The scripts were streamlined using more or less the following conventions: - space after a comma in lists of arguments - space around weak operators (+, -), no space around strong operators (*, /) - space after a comment start (#) - removed trailing spaces or tabs, apart from those that delimit the function indentation level (those could be removed too but since they are added automatically by the editor when typing code, keeping them for now) - function blocks separate by two newlines The scene files were resaved with the (current) 2.0 format, and some scenes that were in XML format were converted to SCN, to be consistent across all demos.
212 lines
5.3 KiB
212 lines
5.3 KiB
extends RigidBody
# member variables
const ANIM_FLOOR = 0
const ANIM_AIR_UP = 1
const ANIM_AIR_DOWN = 2
const SHOOT_TIME = 1.5
const SHOOT_SCALE = 2
const CHAR_SCALE = Vector3(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)
var facing_dir = Vector3(1, 0, 0)
var movement_dir = Vector3()
var jumping=false
var turn_speed = 40
var keep_jump_inertia = true
var air_idle_deaccel = false
var accel = 19.0
var deaccel = 14.0
var sharp_turn_threshhold = 140
var max_speed = 3.1
var on_floor = false
var prev_shoot = false
var last_floor_velocity = Vector3()
var shoot_blend = 0
func adjust_facing(p_facing, p_target, p_step, p_adjust_rate, current_gn):
var n = p_target # normal
var t = n.cross(current_gn).normalized()
var x = n.dot(p_facing)
var y = t.dot(p_facing)
var ang = atan2(y,x)
if (abs(ang) < 0.001): # too small
return p_facing
var s = sign(ang)
ang = ang*s
var turn = ang*p_adjust_rate*p_step
var a
if (ang < turn):
a = ang
a = turn
ang = (ang - a)*s
return (n*cos(ang) + t*sin(ang))*p_facing.length()
func _integrate_forces(state):
var lv = state.get_linear_velocity() # linear velocity
var g = state.get_total_gravity()
var delta = state.get_step()
# var d = 1.0 - delta*state.get_total_density()
# if (d < 0):
# d = 0
lv += g*delta # apply gravity
var anim = ANIM_FLOOR
var up = -g.normalized() # (up is against gravity)
var vv = up.dot(lv) # vertical velocity
var hv = lv - up*vv # horizontal velocity
var hdir = hv.normalized() # horizontal direction
var hspeed = hv.length() # horizontal speed
var floor_velocity
var onfloor = false
if (state.get_contact_count() == 0):
floor_velocity = last_floor_velocity
for i in range(state.get_contact_count()):
if (state.get_contact_local_shape(i) != 1):
onfloor = true
floor_velocity = state.get_contact_collider_velocity_at_pos(i)
var dir = Vector3() # where does the player intend to walk to
var cam_xform = get_node("target/camera").get_global_transform()
if (Input.is_action_pressed("move_forward")):
dir += -cam_xform.basis[2]
if (Input.is_action_pressed("move_backwards")):
dir += cam_xform.basis[2]
if (Input.is_action_pressed("move_left")):
dir += -cam_xform.basis[0]
if (Input.is_action_pressed("move_right")):
dir += cam_xform.basis[0]
var jump_attempt = Input.is_action_pressed("jump")
var shoot_attempt = Input.is_action_pressed("shoot")
var target_dir = (dir - up*dir.dot(up)).normalized()
if (onfloor):
var sharp_turn = hspeed > 0.1 and rad2deg(acos(target_dir.dot(hdir))) > sharp_turn_threshhold
if (dir.length() > 0.1 and !sharp_turn):
if (hspeed > 0.001):
#linear_dir = linear_h_velocity/linear_vel
#if (linear_vel > brake_velocity_limit and linear_dir.dot(ctarget_dir) < -cos(Math::deg2rad(brake_angular_limit)))
# brake = true
hdir = adjust_facing(hdir, target_dir, delta, 1.0/hspeed*turn_speed, up)
facing_dir = hdir
hdir = target_dir
if (hspeed < max_speed):
hspeed += accel*delta
hspeed -= deaccel*delta
if (hspeed < 0):
hspeed = 0
hv = hdir*hspeed
var mesh_xform = get_node("Armature").get_transform()
var facing_mesh = -mesh_xform.basis[0].normalized()
facing_mesh = (facing_mesh - up*facing_mesh.dot(up)).normalized()
facing_mesh = adjust_facing(facing_mesh, target_dir, delta, 1.0/hspeed*turn_speed, up)
var m3 = Matrix3(-facing_mesh, up, -facing_mesh.cross(up).normalized()).scaled(CHAR_SCALE)
get_node("Armature").set_transform(Transform(m3, mesh_xform.origin))
if (not jumping and jump_attempt):
vv = 7.0
jumping = true
if (vv > 0):
anim = ANIM_AIR_UP
var hs
if (dir.length() > 0.1):
hv += target_dir*(accel*0.2)*delta
if (hv.length() > max_speed):
hv = hv.normalized()*max_speed
if (air_idle_deaccel):
hspeed = hspeed - (deaccel*0.2)*delta
if (hspeed < 0):
hspeed = 0
hv = hdir*hspeed
if (jumping and vv < 0):
jumping = false
lv = hv + up*vv
if (onfloor):
movement_dir = lv
#lv += floor_velocity
last_floor_velocity = floor_velocity
if (on_floor) :
#if (keep_jump_inertia):
# lv += last_floor_velocity
last_floor_velocity = Vector3()
movement_dir = lv
on_floor = onfloor
if (shoot_blend > 0):
shoot_blend -= delta*SHOOT_SCALE
if (shoot_blend < 0):
shoot_blend = 0
if (shoot_attempt and not prev_shoot):
shoot_blend = SHOOT_TIME
var bullet = preload("res://bullet.scn").instance()
PS.body_add_collision_exception(bullet.get_rid(), get_rid()) # add it to bullet
prev_shoot = shoot_attempt
if (onfloor):
get_node("AnimationTreePlayer").blend2_node_set_amount("walk", hspeed/max_speed)
get_node("AnimationTreePlayer").transition_node_set_current("state", anim)
get_node("AnimationTreePlayer").blend2_node_set_amount("gun", min(shoot_blend, 1.0))
# state.set_angular_velocity(Vector3())
func _ready():
# Initalization here