1000 lines
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1000 lines
24 KiB
// This code is in the public domain -- castanyo@yahoo.es
#include "nvmesh.h" // pch
#include "MeshBuilder.h"
#include "TriMesh.h"
#include "QuadTriMesh.h"
#include "halfedge/Mesh.h"
#include "halfedge/Vertex.h"
#include "halfedge/Face.h"
#include "weld/Weld.h"
#include "nvmath/Box.h"
#include "nvmath/Vector.inl"
#include "nvcore/StrLib.h"
#include "nvcore/RadixSort.h"
#include "nvcore/Ptr.h"
#include "nvcore/Array.inl"
#include "nvcore/HashMap.inl"
using namespace nv;
By default the mesh builder creates 3 streams (position, normal, texcoord), I'm planning to add support for extra streams as follows:
enum StreamType { StreamType_Float, StreamType_Vector2, StreamType_Vector3, StreamType_Vector4 };
uint addStream(const char *, uint idx, StreamType);
uint addAttribute(float)
uint addAttribute(Vector2)
uint addAttribute(Vector3)
uint addAttribute(Vector4)
struct Vertex
uint pos;
uint nor;
uint tex;
uint * attribs; // NULL or NIL terminated array?
All streams must be added before hand, so that you know the size of the attribs array.
The vertex hash function could be kept as is, but the == operator should be extended to test
the extra atributes when available.
That might require a custom hash implementation, or an extension of the current one. How to
handle the variable number of attributes in the attribs array?
bool operator()(const Vertex & a, const Vertex & b) const
if (a.pos != b.pos || a.nor != b.nor || a.tex != b.tex) return false;
if (a.attribs == NULL && b.attribs == NULL) return true;
return 0 == memcmp(a.attribs, b.attribs, ???);
We could use a NIL terminated array, or provide custom user data to the equals functor.
vertexMap.setUserData((void *)vertexAttribCount);
bool operator()(const Vertex & a, const Vertex & b, void * userData) const { ... }
struct Material
Material() : faceCount(0) {}
Material(const String & str) : name(str), faceCount(0) {}
String name;
uint faceCount;
struct Vertex
//Vertex() {}
//Vertex(uint p, uint n, uint t0, uint t1, uint c) : pos(p), nor(n), tex0(t0), tex1(t1), col(c) {}
friend bool operator==(const Vertex & a, const Vertex & b)
return a.pos == b.pos && a.nor == b.nor && a.tex[0] == b.tex[0] && a.tex[1] == b.tex[1] && a.col[0] == b.col[0] && a.col[1] == b.col[1] && a.col[2] == b.col[2];
uint pos;
uint nor;
uint tex[2];
uint col[3];
struct Face
uint id;
uint firstIndex;
uint indexCount;
uint material;
uint group;
} // namespace
namespace nv
// This is a much better hash than the default and greatly improves performance!
template <> struct Hash<Vertex>
uint operator()(const Vertex & v) const { return v.pos + v.nor + v.tex[0]/* + v.col*/; }
struct MeshBuilder::PrivateData
PrivateData() : currentGroup(NIL), currentMaterial(NIL), maxFaceIndexCount(0) {}
uint pushVertex(uint p, uint n, uint t0, uint t1, uint c0, uint c1, uint c2);
uint pushVertex(const Vertex & v);
Array<Vector3> posArray;
Array<Vector3> norArray;
Array<Vector2> texArray[2];
Array<Vector4> colArray[3];
Array<Vertex> vertexArray;
HashMap<Vertex, uint> vertexMap;
HashMap<String, uint> materialMap;
Array<Material> materialArray;
uint currentGroup;
uint currentMaterial;
Array<uint> indexArray;
Array<Face> faceArray;
uint maxFaceIndexCount;
uint MeshBuilder::PrivateData::pushVertex(uint p, uint n, uint t0, uint t1, uint c0, uint c1, uint c2)
Vertex v;
v.pos = p;
v.nor = n;
v.tex[0] = t0;
v.tex[1] = t1;
v.col[0] = c0;
v.col[1] = c1;
v.col[2] = c2;
return pushVertex(v);
uint MeshBuilder::PrivateData::pushVertex(const Vertex & v)
// Lookup vertex v in map.
uint idx;
if (vertexMap.get(v, &idx))
return idx;
idx = vertexArray.count();
vertexMap.add(v, idx);
return idx;
MeshBuilder::MeshBuilder() : d(new PrivateData())
nvDebugCheck(d != NULL);
delete d;
// Builder methods.
uint MeshBuilder::addPosition(const Vector3 & v)
return d->posArray.count() - 1;
uint MeshBuilder::addNormal(const Vector3 & v)
return d->norArray.count() - 1;
uint MeshBuilder::addTexCoord(const Vector2 & v, uint set/*=0*/)
return d->texArray[set].count() - 1;
uint MeshBuilder::addColor(const Vector4 & v, uint set/*=0*/)
return d->colArray[set].count() - 1;
void MeshBuilder::beginGroup(uint id)
d->currentGroup = id;
void MeshBuilder::endGroup()
d->currentGroup = NIL;
// Add named material, check for uniquenes.
uint MeshBuilder::addMaterial(const char * name)
uint index;
if (d->materialMap.get(name, &index)) {
nvDebugCheck(d->materialArray[index].name == name);
else {
index = d->materialArray.count();
d->materialMap.add(name, index);
Material material(name);
return index;
void MeshBuilder::beginMaterial(uint id)
d->currentMaterial = id;
void MeshBuilder::endMaterial()
d->currentMaterial = NIL;
void MeshBuilder::beginPolygon(uint id/*=0*/)
Face face;
face.id = id;
face.firstIndex = d->indexArray.count();
face.indexCount = 0;
face.material = d->currentMaterial;
face.group = d->currentGroup;
uint MeshBuilder::addVertex(uint p, uint n/*= NIL*/, uint t0/*= NIL*/, uint t1/*= NIL*/, uint c0/*= NIL*/, uint c1/*= NIL*/, uint c2/*= NIL*/)
// @@ In theory there's no need to add vertices before faces, but I'm adding this to debug problems in our maya exporter:
nvDebugCheck(p < d->posArray.count());
nvDebugCheck(n == NIL || n < d->norArray.count());
nvDebugCheck(t0 == NIL || t0 < d->texArray[0].count());
nvDebugCheck(t1 == NIL || t1 < d->texArray[1].count());
//nvDebugCheck(c0 == NIL || c0 < d->colArray[0].count());
if (c0 > d->colArray[0].count()) c0 = NIL; // @@ This seems to be happening in loc_swamp_catwalk.mb! No idea why.
nvDebugCheck(c1 == NIL || c1 < d->colArray[1].count());
nvDebugCheck(c2 == NIL || c2 < d->colArray[2].count());
uint idx = d->pushVertex(p, n, t0, t1, c0, c1, c2);
return idx;
uint MeshBuilder::addVertex(const Vector3 & pos)
uint p = addPosition(pos);
return addVertex(p);
#if 0
uint MeshBuilder::addVertex(const Vector3 & pos, const Vector3 & nor, const Vector2 & tex0, const Vector2 & tex1, const Vector4 & col0, const Vector4 & col1)
uint p = addPosition(pos);
uint n = addNormal(nor);
uint t0 = addTexCoord(tex0, 0);
uint t1 = addTexCoord(tex1, 1);
uint c0 = addColor(col0);
uint c1 = addColor(col1);
return addVertex(p, n, t0, t1, c0, c1);
// Return true if the face is valid and was added to the mesh.
bool MeshBuilder::endPolygon()
const Face & face = d->faceArray.back();
const uint count = face.indexCount;
// Validate polygon here.
bool invalid = count <= 2;
if (!invalid) {
// Skip zero area polygons. Or polygons with degenerate edges (which will result in zero-area triangles).
const uint first = face.firstIndex;
for (uint j = count - 1, i = 0; i < count; j = i, i++) {
uint v0 = d->indexArray[first + i];
uint v1 = d->indexArray[first + j];
uint p0 = d->vertexArray[v0].pos;
uint p1 = d->vertexArray[v1].pos;
if (p0 == p1) {
invalid = true;
if (equal(d->posArray[p0], d->posArray[p1], FLT_EPSILON)) {
invalid = true;
uint v0 = d->indexArray[first];
uint p0 = d->vertexArray[v0].pos;
Vector3 x0 = d->posArray[p0];
float area = 0.0f;
for (uint j = 1, i = 2; i < count; j = i, i++) {
uint v1 = d->indexArray[first + i];
uint v2 = d->indexArray[first + j];
uint p1 = d->vertexArray[v1].pos;
uint p2 = d->vertexArray[v2].pos;
Vector3 x1 = d->posArray[p1];
Vector3 x2 = d->posArray[p2];
area += length(cross(x1-x0, x2-x0));
if (0.5 * area < 1e-6) { // Reduce this threshold if artists have legitimate complains.
invalid = true;
// @@ This is not complete. We may still get zero area triangles after triangulation.
// However, our plugin triangulates before building the mesh, so hopefully that's not a problem.
if (invalid)
d->indexArray.resize(d->indexArray.size() - count);
return false;
if (d->currentMaterial != NIL) {
d->maxFaceIndexCount = max(d->maxFaceIndexCount, count);
return true;
uint MeshBuilder::weldPositions()
Array<uint> xrefs;
Weld<Vector3> weldVector3;
if (d->posArray.count()) {
// Weld vertex attributes.
weldVector3(d->posArray, xrefs);
// Remap vertex indices.
const uint vertexCount = d->vertexArray.count();
for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++)
Vertex & vertex = d->vertexArray[v];
if (vertex.pos != NIL) vertex.pos = xrefs[vertex.pos];
return d->posArray.count();
uint MeshBuilder::weldNormals()
Array<uint> xrefs;
Weld<Vector3> weldVector3;
if (d->norArray.count()) {
// Weld vertex attributes.
weldVector3(d->norArray, xrefs);
// Remap vertex indices.
const uint vertexCount = d->vertexArray.count();
for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++)
Vertex & vertex = d->vertexArray[v];
if (vertex.nor != NIL) vertex.nor = xrefs[vertex.nor];
return d->norArray.count();
uint MeshBuilder::weldTexCoords(uint set/*=0*/)
Array<uint> xrefs;
Weld<Vector2> weldVector2;
if (d->texArray[set].count()) {
// Weld vertex attributes.
weldVector2(d->texArray[set], xrefs);
// Remap vertex indices.
const uint vertexCount = d->vertexArray.count();
for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++)
Vertex & vertex = d->vertexArray[v];
if (vertex.tex[set] != NIL) vertex.tex[set] = xrefs[vertex.tex[set]];
return d->texArray[set].count();
uint MeshBuilder::weldColors(uint set/*=0*/)
Array<uint> xrefs;
Weld<Vector4> weldVector4;
if (d->colArray[set].count()) {
// Weld vertex attributes.
weldVector4(d->colArray[set], xrefs);
// Remap vertex indices.
const uint vertexCount = d->vertexArray.count();
for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++)
Vertex & vertex = d->vertexArray[v];
if (vertex.col[set] != NIL) vertex.col[set] = xrefs[vertex.col[set]];
return d->colArray[set].count();
void MeshBuilder::weldVertices() {
if (d->vertexArray.count() == 0) {
// Nothing to do.
Array<uint> xrefs;
Weld<Vertex> weldVertex;
// Weld vertices.
weldVertex(d->vertexArray, xrefs);
// Remap face indices.
const uint indexCount = d->indexArray.count();
for (uint i = 0; i < indexCount; i++)
d->indexArray[i] = xrefs[d->indexArray[i]];
// Remap vertex map.
foreach(i, d->vertexMap)
d->vertexMap[i].value = xrefs[d->vertexMap[i].value];
void MeshBuilder::optimize()
if (d->vertexArray.count() == 0)
void MeshBuilder::removeUnusedMaterials(Array<uint> & newMaterialId)
uint materialCount = d->materialArray.count();
// Reset face counts.
for (uint i = 0; i < materialCount; i++) {
d->materialArray[i].faceCount = 0;
// Count faces.
foreach(i, d->faceArray) {
Face & face = d->faceArray[i];
if (face.material != NIL) {
nvDebugCheck(face.material < materialCount);
// Remove unused materials.
for (uint i = 0, m = 0; i < materialCount; i++)
if (d->materialArray[m].faceCount > 0)
newMaterialId[i] = m++;
newMaterialId[i] = NIL;
materialCount = d->materialArray.count();
// Update face material ids.
foreach(i, d->faceArray) {
Face & face = d->faceArray[i];
if (face.material != NIL) {
uint id = newMaterialId[face.material];
nvDebugCheck(id != NIL && id < materialCount);
face.material = id;
void MeshBuilder::sortFacesByGroup()
const uint faceCount = d->faceArray.count();
Array<uint> faceGroupArray;
for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++) {
faceGroupArray[i] = d->faceArray[i].group;
RadixSort radix;
Array<Face> newFaceArray;
for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++) {
newFaceArray[i] = d->faceArray[radix.rank(i)];
swap(newFaceArray, d->faceArray);
void MeshBuilder::sortFacesByMaterial()
const uint faceCount = d->faceArray.count();
Array<uint> faceMaterialArray;
for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++) {
faceMaterialArray[i] = d->faceArray[i].material;
RadixSort radix;
Array<Face> newFaceArray;
for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++) {
newFaceArray[i] = d->faceArray[radix.rank(i)];
swap(newFaceArray, d->faceArray);
void MeshBuilder::reset()
nvDebugCheck(d != NULL);
delete d;
d = new PrivateData();
void MeshBuilder::done()
if (d->currentGroup != NIL) {
if (d->currentMaterial != NIL) {
// Hints.
void MeshBuilder::hintTriangleCount(uint count)
d->indexArray.reserve(d->indexArray.count() + count * 4);
void MeshBuilder::hintVertexCount(uint count)
d->vertexArray.reserve(d->vertexArray.count() + count);
d->vertexMap.resize(d->vertexMap.count() + count);
void MeshBuilder::hintPositionCount(uint count)
d->posArray.reserve(d->posArray.count() + count);
void MeshBuilder::hintNormalCount(uint count)
d->norArray.reserve(d->norArray.count() + count);
void MeshBuilder::hintTexCoordCount(uint count, uint set/*=0*/)
d->texArray[set].reserve(d->texArray[set].count() + count);
void MeshBuilder::hintColorCount(uint count, uint set/*=0*/)
d->colArray[set].reserve(d->colArray[set].count() + count);
// Helpers.
void MeshBuilder::addTriangle(uint v0, uint v1, uint v2)
void MeshBuilder::addQuad(uint v0, uint v1, uint v2, uint v3)
// Get tri mesh.
TriMesh * MeshBuilder::buildTriMesh() const
const uint faceCount = d->faceArray.count();
uint triangleCount = 0;
for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++) {
triangleCount += d->faceArray[f].indexCount - 2;
const uint vertexCount = d->vertexArray.count();
TriMesh * mesh = new TriMesh(triangleCount, vertexCount);
// Build faces.
Array<TriMesh::Face> & faces = mesh->faces();
for(uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++)
int firstIndex = d->faceArray[f].firstIndex;
int indexCount = d->faceArray[f].indexCount;
int v0 = d->indexArray[firstIndex + 0];
int v1 = d->indexArray[firstIndex + 1];
for(int t = 0; t < indexCount - 2; t++) {
int v2 = d->indexArray[firstIndex + t + 2];
TriMesh::Face face;
face.id = faces.count();
face.v[0] = v0;
face.v[1] = v1;
face.v[2] = v2;
v1 = v2;
// Build vertices.
Array<BaseMesh::Vertex> & vertices = mesh->vertices();
for(uint i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
BaseMesh::Vertex vertex;
vertex.id = i;
if (d->vertexArray[i].pos != NIL) vertex.pos = d->posArray[d->vertexArray[i].pos];
if (d->vertexArray[i].nor != NIL) vertex.nor = d->norArray[d->vertexArray[i].nor];
if (d->vertexArray[i].tex[0] != NIL) vertex.tex = d->texArray[0][d->vertexArray[i].tex[0]];
return mesh;
// Get quad/tri mesh.
QuadTriMesh * MeshBuilder::buildQuadTriMesh() const
const uint faceCount = d->faceArray.count();
const uint vertexCount = d->vertexArray.count();
QuadTriMesh * mesh = new QuadTriMesh(faceCount, vertexCount);
// Build faces.
Array<QuadTriMesh::Face> & faces = mesh->faces();
for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++)
int firstIndex = d->faceArray[f].firstIndex;
int indexCount = d->faceArray[f].indexCount;
QuadTriMesh::Face face;
face.id = f;
face.v[0] = d->indexArray[firstIndex + 0];
face.v[1] = d->indexArray[firstIndex + 1];
face.v[2] = d->indexArray[firstIndex + 2];
// Only adds triangles and quads. Ignores polygons.
if (indexCount == 3) {
face.v[3] = NIL;
else if (indexCount == 4) {
face.v[3] = d->indexArray[firstIndex + 3];
// Build vertices.
Array<BaseMesh::Vertex> & vertices = mesh->vertices();
for(uint i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
BaseMesh::Vertex vertex;
vertex.id = i;
if (d->vertexArray[i].pos != NIL) vertex.pos = d->posArray[d->vertexArray[i].pos];
if (d->vertexArray[i].nor != NIL) vertex.nor = d->norArray[d->vertexArray[i].nor];
if (d->vertexArray[i].tex[0] != NIL) vertex.tex = d->texArray[0][d->vertexArray[i].tex[0]];
return mesh;
// Get half edge mesh.
HalfEdge::Mesh * MeshBuilder::buildHalfEdgeMesh(bool weldPositions, Error * error/*=NULL*/, Array<uint> * badFaces/*=NULL*/) const
if (error != NULL) *error = Error_None;
const uint vertexCount = d->vertexArray.count();
AutoPtr<HalfEdge::Mesh> mesh(new HalfEdge::Mesh());
for(uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++)
HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = mesh->addVertex(d->posArray[d->vertexArray[v].pos]);
if (d->vertexArray[v].nor != NIL) vertex->nor = d->norArray[d->vertexArray[v].nor];
if (d->vertexArray[v].tex[0] != NIL) vertex->tex = Vector2(d->texArray[0][d->vertexArray[v].tex[0]]);
if (d->vertexArray[v].col[0] != NIL) vertex->col = d->colArray[0][d->vertexArray[v].col[0]];
if (weldPositions) {
else {
// Build canonical map from position indices.
Array<uint> canonicalMap(vertexCount);
foreach (i, d->vertexArray) {
const uint faceCount = d->faceArray.count();
for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++)
const uint firstIndex = d->faceArray[f].firstIndex;
const uint indexCount = d->faceArray[f].indexCount;
HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->addFace(d->indexArray, firstIndex, indexCount);
// @@ This is too late, removing the face here will leave the mesh improperly connected.
/*if (face->area() <= FLT_EPSILON) {
face = NULL;
if (face == NULL) {
// Non manifold mesh.
if (error != NULL) *error = Error_NonManifoldEdge;
if (badFaces != NULL) {
//return NULL; // IC: Ignore error and continue building the mesh.
if (face != NULL) {
face->group = d->faceArray[f].group;
face->material = d->faceArray[f].material;
// We cannot fix functions here, because this would introduce new vertices and these vertices won't have the corresponding builder data.
// Maybe the builder should perform the search for T-junctions and update the vertex data directly.
// For now, we don't fix T-junctions at export time, but only during parameterization.
return mesh.release();
bool MeshBuilder::buildPositions(Array<Vector3> & positionArray)
const uint vertexCount = d->vertexArray.count();
for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++)
nvDebugCheck(d->vertexArray[v].pos != NIL);
positionArray[v] = d->posArray[d->vertexArray[v].pos];
return true;
bool MeshBuilder::buildNormals(Array<Vector3> & normalArray)
bool anyNormal = false;
const uint vertexCount = d->vertexArray.count();
for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++)
if (d->vertexArray[v].nor == NIL) {
normalArray[v] = Vector3(0, 0, 1);
else {
anyNormal = true;
normalArray[v] = d->norArray[d->vertexArray[v].nor];
return anyNormal;
bool MeshBuilder::buildTexCoords(Array<Vector2> & texCoordArray, uint set/*=0*/)
bool anyTexCoord = false;
const uint vertexCount = d->vertexArray.count();
for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++)
if (d->vertexArray[v].tex[set] == NIL) {
texCoordArray[v] = Vector2(0, 0);
else {
anyTexCoord = true;
texCoordArray[v] = d->texArray[set][d->vertexArray[v].tex[set]];
return anyTexCoord;
bool MeshBuilder::buildColors(Array<Vector4> & colorArray, uint set/*=0*/)
bool anyColor = false;
const uint vertexCount = d->vertexArray.count();
for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++)
if (d->vertexArray[v].col[set] == NIL) {
colorArray[v] = Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1);
else {
anyColor = true;
colorArray[v] = d->colArray[set][d->vertexArray[v].col[set]];
return anyColor;
void MeshBuilder::buildVertexToPositionMap(Array<int> &map)
const uint vertexCount = d->vertexArray.count();
foreach (i, d->vertexArray) {
map[i] = d->vertexArray[i].pos;
uint MeshBuilder::vertexCount() const
return d->vertexArray.count();
uint MeshBuilder::positionCount() const
return d->posArray.count();
uint MeshBuilder::normalCount() const
return d->norArray.count();
uint MeshBuilder::texCoordCount(uint set/*=0*/) const
return d->texArray[set].count();
uint MeshBuilder::colorCount(uint set/*=0*/) const
return d->colArray[set].count();
uint MeshBuilder::materialCount() const
return d->materialArray.count();
const char * MeshBuilder::material(uint i) const
return d->materialArray[i].name;
uint MeshBuilder::positionIndex(uint vertex) const
return d->vertexArray[vertex].pos;
uint MeshBuilder::normalIndex(uint vertex) const
return d->vertexArray[vertex].nor;
uint MeshBuilder::texCoordIndex(uint vertex, uint set/*=0*/) const
return d->vertexArray[vertex].tex[set];
uint MeshBuilder::colorIndex(uint vertex, uint set/*=0*/) const
return d->vertexArray[vertex].col[set];