86 lines
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86 lines
1.9 KiB
extends TileMap
# member variables here, example:
# var a=2
# var b="textvar"
# boundarys for the fog rectangle
var x_min = -20 # left start tile
var x_max = 20 # right end tile
var y_min = -20 # top start tile
var y_max = 20 # bottom end tile
var position # players position
# iteration variables
var x
var y
# variable to check if player moved
var x_old
var y_old
# array to build up the visible area like a square
# first value determines the width/height of the tip
# here it would be 2*2 + 1 = 5 tiles wide/high
# second value determines the total squares size
# here it would be 5*2 + 1 = 10 tiles wide/high
var l = range(2,5)
# process that runs in realtime
func _fixed_process(delta):
position = get_node("../troll").get_pos()
# calculate the corresponding tile
# from the players position
x = int(position.x/get_cell_size().x)
# switching from positive to negative tile positions
# causes problems because of rounding problems
if position.x < 0:
x -= 1 # correct negative values
y = int(position.y/get_cell_size().y)
if position.y < 0:
y -= 1
# check if the player moved one tile further
if (x_old != x) or (y_old != y):
# create the transparent part (visited area)
var end = l.size()-1
var start = 0
for steps in range(l.size()):
for m in range(x-l[end]-1,x+l[end]+2):
for n in range(y-l[start]-1,y+l[start]+2):
if get_cell(m,n) != 0:
end -= 1
start += 1
# create the actual and active visible part
var end = l.size()-1
var start = 0
for steps in range(l.size()):
for m in range(x-l[end],x+l[end]+1):
for n in range(y-l[start],y+l[start]+1):
end -= 1
start += 1
x_old = x
y_old = y
func _ready():
# Initalization here
# create a square filled with the 100% opaque fog
for x in range(x_min,x_max):
for y in range(y_min,y_max):