GitHub Actions seems to be hiding colored whitespace, and after lots of attempts I couldn't find a way to work it around. So instead I'm using a perl expression to replace trailing spaces with `·` and tabs with `<TAB>` in the ANSI colored diff output. This ensure that they're visible, and they are properly colored as expected too.
79 lines
3.4 KiB
Executable file
79 lines
3.4 KiB
Executable file
if [ ! -f "" ]; then
echo "Warning: This script is intended to be run from the root of the Godot repository."
echo "Some of the paths checks may not work as intended from a different folder."
for file in $(find -name "thirdparty" -prune -o -name "*.h" -print); do
# Skip *.gen.h and *-so_wrap.h, they're generated.
if [[ "$file" == *".gen.h" || "$file" == *"-so_wrap.h" ]]; then continue; fi
# Has important define before normal header guards.
if [[ "$file" == *"thread.h" || "$file" == *"platform_config.h" ]]; then continue; fi
# Obj-C files don't use header guards.
if grep -q "#import " "$file"; then continue; fi
bname=$(basename $file .h)
# Add custom prefix or suffix for generic filenames with a well-defined namespace.
if [[ "$file" == "./modules/"*"/register_types.h" ]]; then
module=$(echo $file | sed "s@.*modules/\([^/]*\).*@\1@")
if [[ "$file" == "./platform/"*"/api/api.h" || "$file" == "./platform/"*"/export/"* ]]; then
platform=$(echo $file | sed "s@.*platform/\([^/]*\).*@\1@")
if [[ "$file" == "./modules/mono/utils/"* && "$bname" != *"mono"* ]]; then prefix="MONO_"; fi
if [[ "$file" == "./servers/rendering/storage/utilities.h" ]]; then prefix="RENDERER_"; fi
if [[ "$file" == *"dummy"* && "$bname" != *"dummy"* ]]; then suffix="_DUMMY"; fi
if [[ "$file" == *"gles3"* && "$bname" != *"gles3"* ]]; then suffix="_GLES3"; fi
if [[ "$file" == *"renderer_rd"* && "$bname" != *"rd"* ]]; then suffix="_RD"; fi
if [[ "$file" == *"ustring.h" ]]; then suffix="_GODOT"; fi
# ^^ is bash builtin for UPPERCASE.
# Replaces guards to use computed name.
# We also add some \n to make sure there's a proper separation.
sed -i $file -e "0,/ifndef/s/#ifndef.*/\n#ifndef $guard/"
sed -i $file -e "0,/define/s/#define.*/#define $guard\n/"
sed -i $file -e "$ s/#endif.*/\n#endif \/\/ $guard/"
# Removes redundant \n added before, if they weren't needed.
sed -i $file -e "/^$/N;/^\n$/D"
# Check that first ifndef (should be header guard) is at the expected position.
# If not it can mean we have some code before the guard that should be after.
# "31" is the expected line with the copyright header.
first_ifndef=$(grep -n -m 1 "ifndef" $file | sed 's/\([0-9]*\).*/\1/')
if [[ "$first_ifndef" != "31" ]]; then
if [[ ! -z "$files_invalid_guard" ]]; then
echo -e "The following files were found to have potentially invalid header guard:\n"
echo -e "$files_invalid_guard"
diff=$(git diff --color)
# If no diff has been generated all is OK, clean up, and exit.
if [ -z "$diff" ] ; then
printf "\e[1;32m*** Files in this commit comply with the header guards formatting rules.\e[0m\n"
exit 0
# A diff has been created, notify the user, clean up, and exit.
printf "\n\e[1;33m*** The following changes must be made to comply with the formatting rules:\e[0m\n\n"
# Perl commands replace trailing spaces with `·` and tabs with `<TAB>`.
printf "$diff\n" | perl -pe 's/(.*[^ ])( +)(\e\[m)$/my $spaces="·" x length($2); sprintf("$1$spaces$3")/ge' | perl -pe 's/(.*[^\t])(\t+)(\e\[m)$/my $tabs="<TAB>" x length($2); sprintf("$1$tabs$3")/ge'
printf "\n\e[1;91m*** Please fix your commit(s) with 'git commit --amend' or 'git rebase -i <hash>'\e[0m\n"
exit 1