAL)?gminsize.height:gminsize.width; } double ScrollBar::get_grabber_size() const { float range = get_max()-get_min(); if (range<=0) return 0; float page = (get_page()>0)? get_page() : 0; /* if (grabber_range < get_step()) grabber_range=get_step(); */ double area_size=get_area_size(); double grabber_size = page / range * area_size; return grabber_size+get_grabber_min_size(); } double ScrollBar::get_area_size() const { if (orientation==VERTICAL) { double area=get_size().height; area-=get_stylebox("scroll")->get_minimum_size().height; area-=get_icon("increment")->get_height(); area-=get_icon("decrement")->get_height(); area-=get_grabber_min_size(); return area; } else if (orientation==HORIZONTAL) { double area=get_size().width; area-=get_stylebox("scroll")->get_minimum_size().width; area-=get_icon("increment")->get_width(); area-=get_icon("decrement")->get_width(); area-=get_grabber_min_size(); return area; } else { return 0; } } double ScrollBar::get_area_offset() const { double ofs=0; if (orientation==VERTICAL) { ofs+=get_stylebox("hscroll")->get_margin( MARGIN_TOP ); ofs+=get_icon("decrement")->get_height(); } if (orientation==HORIZONTAL) { ofs+=get_stylebox("hscroll")->get_margin( MARGIN_LEFT ); ofs+=get_icon("decrement")->get_width(); } return ofs; } double ScrollBar::get_click_pos(const Point2& p_pos) const { float pos=(orientation==VERTICAL)?p_pos.y:p_pos.x; pos-=get_area_offset(); float area=get_area_size(); if (area==0) return 0; else return pos/area; } double ScrollBar::get_grabber_offset() const { return (get_area_size()) * get_as_ratio(); } Size2 ScrollBar::get_minimum_size() const { Ref incr = get_icon("increment"); Ref decr = get_icon("decrement"); Ref bg = get_stylebox("scroll"); Size2 minsize; if (orientation==VERTICAL) { minsize.width=MAX(incr->get_size().width,(bg->get_minimum_size()+bg->get_center_size()).width); minsize.height+=incr->get_size().height; minsize.height+=decr->get_size().height; minsize.height+=bg->get_minimum_size().height; minsize.height+=get_grabber_min_size(); } if (orientation==HORIZONTAL) { minsize.height=MAX(incr->get_size().height,(bg->get_center_size()+bg->get_minimum_size()).height); minsize.width+=incr->get_size().width; minsize.width+=decr->get_size().width; minsize.width+=bg->get_minimum_size().width; minsize.width+=get_grabber_min_size(); } return minsize; } void ScrollBar::set_custom_step(float p_custom_step) { custom_step=p_custom_step; } float ScrollBar::get_custom_step() const { return custom_step; } void ScrollBar::_drag_slave_exit() { if (drag_slave) { drag_slave->disconnect("gui_input",this,"_drag_slave_input"); } drag_slave=NULL; } void ScrollBar::_drag_slave_input(const InputEvent& p_input) { switch(p_input.type) { case InputEvent::MOUSE_BUTTON: { const InputEventMouseButton &mb=p_input.mouse_button; if (mb.button_index!=1) break; if (mb.pressed) { if (drag_slave_touching) { set_fixed_process(false); drag_slave_touching_deaccel=false; drag_slave_touching=false; drag_slave_speed=Vector2(); drag_slave_accum=Vector2(); last_drag_slave_accum=Vector2(); drag_slave_from=Vector2(); } if (true) { drag_slave_speed=Vector2(); drag_slave_accum=Vector2(); last_drag_slave_accum=Vector2(); //drag_slave_from=Vector2(h_scroll->get_val(),v_scroll->get_val()); drag_slave_from= Vector2(orientation==HORIZONTAL?get_value():0,orientation==VERTICAL?get_value():0); drag_slave_touching=OS::get_singleton()->has_touchscreen_ui_hint(); drag_slave_touching_deaccel=false; time_since_motion=0; if (drag_slave_touching) { set_fixed_process(true); time_since_motion=0; } } } else { if (drag_slave_touching) { if (drag_slave_speed==Vector2()) { drag_slave_touching_deaccel=false; drag_slave_touching=false; set_fixed_process(false); } else { drag_slave_touching_deaccel=true; } } } } break; case InputEvent::MOUSE_MOTION: { const InputEventMouseMotion &mm=p_input.mouse_motion; if (drag_slave_touching && ! drag_slave_touching_deaccel) { Vector2 motion = Vector2(mm.relative_x,mm.relative_y); drag_slave_accum-=motion; Vector2 diff = drag_slave_from+drag_slave_accum; if (orientation==HORIZONTAL) set_value(diff.x); /* else drag_slave_accum.x=0; */ if (orientation==VERTICAL) set_value(diff.y); /* else drag_slave_accum.y=0; */ time_since_motion=0; } } break; } } void ScrollBar::set_drag_slave(const NodePath& p_path) { if (is_inside_tree()) { if (drag_slave) { drag_slave->disconnect("gui_input",this,"_drag_slave_input"); drag_slave->disconnect("tree_exited",this,"_drag_slave_exit"); } } drag_slave=NULL; drag_slave_path=p_path; if (is_inside_tree()) { if (has_node(p_path)) { Node *n = get_node(p_path); drag_slave=n->cast_to(); } if (drag_slave) { drag_slave->connect("gui_input",this,"_drag_slave_input"); drag_slave->connect("tree_exited",this,"_drag_slave_exit",varray(),CONNECT_ONESHOT); } } } NodePath ScrollBar::get_drag_slave() const{ return drag_slave_path; } #if 0 void ScrollBar::mouse_button(const Point2& p_pos, int b.button_index,bool b.pressed,int p_modifier_mask) { // wheel! if (b.button_index==BUTTON_WHEEL_UP && b.pressed) { if (orientation==VERTICAL) set_val( get_val() - get_page() / 4.0 ); else set_val( get_val() + get_page() / 4.0 ); } if (b.button_index==BUTTON_WHEEL_DOWN && b.pressed) { if (orientation==HORIZONTAL) set_val( get_val() - get_page() / 4.0 ); else set_val( get_val() + get_page() / 4.0 ); } if (b.button_index!=BUTTON_LEFT) return; if (b.pressed) { int ofs = orientation==VERTICAL ? p_pos.y : p_pos.x ; int grabber_ofs = get_grabber_offset(); int grabber_size = get_grabber_size(); if ( ofs < grabber_ofs ) { set_val( get_val() - get_page() ); } else if (ofs > grabber_ofs + grabber_size ) { set_val( get_val() + get_page() ); } else { drag.active=true; drag.pos_at_click=get_click_pos(p_pos); drag.value_at_click=get_unit_value(); } } else { drag.active=false; } } void ScrollBar::mouse_motion(const Point2& p_pos, const Point2& p_rel, int b.button_index_mask) { if (!drag.active) return; double value_ofs=drag.value_at_click+(get_click_pos(p_pos)-drag.pos_at_click); value_ofs=value_ofs*( get_max() - get_min() ); if (value_ofs(get_max()-get_page())) value_ofs=get_max()-get_page(); if (get_val()==value_ofs) return; //dont bother if the value is the same set_val( value_ofs ); } bool ScrollBar::key(unsigned long p_unicode, unsigned long p_scan_code,bool b.pressed,bool p_repeat,int p_modifier_mask) { if (!b.pressed) return false; switch (p_scan_code) { case KEY_LEFT: { if (orientation!=HORIZONTAL) return false; set_val( get_val() - get_step() ); } break; case KEY_RIGHT: { if (orientation!=HORIZONTAL) return false; set_val( get_val() + get_step() ); } break; case KEY_UP: { if (orientation!=VERTICAL) return false; set_val( get_val() - get_step() ); } break; case KEY_DOWN: { if (orientation!=VERTICAL) return false; set_val( get_val() + get_step() ); } break; case KEY_HOME: { set_val( get_min() ); } break; case KEY_END: { set_val( get_max() ); } break; default: return false; } return true; } #endif void ScrollBar::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(_MD("_gui_input"),&ScrollBar::_gui_input); ClassDB::bind_method(_MD("set_custom_step","step"),&ScrollBar::set_custom_step); ClassDB::bind_method(_MD("get_custom_step"),&ScrollBar::get_custom_step); ClassDB::bind_method(_MD("_drag_slave_input"),&ScrollBar::_drag_slave_input); ClassDB::bind_method(_MD("_drag_slave_exit"),&ScrollBar::_drag_slave_exit); ADD_PROPERTY( PropertyInfo(Variant::REAL,"custom_step",PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE,"-1,4096"), "set_custom_step","get_custom_step"); } ScrollBar::ScrollBar(Orientation p_orientation) { orientation=p_orientation; hilite=HILITE_NONE; custom_step=-1; drag_slave=NULL; drag.active=false; drag_slave_speed=Vector2(); drag_slave_touching=false; drag_slave_touching_deaccel=false; if (focus_by_default) set_focus_mode( FOCUS_ALL ); set_step(0); } ScrollBar::~ScrollBar() { }