Since Embree v3.13.0 supports AARCH64, switch back to the official repo instead of using Embree-aarch64. `thirdparty/embree/patches/godot-changes.patch` should now contain an accurate diff of the changes done to the library.
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615 lines
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// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#define vboolf vboolf_impl
#define vboold vboold_impl
#define vint vint_impl
#define vuint vuint_impl
#define vllong vllong_impl
#define vfloat vfloat_impl
#define vdouble vdouble_impl
namespace embree
/* 16-wide AVX-512 float type */
struct vfloat<16>
typedef vboolf16 Bool;
typedef vint16 Int;
typedef vfloat16 Float;
enum { size = 16 }; // number of SIMD elements
union { // data
__m512 v;
float f[16];
int i[16];
/// Constructors, Assignment & Cast Operators
__forceinline vfloat() {}
__forceinline vfloat(const vfloat16& t) { v = t; }
__forceinline vfloat16& operator =(const vfloat16& f) { v = f.v; return *this; }
__forceinline vfloat(const __m512& t) { v = t; }
__forceinline operator __m512() const { return v; }
__forceinline operator __m256() const { return _mm512_castps512_ps256(v); }
__forceinline operator __m128() const { return _mm512_castps512_ps128(v); }
__forceinline vfloat(float f) {
v = _mm512_set1_ps(f);
__forceinline vfloat(float a, float b, float c, float d) {
v = _mm512_set4_ps(a, b, c, d);
__forceinline vfloat(const vfloat4& i) {
v = _mm512_broadcast_f32x4(i);
__forceinline vfloat(const vfloat4& a, const vfloat4& b, const vfloat4& c, const vfloat4& d) {
v = _mm512_castps128_ps512(a);
v = _mm512_insertf32x4(v, b, 1);
v = _mm512_insertf32x4(v, c, 2);
v = _mm512_insertf32x4(v, d, 3);
__forceinline vfloat(const vboolf16& mask, const vfloat4& a, const vfloat4& b) {
v = _mm512_broadcast_f32x4(a);
v = _mm512_mask_broadcast_f32x4(v,mask,b);
__forceinline vfloat(const vfloat8& i) {
v = _mm512_castpd_ps(_mm512_broadcast_f64x4(_mm256_castps_pd(i)));
__forceinline vfloat(const vfloat8& a, const vfloat8& b) {
v = _mm512_castps256_ps512(a);
#if defined(__AVX512DQ__)
v = _mm512_insertf32x8(v, b, 1);
v = _mm512_castpd_ps(_mm512_insertf64x4(_mm512_castps_pd(v), _mm256_castps_pd(b), 1));
/* WARNING: due to f64x4 the mask is considered as an 8bit mask */
/*__forceinline vfloat(const vboolf16& mask, const vfloat8& a, const vfloat8& b) {
__m512d aa = _mm512_broadcast_f64x4(_mm256_castps_pd(a));
aa = _mm512_mask_broadcast_f64x4(aa,mask,_mm256_castps_pd(b));
v = _mm512_castpd_ps(aa);
__forceinline explicit vfloat(const vint16& a) {
v = _mm512_cvtepi32_ps(a);
__forceinline explicit vfloat(const vuint16& a) {
v = _mm512_cvtepu32_ps(a);
/// Constants
__forceinline vfloat(ZeroTy) : v(_mm512_setzero_ps()) {}
__forceinline vfloat(OneTy) : v(_mm512_set1_ps(1.0f)) {}
__forceinline vfloat(PosInfTy) : v(_mm512_set1_ps(pos_inf)) {}
__forceinline vfloat(NegInfTy) : v(_mm512_set1_ps(neg_inf)) {}
__forceinline vfloat(StepTy) : v(_mm512_set_ps(15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0)) {}
__forceinline vfloat(NaNTy) : v(_mm512_set1_ps(nan)) {}
__forceinline vfloat(UndefinedTy) : v(_mm512_undefined_ps()) {}
/// Loads and Stores
static __forceinline vfloat16 load (const void* ptr) { return _mm512_load_ps((float*)ptr); }
static __forceinline vfloat16 loadu(const void* ptr) { return _mm512_loadu_ps((float*)ptr); }
static __forceinline vfloat16 load (const vboolf16& mask, const void* ptr) { return _mm512_mask_load_ps (_mm512_setzero_ps(),mask,(float*)ptr); }
static __forceinline vfloat16 loadu(const vboolf16& mask, const void* ptr) { return _mm512_mask_loadu_ps(_mm512_setzero_ps(),mask,(float*)ptr); }
static __forceinline void store (void* ptr, const vfloat16& v) { _mm512_store_ps ((float*)ptr,v); }
static __forceinline void storeu(void* ptr, const vfloat16& v) { _mm512_storeu_ps((float*)ptr,v); }
static __forceinline void store (const vboolf16& mask, void* ptr, const vfloat16& v) { _mm512_mask_store_ps ((float*)ptr,mask,v); }
static __forceinline void storeu(const vboolf16& mask, void* ptr, const vfloat16& v) { _mm512_mask_storeu_ps((float*)ptr,mask,v); }
static __forceinline void store_nt(void* __restrict__ ptr, const vfloat16& a) {
static __forceinline vfloat16 broadcast(const float* f) {
return _mm512_set1_ps(*f);
template<int scale = 4>
static __forceinline vfloat16 gather(const float* ptr, const vint16& index) {
return _mm512_i32gather_ps(index, ptr, scale);
template<int scale = 4>
static __forceinline vfloat16 gather(const vboolf16& mask, const float* ptr, const vint16& index) {
vfloat16 r = zero;
return _mm512_mask_i32gather_ps(r, mask, index, ptr, scale);
template<int scale = 4>
static __forceinline void scatter(float* ptr, const vint16& index, const vfloat16& v) {
_mm512_i32scatter_ps(ptr, index, v, scale);
template<int scale = 4>
static __forceinline void scatter(const vboolf16& mask, float* ptr, const vint16& index, const vfloat16& v) {
_mm512_mask_i32scatter_ps(ptr, mask, index, v, scale);
/// Array Access
__forceinline float& operator [](size_t index) { assert(index < 16); return f[index]; }
__forceinline const float& operator [](size_t index) const { assert(index < 16); return f[index]; }
/// Unary Operators
__forceinline vfloat16 asFloat(const vint16& a) { return _mm512_castsi512_ps(a); }
__forceinline vint16 asInt (const vfloat16& a) { return _mm512_castps_si512(a); }
__forceinline vuint16 asUInt (const vfloat16& a) { return _mm512_castps_si512(a); }
__forceinline vint16 toInt (const vfloat16& a) { return vint16(a); }
__forceinline vfloat16 toFloat(const vint16& a) { return vfloat16(a); }
__forceinline vfloat16 operator +(const vfloat16& a) { return a; }
__forceinline vfloat16 operator -(const vfloat16& a) { return _mm512_mul_ps(a,vfloat16(-1)); }
__forceinline vfloat16 abs (const vfloat16& a) { return _mm512_castsi512_ps(_mm512_and_epi32(_mm512_castps_si512(a),_mm512_set1_epi32(0x7FFFFFFF))); }
__forceinline vfloat16 signmsk(const vfloat16& a) { return _mm512_castsi512_ps(_mm512_and_epi32(_mm512_castps_si512(a),_mm512_set1_epi32(0x80000000))); }
__forceinline vfloat16 rcp(const vfloat16& a) {
const vfloat16 r = _mm512_rcp14_ps(a);
return _mm512_mul_ps(r, _mm512_fnmadd_ps(r, a, vfloat16(2.0f)));
__forceinline vfloat16 sqr (const vfloat16& a) { return _mm512_mul_ps(a,a); }
__forceinline vfloat16 sqrt(const vfloat16& a) { return _mm512_sqrt_ps(a); }
__forceinline vfloat16 rsqrt(const vfloat16& a)
const vfloat16 r = _mm512_rsqrt14_ps(a);
return _mm512_fmadd_ps(_mm512_set1_ps(1.5f), r,
_mm512_mul_ps(_mm512_mul_ps(_mm512_mul_ps(a, _mm512_set1_ps(-0.5f)), r), _mm512_mul_ps(r, r)));
/// Binary Operators
__forceinline vfloat16 operator +(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_add_ps(a, b); }
__forceinline vfloat16 operator +(const vfloat16& a, float b) { return a + vfloat16(b); }
__forceinline vfloat16 operator +(float a, const vfloat16& b) { return vfloat16(a) + b; }
__forceinline vfloat16 operator -(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_sub_ps(a, b); }
__forceinline vfloat16 operator -(const vfloat16& a, float b) { return a - vfloat16(b); }
__forceinline vfloat16 operator -(float a, const vfloat16& b) { return vfloat16(a) - b; }
__forceinline vfloat16 operator *(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_mul_ps(a, b); }
__forceinline vfloat16 operator *(const vfloat16& a, float b) { return a * vfloat16(b); }
__forceinline vfloat16 operator *(float a, const vfloat16& b) { return vfloat16(a) * b; }
__forceinline vfloat16 operator /(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_div_ps(a,b); }
__forceinline vfloat16 operator /(const vfloat16& a, float b) { return a/vfloat16(b); }
__forceinline vfloat16 operator /(float a, const vfloat16& b) { return vfloat16(a)/b; }
__forceinline vfloat16 operator &(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_and_ps(a,b); }
__forceinline vfloat16 operator |(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_or_ps(a,b); }
__forceinline vfloat16 operator ^(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) {
return _mm512_castsi512_ps(_mm512_xor_epi32(_mm512_castps_si512(a),_mm512_castps_si512(b)));
__forceinline vfloat16 min(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_min_ps(a,b); }
__forceinline vfloat16 min(const vfloat16& a, float b) { return _mm512_min_ps(a,vfloat16(b)); }
__forceinline vfloat16 min(const float& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_min_ps(vfloat16(a),b); }
__forceinline vfloat16 max(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_max_ps(a,b); }
__forceinline vfloat16 max(const vfloat16& a, float b) { return _mm512_max_ps(a,vfloat16(b)); }
__forceinline vfloat16 max(const float& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_max_ps(vfloat16(a),b); }
__forceinline vfloat16 mini(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) {
const vint16 ai = _mm512_castps_si512(a);
const vint16 bi = _mm512_castps_si512(b);
const vint16 ci = _mm512_min_epi32(ai,bi);
return _mm512_castsi512_ps(ci);
__forceinline vfloat16 maxi(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) {
const vint16 ai = _mm512_castps_si512(a);
const vint16 bi = _mm512_castps_si512(b);
const vint16 ci = _mm512_max_epi32(ai,bi);
return _mm512_castsi512_ps(ci);
/// Ternary Operators
__forceinline vfloat16 madd (const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b, const vfloat16& c) { return _mm512_fmadd_ps(a,b,c); }
__forceinline vfloat16 msub (const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b, const vfloat16& c) { return _mm512_fmsub_ps(a,b,c); }
__forceinline vfloat16 nmadd(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b, const vfloat16& c) { return _mm512_fnmadd_ps(a,b,c); }
__forceinline vfloat16 nmsub(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b, const vfloat16& c) { return _mm512_fnmsub_ps(a,b,c); }
/// Assignment Operators
__forceinline vfloat16& operator +=(vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return a = a + b; }
__forceinline vfloat16& operator +=(vfloat16& a, float b) { return a = a + b; }
__forceinline vfloat16& operator -=(vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return a = a - b; }
__forceinline vfloat16& operator -=(vfloat16& a, float b) { return a = a - b; }
__forceinline vfloat16& operator *=(vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return a = a * b; }
__forceinline vfloat16& operator *=(vfloat16& a, float b) { return a = a * b; }
__forceinline vfloat16& operator /=(vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return a = a / b; }
__forceinline vfloat16& operator /=(vfloat16& a, float b) { return a = a / b; }
/// Comparison Operators + Select
__forceinline vboolf16 operator ==(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_cmp_ps_mask(a,b,_MM_CMPINT_EQ); }
__forceinline vboolf16 operator ==(const vfloat16& a, float b) { return a == vfloat16(b); }
__forceinline vboolf16 operator ==(float a, const vfloat16& b) { return vfloat16(a) == b; }
__forceinline vboolf16 operator !=(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_cmp_ps_mask(a,b,_MM_CMPINT_NE); }
__forceinline vboolf16 operator !=(const vfloat16& a, float b) { return a != vfloat16(b); }
__forceinline vboolf16 operator !=(float a, const vfloat16& b) { return vfloat16(a) != b; }
__forceinline vboolf16 operator < (const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_cmp_ps_mask(a,b,_MM_CMPINT_LT); }
__forceinline vboolf16 operator < (const vfloat16& a, float b) { return a < vfloat16(b); }
__forceinline vboolf16 operator < (float a, const vfloat16& b) { return vfloat16(a) < b; }
__forceinline vboolf16 operator >=(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_cmp_ps_mask(a,b,_MM_CMPINT_GE); }
__forceinline vboolf16 operator >=(const vfloat16& a, float b) { return a >= vfloat16(b); }
__forceinline vboolf16 operator >=(float a, const vfloat16& b) { return vfloat16(a) >= b; }
__forceinline vboolf16 operator > (const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_cmp_ps_mask(a,b,_MM_CMPINT_GT); }
__forceinline vboolf16 operator > (const vfloat16& a, float b) { return a > vfloat16(b); }
__forceinline vboolf16 operator > (float a, const vfloat16& b) { return vfloat16(a) > b; }
__forceinline vboolf16 operator <=(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_cmp_ps_mask(a,b,_MM_CMPINT_LE); }
__forceinline vboolf16 operator <=(const vfloat16& a, float b) { return a <= vfloat16(b); }
__forceinline vboolf16 operator <=(float a, const vfloat16& b) { return vfloat16(a) <= b; }
__forceinline vboolf16 eq(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_cmp_ps_mask(a,b,_MM_CMPINT_EQ); }
__forceinline vboolf16 ne(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_cmp_ps_mask(a,b,_MM_CMPINT_NE); }
__forceinline vboolf16 lt(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_cmp_ps_mask(a,b,_MM_CMPINT_LT); }
__forceinline vboolf16 ge(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_cmp_ps_mask(a,b,_MM_CMPINT_GE); }
__forceinline vboolf16 gt(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_cmp_ps_mask(a,b,_MM_CMPINT_GT); }
__forceinline vboolf16 le(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_cmp_ps_mask(a,b,_MM_CMPINT_LE); }
__forceinline vboolf16 eq(const vboolf16& mask, const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_mask_cmp_ps_mask(mask,a,b,_MM_CMPINT_EQ); }
__forceinline vboolf16 ne(const vboolf16& mask, const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_mask_cmp_ps_mask(mask,a,b,_MM_CMPINT_NE); }
__forceinline vboolf16 lt(const vboolf16& mask, const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_mask_cmp_ps_mask(mask,a,b,_MM_CMPINT_LT); }
__forceinline vboolf16 ge(const vboolf16& mask, const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_mask_cmp_ps_mask(mask,a,b,_MM_CMPINT_GE); }
__forceinline vboolf16 gt(const vboolf16& mask, const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_mask_cmp_ps_mask(mask,a,b,_MM_CMPINT_GT); }
__forceinline vboolf16 le(const vboolf16& mask, const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_mask_cmp_ps_mask(mask,a,b,_MM_CMPINT_LE); }
__forceinline vfloat16 select(const vboolf16& s, const vfloat16& t, const vfloat16& f) {
return _mm512_mask_blend_ps(s, f, t);
__forceinline vfloat16 lerp(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b, const vfloat16& t) {
return madd(t,b-a,a);
/// Rounding Functions
__forceinline vfloat16 floor(const vfloat16& a) {
return _mm512_floor_ps(a);
__forceinline vfloat16 ceil (const vfloat16& a) {
return _mm512_ceil_ps(a);
__forceinline vfloat16 round (const vfloat16& a) {
return _mm512_roundscale_ps(a, _MM_FROUND_TO_NEAREST_INT | _MM_FROUND_NO_EXC);
__forceinline vint16 floori (const vfloat16& a) {
return _mm512_cvt_roundps_epi32(a, _MM_FROUND_TO_NEG_INF | _MM_FROUND_NO_EXC);
/// Movement/Shifting/Shuffling Functions
__forceinline vfloat16 unpacklo(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_unpacklo_ps(a, b); }
__forceinline vfloat16 unpackhi(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) { return _mm512_unpackhi_ps(a, b); }
template<int i>
__forceinline vfloat16 shuffle(const vfloat16& v) {
return _mm512_permute_ps(v, _MM_SHUFFLE(i, i, i, i));
template<int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3>
__forceinline vfloat16 shuffle(const vfloat16& v) {
return _mm512_permute_ps(v, _MM_SHUFFLE(i3, i2, i1, i0));
template<int i>
__forceinline vfloat16 shuffle4(const vfloat16& v) {
return _mm512_shuffle_f32x4(v, v ,_MM_SHUFFLE(i, i, i, i));
template<int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3>
__forceinline vfloat16 shuffle4(const vfloat16& v) {
return _mm512_shuffle_f32x4(v, v, _MM_SHUFFLE(i3, i2, i1, i0));
__forceinline vfloat16 interleave4_even(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) {
return _mm512_castsi512_ps(_mm512_mask_permutex_epi64(_mm512_castps_si512(a), mm512_int2mask(0xcc), _mm512_castps_si512(b), (_MM_PERM_ENUM)0x4e));
__forceinline vfloat16 interleave4_odd(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) {
return _mm512_castsi512_ps(_mm512_mask_permutex_epi64(_mm512_castps_si512(b), mm512_int2mask(0x33), _mm512_castps_si512(a), (_MM_PERM_ENUM)0x4e));
__forceinline vfloat16 permute(vfloat16 v, __m512i index) {
return _mm512_castsi512_ps(_mm512_permutexvar_epi32(index, _mm512_castps_si512(v)));
__forceinline vfloat16 reverse(const vfloat16& v) {
return permute(v,_mm512_setr_epi32(15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0));
template<int i>
__forceinline vfloat16 align_shift_right(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) {
return _mm512_castsi512_ps(_mm512_alignr_epi32(_mm512_castps_si512(a),_mm512_castps_si512(b),i));
template<int i>
__forceinline vfloat16 mask_align_shift_right(const vboolf16& mask, vfloat16& c, const vfloat16& a, const vfloat16& b) {
return _mm512_castsi512_ps(_mm512_mask_alignr_epi32(_mm512_castps_si512(c),mask,_mm512_castps_si512(a),_mm512_castps_si512(b),i));
__forceinline vfloat16 shift_left_1(const vfloat16& a) {
vfloat16 z = zero;
return mask_align_shift_right<15>(0xfffe,z,a,a);
__forceinline vfloat16 shift_right_1(const vfloat16& x) {
return align_shift_right<1>(zero,x);
__forceinline float toScalar(const vfloat16& v) { return mm512_cvtss_f32(v); }
template<int i> __forceinline vfloat16 insert4(const vfloat16& a, const vfloat4& b) { return _mm512_insertf32x4(a, b, i); }
template<int N, int i>
vfloat<N> extractN(const vfloat16& v);
template<> __forceinline vfloat4 extractN<4,0>(const vfloat16& v) { return _mm512_castps512_ps128(v); }
template<> __forceinline vfloat4 extractN<4,1>(const vfloat16& v) { return _mm512_extractf32x4_ps(v, 1); }
template<> __forceinline vfloat4 extractN<4,2>(const vfloat16& v) { return _mm512_extractf32x4_ps(v, 2); }
template<> __forceinline vfloat4 extractN<4,3>(const vfloat16& v) { return _mm512_extractf32x4_ps(v, 3); }
template<> __forceinline vfloat8 extractN<8,0>(const vfloat16& v) { return _mm512_castps512_ps256(v); }
template<> __forceinline vfloat8 extractN<8,1>(const vfloat16& v) { return _mm512_extractf32x8_ps(v, 1); }
template<int i> __forceinline vfloat4 extract4 (const vfloat16& v) { return _mm512_extractf32x4_ps(v, i); }
template<> __forceinline vfloat4 extract4<0>(const vfloat16& v) { return _mm512_castps512_ps128(v); }
template<int i> __forceinline vfloat8 extract8 (const vfloat16& v) { return _mm512_extractf32x8_ps(v, i); }
template<> __forceinline vfloat8 extract8<0>(const vfloat16& v) { return _mm512_castps512_ps256(v); }
/// Transpose
__forceinline void transpose(const vfloat16& r0, const vfloat16& r1, const vfloat16& r2, const vfloat16& r3,
vfloat16& c0, vfloat16& c1, vfloat16& c2, vfloat16& c3)
vfloat16 a0a2_b0b2 = unpacklo(r0, r2);
vfloat16 c0c2_d0d2 = unpackhi(r0, r2);
vfloat16 a1a3_b1b3 = unpacklo(r1, r3);
vfloat16 c1c3_d1d3 = unpackhi(r1, r3);
c0 = unpacklo(a0a2_b0b2, a1a3_b1b3);
c1 = unpackhi(a0a2_b0b2, a1a3_b1b3);
c2 = unpacklo(c0c2_d0d2, c1c3_d1d3);
c3 = unpackhi(c0c2_d0d2, c1c3_d1d3);
__forceinline void transpose(const vfloat4& r0, const vfloat4& r1, const vfloat4& r2, const vfloat4& r3,
const vfloat4& r4, const vfloat4& r5, const vfloat4& r6, const vfloat4& r7,
const vfloat4& r8, const vfloat4& r9, const vfloat4& r10, const vfloat4& r11,
const vfloat4& r12, const vfloat4& r13, const vfloat4& r14, const vfloat4& r15,
vfloat16& c0, vfloat16& c1, vfloat16& c2, vfloat16& c3)
return transpose(vfloat16(r0, r4, r8, r12), vfloat16(r1, r5, r9, r13), vfloat16(r2, r6, r10, r14), vfloat16(r3, r7, r11, r15),
c0, c1, c2, c3);
__forceinline void transpose(const vfloat16& r0, const vfloat16& r1, const vfloat16& r2, const vfloat16& r3,
const vfloat16& r4, const vfloat16& r5, const vfloat16& r6, const vfloat16& r7,
vfloat16& c0, vfloat16& c1, vfloat16& c2, vfloat16& c3,
vfloat16& c4, vfloat16& c5, vfloat16& c6, vfloat16& c7)
vfloat16 a0a1a2a3_e0e1e2e3, b0b1b2b3_f0f1f2f3, c0c1c2c3_g0g1g2g3, d0d1d2d3_h0h1h2h3;
transpose(r0, r1, r2, r3, a0a1a2a3_e0e1e2e3, b0b1b2b3_f0f1f2f3, c0c1c2c3_g0g1g2g3, d0d1d2d3_h0h1h2h3);
vfloat16 a4a5a6a7_e4e5e6e7, b4b5b6b7_f4f5f6f7, c4c5c6c7_g4g5g6g7, d4d5d6d7_h4h5h6h7;
transpose(r4, r5, r6, r7, a4a5a6a7_e4e5e6e7, b4b5b6b7_f4f5f6f7, c4c5c6c7_g4g5g6g7, d4d5d6d7_h4h5h6h7);
c0 = interleave4_even(a0a1a2a3_e0e1e2e3, a4a5a6a7_e4e5e6e7);
c1 = interleave4_even(b0b1b2b3_f0f1f2f3, b4b5b6b7_f4f5f6f7);
c2 = interleave4_even(c0c1c2c3_g0g1g2g3, c4c5c6c7_g4g5g6g7);
c3 = interleave4_even(d0d1d2d3_h0h1h2h3, d4d5d6d7_h4h5h6h7);
c4 = interleave4_odd (a0a1a2a3_e0e1e2e3, a4a5a6a7_e4e5e6e7);
c5 = interleave4_odd (b0b1b2b3_f0f1f2f3, b4b5b6b7_f4f5f6f7);
c6 = interleave4_odd (c0c1c2c3_g0g1g2g3, c4c5c6c7_g4g5g6g7);
c7 = interleave4_odd (d0d1d2d3_h0h1h2h3, d4d5d6d7_h4h5h6h7);
__forceinline void transpose(const vfloat8& r0, const vfloat8& r1, const vfloat8& r2, const vfloat8& r3,
const vfloat8& r4, const vfloat8& r5, const vfloat8& r6, const vfloat8& r7,
const vfloat8& r8, const vfloat8& r9, const vfloat8& r10, const vfloat8& r11,
const vfloat8& r12, const vfloat8& r13, const vfloat8& r14, const vfloat8& r15,
vfloat16& c0, vfloat16& c1, vfloat16& c2, vfloat16& c3,
vfloat16& c4, vfloat16& c5, vfloat16& c6, vfloat16& c7)
return transpose(vfloat16(r0, r8), vfloat16(r1, r9), vfloat16(r2, r10), vfloat16(r3, r11),
vfloat16(r4, r12), vfloat16(r5, r13), vfloat16(r6, r14), vfloat16(r7, r15),
c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7);
/// Reductions
__forceinline vfloat16 vreduce_add2(vfloat16 x) { return x + shuffle<1,0,3,2>(x); }
__forceinline vfloat16 vreduce_add4(vfloat16 x) { x = vreduce_add2(x); return x + shuffle<2,3,0,1>(x); }
__forceinline vfloat16 vreduce_add8(vfloat16 x) { x = vreduce_add4(x); return x + shuffle4<1,0,3,2>(x); }
__forceinline vfloat16 vreduce_add (vfloat16 x) { x = vreduce_add8(x); return x + shuffle4<2,3,0,1>(x); }
__forceinline vfloat16 vreduce_min2(vfloat16 x) { return min(x, shuffle<1,0,3,2>(x)); }
__forceinline vfloat16 vreduce_min4(vfloat16 x) { x = vreduce_min2(x); return min(x, shuffle<2,3,0,1>(x)); }
__forceinline vfloat16 vreduce_min8(vfloat16 x) { x = vreduce_min4(x); return min(x, shuffle4<1,0,3,2>(x)); }
__forceinline vfloat16 vreduce_min (vfloat16 x) { x = vreduce_min8(x); return min(x, shuffle4<2,3,0,1>(x)); }
__forceinline vfloat16 vreduce_max2(vfloat16 x) { return max(x, shuffle<1,0,3,2>(x)); }
__forceinline vfloat16 vreduce_max4(vfloat16 x) { x = vreduce_max2(x); return max(x, shuffle<2,3,0,1>(x)); }
__forceinline vfloat16 vreduce_max8(vfloat16 x) { x = vreduce_max4(x); return max(x, shuffle4<1,0,3,2>(x)); }
__forceinline vfloat16 vreduce_max (vfloat16 x) { x = vreduce_max8(x); return max(x, shuffle4<2,3,0,1>(x)); }
__forceinline float reduce_add(const vfloat16& v) { return toScalar(vreduce_add(v)); }
__forceinline float reduce_min(const vfloat16& v) { return toScalar(vreduce_min(v)); }
__forceinline float reduce_max(const vfloat16& v) { return toScalar(vreduce_max(v)); }
__forceinline size_t select_min(const vfloat16& v) {
return bsf(_mm512_kmov(_mm512_cmp_epi32_mask(_mm512_castps_si512(v),_mm512_castps_si512(vreduce_min(v)),_MM_CMPINT_EQ)));
__forceinline size_t select_max(const vfloat16& v) {
return bsf(_mm512_kmov(_mm512_cmp_epi32_mask(_mm512_castps_si512(v),_mm512_castps_si512(vreduce_max(v)),_MM_CMPINT_EQ)));
__forceinline size_t select_min(const vboolf16& valid, const vfloat16& v)
const vfloat16 a = select(valid,v,vfloat16(pos_inf));
const vbool16 valid_min = valid & (a == vreduce_min(a));
return bsf(movemask(any(valid_min) ? valid_min : valid));
__forceinline size_t select_max(const vboolf16& valid, const vfloat16& v)
const vfloat16 a = select(valid,v,vfloat16(neg_inf));
const vbool16 valid_max = valid & (a == vreduce_max(a));
return bsf(movemask(any(valid_max) ? valid_max : valid));
__forceinline vfloat16 prefix_sum(const vfloat16& a)
const vfloat16 z(zero);
vfloat16 v = a;
v = v + align_shift_right<16-1>(v,z);
v = v + align_shift_right<16-2>(v,z);
v = v + align_shift_right<16-4>(v,z);
v = v + align_shift_right<16-8>(v,z);
return v;
__forceinline vfloat16 reverse_prefix_sum(const vfloat16& a)
const vfloat16 z(zero);
vfloat16 v = a;
v = v + align_shift_right<1>(z,v);
v = v + align_shift_right<2>(z,v);
v = v + align_shift_right<4>(z,v);
v = v + align_shift_right<8>(z,v);
return v;
__forceinline vfloat16 prefix_min(const vfloat16& a)
const vfloat16 z(pos_inf);
vfloat16 v = a;
v = min(v,align_shift_right<16-1>(v,z));
v = min(v,align_shift_right<16-2>(v,z));
v = min(v,align_shift_right<16-4>(v,z));
v = min(v,align_shift_right<16-8>(v,z));
return v;
__forceinline vfloat16 prefix_max(const vfloat16& a)
const vfloat16 z(neg_inf);
vfloat16 v = a;
v = max(v,align_shift_right<16-1>(v,z));
v = max(v,align_shift_right<16-2>(v,z));
v = max(v,align_shift_right<16-4>(v,z));
v = max(v,align_shift_right<16-8>(v,z));
return v;
__forceinline vfloat16 reverse_prefix_min(const vfloat16& a)
const vfloat16 z(pos_inf);
vfloat16 v = a;
v = min(v,align_shift_right<1>(z,v));
v = min(v,align_shift_right<2>(z,v));
v = min(v,align_shift_right<4>(z,v));
v = min(v,align_shift_right<8>(z,v));
return v;
__forceinline vfloat16 reverse_prefix_max(const vfloat16& a)
const vfloat16 z(neg_inf);
vfloat16 v = a;
v = max(v,align_shift_right<1>(z,v));
v = max(v,align_shift_right<2>(z,v));
v = max(v,align_shift_right<4>(z,v));
v = max(v,align_shift_right<8>(z,v));
return v;
__forceinline vfloat16 rcp_safe(const vfloat16& a) {
return rcp(select(a != vfloat16(zero), a, vfloat16(min_rcp_input)));
/// Output Operators
__forceinline embree_ostream operator <<(embree_ostream cout, const vfloat16& v)
cout << "<" << v[0];
for (int i=1; i<16; i++) cout << ", " << v[i];
cout << ">";
return cout;
#undef vboolf
#undef vboold
#undef vint
#undef vuint
#undef vllong
#undef vfloat
#undef vdouble