Now that we have a built-in stacktrace on a segfault it would be useful to have debug information on debug_release builds so that bugreports can include this information. Without this debug info we will still get function names in the backtrace but not file location. This commit will by default build all targets with minimal debug info and then strip the information into separate files. On MacOS this is a .dSYM file, on Linux/MingW this is a .debug file. MacOSX will automatically load a dSYM file if it exists in its debugger. On Linux/MingW we create a 'gnu debuglink' meaning that gdb and friends will automatically find the debug symbols if they exist. Existing workflow for developers does not change at all, except that we now create two instead of one build artifact by default. This commit also adds a 'debug_symbols' option to X11, MacOS, and MingW targets. The default is 'yes' which corresponds to -g1. The alternatives are 'no' (don't generate debug infos at all) or 'full' which runs with -g2. A target=debug build will now build with -g3.
251 lines
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251 lines
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import os
import platform
import sys
def is_active():
return True
def get_name():
return "X11"
def can_build():
if ( != "posix" or sys.platform == "darwin"):
return False
# Check the minimal dependencies
x11_error = os.system("pkg-config --version > /dev/null")
if (x11_error):
print("pkg-config not found.. x11 disabled.")
return False
x11_error = os.system("pkg-config x11 --modversion > /dev/null ")
if (x11_error):
print("X11 not found.. x11 disabled.")
return False
x11_error = os.system("pkg-config xcursor --modversion > /dev/null ")
if (x11_error):
print("xcursor not found.. x11 disabled.")
return False
x11_error = os.system("pkg-config xinerama --modversion > /dev/null ")
if (x11_error):
print("xinerama not found.. x11 disabled.")
return False
x11_error = os.system("pkg-config xrandr --modversion > /dev/null ")
if (x11_error):
print("xrandr not found.. x11 disabled.")
return False
return True
def get_opts():
return [
('use_llvm', 'Use the LLVM compiler', 'no'),
('use_static_cpp', 'Link stdc++ statically', 'no'),
('use_sanitizer', 'Use LLVM compiler address sanitizer', 'no'),
('use_leak_sanitizer', 'Use LLVM compiler memory leaks sanitizer (implies use_sanitizer)', 'no'),
('use_lto', 'Use link time optimization', 'no'),
('pulseaudio', 'Detect & use pulseaudio', 'yes'),
('udev', 'Use udev for gamepad connection callbacks', 'no'),
('debug_symbols', 'Add debug symbols to release version (yes/no/full)', 'yes')
def get_flags():
return [
('builtin_freetype', 'no'),
('builtin_libpng', 'no'),
('builtin_openssl', 'no'),
('builtin_zlib', 'no'),
def configure(env):
## Build type
if (env["target"] == "release"):
# -O3 -ffast-math is identical to -Ofast. We need to split it out so we can selectively disable
# -ffast-math in code for which it generates wrong results.
env.Prepend(CCFLAGS=['-O3', '-ffast-math'])
if (env["debug_symbols"] == "yes"):
if (env["debug_symbols"] == "full"):
elif (env["target"] == "release_debug"):
env.Prepend(CCFLAGS=['-O2', '-ffast-math', '-DDEBUG_ENABLED'])
if (env["debug_symbols"] == "yes"):
if (env["debug_symbols"] == "full"):
elif (env["target"] == "debug"):
## Architecture
is64 = sys.maxsize > 2**32
if (env["bits"] == "default"):
env["bits"] = "64" if is64 else "32"
## Compiler configuration
if (env["use_llvm"] == "yes"):
if ('clang++' not in env['CXX']):
env["CC"] = "clang"
env["CXX"] = "clang++"
env["LD"] = "clang++"
env.extra_suffix = ".llvm" + env.extra_suffix
# leak sanitizer requires (address) sanitizer
if (env["use_sanitizer"] == "yes" or env["use_leak_sanitizer"] == "yes"):
env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-fsanitize=address', '-fno-omit-frame-pointer'])
env.extra_suffix += "s"
if (env["use_leak_sanitizer"] == "yes"):
if (env["use_lto"] == "yes"):
## Dependencies
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config x11 --cflags --libs')
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config xcursor --cflags --libs')
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config xinerama --cflags --libs')
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config xrandr --cflags --libs')
# FIXME: Check for existence of the libs before parsing their flags with pkg-config
if (env['builtin_openssl'] == 'no'):
# Currently not compatible with OpenSSL 1.1.0+
import subprocess
openssl_version = subprocess.check_output(['pkg-config', 'openssl', '--modversion']).strip('\n')
if (openssl_version >= "1.1.0"):
print("Error: Found system-installed OpenSSL %s, currently only supporting version 1.0.x." % openssl_version)
print("Aborting.. You can compile with 'builtin_openssl=yes' to use the bundled version.\n")
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config openssl --cflags --libs')
if (env['builtin_libwebp'] == 'no'):
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libwebp --cflags --libs')
# freetype depends on libpng and zlib, so bundling one of them while keeping others
# as shared libraries leads to weird issues
if (env['builtin_freetype'] == 'yes' or env['builtin_libpng'] == 'yes' or env['builtin_zlib'] == 'yes'):
env['builtin_freetype'] = 'yes'
env['builtin_libpng'] = 'yes'
env['builtin_zlib'] = 'yes'
if (env['builtin_freetype'] == 'no'):
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config freetype2 --cflags --libs')
if (env['builtin_libpng'] == 'no'):
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libpng --cflags --libs')
if (env['builtin_enet'] == 'no'):
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libenet --cflags --libs')
if (env['builtin_squish'] == 'no' and env["tools"] == "yes"):
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libsquish --cflags --libs')
# Sound and video libraries
# Keep the order as it triggers chained dependencies (ogg needed by others, etc.)
if (env['builtin_libtheora'] == 'no'):
env['builtin_libogg'] = 'no' # Needed to link against system libtheora
env['builtin_libvorbis'] = 'no' # Needed to link against system libtheora
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config theora theoradec --cflags --libs')
if (env['builtin_libvpx'] == 'no'):
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config vpx --cflags --libs')
if (env['builtin_libvorbis'] == 'no'):
env['builtin_libogg'] = 'no' # Needed to link against system libvorbis
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config vorbis vorbisfile --cflags --libs')
if (env['builtin_opus'] == 'no'):
env['builtin_libogg'] = 'no' # Needed to link against system opus
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config opus opusfile --cflags --libs')
if (env['builtin_libogg'] == 'no'):
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config ogg --cflags --libs')
if (env['builtin_libtheora'] != 'no'):
list_of_x86 = ['x86_64', 'x86', 'i386', 'i586']
if any(platform.machine() in s for s in list_of_x86):
env["x86_libtheora_opt_gcc"] = True
# On Linux wchar_t should be 32-bits
# 16-bit library shouldn't be required due to compiler optimisations
if (env['builtin_pcre2'] == 'no'):
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libpcre2-32 --cflags --libs')
## Flags
if (os.system("pkg-config --exists alsa") == 0): # 0 means found
print("Enabling ALSA")
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config alsa --cflags --libs')
print("ALSA libraries not found, disabling driver")
if (env["pulseaudio"] == "yes"):
if (os.system("pkg-config --exists libpulse-simple") == 0): # 0 means found
print("Enabling PulseAudio")
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs libpulse-simple')
print("PulseAudio development libraries not found, disabling driver")
if (platform.system() == "Linux"):
if (env["udev"] == "yes"):
if (os.system("pkg-config --exists libudev") == 0): # 0 means found
print("Enabling udev support")
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libudev --cflags --libs')
print("libudev development libraries not found, disabling udev support")
# Linkflags below this line should typically stay the last ones
if (env['builtin_zlib'] == 'no'):
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config zlib --cflags --libs')
env.Append(LIBS=['GL', 'pthread'])
if (platform.system() == "Linux"):
## Cross-compilation
if (is64 and env["bits"] == "32"):
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-m32', '-L/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu'])
elif (not is64 and env["bits"] == "64"):
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-m64', '-L/usr/lib/i686-linux-gnu'])
if (env["use_static_cpp"] == "yes"):