Aaron Franke d8b65461e3
Commit only the SVG files changed by
There were a lot of SVG files changed by
2020-07-13 14:08:55 -04:00

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<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16"><path d="M12.698 4.59c-.368-.508-2.218-.623-3.086-.546.034-1.064.492-1.839-.593-2.766m-6.49-.51H7.25c1.205-.032 1.977.591 2.788 1.326L11.97 3.81c.998.89 1.393 1.729 1.5 2.94v8.483H2.53z" fill="#eff1f5" stroke="#9f9fa1" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/><g stroke-width=".32"><path d="M12.062 10.583s-.014-.083-.022-.082l-1.502.145a.244.244 0 0 0-.22.226l-.042.592-1.162.083-.079-.536a.246.246 0 0 0-.242-.21H7.208c-.12 0-.225.09-.243.21l-.079.536-1.162-.083-.041-.592a.244.244 0 0 0-.22-.226L3.958 10.5c-.007-.001-.013.082-.02.082l-.003.325 0 .224-.089.242-.208l.081-.552h1.163l.08.552a.246.246 0 0 0 .26.208l1.601-.114a.246.246 0 0 0 .227-.227l.042-.597 1.272-.206z" fill="#fff"/><path d="M3.938 8.132v2.45l.013.001 1.503.145a.162.162 0 0 1 .146.15l.046.663 1.311.094.09-.612a.162.162 0 0 1 .16-.138h1.586a.162.162 0 0 1 .16.138l.09.612 1.311-.094.046-.663a.162.162 0 0 1 .146-.15l1.502-.145h.014V8.132h.006c.2-.254.383-.522.56-.808a6.285 6.285 0 0 0-.83-1.087 8.105 8.105 0 0 0-.823.48c-.13-.13-.278-.237-.422-.348-.143-.115-.303-.198-.455-.296a9.38 9.38 0 0 0 .077-1.015 5.275 5.275 0 0 0-1.234-.422 8.781 8.781 0 0 0-.457.892 3.13 3.13 0 0 0-.48-.039H8h-.003c-.16.002-.32.012-.48.039a8.71 8.71 0 0 0-.458-.892 5.276 5.276 0 0 0-1.233.422c.009.346.031.678.076 1.015-.152.098-.312.181-.454.296-.145.11-.292.217-.423.347a8.093 8.093 0 0 0-.823-.479c-.307.331-.595.688-.83" fill="#478cbf"/><path d="M10.714 11.037l-.047.667a.162.162 0 0 1-.15.15l-1.6.114a.162.162 0 0 1-.172-.137l-.092-.623H7.347l-.092.623a.162.162 0 0 1-.171.137l-1.6-.114a.162.162 0 0 1-.15-.15l-.047-.667-1.351-.13.002.336c0 1.427 1.81 2.113 4.06 2.12h.005c2.25-.007 4.059-.693 4.059-2.12l.002-.336z" fill="#478cbf"/><path d="M6.776 9.127a.905.905 0 1 1-1.811 0 .905.905 0 0 1 1.81 0" fill="#fff"/><path d="M6.558 9.18a.6.6 0 1 1-1.202 0 .6.6 0 0 1 1.202 0" fill="#414042"/><path d="M8 10.115c-.16 0-.291-.119-.291-.265v-.834c0-.146.13-.265.291-.265.161 0 . .146-.13.265-.292.265m1.225-.988a.906.906 0 1 0 1.81 0 .906.906 0 0 0-1.81 0" fill="#fff"/><path d="M9.443 9.18a.6.6 0 1 0 1.201 0 .6.6 0 0 0-1.201 0" fill="#414042"/></g></svg>