Since Embree v3.13.0 supports AARCH64, switch back to the official repo instead of using Embree-aarch64. `thirdparty/embree/patches/godot-changes.patch` should now contain an accurate diff of the changes done to the library.
270 lines
13 KiB
270 lines
13 KiB
// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include "node_intersector_packet_stream.h"
#include "node_intersector_frustum.h"
#include "bvh_traverser_stream.h"
namespace embree
namespace isa
/*! BVH ray stream intersector. */
template<int N, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersector>
class BVHNIntersectorStream
/* shortcuts for frequently used types */
template<int K> using PrimitiveIntersectorK = typename PrimitiveIntersector::template Type<K>;
template<int K> using PrimitiveK = typename PrimitiveIntersectorK<K>::PrimitiveK;
typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
typedef typename BVH::BaseNode BaseNode;
typedef typename BVH::AABBNode AABBNode;
typedef typename BVH::AABBNodeMB AABBNodeMB;
template<int K>
__forceinline static size_t initPacketsAndFrustum(RayK<K>** inputPackets, size_t numOctantRays,
TravRayKStream<K, robust>* packets, Frustum<robust>& frustum, bool& commonOctant)
const size_t numPackets = (numOctantRays+K-1)/K;
Vec3vf<K> tmp_min_rdir(pos_inf);
Vec3vf<K> tmp_max_rdir(neg_inf);
Vec3vf<K> tmp_min_org(pos_inf);
Vec3vf<K> tmp_max_org(neg_inf);
vfloat<K> tmp_min_dist(pos_inf);
vfloat<K> tmp_max_dist(neg_inf);
size_t m_active = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < numPackets; i++)
const vfloat<K> tnear = inputPackets[i]->tnear();
const vfloat<K> tfar = inputPackets[i]->tfar;
vbool<K> m_valid = (tnear <= tfar) & (tnear >= 0.0f);
m_valid &= inputPackets[i]->valid();
m_active |= (size_t)movemask(m_valid) << (i*K);
vfloat<K> packet_min_dist = max(tnear, 0.0f);
vfloat<K> packet_max_dist = select(m_valid, tfar, neg_inf);
tmp_min_dist = min(tmp_min_dist, packet_min_dist);
tmp_max_dist = max(tmp_max_dist, packet_max_dist);
const Vec3vf<K>& org = inputPackets[i]->org;
const Vec3vf<K>& dir = inputPackets[i]->dir;
new (&packets[i]) TravRayKStream<K, robust>(org, dir, packet_min_dist, packet_max_dist);
tmp_min_rdir = min(tmp_min_rdir, select(m_valid, packets[i].rdir, Vec3vf<K>(pos_inf)));
tmp_max_rdir = max(tmp_max_rdir, select(m_valid, packets[i].rdir, Vec3vf<K>(neg_inf)));
tmp_min_org = min(tmp_min_org , select(m_valid,org , Vec3vf<K>(pos_inf)));
tmp_max_org = max(tmp_max_org , select(m_valid,org , Vec3vf<K>(neg_inf)));
m_active &= (numOctantRays == (8 * sizeof(size_t))) ? (size_t)-1 : (((size_t)1 << numOctantRays)-1);
const Vec3fa reduced_min_rdir(reduce_min(tmp_min_rdir.x),
const Vec3fa reduced_max_rdir(reduce_max(tmp_max_rdir.x),
const Vec3fa reduced_min_origin(reduce_min(tmp_min_org.x),
const Vec3fa reduced_max_origin(reduce_max(tmp_max_org.x),
commonOctant =
(reduced_max_rdir.x < 0.0f || reduced_min_rdir.x >= 0.0f) &&
(reduced_max_rdir.y < 0.0f || reduced_min_rdir.y >= 0.0f) &&
(reduced_max_rdir.z < 0.0f || reduced_min_rdir.z >= 0.0f);
const float frustum_min_dist = reduce_min(tmp_min_dist);
const float frustum_max_dist = reduce_max(tmp_max_dist);
frustum.init(reduced_min_origin, reduced_max_origin,
reduced_min_rdir, reduced_max_rdir,
frustum_min_dist, frustum_max_dist,
return m_active;
template<int K>
__forceinline static size_t intersectAABBNodePacket(size_t m_active,
const TravRayKStream<K,robust>* packets,
const AABBNode* __restrict__ node,
size_t boxID,
const NearFarPrecalculations& nf)
const size_t startPacketID = bsf(m_active) / K;
const size_t endPacketID = bsr(m_active) / K;
size_t m_trav_active = 0;
for (size_t i = startPacketID; i <= endPacketID; i++)
const size_t m_hit = intersectNodeK<N>(node, boxID, packets[i], nf);
m_trav_active |= m_hit << (i*K);
return m_trav_active;
template<int K>
__forceinline static size_t traverseCoherentStream(size_t m_active,
TravRayKStream<K, robust>* packets,
const AABBNode* __restrict__ node,
const Frustum<robust>& frustum,
size_t* maskK,
vfloat<N>& dist)
size_t m_node_hit = intersectNodeFrustum<N>(node, frustum, dist);
const size_t first_index = bsf(m_active);
const size_t first_packetID = first_index / K;
const size_t first_rayID = first_index % K;
size_t m_first_hit = intersectNode1<N>(node, packets[first_packetID], first_rayID,;
/* this make traversal independent of the ordering of rays */
size_t m_node = m_node_hit ^ m_first_hit;
while (unlikely(m_node))
const size_t boxID = bscf(m_node);
const size_t m_current = m_active & intersectAABBNodePacket(m_active, packets, node, boxID,;
m_node_hit ^= m_current ? (size_t)0 : ((size_t)1 << boxID);
maskK[boxID] = m_current;
return m_node_hit;
// TODO: explicit 16-wide path for KNL
template<int K>
__forceinline static vint<N> traverseIncoherentStream(size_t m_active,
TravRayKStreamFast<K>* __restrict__ packets,
const AABBNode* __restrict__ node,
const NearFarPrecalculations& nf,
const int shiftTable[32])
const vfloat<N> bminX = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.nearX));
const vfloat<N> bminY = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.nearY));
const vfloat<N> bminZ = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.nearZ));
const vfloat<N> bmaxX = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.farX));
const vfloat<N> bmaxY = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.farY));
const vfloat<N> bmaxZ = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.farZ));
vint<N> vmask(zero);
const size_t rayID = bscf(m_active);
TravRayKStream<K,robust> &p = packets[rayID / K];
const size_t i = rayID % K;
const vint<N> bitmask(shiftTable[rayID]);
const vfloat<N> tNearX = msub(bminX, p.rdir.x[i], p.org_rdir.x[i]);
const vfloat<N> tNearY = msub(bminY, p.rdir.y[i], p.org_rdir.y[i]);
const vfloat<N> tNearZ = msub(bminZ, p.rdir.z[i], p.org_rdir.z[i]);
const vfloat<N> tFarX = msub(bmaxX, p.rdir.x[i], p.org_rdir.x[i]);
const vfloat<N> tFarY = msub(bmaxY, p.rdir.y[i], p.org_rdir.y[i]);
const vfloat<N> tFarZ = msub(bmaxZ, p.rdir.z[i], p.org_rdir.z[i]);
const vfloat<N> tNear = maxi(tNearX, tNearY, tNearZ, vfloat<N>(p.tnear[i]));
const vfloat<N> tFar = mini(tFarX , tFarY , tFarZ, vfloat<N>(p.tfar[i]));
const vbool<N> hit_mask = tNear <= tFar;
#if defined(__AVX2__)
vmask = vmask | (bitmask & vint<N>(hit_mask));
vmask = select(hit_mask, vmask | bitmask, vmask);
} while(m_active);
return vmask;
template<int K>
__forceinline static vint<N> traverseIncoherentStream(size_t m_active,
TravRayKStreamRobust<K>* __restrict__ packets,
const AABBNode* __restrict__ node,
const NearFarPrecalculations& nf,
const int shiftTable[32])
const vfloat<N> bminX = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.nearX));
const vfloat<N> bminY = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.nearY));
const vfloat<N> bminZ = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.nearZ));
const vfloat<N> bmaxX = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.farX));
const vfloat<N> bmaxY = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.farY));
const vfloat<N> bmaxZ = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.farZ));
vint<N> vmask(zero);
const size_t rayID = bscf(m_active);
TravRayKStream<K,robust> &p = packets[rayID / K];
const size_t i = rayID % K;
const vint<N> bitmask(shiftTable[rayID]);
const vfloat<N> tNearX = (bminX -[i]) * p.rdir.x[i];
const vfloat<N> tNearY = (bminY -[i]) * p.rdir.y[i];
const vfloat<N> tNearZ = (bminZ -[i]) * p.rdir.z[i];
const vfloat<N> tFarX = (bmaxX -[i]) * p.rdir.x[i];
const vfloat<N> tFarY = (bmaxY -[i]) * p.rdir.y[i];
const vfloat<N> tFarZ = (bmaxZ -[i]) * p.rdir.z[i];
const vfloat<N> tNear = maxi(tNearX, tNearY, tNearZ, vfloat<N>(p.tnear[i]));
const vfloat<N> tFar = mini(tFarX , tFarY , tFarZ, vfloat<N>(p.tfar[i]));
const float round_down = 1.0f-2.0f*float(ulp);
const float round_up = 1.0f+2.0f*float(ulp);
const vbool<N> hit_mask = round_down*tNear <= round_up*tFar;
#if defined(__AVX2__)
vmask = vmask | (bitmask & vint<N>(hit_mask));
vmask = select(hit_mask, vmask | bitmask, vmask);
} while(m_active);
return vmask;
static const size_t stackSizeSingle = 1+(N-1)*BVH::maxDepth;
static void intersect(Accel::Intersectors* This, RayHitN** inputRays, size_t numRays, IntersectContext* context);
static void occluded (Accel::Intersectors* This, RayN** inputRays, size_t numRays, IntersectContext* context);
template<int K>
static void intersectCoherent(Accel::Intersectors* This, RayHitK<K>** inputRays, size_t numRays, IntersectContext* context);
template<int K>
static void occludedCoherent(Accel::Intersectors* This, RayK<K>** inputRays, size_t numRays, IntersectContext* context);
template<int K>
static void occludedIncoherent(Accel::Intersectors* This, RayK<K>** inputRays, size_t numRays, IntersectContext* context);
/*! BVH ray stream intersector with direct fallback to packets. */
template<int N>
class BVHNIntersectorStreamPacketFallback
static void intersect(Accel::Intersectors* This, RayHitN** inputRays, size_t numRays, IntersectContext* context);
static void occluded (Accel::Intersectors* This, RayN** inputRays, size_t numRays, IntersectContext* context);
template<int K>
static void intersectK(Accel::Intersectors* This, RayHitK<K>** inputRays, size_t numRays, IntersectContext* context);
template<int K>
static void occludedK(Accel::Intersectors* This, RayK<K>** inputRays, size_t numRays, IntersectContext* context);