332 lines
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332 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
namespace Godot.SourceGenerators
static class ExtensionMethods
public static bool TryGetGlobalAnalyzerProperty(
this GeneratorExecutionContext context, string property, out string? value
) => context.AnalyzerConfigOptions.GlobalOptions
.TryGetValue("build_property." + property, out value);
public static bool AreGodotSourceGeneratorsDisabled(this GeneratorExecutionContext context)
=> context.TryGetGlobalAnalyzerProperty("GodotSourceGenerators", out string? toggle) &&
toggle != null &&
toggle.Equals("disabled", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
public static bool IsGodotToolsProject(this GeneratorExecutionContext context)
=> context.TryGetGlobalAnalyzerProperty("IsGodotToolsProject", out string? toggle) &&
toggle != null &&
toggle.Equals("true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
public static bool InheritsFrom(this INamedTypeSymbol? symbol, string assemblyName, string typeFullName)
while (symbol != null)
if (symbol.ContainingAssembly?.Name == assemblyName &&
symbol.ToString() == typeFullName)
return true;
symbol = symbol.BaseType;
return false;
public static INamedTypeSymbol? GetGodotScriptNativeClass(this INamedTypeSymbol classTypeSymbol)
var symbol = classTypeSymbol;
while (symbol != null)
if (symbol.ContainingAssembly?.Name == "GodotSharp")
return symbol;
symbol = symbol.BaseType;
return null;
public static string? GetGodotScriptNativeClassName(this INamedTypeSymbol classTypeSymbol)
var nativeType = classTypeSymbol.GetGodotScriptNativeClass();
if (nativeType == null)
return null;
var godotClassNameAttr = nativeType.GetAttributes()
.FirstOrDefault(a => a.AttributeClass?.IsGodotClassNameAttribute() ?? false);
string? godotClassName = null;
if (godotClassNameAttr is { ConstructorArguments: { Length: > 0 } })
godotClassName = godotClassNameAttr.ConstructorArguments[0].Value?.ToString();
return godotClassName ?? nativeType.Name;
private static bool IsGodotScriptClass(
this ClassDeclarationSyntax cds, Compilation compilation,
out INamedTypeSymbol? symbol
var sm = compilation.GetSemanticModel(cds.SyntaxTree);
var classTypeSymbol = sm.GetDeclaredSymbol(cds);
if (classTypeSymbol?.BaseType == null
|| !classTypeSymbol.BaseType.InheritsFrom("GodotSharp", GodotClasses.Object))
symbol = null;
return false;
symbol = classTypeSymbol;
return true;
public static IEnumerable<(ClassDeclarationSyntax cds, INamedTypeSymbol symbol)> SelectGodotScriptClasses(
this IEnumerable<ClassDeclarationSyntax> source,
Compilation compilation
foreach (var cds in source)
if (cds.IsGodotScriptClass(compilation, out var symbol))
yield return (cds, symbol!);
public static bool IsNested(this TypeDeclarationSyntax cds)
=> cds.Parent is TypeDeclarationSyntax;
public static bool IsPartial(this TypeDeclarationSyntax cds)
=> cds.Modifiers.Any(SyntaxKind.PartialKeyword);
public static bool AreAllOuterTypesPartial(
this TypeDeclarationSyntax cds,
out TypeDeclarationSyntax? typeMissingPartial
SyntaxNode? outerSyntaxNode = cds.Parent;
while (outerSyntaxNode is TypeDeclarationSyntax outerTypeDeclSyntax)
if (!outerTypeDeclSyntax.IsPartial())
typeMissingPartial = outerTypeDeclSyntax;
return false;
outerSyntaxNode = outerSyntaxNode.Parent;
typeMissingPartial = null;
return true;
public static string GetDeclarationKeyword(this INamedTypeSymbol namedTypeSymbol)
string? keyword = namedTypeSymbol.DeclaringSyntaxReferences
return keyword ?? namedTypeSymbol.TypeKind switch
TypeKind.Interface => "interface",
TypeKind.Struct => "struct",
_ => "class"
private static SymbolDisplayFormat FullyQualifiedFormatOmitGlobal { get; } =
public static string FullQualifiedName(this ITypeSymbol symbol)
=> symbol.ToDisplayString(NullableFlowState.NotNull, FullyQualifiedFormatOmitGlobal);
public static string NameWithTypeParameters(this INamedTypeSymbol symbol)
return symbol.IsGenericType ?
string.Concat(symbol.Name, "<", string.Join(", ", symbol.TypeParameters), ">") :
public static string FullQualifiedName(this INamespaceSymbol namespaceSymbol)
=> namespaceSymbol.ToDisplayString(FullyQualifiedFormatOmitGlobal);
public static string FullQualifiedName(this ISymbol symbol)
=> symbol.ToDisplayString(FullyQualifiedFormatOmitGlobal);
public static string FullQualifiedSyntax(this SyntaxNode node, SemanticModel sm)
StringBuilder sb = new();
FullQualifiedSyntax_(node, sm, sb, true);
return sb.ToString();
private static void FullQualifiedSyntax_(SyntaxNode node, SemanticModel sm, StringBuilder sb, bool isFirstNode)
if (node is NameSyntax ns && isFirstNode)
SymbolInfo nameInfo = sm.GetSymbolInfo(ns);
sb.Append(nameInfo.Symbol?.FullQualifiedName() ?? ns.ToString());
bool innerIsFirstNode = true;
foreach (var child in node.ChildNodesAndTokens())
if (child.HasLeadingTrivia)
if (child.IsNode)
FullQualifiedSyntax_(child.AsNode()!, sm, sb, isFirstNode: innerIsFirstNode);
innerIsFirstNode = false;
if (child.HasTrailingTrivia)
public static string SanitizeQualifiedNameForUniqueHint(this string qualifiedName)
=> qualifiedName
// AddSource() doesn't support angle brackets
.Replace("<", "(Of ")
.Replace(">", ")");
public static bool IsGodotExportAttribute(this INamedTypeSymbol symbol)
=> symbol.ToString() == GodotClasses.ExportAttr;
public static bool IsGodotSignalAttribute(this INamedTypeSymbol symbol)
=> symbol.ToString() == GodotClasses.SignalAttr;
public static bool IsGodotMustBeVariantAttribute(this INamedTypeSymbol symbol)
=> symbol.ToString() == GodotClasses.MustBeVariantAttr;
public static bool IsGodotClassNameAttribute(this INamedTypeSymbol symbol)
=> symbol.ToString() == GodotClasses.GodotClassNameAttr;
public static bool IsSystemFlagsAttribute(this INamedTypeSymbol symbol)
=> symbol.ToString() == GodotClasses.SystemFlagsAttr;
public static GodotMethodData? HasGodotCompatibleSignature(
this IMethodSymbol method,
MarshalUtils.TypeCache typeCache
if (method.IsGenericMethod)
return null;
var retSymbol = method.ReturnType;
var retType = method.ReturnsVoid ?
null :
MarshalUtils.ConvertManagedTypeToMarshalType(method.ReturnType, typeCache);
if (retType == null && !method.ReturnsVoid)
return null;
var parameters = method.Parameters;
var paramTypes = parameters
// Currently we don't support `ref`, `out`, `in`, `ref readonly` parameters (and we never may)
.Where(p => p.RefKind == RefKind.None)
// Attempt to determine the variant type
.Select(p => MarshalUtils.ConvertManagedTypeToMarshalType(p.Type, typeCache))
// Discard parameter types that couldn't be determined (null entries)
.Where(t => t != null).Cast<MarshalType>().ToImmutableArray();
// If any parameter type was incompatible, it was discarded so the length won't match
if (parameters.Length > paramTypes.Length)
return null; // Ignore incompatible method
return new GodotMethodData(method, paramTypes, parameters
.Select(p => p.Type).ToImmutableArray(), retType, retSymbol);
public static IEnumerable<GodotMethodData> WhereHasGodotCompatibleSignature(
this IEnumerable<IMethodSymbol> methods,
MarshalUtils.TypeCache typeCache
foreach (var method in methods)
var methodData = HasGodotCompatibleSignature(method, typeCache);
if (methodData != null)
yield return methodData.Value;
public static IEnumerable<GodotPropertyData> WhereIsGodotCompatibleType(
this IEnumerable<IPropertySymbol> properties,
MarshalUtils.TypeCache typeCache
foreach (var property in properties)
// TODO: We should still restore read-only properties after reloading assembly. Two possible ways: reflection or turn RestoreGodotObjectData into a constructor overload.
// Ignore properties without a getter or without a setter. Godot properties must be both readable and writable.
if (property.IsWriteOnly || property.IsReadOnly)
var marshalType = MarshalUtils.ConvertManagedTypeToMarshalType(property.Type, typeCache);
if (marshalType == null)
yield return new GodotPropertyData(property, marshalType.Value);
public static IEnumerable<GodotFieldData> WhereIsGodotCompatibleType(
this IEnumerable<IFieldSymbol> fields,
MarshalUtils.TypeCache typeCache
foreach (var field in fields)
// TODO: We should still restore read-only fields after reloading assembly. Two possible ways: reflection or turn RestoreGodotObjectData into a constructor overload.
// Ignore properties without a getter or without a setter. Godot properties must be both readable and writable.
if (field.IsReadOnly)
var marshalType = MarshalUtils.ConvertManagedTypeToMarshalType(field.Type, typeCache);
if (marshalType == null)
yield return new GodotFieldData(field, marshalType.Value);
public static string Path(this Location location)
=> location.SourceTree?.GetLineSpan(location.SourceSpan).Path
?? location.GetLineSpan().Path;
public static int StartLine(this Location location)
=> location.SourceTree?.GetLineSpan(location.SourceSpan).StartLinePosition.Line
?? location.GetLineSpan().StartLinePosition.Line;