2024-02-18 13:31:05 -07:00

455 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include "../simd/simd.h"
#include "parallel_for.h"
#include <algorithm>
namespace embree
template<class T>
__forceinline void insertionsort_ascending(T *__restrict__ array, const size_t length)
for(size_t i = 1;i<length;++i)
T v = array[i];
size_t j = i;
while(j > 0 && v < array[j-1])
array[j] = array[j-1];
array[j] = v;
template<class T>
__forceinline void insertionsort_decending(T *__restrict__ array, const size_t length)
for(size_t i = 1;i<length;++i)
T v = array[i];
size_t j = i;
while(j > 0 && v > array[j-1])
array[j] = array[j-1];
array[j] = v;
template<class T>
void quicksort_ascending(T *__restrict__ t,
const ssize_t begin,
const ssize_t end)
if (likely(begin < end))
const T pivotvalue = t[begin];
ssize_t left = begin - 1;
ssize_t right = end + 1;
while (t[--right] > pivotvalue);
while (t[++left] < pivotvalue);
if (left >= right) break;
const T temp = t[right];
t[right] = t[left];
t[left] = temp;
const int pivot = right;
quicksort_ascending(t, begin, pivot);
quicksort_ascending(t, pivot + 1, end);
template<class T>
void quicksort_decending(T *__restrict__ t,
const ssize_t begin,
const ssize_t end)
if (likely(begin < end))
const T pivotvalue = t[begin];
ssize_t left = begin - 1;
ssize_t right = end + 1;
while (t[--right] < pivotvalue);
while (t[++left] > pivotvalue);
if (left >= right) break;
const T temp = t[right];
t[right] = t[left];
t[left] = temp;
const int pivot = right;
quicksort_decending(t, begin, pivot);
quicksort_decending(t, pivot + 1, end);
template<class T, ssize_t THRESHOLD>
void quicksort_insertionsort_ascending(T *__restrict__ t,
const ssize_t begin,
const ssize_t end)
if (likely(begin < end))
const ssize_t size = end-begin+1;
if (likely(size <= THRESHOLD))
const T pivotvalue = t[begin];
ssize_t left = begin - 1;
ssize_t right = end + 1;
while (t[--right] > pivotvalue);
while (t[++left] < pivotvalue);
if (left >= right) break;
const T temp = t[right];
t[right] = t[left];
t[left] = temp;
const ssize_t pivot = right;
quicksort_insertionsort_ascending<T,THRESHOLD>(t, begin, pivot);
quicksort_insertionsort_ascending<T,THRESHOLD>(t, pivot + 1, end);
template<class T, ssize_t THRESHOLD>
void quicksort_insertionsort_decending(T *__restrict__ t,
const ssize_t begin,
const ssize_t end)
if (likely(begin < end))
const ssize_t size = end-begin+1;
if (likely(size <= THRESHOLD))
const T pivotvalue = t[begin];
ssize_t left = begin - 1;
ssize_t right = end + 1;
while (t[--right] < pivotvalue);
while (t[++left] > pivotvalue);
if (left >= right) break;
const T temp = t[right];
t[right] = t[left];
t[left] = temp;
const ssize_t pivot = right;
quicksort_insertionsort_decending<T,THRESHOLD>(t, begin, pivot);
quicksort_insertionsort_decending<T,THRESHOLD>(t, pivot + 1, end);
template<typename T>
static void radixsort32(T* const morton, const size_t num, const unsigned int shift = 3*8)
static const unsigned int BITS = 8;
static const unsigned int BUCKETS = (1 << BITS);
static const unsigned int CMP_SORT_THRESHOLD = 16;
__aligned(64) unsigned int count[BUCKETS];
/* clear buckets */
for (size_t i=0;i<BUCKETS;i++) count[i] = 0;
/* count buckets */
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
#pragma nounroll
for (size_t i=0;i<num;i++)
count[(unsigned(morton[i]) >> shift) & (BUCKETS-1)]++;
/* prefix sums */
__aligned(64) unsigned int head[BUCKETS];
__aligned(64) unsigned int tail[BUCKETS];
head[0] = 0;
for (size_t i=1; i<BUCKETS; i++)
head[i] = head[i-1] + count[i-1];
for (size_t i=0; i<BUCKETS-1; i++)
tail[i] = head[i+1];
tail[BUCKETS-1] = head[BUCKETS-1] + count[BUCKETS-1];
assert(tail[BUCKETS-1] == head[BUCKETS-1] + count[BUCKETS-1]);
assert(tail[BUCKETS-1] == num);
/* in-place swap */
for (size_t i=0;i<BUCKETS;i++)
/* process bucket */
while(head[i] < tail[i])
T v = morton[head[i]];
const size_t b = (unsigned(v) >> shift) & (BUCKETS-1);
if (b == i) break;
assert((unsigned(v) >> shift & (BUCKETS-1)) == i);
morton[head[i]++] = v;
if (shift == 0) return;
size_t offset = 0;
for (size_t i=0;i<BUCKETS;i++)
if (count[i])
for (size_t j=offset;j<offset+count[i]-1;j++)
assert(((unsigned(morton[j]) >> shift) & (BUCKETS-1)) == i);
if (unlikely(count[i] < CMP_SORT_THRESHOLD))
insertionsort_ascending(morton + offset, count[i]);
radixsort32(morton + offset, count[i], shift-BITS);
for (size_t j=offset;j<offset+count[i]-1;j++)
assert(morton[j] <= morton[j+1]);
offset += count[i];
template<typename Ty, typename Key>
class ParallelRadixSort
static const size_t MAX_TASKS = 64;
static const size_t BITS = 8;
static const size_t BUCKETS = (1 << BITS);
typedef unsigned int TyRadixCount[BUCKETS];
template<typename T>
static bool compare(const T& v0, const T& v1) {
return (Key)v0 < (Key)v1;
ParallelRadixSort (const ParallelRadixSort& other) DELETED; // do not implement
ParallelRadixSort& operator= (const ParallelRadixSort& other) DELETED; // do not implement
ParallelRadixSort (Ty* const src, Ty* const tmp, const size_t N)
: radixCount(nullptr), src(src), tmp(tmp), N(N) {}
void sort(const size_t blockSize)
assert(blockSize > 0);
/* perform single threaded sort for small N */
if (N<=blockSize) // handles also special case of 0!
/* do inplace sort inside destination array */
/* perform parallel sort for large N */
const size_t numThreads = min((N+blockSize-1)/blockSize,TaskScheduler::threadCount(),size_t(MAX_TASKS));
radixCount = nullptr;
void tbbRadixIteration0(const Key shift,
const Ty* __restrict const src,
Ty* __restrict const dst,
const size_t threadIndex, const size_t threadCount)
const size_t startID = (threadIndex+0)*N/threadCount;
const size_t endID = (threadIndex+1)*N/threadCount;
/* mask to extract some number of bits */
const Key mask = BUCKETS-1;
/* count how many items go into the buckets */
for (size_t i=0; i<BUCKETS; i++)
radixCount[threadIndex][i] = 0;
/* iterate over src array and count buckets */
unsigned int * __restrict const count = radixCount[threadIndex];
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
#pragma nounroll
for (size_t i=startID; i<endID; i++) {
#if defined(__64BIT__)
const size_t index = ((size_t)(Key)src[i] >> (size_t)shift) & (size_t)mask;
const Key index = ((Key)src[i] >> shift) & mask;
void tbbRadixIteration1(const Key shift,
const Ty* __restrict const src,
Ty* __restrict const dst,
const size_t threadIndex, const size_t threadCount)
const size_t startID = (threadIndex+0)*N/threadCount;
const size_t endID = (threadIndex+1)*N/threadCount;
/* mask to extract some number of bits */
const Key mask = BUCKETS-1;
/* calculate total number of items for each bucket */
__aligned(64) unsigned int total[BUCKETS];
for (size_t i=0; i<BUCKETS; i++)
total[i] = 0;
for (size_t i=0; i<BUCKETS; i+=VSIZEX)
vintx::store(&total[i], zero);
for (size_t i=0; i<threadCount; i++)
for (size_t j=0; j<BUCKETS; j++)
total[j] += radixCount[i][j];
for (size_t j=0; j<BUCKETS; j+=VSIZEX)
vintx::store(&total[j], vintx::load(&total[j]) + vintx::load(&radixCount[i][j]));
/* calculate start offset of each bucket */
__aligned(64) unsigned int offset[BUCKETS];
offset[0] = 0;
for (size_t i=1; i<BUCKETS; i++)
offset[i] = offset[i-1] + total[i-1];
/* calculate start offset of each bucket for this thread */
for (size_t i=0; i<threadIndex; i++)
for (size_t j=0; j<BUCKETS; j++)
offset[j] += radixCount[i][j];
for (size_t j=0; j<BUCKETS; j+=VSIZEX)
vintx::store(&offset[j], vintx::load(&offset[j]) + vintx::load(&radixCount[i][j]));
/* copy items into their buckets */
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
#pragma nounroll
for (size_t i=startID; i<endID; i++) {
const Ty elt = src[i];
#if defined(__64BIT__)
const size_t index = ((size_t)(Key)src[i] >> (size_t)shift) & (size_t)mask;
const size_t index = ((Key)src[i] >> shift) & mask;
dst[offset[index]++] = elt;
void tbbRadixIteration(const Key shift, const bool last,
const Ty* __restrict src, Ty* __restrict dst,
const size_t numTasks)
affinity_partitioner ap;
parallel_for_affinity(numTasks,[&] (size_t taskIndex) { tbbRadixIteration0(shift,src,dst,taskIndex,numTasks); },ap);
parallel_for_affinity(numTasks,[&] (size_t taskIndex) { tbbRadixIteration1(shift,src,dst,taskIndex,numTasks); },ap);
void tbbRadixSort(const size_t numTasks)
radixCount = (TyRadixCount*) alignedMalloc(MAX_TASKS*sizeof(TyRadixCount),64);
if (sizeof(Key) == sizeof(uint32_t)) {
else if (sizeof(Key) == sizeof(uint64_t))
TyRadixCount* radixCount;
Ty* const src;
Ty* const tmp;
const size_t N;
template<typename Ty>
void radix_sort(Ty* const src, Ty* const tmp, const size_t N, const size_t blockSize = 8192)
template<typename Ty, typename Key>
void radix_sort(Ty* const src, Ty* const tmp, const size_t N, const size_t blockSize = 8192)
template<typename Ty>
void radix_sort_u32(Ty* const src, Ty* const tmp, const size_t N, const size_t blockSize = 8192) {
template<typename Ty>
void radix_sort_u64(Ty* const src, Ty* const tmp, const size_t N, const size_t blockSize = 8192) {