Raul Santos 0b8b733d77
C#: Replace Xform and XformInv with * operator
- In cases where both `Xform`/`XformInv` and the `*` operator were
implemented the `Xform`/`XformInv` methods were removed in favor of the
`*` operator.
- In cases where the `Xform`/`XformInv` existed but not the `*` operator,
the `Xform`/`XformInv` methods were replaced with the `*` operator.
- In cases where no method existed, a new `*` operator has been
implemented to support the same operations that are supported in GDScript.
- Fixes the `Transform.Xform` and `Transform.XformInv` with `Rect2`
implementation to use a zero `Rect2` size to start expanding from
(which is how it's implemented in C++).
2022-08-22 21:11:24 +02:00

44 lines
1.4 KiB

// meta-description: Classic movement for gravity games (FPS, TPS, ...)
using System;
public partial class _CLASS_ : _BASE_
public const float Speed = 5.0f;
public const float JumpVelocity = 4.5f;
// Get the gravity from the project settings to be synced with RigidDynamicBody nodes.
public float gravity = ProjectSettings.GetSetting("physics/3d/default_gravity").AsSingle();
public override void _PhysicsProcess(float delta)
Vector3 velocity = Velocity;
// Add the gravity.
if (!IsOnFloor())
velocity.y -= gravity * delta;
// Handle Jump.
if (Input.IsActionJustPressed("ui_accept") && IsOnFloor())
velocity.y = JumpVelocity;
// Get the input direction and handle the movement/deceleration.
// As good practice, you should replace UI actions with custom gameplay actions.
Vector2 inputDir = Input.GetVector("ui_left", "ui_right", "ui_up", "ui_down");
Vector3 direction = (Transform.basis * new Vector3(inputDir.x, 0, inputDir.y)).Normalized();
if (direction != Vector3.Zero)
velocity.x = direction.x * Speed;
velocity.z = direction.z * Speed;
velocity.x = Mathf.MoveToward(Velocity.x, 0, Speed);
velocity.z = Mathf.MoveToward(Velocity.z, 0, Speed);
Velocity = velocity;