Also added an easier way to load native GLSL shaders. Extras: Had to fix no-cache for subresources in resource loader, it was not properly working, making shaders not properly reload. Note: The precommit hooks are broken because they don't seem to support enums from one class being used in another. Feel free to fix this after merging this PR.
167 lines
4.9 KiB
167 lines
4.9 KiB
#include "rendering_device_binds.h"
Error RDShaderFile::parse_versions_from_text(const String &p_text, OpenIncludeFunction p_include_func, void *p_include_func_userdata) {
Vector<String> lines = p_text.split("\n");
bool reading_versions = false;
bool stage_found[RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX] = { false, false, false, false, false };
RD::ShaderStage stage = RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX;
static const char *stage_str[RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX] = {
String stage_code[RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX];
int stages_found = 0;
Map<StringName, String> version_texts;
base_error = "";
for (int lidx = 0; lidx < lines.size(); lidx++) {
String line = lines[lidx];
String ls = line.strip_edges();
if (ls.begins_with("[") && ls.ends_with("]")) {
String section = ls.substr(1, ls.length() - 2).strip_edges();
if (section == "versions") {
if (stages_found) {
base_error = "Invalid shader file, [version] must be the first section found.";
reading_versions = true;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX; i++) {
if (section == stage_str[i]) {
if (stage_found[i]) {
base_error = "Invalid shader file, stage appears twice: " + section;
stage_found[i] = true;
stage = RD::ShaderStage(i);
reading_versions = false;
if (base_error != String()) {
if (reading_versions) {
String l = line.strip_edges();
if (l != "") {
int eqpos = l.find("=");
if (eqpos == -1) {
base_error = "Version syntax is version=\"<defines with C escaping>\".";
String version = l.get_slice("=", 0).strip_edges();
if (!version.is_valid_identifier()) {
base_error = "Version names must be valid identifiers, found '" + version + "' instead.";
String define = l.get_slice("=", 1).strip_edges();
if (!define.begins_with("\"") || !define.ends_with("\"")) {
base_error = "Version text must be quoted using \"\", instead found '" + define + "'.";
define = "\n" + define.substr(1, define.length() - 2).c_unescape() + "\n"; //add newline before and after jsut in case
version_texts[version] = define;
} else {
if (stage == RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX && line.strip_edges() != "") {
base_error = "Text was found that does not belong to a valid section: " + line;
if (stage != RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX) {
if (line.strip_edges().begins_with("#include")) {
if (p_include_func) {
//process include
String include = line.replace("#include", "").strip_edges();
if (!include.begins_with("\"") || !include.ends_with("\"")) {
base_error = "Malformed #include syntax, expected #include \"<path>\", found instad: " + include;
include = include.substr(1, include.length() - 2).strip_edges();
String include_text = p_include_func(include, p_include_func_userdata);
if (include_text != String()) {
stage_code[stage] += "\n" + include_text + "\n";
} else {
base_error = "#include failed for file '" + include + "'";
} else {
base_error = "#include used, but no include function provided.";
} else {
stage_code[stage] += line + "\n";
Ref<RDShaderFile> shader_file;
if (base_error == "") {
if (stage_found[RD::SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE] && stages_found > 1) {
ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(ERR_PARSE_ERROR, "When writing compute shaders, [compute] mustbe the only stage present.");
if (version_texts.empty()) {
version_texts[""] = ""; //make sure a default version exists
bool errors_found = false;
/* STEP 2, Compile the versions, add to shader file */
for (Map<StringName, String>::Element *E = version_texts.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
Ref<RDShaderBytecode> bytecode;
for (int i = 0; i < RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX; i++) {
String code = stage_code[i];
if (code == String()) {
code = code.replace("VERSION_DEFINES", E->get());
String error;
Vector<uint8_t> spirv = RenderingDevice::get_singleton()->shader_compile_from_source(RD::ShaderStage(i), code, RD::SHADER_LANGUAGE_GLSL, &error, false);
bytecode->set_stage_bytecode(RD::ShaderStage(i), spirv);
if (error != "") {
error += String() + "\n\nStage '" + stage_str[i] + "' source code: \n\n";
Vector<String> sclines = code.split("\n");
for (int j = 0; j < sclines.size(); j++) {
error += itos(j + 1) + "\t\t" + sclines[j] + "\n";
errors_found = true;
bytecode->set_stage_compile_error(RD::ShaderStage(i), error);
set_bytecode(bytecode, E->key());
return errors_found ? ERR_PARSE_ERROR : OK;
} else {