579 lines
21 KiB
579 lines
21 KiB
#include "btReducedDeformableContactConstraint.h"
#include <iostream>
// ================= static constraints ===================
btReducedDeformableBody* rsb,
btSoftBody::Node* node,
const btVector3& ri,
const btVector3& x0,
const btVector3& dir,
const btContactSolverInfo& infoGlobal,
btScalar dt)
: m_rsb(rsb), m_ri(ri), m_targetPos(x0), m_impulseDirection(dir), m_dt(dt), btDeformableStaticConstraint(node, infoGlobal)
m_erp = 0.2;
m_appliedImpulse = 0;
// get impulse factor
m_impulseFactorMatrix = rsb->getImpulseFactor(m_node->index);
m_impulseFactor = (m_impulseFactorMatrix * m_impulseDirection).dot(m_impulseDirection);
btScalar vel_error = btDot(-m_node->m_v, m_impulseDirection);
btScalar pos_error = btDot(m_targetPos - m_node->m_x, m_impulseDirection);
m_rhs = (vel_error + m_erp * pos_error / m_dt) / m_impulseFactor;
btScalar btReducedDeformableStaticConstraint::solveConstraint(const btContactSolverInfo& infoGlobal)
// target velocity of fixed constraint is 0
btVector3 deltaVa = getDeltaVa();
btScalar deltaV_rel = btDot(deltaVa, m_impulseDirection);
btScalar deltaImpulse = m_rhs - deltaV_rel / m_impulseFactor;
m_appliedImpulse = m_appliedImpulse + deltaImpulse;
btVector3 impulse = deltaImpulse * m_impulseDirection;
// calculate residual
btScalar residualSquare = m_impulseFactor * deltaImpulse;
residualSquare *= residualSquare;
return residualSquare;
// this calls reduced deformable body's internalApplyFullSpaceImpulse
void btReducedDeformableStaticConstraint::applyImpulse(const btVector3& impulse)
// apply full space impulse
m_rsb->internalApplyFullSpaceImpulse(impulse, m_ri, m_node->index, m_dt);
btVector3 btReducedDeformableStaticConstraint::getDeltaVa() const
return m_rsb->internalComputeNodeDeltaVelocity(m_rsb->getInterpolationWorldTransform(), m_node->index);
// ================= base contact constraints ===================
btReducedDeformableBody* rsb,
const btSoftBody::DeformableRigidContact& c,
const btContactSolverInfo& infoGlobal,
btScalar dt)
: m_rsb(rsb), m_dt(dt), btDeformableRigidContactConstraint(c, infoGlobal)
m_nodeQueryIndex = 0;
m_appliedNormalImpulse = 0;
m_appliedTangentImpulse = 0;
m_rhs = 0;
m_rhs_tangent = 0;
m_cfm = infoGlobal.m_deformable_cfm;
m_cfm_friction = 0;
m_erp = infoGlobal.m_deformable_erp;
m_erp_friction = infoGlobal.m_deformable_erp;
m_friction = infoGlobal.m_friction;
m_collideStatic = m_contact->m_cti.m_colObj->isStaticObject();
m_collideMultibody = (m_contact->m_cti.m_colObj->getInternalType() == btCollisionObject::CO_FEATHERSTONE_LINK);
void btReducedDeformableRigidContactConstraint::setSolverBody(const int bodyId, btSolverBody& solver_body)
if (!m_collideMultibody)
m_solverBodyId = bodyId;
m_solverBody = &solver_body;
m_linearComponentNormal = -m_contactNormalA * m_solverBody->internalGetInvMass();
btVector3 torqueAxis = -m_relPosA.cross(m_contactNormalA);
m_angularComponentNormal = m_solverBody->m_originalBody->getInvInertiaTensorWorld() * torqueAxis;
m_linearComponentTangent = m_contactTangent * m_solverBody->internalGetInvMass();
btVector3 torqueAxisTangent = m_relPosA.cross(m_contactTangent);
m_angularComponentTangent = m_solverBody->m_originalBody->getInvInertiaTensorWorld() * torqueAxisTangent;
btVector3 btReducedDeformableRigidContactConstraint::getVa() const
btVector3 Va(0, 0, 0);
if (!m_collideStatic)
Va = btDeformableRigidContactConstraint::getVa();
return Va;
btScalar btReducedDeformableRigidContactConstraint::solveConstraint(const btContactSolverInfo& infoGlobal)
// btVector3 Va = getVa();
// btVector3 deltaVa = Va - m_bufferVelocityA;
// if (!m_collideStatic)
// {
// std::cout << "moving collision!!!\n";
// std::cout << "relPosA: " << m_relPosA[0] << "\t" << m_relPosA[1] << "\t" << m_relPosA[2] << "\n";
// std::cout << "moving rigid linear_vel: " << m_solverBody->m_originalBody->getLinearVelocity()[0] << '\t'
// << m_solverBody->m_originalBody->getLinearVelocity()[1] << '\t'
// << m_solverBody->m_originalBody->getLinearVelocity()[2] << '\n';
// }
btVector3 deltaVa = getDeltaVa();
btVector3 deltaVb = getDeltaVb();
// if (!m_collideStatic)
// {
// std::cout << "deltaVa: " << deltaVa[0] << '\t' << deltaVa[1] << '\t' << deltaVa[2] << '\n';
// std::cout << "deltaVb: " << deltaVb[0] << '\t' << deltaVb[1] << '\t' << deltaVb[2] << '\n';
// }
// get delta relative velocity and magnitude (i.e., how much impulse has been applied?)
btVector3 deltaV_rel = deltaVa - deltaVb;
btScalar deltaV_rel_normal = -btDot(deltaV_rel, m_contactNormalA);
// if (!m_collideStatic)
// {
// std::cout << "deltaV_rel: " << deltaV_rel[0] << '\t' << deltaV_rel[1] << '\t' << deltaV_rel[2] << "\n";
// std::cout << "deltaV_rel_normal: " << deltaV_rel_normal << "\n";
// std::cout << "normal_A: " << m_contactNormalA[0] << '\t' << m_contactNormalA[1] << '\t' << m_contactNormalA[2] << '\n';
// }
// get the normal impulse to be applied
btScalar deltaImpulse = m_rhs - m_appliedNormalImpulse * m_cfm - deltaV_rel_normal / m_normalImpulseFactor;
// if (!m_collideStatic)
// {
// std::cout << "m_rhs: " << m_rhs << '\t' << "m_appliedNormalImpulse: " << m_appliedNormalImpulse << "\n";
// std::cout << "m_normalImpulseFactor: " << m_normalImpulseFactor << '\n';
// }
// cumulative impulse that has been applied
btScalar sum = m_appliedNormalImpulse + deltaImpulse;
// if the cumulative impulse is pushing the object into the rigid body, set it zero
if (sum < 0)
deltaImpulse = -m_appliedNormalImpulse;
m_appliedNormalImpulse = 0;
m_appliedNormalImpulse = sum;
// if (!m_collideStatic)
// {
// std::cout << "m_appliedNormalImpulse: " << m_appliedNormalImpulse << '\n';
// std::cout << "deltaImpulse: " << deltaImpulse << '\n';
// }
// residual is the nodal normal velocity change in current iteration
btScalar residualSquare = deltaImpulse * m_normalImpulseFactor; // get residual
residualSquare *= residualSquare;
// apply Coulomb friction (based on delta velocity, |dv_t| = |dv_n * friction|)
btScalar deltaImpulse_tangent = 0;
btScalar deltaImpulse_tangent2 = 0;
// calculate how much impulse is needed
// btScalar deltaV_rel_tangent = btDot(deltaV_rel, m_contactTangent);
// btScalar impulse_changed = deltaV_rel_tangent * m_tangentImpulseFactorInv;
// deltaImpulse_tangent = m_rhs_tangent - impulse_changed;
// btScalar sum = m_appliedTangentImpulse + deltaImpulse_tangent;
btScalar lower_limit = - m_appliedNormalImpulse * m_friction;
btScalar upper_limit = m_appliedNormalImpulse * m_friction;
// if (sum > upper_limit)
// {
// deltaImpulse_tangent = upper_limit - m_appliedTangentImpulse;
// m_appliedTangentImpulse = upper_limit;
// }
// else if (sum < lower_limit)
// {
// deltaImpulse_tangent = lower_limit - m_appliedTangentImpulse;
// m_appliedTangentImpulse = lower_limit;
// }
// else
// {
// m_appliedTangentImpulse = sum;
// }
calculateTangentialImpulse(deltaImpulse_tangent, m_appliedTangentImpulse, m_rhs_tangent,
m_tangentImpulseFactorInv, m_contactTangent, lower_limit, upper_limit, deltaV_rel);
if (m_collideMultibody)
calculateTangentialImpulse(deltaImpulse_tangent2, m_appliedTangentImpulse2, m_rhs_tangent2,
m_tangentImpulseFactorInv2, m_contactTangent2, lower_limit, upper_limit, deltaV_rel);
if (!m_collideStatic)
// std::cout << "m_contactTangent: " << m_contactTangent[0] << "\t" << m_contactTangent[1] << "\t" << m_contactTangent[2] << "\n";
// std::cout << "deltaV_rel_tangent: " << deltaV_rel_tangent << '\n';
// std::cout << "deltaImpulseTangent: " << deltaImpulse_tangent << '\n';
// std::cout << "m_appliedTangentImpulse: " << m_appliedTangentImpulse << '\n';
// get the total impulse vector
btVector3 impulse_normal = deltaImpulse * m_contactNormalA;
btVector3 impulse_tangent = deltaImpulse_tangent * (-m_contactTangent);
btVector3 impulse_tangent2 = deltaImpulse_tangent2 * (-m_contactTangent2);
btVector3 impulse = impulse_normal + impulse_tangent + impulse_tangent2;
// apply impulse to the rigid/multibodies involved and change their velocities
if (!m_collideStatic)
// std::cout << "linear_component: " << m_linearComponentNormal[0] << '\t'
// << m_linearComponentNormal[1] << '\t'
// << m_linearComponentNormal[2] << '\n';
// std::cout << "angular_component: " << m_angularComponentNormal[0] << '\t'
// << m_angularComponentNormal[1] << '\t'
// << m_angularComponentNormal[2] << '\n';
if (!m_collideMultibody) // collision with rigid body
// std::cout << "rigid impulse applied!!\n";
// std::cout << "delta Linear: " << m_solverBody->getDeltaLinearVelocity()[0] << '\t'
// << m_solverBody->getDeltaLinearVelocity()[1] << '\t'
// << m_solverBody->getDeltaLinearVelocity()[2] << '\n';
// std::cout << "delta Angular: " << m_solverBody->getDeltaAngularVelocity()[0] << '\t'
// << m_solverBody->getDeltaAngularVelocity()[1] << '\t'
// << m_solverBody->getDeltaAngularVelocity()[2] << '\n';
m_solverBody->internalApplyImpulse(m_linearComponentNormal, m_angularComponentNormal, deltaImpulse);
m_solverBody->internalApplyImpulse(m_linearComponentTangent, m_angularComponentTangent, deltaImpulse_tangent);
// std::cout << "after\n";
// std::cout << "rigid impulse applied!!\n";
// std::cout << "delta Linear: " << m_solverBody->getDeltaLinearVelocity()[0] << '\t'
// << m_solverBody->getDeltaLinearVelocity()[1] << '\t'
// << m_solverBody->getDeltaLinearVelocity()[2] << '\n';
// std::cout << "delta Angular: " << m_solverBody->getDeltaAngularVelocity()[0] << '\t'
// << m_solverBody->getDeltaAngularVelocity()[1] << '\t'
// << m_solverBody->getDeltaAngularVelocity()[2] << '\n';
else // collision with multibody
btMultiBodyLinkCollider* multibodyLinkCol = 0;
multibodyLinkCol = (btMultiBodyLinkCollider*)btMultiBodyLinkCollider::upcast(m_contact->m_cti.m_colObj);
if (multibodyLinkCol)
const btScalar* deltaV_normal = &m_contact->jacobianData_normal.m_deltaVelocitiesUnitImpulse[0];
// apply normal component of the impulse
multibodyLinkCol->m_multiBody->applyDeltaVeeMultiDof2(deltaV_normal, -deltaImpulse);
// const int ndof = multibodyLinkCol->m_multiBody->getNumDofs() + 6;
// std::cout << "deltaV_normal: ";
// for (int i = 0; i < ndof; ++i)
// {
// std::cout << i << "\t" << deltaV_normal[i] << '\n';
// }
if (impulse_tangent.norm() > SIMD_EPSILON)
// apply tangential component of the impulse
const btScalar* deltaV_t1 = &m_contact->jacobianData_t1.m_deltaVelocitiesUnitImpulse[0];
multibodyLinkCol->m_multiBody->applyDeltaVeeMultiDof2(deltaV_t1, deltaImpulse_tangent);
const btScalar* deltaV_t2 = &m_contact->jacobianData_t2.m_deltaVelocitiesUnitImpulse[0];
multibodyLinkCol->m_multiBody->applyDeltaVeeMultiDof2(deltaV_t2, deltaImpulse_tangent2);
return residualSquare;
void btReducedDeformableRigidContactConstraint::calculateTangentialImpulse(btScalar& deltaImpulse_tangent,
btScalar& appliedImpulse,
const btScalar rhs_tangent,
const btScalar tangentImpulseFactorInv,
const btVector3& tangent,
const btScalar lower_limit,
const btScalar upper_limit,
const btVector3& deltaV_rel)
btScalar deltaV_rel_tangent = btDot(deltaV_rel, tangent);
btScalar impulse_changed = deltaV_rel_tangent * tangentImpulseFactorInv;
deltaImpulse_tangent = rhs_tangent - m_cfm_friction * appliedImpulse - impulse_changed;
btScalar sum = appliedImpulse + deltaImpulse_tangent;
if (sum > upper_limit)
deltaImpulse_tangent = upper_limit - appliedImpulse;
appliedImpulse = upper_limit;
else if (sum < lower_limit)
deltaImpulse_tangent = lower_limit - appliedImpulse;
appliedImpulse = lower_limit;
appliedImpulse = sum;
// ================= node vs rigid constraints ===================
btReducedDeformableBody* rsb,
const btSoftBody::DeformableNodeRigidContact& contact,
const btContactSolverInfo& infoGlobal,
btScalar dt)
: m_node(contact.m_node), btReducedDeformableRigidContactConstraint(rsb, contact, infoGlobal, dt)
m_contactNormalA = contact.m_cti.m_normal;
m_contactNormalB = -contact.m_cti.m_normal;
if (contact.m_node->index < rsb->m_nodes.size())
m_nodeQueryIndex = contact.m_node->index;
m_nodeQueryIndex = m_node->index - rsb->m_nodeIndexOffset;
if (m_contact->m_cti.m_colObj->getInternalType() == btCollisionObject::CO_RIGID_BODY)
m_relPosA = contact.m_c1;
m_relPosA = btVector3(0,0,0);
m_relPosB = m_node->m_x - m_rsb->getRigidTransform().getOrigin();
if (m_collideStatic) // colliding with static object, only consider reduced deformable body's impulse factor
m_impulseFactor = m_rsb->getImpulseFactor(m_nodeQueryIndex);
else // colliding with dynamic object, consider both reduced deformable and rigid body's impulse factors
m_impulseFactor = m_rsb->getImpulseFactor(m_nodeQueryIndex) + contact.m_c0;
m_normalImpulseFactor = (m_impulseFactor * m_contactNormalA).dot(m_contactNormalA);
m_tangentImpulseFactor = 0;
void btReducedDeformableNodeRigidContactConstraint::warmStarting()
btVector3 va = getVa();
btVector3 vb = getVb();
m_bufferVelocityA = va;
m_bufferVelocityB = vb;
// we define the (+) direction of errors to be the outward surface normal of the rigid object
btVector3 v_rel = vb - va;
// get tangent direction of the relative velocity
btVector3 v_tangent = v_rel - v_rel.dot(m_contactNormalA) * m_contactNormalA;
if (v_tangent.norm() < SIMD_EPSILON)
m_contactTangent = btVector3(0, 0, 0);
// tangent impulse factor
m_tangentImpulseFactor = 0;
m_tangentImpulseFactorInv = 0;
if (!m_collideMultibody)
m_contactTangent = v_tangent.normalized();
// tangent impulse factor 1
m_tangentImpulseFactor = (m_impulseFactor * m_contactTangent).dot(m_contactTangent);
m_tangentImpulseFactorInv = btScalar(1) / m_tangentImpulseFactor;
// tangent impulse factor 2
m_tangentImpulseFactor2 = 0;
m_tangentImpulseFactorInv2 = 0;
else // multibody requires 2 contact directions
m_contactTangent = m_contact->t1;
m_contactTangent2 = m_contact->t2;
// tangent impulse factor 1
m_tangentImpulseFactor = (m_impulseFactor * m_contactTangent).dot(m_contactTangent);
m_tangentImpulseFactorInv = btScalar(1) / m_tangentImpulseFactor;
// tangent impulse factor 2
m_tangentImpulseFactor2 = (m_impulseFactor * m_contactTangent2).dot(m_contactTangent2);
m_tangentImpulseFactorInv2 = btScalar(1) / m_tangentImpulseFactor2;
// initial guess for normal impulse
btScalar velocity_error = btDot(v_rel, m_contactNormalA); // magnitude of relative velocity
btScalar position_error = 0;
if (m_penetration > 0)
velocity_error += m_penetration / m_dt;
// add penetration correction vel
position_error = m_penetration * m_erp / m_dt;
// get the initial estimate of impulse magnitude to be applied
m_rhs = -(velocity_error + position_error) / m_normalImpulseFactor;
// initial guess for tangential impulse
btScalar velocity_error = btDot(v_rel, m_contactTangent);
m_rhs_tangent = velocity_error * m_tangentImpulseFactorInv;
if (m_collideMultibody)
btScalar velocity_error2 = btDot(v_rel, m_contactTangent2);
m_rhs_tangent2 = velocity_error2 * m_tangentImpulseFactorInv2;
// warm starting
// applyImpulse(m_rhs * m_contactNormalA);
// if (!m_collideStatic)
// {
// const btSoftBody::sCti& cti = m_contact->m_cti;
// if (cti.m_colObj->getInternalType() == btCollisionObject::CO_RIGID_BODY)
// {
// m_solverBody->internalApplyImpulse(m_linearComponentNormal, m_angularComponentNormal, -m_rhs);
// }
// }
btVector3 btReducedDeformableNodeRigidContactConstraint::getVb() const
return m_node->m_v;
btVector3 btReducedDeformableNodeRigidContactConstraint::getDeltaVa() const
btVector3 deltaVa(0, 0, 0);
if (!m_collideStatic)
if (!m_collideMultibody) // for rigid body
deltaVa = m_solverBody->internalGetDeltaLinearVelocity() + m_solverBody->internalGetDeltaAngularVelocity().cross(m_relPosA);
else // for multibody
btMultiBodyLinkCollider* multibodyLinkCol = 0;
multibodyLinkCol = (btMultiBodyLinkCollider*)btMultiBodyLinkCollider::upcast(m_contact->m_cti.m_colObj);
if (multibodyLinkCol)
const int ndof = multibodyLinkCol->m_multiBody->getNumDofs() + 6;
const btScalar* J_n = &m_contact->jacobianData_normal.m_jacobians[0];
const btScalar* J_t1 = &m_contact->jacobianData_t1.m_jacobians[0];
const btScalar* J_t2 = &m_contact->jacobianData_t2.m_jacobians[0];
const btScalar* local_dv = multibodyLinkCol->m_multiBody->getDeltaVelocityVector();
// add in the normal component of the va
btScalar vel = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < ndof; ++k)
vel += local_dv[k] * J_n[k];
deltaVa = m_contact->m_cti.m_normal * vel;
// add in the tangential components of the va
vel = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < ndof; ++k)
vel += local_dv[k] * J_t1[k];
deltaVa += m_contact->t1 * vel;
vel = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < ndof; ++k)
vel += local_dv[k] * J_t2[k];
deltaVa += m_contact->t2 * vel;
return deltaVa;
btVector3 btReducedDeformableNodeRigidContactConstraint::getDeltaVb() const
// std::cout << "node: " << m_node->index << '\n';
return m_rsb->internalComputeNodeDeltaVelocity(m_rsb->getInterpolationWorldTransform(), m_nodeQueryIndex);
btVector3 btReducedDeformableNodeRigidContactConstraint::getSplitVb() const
return m_node->m_splitv;
btVector3 btReducedDeformableNodeRigidContactConstraint::getDv(const btSoftBody::Node* node) const
return m_total_normal_dv + m_total_tangent_dv;
void btReducedDeformableNodeRigidContactConstraint::applyImpulse(const btVector3& impulse)
m_rsb->internalApplyFullSpaceImpulse(impulse, m_relPosB, m_nodeQueryIndex, m_dt);
// m_rsb->applyFullSpaceImpulse(impulse, m_relPosB, m_node->index, m_dt);
// m_rsb->mapToFullVelocity(m_rsb->getInterpolationWorldTransform());
// if (!m_collideStatic)
// {
// // std::cout << "impulse applied: " << impulse[0] << '\t' << impulse[1] << '\t' << impulse[2] << '\n';
// // std::cout << "node: " << m_node->index << " vel: " << m_node->m_v[0] << '\t' << m_node->m_v[1] << '\t' << m_node->m_v[2] << '\n';
// btVector3 v_after = getDeltaVb() + m_node->m_v;
// // std::cout << "vel after: " << v_after[0] << '\t' << v_after[1] << '\t' << v_after[2] << '\n';
// }
// std::cout << "node: " << m_node->index << " pos: " << m_node->m_x[0] << '\t' << m_node->m_x[1] << '\t' << m_node->m_x[2] << '\n';
// ================= face vs rigid constraints ===================
btReducedDeformableBody* rsb,
const btSoftBody::DeformableFaceRigidContact& contact,
const btContactSolverInfo& infoGlobal,
btScalar dt,
bool useStrainLimiting)
: m_face(contact.m_face), m_useStrainLimiting(useStrainLimiting), btReducedDeformableRigidContactConstraint(rsb, contact, infoGlobal, dt)
btVector3 btReducedDeformableFaceRigidContactConstraint::getVb() const
const btSoftBody::DeformableFaceRigidContact* contact = getContact();
btVector3 vb = m_face->m_n[0]->m_v * contact->m_bary[0] + m_face->m_n[1]->m_v * contact->m_bary[1] + m_face->m_n[2]->m_v * contact->m_bary[2];
return vb;
btVector3 btReducedDeformableFaceRigidContactConstraint::getSplitVb() const
const btSoftBody::DeformableFaceRigidContact* contact = getContact();
btVector3 vb = (m_face->m_n[0]->m_splitv) * contact->m_bary[0] + (m_face->m_n[1]->m_splitv) * contact->m_bary[1] + (m_face->m_n[2]->m_splitv) * contact->m_bary[2];
return vb;
btVector3 btReducedDeformableFaceRigidContactConstraint::getDv(const btSoftBody::Node* node) const
btVector3 face_dv = m_total_normal_dv + m_total_tangent_dv;
const btSoftBody::DeformableFaceRigidContact* contact = getContact();
if (m_face->m_n[0] == node)
return face_dv * contact->m_weights[0];
if (m_face->m_n[1] == node)
return face_dv * contact->m_weights[1];
btAssert(node == m_face->m_n[2]);
return face_dv * contact->m_weights[2];
void btReducedDeformableFaceRigidContactConstraint::applyImpulse(const btVector3& impulse)
} |